mirror of
synced 2024-12-17 12:31:52 +03:00
* pass request body to logging context in all cases * add message size logging on the websocket API this is required by graphql-engine-pro/#416 * message size logging on websocket API As we need to log all messages recieved/sent by the websocket server, it makes sense to log them as part of the websocket server event logs. Previously message recieved were logged inside the onMessage handler, and messages sent were logged only for "data" messages (as a server event log) * fix review comments Co-authored-by: Phil Freeman <phil@hasura.io>
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{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
module Hasura.Server.App where
import Control.Concurrent.MVar.Lifted
import Control.Exception (IOException, try)
import Control.Monad.Morph (hoist)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl)
import Data.String (fromString)
import Control.Monad.Stateless
import Data.Aeson hiding (json)
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.IORef
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime)
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (getPOSIXTime)
import Network.Mime (defaultMimeLookup)
import System.FilePath (joinPath, takeFileName)
import Web.Spock.Core ((<//>))
import qualified Control.Concurrent.Async.Lifted.Safe as LA
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Control as MTC
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
import qualified Data.Environment as Env
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M
import qualified Data.HashSet as S
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as HTTP
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as HTTP
import qualified Network.Wai.Extended as Wai
import qualified Network.WebSockets as WS
import qualified System.Metrics as EKG
import qualified System.Metrics.Json as EKG
import qualified Text.Mustache as M
import qualified Web.Spock.Core as Spock
import Hasura.Db
import Hasura.EncJSON
import Hasura.GraphQL.Logging (MonadQueryLog (..))
import Hasura.GraphQL.Resolve.Action
import Hasura.HTTP
import Hasura.Prelude hiding (get, put)
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Run
import Hasura.Server.API.Config (runGetConfig)
import Hasura.Server.API.Query
import Hasura.Server.Auth (AuthMode (..), UserAuthentication (..))
import Hasura.Server.Compression
import Hasura.Server.Cors
import Hasura.Server.Init
import Hasura.Server.Logging
import Hasura.Server.Middleware (corsMiddleware)
import Hasura.Server.Utils
import Hasura.Server.Version
import Hasura.Session
import Hasura.SQL.Types
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Execute as E
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.LiveQuery as EL
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.LiveQuery.Poll as EL
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Explain as GE
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Transport.HTTP as GH
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Transport.HTTP.Protocol as GH
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Transport.WebSocket as WS
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Transport.WebSocket.Server as WS
import qualified Hasura.Logging as L
import qualified Hasura.Server.API.PGDump as PGD
import qualified Hasura.Tracing as Tracing
import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.WebSockets.Custom as WSC
data SchemaCacheRef
= SchemaCacheRef
{ _scrLock :: MVar ()
-- ^ The idea behind explicit locking here is to
-- 1. Allow maximum throughput for serving requests (/v1/graphql) (as each
-- request reads the current schemacache)
-- 2. We don't want to process more than one request at any point of time
-- which would modify the schema cache as such queries are expensive.
-- Another option is to consider removing this lock in place of `_scrCache ::
-- MVar ...` if it's okay or in fact correct to block during schema update in
-- e.g. _wseGCtxMap. Vamshi says: It is theoretically possible to have a
-- situation (in between building new schemacache and before writing it to
-- the IORef) where we serve a request with a stale schemacache but I guess
-- it is an okay trade-off to pay for a higher throughput (I remember doing a
-- bunch of benchmarks to test this hypothesis).
