{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} module Hasura.GraphQL.Resolve.Select ( convertSelect , convertSelectByPKey , convertAggSelect , parseColumns , withSelSet , fromSelSet , fieldAsPath , fromField , fromFieldByPKey , fromAggField ) where import Control.Arrow (first) import Data.Has import Hasura.Prelude import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd as OMap import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax as G import qualified Hasura.RQL.DML.Select as RS import qualified Hasura.SQL.DML as S import Hasura.GraphQL.Resolve.BoolExp import Hasura.GraphQL.Resolve.Context import Hasura.GraphQL.Resolve.InputValue import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema (isAggFld) import Hasura.GraphQL.Validate.Field import Hasura.GraphQL.Validate.Types import Hasura.RQL.DML.Internal (onlyPositiveInt) import Hasura.RQL.Types import Hasura.SQL.Types import Hasura.SQL.Value withSelSet :: (Monad m) => SelSet -> (Field -> m a) -> m [(Text, a)] withSelSet selSet f = forM (toList selSet) $ \fld -> do res <- f fld return (G.unName $ G.unAlias $ _fAlias fld, res) fromSelSet :: (MonadError QErr m, MonadReader r m, Has FieldMap r, Has OrdByCtx r) => PrepFn m -> G.NamedType -> SelSet -> m [(FieldName, RS.AnnFld)] fromSelSet f fldTy flds = forM (toList flds) $ \fld -> do let fldName = _fName fld let rqlFldName = FieldName $ G.unName $ G.unAlias $ _fAlias fld (rqlFldName,) <$> case fldName of "__typename" -> return $ RS.FExp $ G.unName $ G.unNamedType fldTy _ -> do fldInfo <- getFldInfo fldTy fldName case fldInfo of Left colInfo -> return $ RS.FCol colInfo Right (relInfo, isAgg, tableFilter, tableLimit) -> do let relTN = riRTable relInfo colMapping = riMapping relInfo rn = riName relInfo if isAgg then do aggSel <- fromAggField f relTN tableFilter tableLimit fld return $ RS.FArr $ RS.ASAgg $ RS.AnnRelG rn colMapping aggSel else do annSel <- fromField f relTN tableFilter tableLimit fld let annRel = RS.AnnRelG rn colMapping annSel return $ case riType relInfo of ObjRel -> RS.FObj annRel ArrRel -> RS.FArr $ RS.ASSimple annRel fieldAsPath :: (MonadError QErr m) => Field -> m a -> m a fieldAsPath = nameAsPath . _fName parseTableArgs :: (MonadError QErr m, MonadReader r m, Has FieldMap r, Has OrdByCtx r) => PrepFn m -> ArgsMap -> m RS.TableArgs parseTableArgs f args = do whereExpM <- withArgM args "where" $ parseBoolExp f ordByExpML <- withArgM args "order_by" parseOrderBy let ordByExpM = NE.nonEmpty =<< ordByExpML limitExpM <- withArgM args "limit" parseLimit offsetExpM <- withArgM args "offset" $ asPGColVal >=> f distOnColsML <- withArgM args "distinct_on" parseColumns let distOnColsM = NE.nonEmpty =<< distOnColsML mapM_ (validateDistOn ordByExpM) distOnColsM return $ RS.TableArgs whereExpM ordByExpM limitExpM offsetExpM distOnColsM where validateDistOn Nothing _ = return () validateDistOn (Just ordBys) cols = withPathK "args" $ do let colsLen = length cols initOrdBys = take colsLen $ toList ordBys initOrdByCols = flip mapMaybe initOrdBys $ \ob -> case obiColumn ob of RS.AOCPG ci -> Just $ pgiName ci _ -> Nothing isValid = (colsLen == length initOrdByCols) && all (`elem` initOrdByCols) (toList cols) unless isValid $ throwVE "\"distinct_on\" columns must match initial \"order_by\" columns" fromField :: (MonadError QErr m, MonadReader r m, Has FieldMap r, Has OrdByCtx r) => PrepFn m -> QualifiedTable -> AnnBoolExpSQL -> Maybe Int -> Field -> m RS.AnnSel fromField f