# anchor refs to be used elsewhere refs: constants: - &server_builder_image hasura/graphql-engine-server-builder:bb9d1eea5ba8c194eb940b4a9923a2fd247c16f91699b58c76f5b0fe92d23e0d - &mssql_image hasura/mssql-server-2019-cu10-ubuntu-20.04:187352320456c39572656ce46cc292369cffa01ac0e90fcdf179c01d36fb3952 skip_job_on_ciignore: &skip_job_on_ciignore run: name: checking if job should be terminated or not command: | check_to_skip_job() { SKIP_JOB_FILE="$1" if [ -f $SKIP_JOB_FILE ]; then echo "halting job due to $SKIP_JOB_FILE" circleci-agent step halt else echo "no skip_job file present, full steam ahead" fi } # file for figuring out the skipping logic might be # present either at `/build` (in case of linux) or `~/build` (in case of macos) check_to_skip_job /build/ciignore/skip_job.txt check_to_skip_job ~/build/ciignore/skip_job.txt skip_server_tests: &skip_server_tests run: name: checking if server tests can be skipped command: | export CIRCLE_GIT_COMMIT_DESC=$(git log --format=%B -n 1 $CIRCLE_SHA) echo "Running from git commit '$CIRCLE_GIT_COMMIT_DESC'" if echo $CIRCLE_GIT_COMMIT_DESC | grep "\[force ci\]"; then echo "Forcing CI run as requested" exit 0 fi echo "PR number: $CIRCLE_PR_NUMBER" if [ -z "$CIRCLE_PR_NUMBER" ]; then echo "Not a PR build, continuing test" && exit 0 fi echo "Compare refs: ${CIRCLE_COMPARE_URL##http*/}" if git diff --quiet "${CIRCLE_COMPARE_URL##http*/}" -- server; then echo "No server changes present, skipping test" circleci-agent step halt else echo "Server changes present, continuing test" fi wait_for_postgres: &wait_for_postgres run: name: waiting for postgres to be ready command: | for i in `seq 1 60`; do nc -z localhost 5432 && echo Success && exit 0 echo -n . sleep 1 done echo Failed waiting for Postgres && exit 1 ensure_postgres_db: &ensure_postgres_db run: name: ensure postgres databases are present environment: # sqlalchemy throws warnings with postgres:// DATABASE_URL: "postgresql://gql_test:@localhost:5432/gql_test" command: | psql "$DATABASE_URL" -c \ "SELECT 1 FROM pg_database WHERE datname = 'gql_test2'" | grep -q -F '(1 row)' || \ psql "$DATABASE_URL" -c 'CREATE DATABASE gql_test2;' psql "$DATABASE_URL" -c \ "SELECT 1 FROM pg_database WHERE datname = 'pg_source_1'" | grep -q -F '(1 row)' || \ psql "$DATABASE_URL" -c 'CREATE DATABASE pg_source_1;' psql "$DATABASE_URL" -c \ "SELECT 1 FROM pg_database WHERE datname = 'pg_source_2'" | grep -q -F '(1 row)' || \ psql "$DATABASE_URL" -c 'CREATE DATABASE pg_source_2;' wait_for_hge: &wait_for_hge run: name: waiting for graphql-engine to be ready command: | for i in `seq 1 60`; do nc -z localhost 8080 && echo Success && exit 0 echo -n . sleep 1 done echo Failed waiting for graphql-engine && exit 1 wait_for_mssql: &wait_for_mssql run: name: wait for mssql container to be ready command: | for i in `seq 1 60`; do nc -z localhost 1433 && echo Success && exit 0 echo -n . sleep 1 done echo Failed waiting for SQL Server && exit 1 wait_for_citus: &wait_for_citus run: name: wait for citus to be ready command: | for i in `seq 1 60`; do nc -z localhost 5430 && echo Success && exit 0 echo -n . sleep 1 done echo Failed waiting for citus && exit 1 ensure_citus_db: &ensure_citus_db run: name: ensure citus databases are present environment: DATABASE_URL: "postgres://postgres:hasuraCITUS2@" command: | psql "$DATABASE_URL" -c "SELECT * FROM citus_version();" | grep -q -F '(1 row)' \ || (echo "Failed checking Citus DB presence" && exit 1) authenticate_bigquery: &authenticate_bigquery run: name: authenticate bigquery service account working_directory: ~/graphql-engine/server/tests-py command: | echo "${HASURA_BIGQUERY_SERVICE_KEY}" > "$HASURA_BIGQUERY_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_FILE" gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file="$HASURA_BIGQUERY_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_FILE" ensure_bigquery_db: &ensure_bigquery_db run: name: ensure the bigquery data source is accessible command: | for i in `seq 1 60`; do curl "https://content-bigquery.googleapis.com/bigquery/v2/projects/$HASURA_BIGQUERY_PROJECT_ID/queries?alt=json&key=$HASURA_BIGQUERY_API_KEY" \ --data-binary '{"query":"select 123"}' \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token $HASURA_BIGQUERY_IAM_ACCOUNT \ --project=$HASURA_BIGQUERY_PROJECT_ID)" -H 'content-type: application/json' \ && echo Success && exit 0 echo -n . sleep 1 done echo Failed waiting for bigquery && exit 1 filter_only_vtags: &filter_only_vtags filters: tags: only: /^v.*/ filter_only_release_branches: &filter_only_release_branches filters: branches: only: /^release-v.*/ filter_only_dev_branches: &filter_only_dev_branches filters: branches: only: /^dev.*/ filter_only_vtags_channel_branches: &filter_only_vtags_channel_branches filters: tags: only: /^v.*/ branches: only: /^(stable|alpha|beta)$/ filter_ignore_branches: &filter_ignore_branches filters: branches: ignore: /.*/ filter_ignore_dev_release_branches: &filter_ignore_dev_release_branches filters: branches: ignore: /^(dev|release).*/ setup_remote_docker: &setup_remote_docker setup_remote_docker: version: 19.03.13 docker_layer_caching: true # ref pg environment for testing test_pg_env: &test_pg_env environment: POSTGRES_USER: gql_test POSTGRES_DB: gql_test PGPORT: 5432 # citus environment variables test_citus_env: &test_citus_env environment: POSTGRES_PASSWORD: hasuraCITUS2 POSTGRES_USER: postgres POSTGRES_DB: postgres PGPORT: 5430 # ref test server job test_server: &test_server working_directory: ~/graphql-engine parallelism: 32 steps: - attach_workspace: at: /build - *skip_job_on_ciignore - checkout - *skip_server_tests - *wait_for_postgres - *ensure_postgres_db - run: name: Run tests environment: # Setting default number of threads to 2 # since circleci allocates 2 cpus per test container GHCRTS: -N2 # Until we can use a real webserver for TestEventFlood, limit concurrency: HASURA_GRAPHQL_EVENTS_HTTP_POOL_SIZE: 8 HASURA_GRAPHQL_DATABASE_URL: postgresql://gql_test:@localhost:5432/gql_test HASURA_GRAPHQL_DATABASE_URL_2: postgresql://gql_test:@localhost:5432/gql_test2 HASURA_GRAPHQL_PG_SOURCE_URL_1: postgresql://gql_test@localhost:5432/pg_source_1 HASURA_GRAPHQL_PG_SOURCE_URL_2: postgresql://gql_test@localhost:5432/pg_source_2 GRAPHQL_ENGINE: /build/_server_output/graphql-engine GRAPHQL_ENGINE_TESTS: /build/_server_output/graphql-engine-tests MIX_FILES_FOLDER: /build/_server_output/mix command: | cat .circleci/server-test-names.txt | circleci tests split | while read -r server_test; do export SERVER_TEST_TO_RUN=$server_test OUTPUT_FOLDER="/build/_server_test_output/$PG_VERSION" .circleci/test-server.sh done - store_artifacts: path: /build/_server_test_output destination: server_test version: 2 jobs: # check if this should be built or not, fails if # changes only contains files in .ciignore check_build_worthiness: docker: - image: hasura/graphql-engine-cli-builder:9657e5303218c015a20cd0d7e252d5600537e6384b172003273b6ebd38c451d8 working_directory: ~/graphql-engine steps: - attach_workspace: at: /build - checkout - run: name: check build worthiness command: .circleci/ciignore.sh - persist_to_workspace: root: /build paths: - ciignore build_server: docker: - image: *server_builder_image resource_class: xlarge working_directory: ~/graphql-engine steps: - attach_workspace: at: /build - *skip_job_on_ciignore - checkout - restore_cache: keys: - cabal-store-v3-{{ checksum "cabal.project" }}-{{ checksum "server/graphql-engine.cabal" }}-{{ checksum "cabal.project.freeze" }} - cabal-store-v3-{{ checksum "cabal.project" }}-{{ checksum "server/graphql-engine.cabal" }}- - cabal-store-v3-{{ checksum "cabal.project" }}- - cabal-store-v3- - restore_cache: keys: - cabal-packages-v3-{{ checksum "cabal.project" }}-{{ checksum "server/graphql-engine.cabal" }}-{{ checksum "cabal.project.freeze" }} - cabal-packages-v3-{{ checksum "cabal.project" }}-{{ checksum "server/graphql-engine.cabal" }}- - cabal-packages-v3-{{ checksum "cabal.project" }}- - cabal-packages-v3- - run: name: Build the binary working_directory: ./server command: | # NOTE: previously we used enable_coverage=true here for # non-release builds, but to support our performance regression # testing workflow we need all builds to be built with the same # options that have performance implications. make ci-build - save_cache: key: cabal-packages-v3-{{ checksum "cabal.project" }}-{{ checksum "server/graphql-engine.cabal" }}-{{ checksum "cabal.project.freeze" }} paths: - ~/.cabal/packages - save_cache: key: cabal-store-v3-{{ checksum "cabal.project" }}-{{ checksum "server/graphql-engine.cabal" }}-{{ checksum "cabal.project.freeze" }} paths: - ~/.cabal/store - store_artifacts: path: /build/_server_output destination: server - persist_to_workspace: root: /build paths: [_server_output] build_image: docker: - image: *server_builder_image working_directory: ~/graphql-engine steps: - attach_workspace: at: /build - *skip_job_on_ciignore - checkout - *setup_remote_docker - run: name: Build the docker image working_directory: ./server command: | # copy console assets to the rootfs - packaging/build/rootfs export ROOTFS=packaging/build/rootfs mkdir -p "$ROOTFS/srv" cp -r /build/_console_output/assets "$ROOTFS/srv/console-assets" # build and save the image make ci-image make ci-save-image - store_artifacts: path: /build/_server_output/image.tar destination: server/image.tar - persist_to_workspace: root: /build paths: [_server_output/image.tar] # job to execute when all server tests pass. later we can collect test # reports and publish them etc. all_server_tests_pass: docker: - image: alpine:edge steps: - run: name: All server tests passed command: echo 'all server tests passed!' # pytest the server with SQL Server ODBC Driver 17 test_server_mssql_2019: docker: - image: *server_builder_image - image: *mssql_image - image: hasura/postgres-13.0-alpine-postgis3:latest <<: *test_pg_env environment: # Setting default number of threads to 2 # since circleci allocates 2 cpus per test container GHCRTS: -N2 # Until we can use a real webserver for TestEventFlood, limit concurrency: HASURA_GRAPHQL_EVENTS_HTTP_POOL_SIZE: 8 HASURA_GRAPHQL_DATABASE_URL: postgresql://gql_test:@localhost:5432/gql_test HASURA_GRAPHQL_DATABASE_URL_2: postgresql://gql_test:@localhost:5432/gql_test2 HASURA_GRAPHQL_MSSQL_SOURCE_URL: DRIVER={ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server};SERVER=localhost,1433;Uid=sa;Pwd=hasuraMSSQL1; GRAPHQL_ENGINE: /build/_server_output/graphql-engine GRAPHQL_ENGINE_TESTS: /build/_server_output/graphql-engine-tests MIX_FILES_FOLDER: /build/_server_output/mix working_directory: ~/graphql-engine steps: - attach_workspace: at: /build - *skip_job_on_ciignore - checkout - *wait_for_postgres - *ensure_postgres_db - *wait_for_mssql - run: name: Run tests environment: SERVER_TEST_TO_RUN: "backend-mssql" OUTPUT_FOLDER: "/build/_server_test_output/mssql" command: | .circleci/test-server.sh - store_artifacts: path: /build/_server_test_output destination: server_test # pytest the server with Citus test_server_citus: docker: - image: *server_builder_image - image: hasura/postgres-13.0-alpine-postgis3:latest <<: *test_pg_env - image: citusdata/citus <<: *test_citus_env environment: # Setting default number of threads to 2 # since circleci allocates 2 cpus per test container