, _scrCache :: IORef (RebuildableSchemaCache Run, SchemaCacheVer)
, _scrOnChange :: IO ()
-- ^ an action to run when schemacache changes
data ServerCtx
= ServerCtx
{ scPGExecCtx :: !PGExecCtx
, scConnInfo :: !Q.ConnInfo
, scLogger :: !(L.Logger L.Hasura)
, scCacheRef :: !SchemaCacheRef
, scAuthMode :: !AuthMode
, scManager :: !HTTP.Manager
, scSQLGenCtx :: !SQLGenCtx
, scEnabledAPIs :: !(S.HashSet API)
, scInstanceId :: !InstanceId
, scPlanCache :: !E.PlanCache
, scLQState :: !EL.LiveQueriesState
, scEnableAllowlist :: !Bool
, scEkgStore :: !EKG.Store
, scResponseInternalErrorsConfig :: !ResponseInternalErrorsConfig
, scEnvironment :: !Env.Environment
data HandlerCtx
= HandlerCtx
{ hcServerCtx :: !ServerCtx
, hcUser :: !UserInfo
, hcReqHeaders :: ![HTTP.Header]
, hcRequestId :: !RequestId
, hcSourceIpAddress :: !Wai.IpAddress
type Handler m = ExceptT QErr (ReaderT HandlerCtx m)
data APIResp
= JSONResp !(HttpResponse EncJSON)
| RawResp !(HttpResponse BL.ByteString)
data APIHandler m a
= AHGet !(Handler m APIResp)
| AHPost !(a -> Handler m APIResp)
boolToText :: Bool -> T.Text
boolToText = bool "false" "true"
isAdminSecretSet :: AuthMode -> T.Text
isAdminSecretSet AMNoAuth = boolToText False
isAdminSecretSet _ = boolToText True
getSCFromRef :: (MonadIO m) => SchemaCacheRef -> m SchemaCache
getSCFromRef scRef = lastBuiltSchemaCache . fst <$> liftIO (readIORef $ _scrCache scRef)
logInconsObjs :: L.Logger L.Hasura -> [InconsistentMetadata] -> IO ()
logInconsObjs logger objs =
unless (null objs) $ L.unLogger logger $ mkInconsMetadataLog objs
:: (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m)
=> SchemaCacheRef -> L.Logger L.Hasura -> m (a, RebuildableSchemaCache Run) -> m a
withSCUpdate scr logger action = do
withMVarMasked lk $ \() -> do
(!res, !newSC) <- action
liftIO $ do
-- update schemacache in IO reference
modifyIORef' cacheRef $ \(_, prevVer) ->
let !newVer = incSchemaCacheVer prevVer
in (newSC, newVer)
-- log any inconsistent objects
logInconsObjs logger $ scInconsistentObjs $ lastBuiltSchemaCache newSC
return res
SchemaCacheRef lk cacheRef onChange = scr
mkGetHandler :: Handler m APIResp -> APIHandler m ()
mkGetHandler = AHGet
mkPostHandler :: (a -> Handler m APIResp) -> APIHandler m a
mkPostHandler = AHPost
mkAPIRespHandler :: (Functor m) => (a -> Handler m (HttpResponse EncJSON)) -> (a -> Handler m APIResp)
mkAPIRespHandler = (fmap . fmap) JSONResp
isMetadataEnabled :: ServerCtx -> Bool
isMetadataEnabled sc = S.member METADATA $ scEnabledAPIs sc
isGraphQLEnabled :: ServerCtx -> Bool
isGraphQLEnabled sc = S.member GRAPHQL $ scEnabledAPIs sc
isPGDumpEnabled :: ServerCtx -> Bool
isPGDumpEnabled sc = S.member PGDUMP $ scEnabledAPIs sc
isConfigEnabled :: ServerCtx -> Bool
isConfigEnabled sc = S.member CONFIG $ scEnabledAPIs sc
isDeveloperAPIEnabled :: ServerCtx -> Bool
isDeveloperAPIEnabled sc = S.member DEVELOPER $ scEnabledAPIs sc
-- {-# SCC parseBody #-}
parseBody :: (FromJSON a, MonadError QErr m) => BL.ByteString -> m a
parseBody reqBody =
case eitherDecode' reqBody of
Left e -> throw400 InvalidJSON (T.pack e)
Right jVal -> decodeValue jVal
onlyAdmin :: (Monad m) => Handler m ()
onlyAdmin = do
uRole <- asks (_uiRole . hcUser)
when (uRole /= adminRoleName) $
throw400 AccessDenied "You have to be an admin to access this endpoint"
buildQCtx :: (MonadIO m) => Handler m QCtx
buildQCtx = do
scRef <- asks (scCacheRef . hcServerCtx)
userInfo <- asks hcUser
cache <- getSCFromRef scRef
sqlGenCtx <- asks (scSQLGenCtx . hcServerCtx)
return $ QCtx userInfo cache sqlGenCtx
setHeader :: MonadIO m => HTTP.Header -> Spock.ActionT m ()
setHeader (headerName, headerValue) =