tn permFilter permLimitM fld = fieldAsPath fld $ do tableArgs <- parseTableArgs f args annFlds <- fromSelSet f (_fType fld) $ _fSelSet fld let tabFrom = RS.TableFrom tn Nothing tabPerm = RS.TablePerm permFilter permLimitM return $ RS.AnnSelG annFlds tabFrom tabPerm tableArgs where args = _fArguments fld getOrdByItemMap :: ( MonadError QErr m , MonadReader r m , Has OrdByCtx r ) => G.NamedType -> m OrdByItemMap getOrdByItemMap nt = do ordByCtx <- asks getter onNothing (Map.lookup nt ordByCtx) $ throw500 $ "could not lookup " <> showNamedTy nt parseOrderBy :: ( MonadError QErr m , MonadReader r m , Has OrdByCtx r ) => AnnGValue -> m [RS.AnnOrderByItem] parseOrderBy = fmap concat . withArray f where f _ = mapM (withObject (getAnnObItems id)) getAnnObItems :: ( MonadError QErr m , MonadReader r m , Has OrdByCtx r ) => (RS.AnnObCol -> RS.AnnObCol) -> G.NamedType -> AnnGObject -> m [RS.AnnOrderByItem] getAnnObItems f nt obj = do ordByItemMap <- getOrdByItemMap nt fmap concat $ forM (OMap.toList obj) $ \(k, v) -> do ordByItem <- onNothing (Map.lookup k ordByItemMap) $ throw500 $ "cannot lookup " <> showName k <> " order by item in " <> showNamedTy nt <> " map" case ordByItem of OBIPGCol ci -> do let aobCol = f $ RS.AOCPG ci (_, enumVal) <- asEnumVal v (ordTy, nullsOrd) <- parseOrderByEnum enumVal return [OrderByItemG (Just ordTy) aobCol (Just nullsOrd)] OBIRel ri fltr -> do let annObColFn = f . RS.AOCObj ri fltr withObject (getAnnObItems annObColFn) v OBIAgg ri fltr -> do let aobColFn = f . RS.AOCAgg ri fltr flip withObject v $ \_ o -> parseAggOrdBy aobColFn o parseAggOrdBy :: (MonadError QErr m) => (RS.AnnAggOrdBy -> RS.AnnObCol) -> AnnGObject -> m [RS.AnnOrderByItem] parseAggOrdBy f annObj = fmap concat <$> forM (OMap.toList annObj) $ \(op, obVal) -> case op of "count" -> do (ordTy, nullsOrd) <- parseAsEnum obVal return [OrderByItemG (Just ordTy) (f RS.AAOCount) $ Just nullsOrd] G.Name opT -> flip withObject obVal $ \_ opObObj -> forM (OMap.toList opObObj) $ \(col, eVal) -> do (ordTy, nullsOrd) <- parseAsEnum eVal let aobCol = f $ RS.AAOOp opT $ PGCol $ G.unName col return $ OrderByItemG (Just ordTy) aobCol $ Just nullsOrd where parseAsEnum v = do (_, enumVal) <- asEnumVal v parseOrderByEnum enumVal parseOrderByEnum :: (MonadError QErr m) => G.EnumValue -> m (S.OrderType, S.NullsOrder) parseOrderByEnum = \case G.EnumValue "asc" -> return (S.OTAsc, S.NLast) G.EnumValue "asc_nulls_last" -> return (S.OTAsc, S.NLast) G.EnumValue "asc_nulls_first" -> return (S.OTAsc, S.NFirst) G.EnumValue "desc" -> return (S.OTDesc, S.NFirst) G.EnumValue "desc_nulls_first" -> return (S.OTDesc, S.NFirst) G.EnumValue "desc_nulls_last" -> return (S.OTDesc, S.NLast) G.EnumValue v -> throw500 $ "enum value " <> showName v <> " not found in type order_by" parseLimit :: ( MonadError QErr m ) => AnnGValue -> m Int parseLimit v = do (_, pgColVal) <- asPGColVal v limit <- maybe noIntErr return $ pgColValueToInt pgColVal -- validate int value onlyPositiveInt limit return limit where noIntErr = throwVE "expecting Integer value for \"limit\"" fromFieldByPKey :: (MonadError QErr m, MonadReader r m, Has FieldMap r, Has OrdByCtx r) => ((PGColType, PGColValue) -> m S.SQLExp) -> QualifiedTable -> AnnBoolExpSQL -> Field -> m RS.AnnSel fromFieldByPKey f tn permFilter fld = fieldAsPath fld $ do boolExp <- pgColValToBoolExp f $ _fArguments fld annFlds <- fromSelSet f (_fType fld) $ _fSelSet fld let tabFrom = RS.TableFrom tn Nothing tabPerm = RS.TablePerm permFilter Nothing return $ RS.AnnSelG annFlds tabFrom tabPerm $ RS.noTableArgs { RS._taWhere = Just boolExp} convertSelect :: QualifiedTable -> AnnBoolExpSQL -> Maybe Int -> Field -> Convert RespTx convertSelect qt permFilter permLimit fld = do selData <- withPathK "selectionSet" $ fromField prepare qt permFilter permLimit fld prepArgs <- get return $ RS.selectP2 False (selData, prepArgs) convertSelectByPKey :: QualifiedTable -> AnnBoolExpSQL -> Field -> Convert RespTx convertSelectByPKey qt permFilter fld = do selData <- withPathK "selectionSet" $ fromFieldByPKey prepare qt permFilter fld prepArgs <- get return $ RS.selectP2 True (selData, prepArgs) -- agg select related parseColumns :: MonadError QErr m => AnnGValue -> m [PGCol] parseColumns val = flip withArray val $ \_ vals -> forM vals $ \v -> do (_, enumVal) <- asEnumVal v return $ PGCol $ G.unName $ G.unEnumValue enumVal convertCount :: MonadError QErr m => ArgsMap -> m S.CountType convertCount args = do columnsM <- withArgM args "columns" parseColumns isDistinct <- or <$> withArgM args "distinct" parseDistinct maybe (return S.CTStar) (mkCType isDistinct) columnsM where parseDistinct v = do (_, val) <- asPGColVal v case val of PGValBoolean b -> return b _ -> throw500 "expecting Boolean for \"distinct\"" mkCType isDistinct cols = return $ bool (S.CTSimple cols) (S.CTDistinct cols) isDistinct toFields :: [(T.Text, a)] -> [(FieldName, a)] toFields = map (first FieldName) convertColFlds :: Monad m => G.NamedType -> SelSet -> m RS.ColFlds convertColFlds ty selSet = fmap toFields $ withSelSet selSet $ \fld -> case _fName fld of "__typename" -> return $ RS.PCFExp $ G.unName $ G.unNamedType ty n -> return $ RS.PCFCol $ PGCol $ G.unName n convertAggFld :: (Monad m, MonadError QErr m) => G.NamedType -> SelSet -> m RS.AggFlds convertAggFld ty selSet = fmap toFields $ withSelSet selSet $ \fld -> do let fType = _fType fld fSelSet = _fSelSet fld case _fName fld of "__typename" -> return $ RS.AFExp $ G.unName $ G.unNamedType ty "count" -> RS.AFCount <$> convertCount (_fArguments fld) n -> do colFlds <- convertColFlds fType fSelSet unless (isAggFld n) $ throwInvalidFld n return $ RS.AFOp $ RS.AggOp (G.unName n) colFlds where throwInvalidFld (G.Name t) = throw500 $ "unexpected field in _aggregate node: " <> t fromAggField :: (MonadError QErr m, MonadReader r m, Has FieldMap r, Has OrdByCtx r) => PrepFn m -> QualifiedTable -> AnnBoolExpSQL -> Maybe Int -> Field -> m RS.AnnAggSel fromAggField fn tn permFilter permLimitM fld = fieldAsPath fld $ do tableArgs <- parseTableArgs fn args aggSelFlds <- toFields <$> fromAggSel (_fType fld) (_fSelSet fld) let tabFrom = RS.TableFrom tn Nothing tabPerm = RS.TablePerm permFilter permLimitM return $ RS.AnnSelG aggSelFlds tabFrom tabPerm tableArgs where args = _fArguments fld fromAggSel ty selSet = withSelSet selSet $ \f -> do let fTy = _fType f fSelSet = _fSelSet f case _fName f of "__typename" -> return $ RS.TAFExp $ G.unName $ G.unNamedType ty "aggregate" -> RS.TAFAgg <$> convertAggFld fTy fSelSet "nodes" -> RS.TAFNodes <$> fromSelSet fn fTy fSelSet G.Name t -> throw500 $ "unexpected field in _agg node: " <> t convertAggSelect :: QualifiedTable -> AnnBoolExpSQL -> Maybe Int -> Field -> Convert RespTx convertAggSelect qt permFilter permLimit fld = do selData <- withPathK "selectionSet" $ fromAggField prepare qt permFilter permLimit fld prepArgs <- get return $ RS.selectAggP2 (selData, prepArgs)