GHCRTS: -N2 # NOTE: pytests depend on this being set to 8 HASURA_GRAPHQL_EVENTS_HTTP_POOL_SIZE: 8 HASURA_GRAPHQL_DATABASE_URL: postgresql://gql_test:@localhost:5432/gql_test HASURA_GRAPHQL_DATABASE_URL_2: postgresql://gql_test:@localhost:5432/gql_test2 HASURA_GRAPHQL_CITUS_SOURCE_URL: postgres://postgres:hasuraCITUS2@ GRAPHQL_ENGINE: /build/_server_output/graphql-engine GRAPHQL_ENGINE_TESTS: /build/_server_output/graphql-engine-tests MIX_FILES_FOLDER: /build/_server_output/mix working_directory: ~/graphql-engine steps: - attach_workspace: at: /build - *skip_job_on_ciignore - checkout - *wait_for_postgres - *ensure_postgres_db - *wait_for_citus - *ensure_citus_db - run: name: Run tests environment: SERVER_TEST_TO_RUN: "backend-citus" OUTPUT_FOLDER: "/build/_server_test_output/citus" command: | .circleci/test-server.sh - store_artifacts: path: /build/_server_test_output destination: server_test # pytest the server with BigQuery test_server_bigquery: docker: - image: *server_builder_image - image: hasura/postgres-13.0-alpine-postgis3:latest <<: *test_pg_env environment: # Setting default number of threads to 2 # since circleci allocates 2 cpus per test container GHCRTS: -N2 # NOTE: pytests depend on this being set to 8 HASURA_GRAPHQL_EVENTS_HTTP_POOL_SIZE: 8 HASURA_GRAPHQL_DATABASE_URL: postgresql://gql_test:@localhost:5432/gql_test HASURA_GRAPHQL_DATABASE_URL_2: postgresql://gql_test:@localhost:5432/gql_test2 GRAPHQL_ENGINE: /build/_server_output/graphql-engine GRAPHQL_ENGINE_TESTS: /build/_server_output/graphql-engine-tests MIX_FILES_FOLDER: /build/_server_output/mix HASURA_BIGQUERY_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_FILE: gcloud-service-key.json working_directory: ~/graphql-engine steps: - attach_workspace: at: /build - *skip_job_on_ciignore - checkout - *wait_for_postgres - *ensure_postgres_db - *authenticate_bigquery - *ensure_bigquery_db - run: name: Run tests environment: SERVER_TEST_TO_RUN: "backend-bigquery" OUTPUT_FOLDER: "/build/_server_test_output/bigquery" command: | .circleci/test-server.sh - store_artifacts: path: /build/_server_test_output destination: server_test # pytest the server with postgres versions >= 9.5 test_server_pg_13: <<: *test_server environment: PG_VERSION: "13" POSTGIS_VERSION: "3.0.0" docker: - image: *server_builder_image - image: hasura/postgres-13.0-alpine-postgis3 <<: *test_pg_env test_server_pg_12: <<: *test_server environment: PG_VERSION: "12" POSTGIS_VERSION: "3.0.0" docker: - image: *server_builder_image - image: hasura/postgres-12.0-alpine-postgis3:6cbd863d47c0 <<: *test_pg_env test_server_pg_11: <<: *test_server environment: PG_VERSION: "11" docker: - image: *server_builder_image - image: circleci/postgres:11-alpine-postgis <<: *test_pg_env test_server_pg_10: <<: *test_server environment: PG_VERSION: "10" docker: - image: *server_builder_image - image: circleci/postgres:10-alpine-postgis <<: *test_pg_env test_server_pg_9.6: <<: *test_server environment: PG_VERSION: "9_6" docker: - image: *server_builder_image - image: circleci/postgres:9.6-alpine-postgis <<: *test_pg_env test_server_pg_9.5: <<: *test_server environment: PG_VERSION: "9_5" docker: - image: *server_builder_image - image: circleci/postgres:9.5-alpine-postgis <<: *test_pg_env server_unit_tests: resource_class: large docker: - image: *server_builder_image working_directory: ~/graphql-engine steps: - attach_workspace: at: /build - *skip_job_on_ciignore - checkout - *skip_server_tests - run: name: Run unit tests environment: GHCRTS: -N2 command: /build/_server_output/graphql-engine-tests unit test_cli_with_last_release: machine: image: ubuntu-2004:202101-01 working_directory: ~/graphql-engine steps: - run: name: create /build directory command: | sudo mkdir /build sudo chmod 777 /build - attach_workspace: at: /build - *skip_job_on_ciignore - checkout - run: name: install deps command: | sudo .circleci/install-cli-builder-deps.sh - run: name: get cli dependencies working_directory: cli command: make deps - run: name: test cli working_directory: cli command: | export HASURA_TEST_CLI_HGE_DOCKER_IMAGE="hasura/graphql-engine:$(curl https://releases.hasura.io/graphql-engine | jq -r '.latest')" echo "HASURA_TEST_CLI_HGE_DOCKER_IMAGE = $HASURA_TEST_CLI_HGE_DOCKER_IMAGE" make integration_tests_config_v2 HASURA_GRAPHQL_TEST_ADMIN_SECRET="abcd" make integration_tests_config_v2 - store_artifacts: path: /build/_cli_output destination: cli # test and build cli extension test_and_build_cli_ext: machine: image: ubuntu-2004:202101-01 working_directory: ~/graphql-engine steps: - run: name: create /build and /root directory command: | sudo mkdir /build sudo chmod 777 /build - attach_workspace: at: /build - *skip_job_on_ciignore - checkout - run: name: install dependencies working_directory: cli-ext command: make ci-deps - run: name: setup cross-compilation tools command: | sudo apt update sudo apt install -y qemu binfmt-support qemu-user-static update-binfmts --display - run: name: build extension cli working_directory: ~/graphql-engine command: | docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/graphql-engine -v /build:/build --workdir="/graphql-engine/cli-ext" hasura/graphql-engine-extension-cli-builder:20200225 /bin/bash -c "make build && make ci-copy-assets" - store_artifacts: path: /build/_cli_ext_output destination: cli_ext - persist_to_workspace: root: /build paths: - _cli_ext_output sign_macos_cli_ext: macos: xcode: 11.3.0 working_directory: ~/graphql-engine steps: - run: name: create ~/build directory command: | mkdir ~/build - attach_workspace: at: ~/build - *skip_job_on_ciignore - run: name: sign macos (arm64) cli-ext command: | codesign --sign - ~/build/_cli_ext_output/cli-ext-hasura-node16-macos-arm64 - store_artifacts: path: ~/build/_cli_ext_output destination: cli_ext - persist_to_workspace: root: ~/build paths: - _cli_ext_output build_cli: docker: - image: hasura/graphql-engine-cli-builder:9657e5303218c015a20cd0d7e252d5600537e6384b172003273b6ebd38c451d8 working_directory: ~/graphql-engine steps: - attach_workspace: at: /build - *skip_job_on_ciignore - checkout - restore_cache: keys: - cli-gopkg-{{ checksum "cli/go.mod" }}-{{ checksum "cli/go.sum" }} - run: name: build cli working_directory: cli command: | make lint make build make compress make ci-copy-binary - save_cache: key: cli-gopkg-{{ checksum "cli/go.mod" }}-{{ checksum "cli/go.sum" }} paths: - /go/pkg/mod - store_artifacts: path: /build/_cli_output destination: cli - persist_to_workspace: root: /build paths: - _cli_output test_cli: machine: image: ubuntu-2004:202101-01 working_directory: ~/graphql-engine steps: - run: name: create /build directory command: | sudo mkdir /build sudo chmod 777 /build - attach_workspace: at: /build - *skip_job_on_ciignore - checkout - run: name: install deps command: | sudo .circleci/install-cli-builder-deps.sh - run: name: test cli working_directory: cli command: | chmod +x /build/_cli_output/binaries/cli-hasura-linux-amd64 export SOURCE_IMAGE=$(docker load -i /build/_server_output/image.tar | grep "^Loaded image: " | sed "s/Loaded image: //g") echo "SOURCE_IMAGE = $SOURCE_IMAGE" export HASURA_TEST_CLI_HGE_DOCKER_IMAGE="$SOURCE_IMAGE" echo "HASURA_TEST_CLI_HGE_DOCKER_IMAGE = $HASURA_TEST_CLI_HGE_DOCKER_IMAGE" make test-all export HASURA_GRAPHQL_TEST_ADMIN_SECRET="abcd" export HASURA_GRAPHQL_ADMIN_SECRET="abcd" make test-all test_and_build_cli_migrations: docker: - image: hasura/graphql-engine-cli-migrations-builder:20200415 working_directory: ~/graphql-engine steps: - attach_workspace: at: /build - *skip_job_on_ciignore - checkout - *setup_remote_docker - run: name: Install Docker Compose command: | set -x curl -L https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/1.25.3/docker-compose-`uname -s`-`uname -m` > /usr/local/bin/docker-compose chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose - run: name: Build cli-migrations image working_directory: scripts/cli-migrations command: | mkdir -p /build/_cli_migrations_output make all - store_artifacts: path: /build/_cli_migrations_output destination: cli-migrations - persist_to_workspace: root: /build paths: - _cli_migrations_output # build console assets build_console: docker: - image: hasura/graphql-engine-console-builder:80c71f5dd8f1e33b92d3ec2da7abc1ff8d7936a88d3ee0004fd7ad37aacf3b3a working_directory: ~/graphql-engine steps: - attach_workspace: at: /build - *skip_job_on_ciignore - checkout - restore_cache: key: console-npm-cache-{{ checksum "console/package.json" }}-{{ checksum "console/package-lock.json" }} - run: name: install dependencies working_directory: console command: make ci-deps - save_cache: key: console-npm-cache-{{ checksum "console/package.json" }}-{{ checksum "console/package-lock.json" }} paths: - console/node_modules - ~/.npm - ~/.cache - run: name: build console working_directory: console command: | make build make ci-copy-assets - run: name: setup assets directory command: | export ASSETS_PATH=/build/_console_output/assets mkdir -p "$ASSETS_PATH" gsutil -m cp -r gs://graphql-engine-cdn.hasura.io/console/assets/common "$ASSETS_PATH" # gsutil decompresses files automatically, need to compress font-awesome again # (see https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/gsutil/issues/515) mv "$ASSETS_PATH/common/css/font-awesome.min.css.gz" "$ASSETS_PATH/common/css/font-awesome.min.css" gzip "$ASSETS_PATH/common/css/font-awesome.min.css" # copy versioned assets and compress them mkdir -p "$ASSETS_PATH/versioned" cp "$ASSETS_PATH"/../{main.js,main.css,vendor.js} "$ASSETS_PATH/versioned/" gzip -r "$ASSETS_PATH/versioned/" - store_artifacts: path: /build/_console_output destination: console - persist_to_workspace: root: /build paths: - _console_output console_unit_tests: docker: - image: hasura/graphql-engine-console-builder:80c71f5dd8f1e33b92d3ec2da7abc1ff8d7936a88d3ee0004fd7ad37aacf3b3a working_directory: ~/graphql-engine steps: - attach_workspace: at: /build - *skip_job_on_ciignore - checkout - restore_cache: key: console-npm-cache-{{ checksum "console/package.json" }}-{{ checksum "console/package-lock.json" }} - run: name: install dependencies working_directory: console command: make ci-deps - save_cache: key: console-npm-cache-{{ checksum "console/package.json" }}-{{ checksum "console/package-lock.json" }} paths: - console/node_modules - ~/.npm - ~/.cache - run: name: unit test console working_directory: console command: | make jest # test console test_console: resource_class: medium+ docker: - image: hasura/graphql-engine-console-builder:80c71f5dd8f1e33b92d3ec2da7abc1ff8d7936a88d3ee0004fd7ad37aacf3b3a environment: HASURA_GRAPHQL_DATABASE_URL: "postgres://gql_test:@localhost:5432/gql_test" CYPRESS_KEY: 983be0db-0f19-40cc-bfc4-194fcacd85e1 GHCRTS: -N1 TEST_MSSQL_DATABASE_URL: "DRIVER={ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server};SERVER=localhost;DATABASE=master;Uid=SA;Pwd=hasuraMSSQL1" - image: circleci/postgres:10-alpine-postgis environment: POSTGRES_USER: gql_test POSTGRES_DB: gql_test - image: mcr.microsoft.com/mssql/server:2019-CU10-ubuntu-20.04 environment: ACCEPT_EULA: Y SA_PASSWORD: hasuraMSSQL1 working_directory: ~/graphql-engine parallelism: 4 steps: - attach_workspace: at: /build - *skip_job_on_ciignore - checkout - restore_cache: key: console-npm-cache-{{ checksum "console/package.json" }}-{{ checksum "console/package-lock.json" }} - run: name: install dependencies working_directory: console command: make ci-deps - save_cache: key: console-npm-cache-{{ checksum "console/package.json" }}-{{ checksum "console/package-lock.json" }} paths: - console/node_modules - ~/.npm - ~/.cache - *wait_for_postgres - *wait_for_mssql - run: name: test console command: .circleci/test-console.sh - store_artifacts: path: /build/_console_output/server.log # test server upgrade from last version to current build test_server_upgrade: docker: # Using the image for pytests, since server upgrade tests are now a bunch of pytests - image: *server_builder_image environment: HASURA_GRAPHQL_DATABASE_URL: postgresql://gql_test:@localhost:5432/gql_test - image: circleci/postgres:11-alpine-postgis environment: POSTGRES_USER: gql_test POSTGRES_DB: gql_test working_directory: ~/graphql-engine steps: - attach_workspace: at: /build - *skip_job_on_ciignore - checkout - *skip_server_tests - run: name: upgrade_test command: .circleci/server-upgrade-downgrade/run.sh environment: HASURA_GRAPHQL_DATABASE_URL: postgresql://gql_test:@localhost:5432/gql_test # NOTE: pytests depend on this being set to 8 HASURA_GRAPHQL_EVENTS_HTTP_POOL_SIZE: 8 - store_artifacts: path: /build/_server_output destination: server deploy: docker: - image: hasura/graphql-engine-deployer:v0.4 working_directory: ~/graphql-engine steps: - attach_workspace: at: /build - *skip_job_on_ciignore - *setup_remote_docker - checkout - run: name: deploy command: .circleci/deploy.sh workflows: version: 2 workflow_v20200414: jobs: - check_build_worthiness: *filter_only_vtags - test_and_build_cli_ext: <<: *filter_only_vtags requires: - check_build_worthiness - build_console: <<: *filter_only_vtags requires: - check_build_worthiness - console_unit_tests: <<: *filter_only_vtags requires: - check_build_worthiness - build_server: <<: *filter_only_vtags requires: - check_build_worthiness - sign_macos_cli_ext: <<: *filter_only_vtags requires: - test_and_build_cli_ext - test_cli_with_last_release: <<: *filter_only_vtags requires: - sign_macos_cli_ext - check_build_worthiness - build_image: <<: *filter_only_vtags requires: - build_server - build_console - test_server_mssql_2019: <<: *filter_only_vtags requires: - build_server - test_server_citus: <<: *filter_only_vtags requires: - build_server - test_server_bigquery: <<: *filter_only_vtags context: - pytest-bigquery requires: - build_server - test_server_pg_13: <<: *filter_only_vtags requires: - build_server - test_server_pg_12: <<: *filter_only_vtags requires: - build_server - test_server_pg_11: <<: *filter_only_vtags requires: - build_server - test_server_pg_10: <<: *filter_only_vtags requires: - build_server - test_server_pg_9.6: <<: *filter_only_vtags requires: - build_server - test_server_pg_9.5: <<: *filter_only_vtags requires: - build_server - server_unit_tests: <<: *filter_only_vtags requires: - build_server - test_server_upgrade: <<: *filter_only_vtags requires: - build_server - all_server_tests_pass: <<: *filter_only_vtags requires: - test_server_pg_13 - test_server_pg_12 - test_server_pg_11 - test_server_pg_10 - test_server_pg_9.6 - test_server_pg_9.5 - server_unit_tests - test_server_upgrade - build_cli: <<: *filter_only_vtags requires: - sign_macos_cli_ext - test_cli: <<: *filter_only_vtags requires: - build_cli - build_image - test_and_build_cli_migrations: <<: *filter_only_vtags requires: - build_image - build_cli - test_console: <<: *filter_only_vtags requires: - build_console - build_cli - build_server - test_cli_with_last_release - deploy: <<: *filter_only_vtags_channel_branches requires: - console_unit_tests - test_console - test_cli - test_and_build_cli_migrations - all_server_tests_pass