Spock.setHeader (bsToTxt $ CI.original headerName) (bsToTxt headerValue)
-- | Typeclass representing the metadata API authorization effect
class Monad m => MetadataApiAuthorization m where
authorizeMetadataApi :: HasVersion => RQLQuery -> UserInfo -> Handler m ()
instance MetadataApiAuthorization m => MetadataApiAuthorization (Tracing.TraceT m) where
authorizeMetadataApi q ui = hoist (hoist lift) $ authorizeMetadataApi q ui
-- | The config API (/v1alpha1/config) handler
class Monad m => MonadConfigApiHandler m where
:: HasVersion
=> ServerCtx
-> Maybe Text
-- ^ console assets directory
-> Spock.SpockCtxT () m ()
-- instance (MonadIO m, UserAuthentication m, HttpLog m, Tracing.HasReporter m) => MonadConfigApiHandler (Tracing.TraceT m) where
-- runConfigApiHandler = configApiGetHandler
:: (Monad m, Monad n)
=> (m (MTC.StT (Spock.ActionCtxT ()) a) -> n (MTC.StT (Spock.ActionCtxT ()) a))
-> Spock.ActionT m a
-> Spock.ActionT n a
mapActionT f tma = MTC.restoreT . pure =<< (MTC.liftWith $ \run -> f (run tma))
:: (HasVersion, MonadIO m, FromJSON a, ToJSON a, UserAuthentication (Tracing.TraceT m), HttpLog m, Tracing.HasReporter m)
=> ServerCtx
-> (Bool -> QErr -> Value)
-- ^ `QErr` JSON encoder function
-> (QErr -> QErr)
-- ^ `QErr` modifier
-> APIHandler (Tracing.TraceT m) a
-> Spock.ActionT m ()
mkSpockAction serverCtx qErrEncoder qErrModifier apiHandler = do
req <- Spock.request
-- Bytes are actually read from the socket here. Time this.
(ioWaitTime, reqBody) <- withElapsedTime $ liftIO $ Wai.strictRequestBody req
let headers = Wai.requestHeaders req
authMode = scAuthMode serverCtx
manager = scManager serverCtx
ipAddress = Wai.getSourceFromFallback req
pathInfo = Wai.rawPathInfo req
tracingCtx <- liftIO $ Tracing.extractHttpContext headers
let runTraceT
:: forall m a
. (MonadIO m, Tracing.HasReporter m)
=> Tracing.TraceT m a
-> m a
runTraceT = maybe
(fromString (B8.unpack pathInfo))
requestId <- getRequestId headers
mapActionT runTraceT $ do
-- Add the request ID to the tracing metadata so that we
-- can correlate requests and traces
lift $ Tracing.attachMetadata [("request_id", unRequestId requestId)]
userInfoE <- fmap fst <$> lift (resolveUserInfo logger manager headers authMode)
userInfo <- either (logErrorAndResp Nothing requestId req (reqBody, Nothing) False headers . qErrModifier)
return userInfoE
let handlerState = HandlerCtx serverCtx userInfo headers requestId ipAddress
includeInternal = shouldIncludeInternal (_uiRole userInfo) $
scResponseInternalErrorsConfig serverCtx
(serviceTime, (result, q)) <- withElapsedTime $ case apiHandler of
AHGet handler -> do
res <- lift $ runReaderT (runExceptT handler) handlerState
return (res, Nothing)
AHPost handler -> do
parsedReqE <- runExceptT $ parseBody reqBody
parsedReq <- either (logErrorAndResp (Just userInfo) requestId req (reqBody, Nothing) includeInternal headers . qErrModifier)
return parsedReqE
res <- lift $ runReaderT (runExceptT $ handler parsedReq) handlerState
return (res, Just parsedReq)
-- apply the error modifier
let modResult = fmapL qErrModifier result
-- log and return result
case modResult of
Left err -> logErrorAndResp (Just userInfo) requestId req (reqBody, toJSON <$> q) includeInternal headers err
Right res -> logSuccessAndResp (Just userInfo) requestId req (reqBody, toJSON <$> q) res (Just (ioWaitTime, serviceTime)) headers
logger = scLogger serverCtx
:: (MonadIO m, HttpLog m)
=> Maybe UserInfo
-> RequestId
-> Wai.Request
-> (BL.ByteString, Maybe Value)
-> Bool
-> [HTTP.Header]
-> QErr
-> Spock.ActionCtxT ctx m a
logErrorAndResp userInfo reqId waiReq req includeInternal headers qErr = do
