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synced 2024-12-18 04:51:35 +03:00
This moves `MkTypename` and `NamingCase` into their own modules, with the intent of reducing the scope of the schema parsers code, and trying to reduce imports of large modules when small ones will do. PR-URL: https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/4978 GitOrigin-RevId: 19541257fe010035390f6183a4eaa37bae0d3ca1
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105 lines
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module Hasura.GraphQL.Namespace
( RootFieldAlias (..),
NamespacedField (..),
import Data.Aeson qualified as J
import Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd qualified as OMap
import Data.Text.Extended
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Parser as P
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Typename
import Hasura.Prelude
import Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax qualified as G
data RootFieldAlias = RootFieldAlias
{ _rfaNamespace :: !(Maybe G.Name),
_rfaAlias :: !G.Name
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
instance Hashable RootFieldAlias
instance ToTxt RootFieldAlias where
toTxt RootFieldAlias {..} = case _rfaNamespace of
Nothing -> G.unName _rfaAlias
Just ns -> G.unName ns <> "." <> G.unName _rfaAlias
-- | This ToJSON instance is used in responses to the explain API
-- (via the ToJSON instance for ExplainPlan).
-- It will use dot separator for namespaces fields, i.e. "namespace.fieldname"
-- TODO: We need to decide if this dotted notation is what we want to use for explain responses.
instance J.ToJSON RootFieldAlias where
toJSON = J.toJSON . toTxt
mkUnNamespacedRootFieldAlias :: G.Name -> RootFieldAlias
mkUnNamespacedRootFieldAlias = RootFieldAlias Nothing
mkNamespacedRootFieldAlias :: G.Name -> G.Name -> RootFieldAlias
mkNamespacedRootFieldAlias = RootFieldAlias . Just
type RootFieldMap = InsOrdHashMap RootFieldAlias
data NamespacedField a
= -- | Normal field
NotNamespaced a
| -- | Namespace field with other fields nested within
Namespaced (InsOrdHashMap G.Name a)
deriving (Eq, Show, Functor)
namespacedField :: (a -> b) -> (InsOrdHashMap G.Name a -> b) -> NamespacedField a -> b
namespacedField f g = \case
NotNamespaced a -> f a
Namespaced m -> g m
type NamespacedFieldMap a = InsOrdHashMap G.Name (NamespacedField a)
flattenNamespaces :: forall a. NamespacedFieldMap a -> RootFieldMap a
flattenNamespaces = OMap.foldMapWithKey flattenNamespace
flattenNamespace :: G.Name -> NamespacedField a -> RootFieldMap a
flattenNamespace fieldName =
(OMap.singleton $ mkUnNamespacedRootFieldAlias fieldName)
(OMap.mapKeys $ mkNamespacedRootFieldAlias fieldName)
unflattenNamespaces :: RootFieldMap a -> NamespacedFieldMap a
unflattenNamespaces = OMap.foldlWithKey' insert mempty
insert m RootFieldAlias {..} v = case _rfaNamespace of
Nothing -> OMap.insert _rfaAlias (NotNamespaced v) m
Just ns -> OMap.insertWith merge ns (Namespaced $ (OMap.singleton _rfaAlias v)) m
merge (Namespaced m) (Namespaced m') = Namespaced (OMap.union m' m) -- Note: order of arguments to OMap.union to preserve ordering
merge v _ = v
-- | Wrap the field parser results in @NamespacedField@
customizeNamespace ::
forall n a.
(MonadParse n) =>
Maybe G.Name ->
(G.Name -> P.ParsedSelection a -> a) ->
MkTypename ->
[FieldParser n a] ->
[FieldParser n (NamespacedField a)]
customizeNamespace (Just _) _ _ [] = [] -- The nampespace doesn't contain any Field parsers, so returning empty list
customizeNamespace (Just namespace) fromParsedSelection mkNamespaceTypename fieldParsers =
-- Source or remote schema has a namespace field so wrap the parsers
-- in a new namespace field parser.
[P.subselection_ namespace Nothing parser]
parser :: Parser 'Output n (NamespacedField a)
parser =
Namespaced . OMap.mapWithKey fromParsedSelection
<$> P.selectionSet (runMkTypename mkNamespaceTypename namespace) Nothing fieldParsers
customizeNamespace Nothing _ _ fieldParsers =
-- No namespace so just wrap the field parser results in @NotNamespaced@.
fmap NotNamespaced <$> fieldParsers