lift $ logHttpError logger userInfo reqId waiReq req qErr headers
Spock.setStatus $ qeStatus qErr
Spock.json $ qErrEncoder includeInternal qErr
logSuccessAndResp userInfo reqId waiReq reqBody result qTime reqHeaders =
case result of
JSONResp (HttpResponse encJson h) ->
possiblyCompressedLazyBytes userInfo reqId waiReq reqBody qTime (encJToLBS encJson)
(pure jsonHeader <> h) reqHeaders
RawResp (HttpResponse rawBytes h) ->
possiblyCompressedLazyBytes userInfo reqId waiReq reqBody qTime rawBytes h reqHeaders
possiblyCompressedLazyBytes userInfo reqId waiReq req qTime respBytes respHeaders reqHeaders = do
let (compressedResp, mEncodingHeader, mCompressionType) =
compressResponse (Wai.requestHeaders waiReq) respBytes
encodingHeader = maybe [] pure mEncodingHeader
reqIdHeader = (requestIdHeader, txtToBs $ unRequestId reqId)
allRespHeaders = pure reqIdHeader <> encodingHeader <> respHeaders
lift $ logHttpSuccess logger userInfo reqId waiReq req respBytes compressedResp qTime mCompressionType reqHeaders
mapM_ setHeader allRespHeaders
Spock.lazyBytes compressedResp
:: (HasVersion, MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m, MetadataApiAuthorization m, Tracing.MonadTrace m)
=> RQLQuery
-> Handler m (HttpResponse EncJSON)
v1QueryHandler query = do
userInfo <- asks hcUser
authorizeMetadataApi query userInfo
scRef <- asks (scCacheRef . hcServerCtx)
logger <- asks (scLogger . hcServerCtx)
res <- bool (fst <$> dbAction) (withSCUpdate scRef logger dbAction) $ queryModifiesSchemaCache query
return $ HttpResponse res []
-- Hit postgres
dbAction = do
userInfo <- asks hcUser
scRef <- asks (scCacheRef . hcServerCtx)
schemaCache <- fmap fst $ liftIO $ readIORef $ _scrCache scRef
httpMgr <- asks (scManager . hcServerCtx)
sqlGenCtx <- asks (scSQLGenCtx . hcServerCtx)
pgExecCtx <- asks (scPGExecCtx . hcServerCtx)
instanceId <- asks (scInstanceId . hcServerCtx)
env <- asks (scEnvironment . hcServerCtx)
runQuery env pgExecCtx instanceId userInfo schemaCache httpMgr sqlGenCtx (SystemDefined False) query
:: ( HasVersion
, MonadIO m
, E.MonadGQLExecutionCheck m
, MonadQueryLog m
, Tracing.MonadTrace m
, GH.MonadExecuteQuery m
=> E.GraphQLQueryType -> GH.GQLBatchedReqs GH.GQLQueryText
-> Handler m (HttpResponse EncJSON)
v1Alpha1GQHandler queryType query = do
userInfo <- asks hcUser
reqHeaders <- asks hcReqHeaders
ipAddress <- asks hcSourceIpAddress
requestId <- asks hcRequestId
manager <- asks (scManager . hcServerCtx)
scRef <- asks (scCacheRef . hcServerCtx)
(sc, scVer) <- liftIO $ readIORef $ _scrCache scRef
pgExecCtx <- asks (scPGExecCtx . hcServerCtx)
sqlGenCtx <- asks (scSQLGenCtx . hcServerCtx)
planCache <- asks (scPlanCache . hcServerCtx)
enableAL <- asks (scEnableAllowlist . hcServerCtx)
logger <- asks (scLogger . hcServerCtx)
responseErrorsConfig <- asks (scResponseInternalErrorsConfig . hcServerCtx)
env <- asks (scEnvironment . hcServerCtx)
let execCtx = E.ExecutionCtx logger sqlGenCtx pgExecCtx planCache
(lastBuiltSchemaCache sc) scVer manager enableAL
flip runReaderT execCtx $
GH.runGQBatched env logger requestId responseErrorsConfig userInfo ipAddress reqHeaders queryType query
:: ( HasVersion
, MonadIO m
, E.MonadGQLExecutionCheck m
, MonadQueryLog m
, Tracing.MonadTrace m
, GH.MonadExecuteQuery m
=> GH.GQLBatchedReqs GH.GQLQueryText
-> Handler m (HttpResponse EncJSON)
v1GQHandler = v1Alpha1GQHandler E.QueryHasura
:: ( HasVersion
, MonadIO m
, E.MonadGQLExecutionCheck m
, MonadQueryLog m
, Tracing.MonadTrace m
, GH.MonadExecuteQuery m
=> GH.GQLBatchedReqs GH.GQLQueryText
-> Handler m (HttpResponse EncJSON)
v1GQRelayHandler = v1Alpha1GQHandler E.QueryRelay
:: forall m .
( HasVersion
, MonadIO m
=> GE.GQLExplain
-> Handler (Tracing.TraceT m) (HttpResponse EncJSON)
gqlExplainHandler query = do
scRef <- asks (scCacheRef . hcServerCtx)
sc <- getSCFromRef scRef
pgExecCtx <- asks (scPGExecCtx . hcServerCtx)
sqlGenCtx <- asks (scSQLGenCtx . hcServerCtx)
env <- asks (scEnvironment . hcServerCtx)
logger <- asks (scLogger . hcServerCtx)
-- let runTx :: ReaderT HandlerCtx (Tracing.TraceT (Tracing.NoReporter (LazyTx QErr))) a
-- -> ExceptT QErr (ReaderT HandlerCtx (Tracing.TraceT m)) a
let runTx rttx = ExceptT . ReaderT $ \ctx -> do
runExceptT (Tracing.interpTraceT (runLazyTx pgExecCtx Q.ReadOnly) (runReaderT rttx ctx))
res <- GE.explainGQLQuery env logger pgExecCtx runTx sc sqlGenCtx
(restrictActionExecuter "query actions cannot be explained") query
return $ HttpResponse res []
v1Alpha1PGDumpHandler :: (MonadIO m) => PGD.PGDumpReqBody -> Handler m APIResp
v1Alpha1PGDumpHandler b = do
ci <- asks (scConnInfo . hcServerCtx)
output <- PGD.execPGDump b ci
return $ RawResp $ HttpResponse output [sqlHeader]
:: (MonadIO m, HttpLog m)
=> L.Logger L.Hasura
-> Text
-> FilePath
-> Spock.ActionT m ()
consoleAssetsHandler logger dir path = do
req <- Spock.request
let reqHeaders = Wai.requestHeaders req
-- '..' in paths need not be handed as it is resolved in the url by
-- spock's routing. we get the expanded path.
eFileContents <- liftIO $ try $ BL.readFile $
joinPath [T.unpack dir, path]
either (onError reqHeaders) onSuccess eFileContents
onSuccess c = do
mapM_ setHeader headers
Spock.lazyBytes c
onError :: (MonadIO m, HttpLog m) => [HTTP.Header] -> IOException -> Spock.ActionT m ()
onError hdrs = raiseGenericApiError logger hdrs . err404 NotFound . T.pack . show
fn = T.pack $ takeFileName path
-- set gzip header if the filename ends with .gz
(fileName, encHeader) = case T.stripSuffix ".gz" fn of
Just v -> (v, [gzipHeader])
Nothing -> (fn, [])
mimeType = defaultMimeLookup fileName
headers = ("Content-Type", mimeType) : encHeader
class (Monad m) => ConsoleRenderer m where
renderConsole :: HasVersion => T.Text -> AuthMode -> Bool -> Maybe Text -> m (Either String Text)
instance ConsoleRenderer m => ConsoleRenderer (Tracing.TraceT m) where
renderConsole a b c d = lift $ renderConsole a b c d
renderHtmlTemplate :: M.Template -> Value -> Either String Text
renderHtmlTemplate template jVal =
bool (Left errMsg) (Right res) $ null errs
errMsg = "template rendering failed: " ++ show errs
(errs, res) = M.checkedSubstitute template jVal
newtype LegacyQueryParser m
= LegacyQueryParser
{ getLegacyQueryParser :: QualifiedTable -> Object -> Handler m RQLQueryV1 }
queryParsers :: (Monad m) => M.HashMap T.Text (LegacyQueryParser m)
queryParsers =
[ ("select", mkLegacyQueryParser RQSelect)
, ("insert", mkLegacyQueryParser RQInsert)
, ("update", mkLegacyQueryParser RQUpdate)
, ("delete", mkLegacyQueryParser RQDelete)
, ("count", mkLegacyQueryParser RQCount)
mkLegacyQueryParser f =
LegacyQueryParser $ \qt obj -> do
let val = Object $ M.insert "table" (toJSON qt) obj
q <- decodeValue val
return $ f q
:: (HasVersion, MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m, MetadataApiAuthorization m, Tracing.MonadTrace m)
=> TableName -> T.Text -> Object
-> Handler m (HttpResponse EncJSON)
legacyQueryHandler tn queryType req =
case M.lookup queryType queryParsers of
Just queryParser -> getLegacyQueryParser queryParser qt req >>= v1QueryHandler . RQV1
Nothing -> throw404 "No such resource exists"
qt = QualifiedObject publicSchema tn
-- | Default implementation of the 'MonadConfigApiHandler'
:: (HasVersion, MonadIO m, UserAuthentication (Tracing.TraceT m), HttpLog m, Tracing.HasReporter m)
=> ServerCtx -> Maybe Text -> Spock.SpockCtxT () m ()
configApiGetHandler serverCtx@ServerCtx{..} consoleAssetsDir =
Spock.get "v1alpha1/config" $ mkSpockAction serverCtx encodeQErr id $
mkGetHandler $ do
let res = runGetConfig scAuthMode scEnableAllowlist
(EL._lqsOptions $ scLQState) consoleAssetsDir
return $ JSONResp $ HttpResponse (encJFromJValue res) []
data HasuraApp
= HasuraApp
{ _hapApplication :: !Wai.Application
, _hapSchemaRef :: !SchemaCacheRef
, _hapCacheBuildTime :: !(Maybe UTCTime)
, _hapShutdownWsServer :: !(IO ())
-- TODO: Put Env into ServerCtx?
:: forall m.
( HasVersion
, MonadIO m
, MonadStateless IO m
, LA.Forall (LA.Pure m)
, ConsoleRenderer m
, HttpLog m
-- , UserAuthentication m
, UserAuthentication (Tracing.TraceT m)
, MetadataApiAuthorization m
, E.MonadGQLExecutionCheck m
, MonadConfigApiHandler m
, MonadQueryLog m
, WS.MonadWSLog m
, Tracing.HasReporter m
, GH.MonadExecuteQuery m
=> Env.Environment
-- ^ Set of environment variables for reference in UIs
-> Q.TxIsolation
-- ^ postgres transaction isolation to be used in the entire app
-> L.Logger L.Hasura
-- ^ a 'L.Hasura' specific logger
-> SQLGenCtx
-> Bool
-- ^ is AllowList enabled - TODO: change this boolean to sumtype
-> Q.PGPool
-> Maybe PGExecCtx
-> Q.ConnInfo
-- ^ postgres connection parameters
-> HTTP.Manager
-- ^ HTTP manager so that we can re-use sessions
-> AuthMode
-- ^ 'AuthMode' in which the application should operate in
-> CorsConfig
-> Bool
-- ^ is console enabled - TODO: better type
-> Maybe Text
-- ^ filepath to the console static assets directory - TODO: better type
-> Bool
-- ^ is telemetry enabled
-> InstanceId
-- ^ each application, when run, gets an 'InstanceId'. this is used at various places including
-- schema syncing and telemetry
-> S.HashSet API
-- ^ set of the enabled 'API's
-> EL.LiveQueriesOptions
-> E.PlanCacheOptions
-> ResponseInternalErrorsConfig
-> Maybe EL.LiveQueryPostPollHook
-> (RebuildableSchemaCache Run, Maybe UTCTime)
-> m HasuraApp
mkWaiApp env isoLevel logger sqlGenCtx enableAL pool pgExecCtxCustom ci httpManager mode corsCfg enableConsole consoleAssetsDir
enableTelemetry instanceId apis lqOpts planCacheOptions responseErrorsConfig liveQueryHook (schemaCache, cacheBuiltTime) = do
(planCache, schemaCacheRef) <- initialiseCache
let getSchemaCache = first lastBuiltSchemaCache <$> readIORef (_scrCache schemaCacheRef)
let corsPolicy = mkDefaultCorsPolicy corsCfg
pgExecCtx = fromMaybe (mkPGExecCtx isoLevel pool) pgExecCtxCustom
postPollHook = fromMaybe (EL.defaultLiveQueryPostPollHook logger) liveQueryHook
lqState <- liftIO $ EL.initLiveQueriesState lqOpts pgExecCtx postPollHook
wsServerEnv <- WS.createWSServerEnv logger pgExecCtx lqState getSchemaCache httpManager
corsPolicy sqlGenCtx enableAL planCache
ekgStore <- liftIO EKG.newStore
let serverCtx = ServerCtx
{ scPGExecCtx = pgExecCtx
, scConnInfo = ci
, scLogger = logger
, scCacheRef = schemaCacheRef
, scAuthMode = mode
, scManager = httpManager
, scSQLGenCtx = sqlGenCtx
, scEnabledAPIs = apis
, scInstanceId = instanceId
, scPlanCache = planCache
, scLQState = lqState
, scEnableAllowlist = enableAL
, scEkgStore = ekgStore
, scEnvironment = env
, scResponseInternalErrorsConfig = responseErrorsConfig
when (isDeveloperAPIEnabled serverCtx) $ do
liftIO $ EKG.registerGcMetrics ekgStore
liftIO $ EKG.registerCounter "ekg.server_timestamp_ms" getTimeMs ekgStore
spockApp <- liftWithStateless $ \lowerIO ->
Spock.spockAsApp $ Spock.spockT lowerIO $
httpApp corsCfg serverCtx enableConsole consoleAssetsDir enableTelemetry
let wsServerApp = WS.createWSServerApp env mode wsServerEnv -- TODO: Lyndon: Can we pass environment through wsServerEnv?
stopWSServer = WS.stopWSServerApp wsServerEnv
waiApp <- liftWithStateless $ \lowerIO ->
pure $ WSC.websocketsOr WS.defaultConnectionOptions (\ip conn -> lowerIO $ wsServerApp ip conn) spockApp
return $ HasuraApp waiApp schemaCacheRef cacheBuiltTime stopWSServer
getTimeMs :: IO Int64
getTimeMs = (round . (* 1000)) `fmap` getPOSIXTime
initialiseCache :: m (E.PlanCache, SchemaCacheRef)
initialiseCache = do
cacheLock <- liftIO $ newMVar ()
cacheCell <- liftIO $ newIORef (schemaCache, initSchemaCacheVer)
planCache <- liftIO $ E.initPlanCache planCacheOptions
let cacheRef = SchemaCacheRef cacheLock cacheCell (E.clearPlanCache planCache)
pure (planCache, cacheRef)
:: ( HasVersion
, MonadIO m
, MonadBaseControl IO m
, ConsoleRenderer m
, HttpLog m
-- , UserAuthentication m
, UserAuthentication (Tracing.TraceT m)
, MetadataApiAuthorization m
, E.MonadGQLExecutionCheck m
, MonadConfigApiHandler m
, MonadQueryLog m
, Tracing.HasReporter m
, GH.MonadExecuteQuery m
=> CorsConfig
-> ServerCtx
-> Bool
-> Maybe Text
-> Bool
-> Spock.SpockT m ()
httpApp corsCfg serverCtx enableConsole consoleAssetsDir enableTelemetry = do
-- cors middleware
unless (isCorsDisabled corsCfg) $
Spock.middleware $ corsMiddleware (mkDefaultCorsPolicy corsCfg)
-- API Console and Root Dir
when (enableConsole && enableMetadata) serveApiConsole
-- Health check endpoint
Spock.get "healthz" $ do
sc <- getSCFromRef $ scCacheRef serverCtx
dbOk <- liftIO $ _pecCheckHealth $ scPGExecCtx serverCtx
if dbOk
then Spock.setStatus HTTP.status200 >> (Spock.text $ if null (scInconsistentObjs sc)
then "OK"
else "WARN: inconsistent objects in schema")
else Spock.setStatus HTTP.status500 >> Spock.text "ERROR"
Spock.get "v1/version" $ do
setHeader jsonHeader
Spock.lazyBytes $ encode $ object [ "version" .= currentVersion ]
when enableMetadata $ do
Spock.post "v1/graphql/explain" gqlExplainAction
Spock.post "v1alpha1/graphql/explain" gqlExplainAction
Spock.post "v1/query" $ spockAction encodeQErr id $
mkPostHandler $ mkAPIRespHandler v1QueryHandler
Spock.post ("api/1/table" <//> Spock.var <//> Spock.var) $ \tableName queryType ->
mkSpockAction serverCtx encodeQErr id $ mkPostHandler $
mkAPIRespHandler $ legacyQueryHandler (TableName tableName) queryType
when enablePGDump $
Spock.post "v1alpha1/pg_dump" $ spockAction encodeQErr id $
mkPostHandler v1Alpha1PGDumpHandler
when enableConfig $ runConfigApiHandler serverCtx consoleAssetsDir
when enableGraphQL $ do
Spock.post "v1alpha1/graphql" $ spockAction GH.encodeGQErr id $
mkPostHandler $ mkAPIRespHandler $ v1Alpha1GQHandler E.QueryHasura
Spock.post "v1/graphql" $ spockAction GH.encodeGQErr allMod200 $
mkPostHandler $ mkAPIRespHandler v1GQHandler
Spock.post "v1beta1/relay" $ spockAction GH.encodeGQErr allMod200 $
mkPostHandler $ mkAPIRespHandler $ v1GQRelayHandler
when (isDeveloperAPIEnabled serverCtx) $ do
Spock.get "dev/ekg" $ spockAction encodeQErr id $
mkGetHandler $ do
respJ <- liftIO $ EKG.sampleAll $ scEkgStore serverCtx
return $ JSONResp $ HttpResponse (encJFromJValue $ EKG.sampleToJson respJ) []
Spock.get "dev/plan_cache" $ spockAction encodeQErr id $
mkGetHandler $ do
respJ <- liftIO $ E.dumpPlanCache $ scPlanCache serverCtx
return $ JSONResp $ HttpResponse (encJFromJValue respJ) []
Spock.get "dev/subscriptions" $ spockAction encodeQErr id $
mkGetHandler $ do
respJ <- liftIO $ EL.dumpLiveQueriesState False $ scLQState serverCtx
return $ JSONResp $ HttpResponse (encJFromJValue respJ) []
Spock.get "dev/subscriptions/extended" $ spockAction encodeQErr id $
mkGetHandler $ do
respJ <- liftIO $ EL.dumpLiveQueriesState True $ scLQState serverCtx
return $ JSONResp $ HttpResponse (encJFromJValue respJ) []
forM_ [Spock.GET, Spock.POST] $ \m -> Spock.hookAny m $ \_ -> do
req <- Spock.request
let headers = Wai.requestHeaders req
let qErr = err404 NotFound "resource does not exist"
raiseGenericApiError logger headers qErr
logger = scLogger serverCtx
:: (FromJSON a, ToJSON a, MonadIO m, UserAuthentication (Tracing.TraceT m), HttpLog m, Tracing.HasReporter m)
=> (Bool -> QErr -> Value)
-> (QErr -> QErr) -> APIHandler (Tracing.TraceT m) a -> Spock.ActionT m ()
spockAction = mkSpockAction serverCtx
-- all graphql errors should be of type 200
allMod200 qe = qe { qeStatus = HTTP.status200 }
gqlExplainAction = spockAction encodeQErr id $ mkPostHandler $ mkAPIRespHandler gqlExplainHandler
enableGraphQL = isGraphQLEnabled serverCtx
enableMetadata = isMetadataEnabled serverCtx
enablePGDump = isPGDumpEnabled serverCtx
enableConfig = isConfigEnabled serverCtx
serveApiConsole = do
-- redirect / to /console
Spock.get Spock.root $ Spock.redirect "console"
-- serve static files if consoleAssetsDir is set
onJust consoleAssetsDir $ \dir ->
Spock.get ("console/assets" <//> Spock.wildcard) $ \path ->
consoleAssetsHandler logger dir (T.unpack path)
-- serve console html
Spock.get ("console" <//> Spock.wildcard) $ \path -> do
req <- Spock.request
let headers = Wai.requestHeaders req
let authMode = scAuthMode serverCtx
consoleHtml <- lift $ renderConsole path authMode enableTelemetry consoleAssetsDir
either (raiseGenericApiError logger headers . err500 Unexpected . T.pack) Spock.html consoleHtml
:: (MonadIO m, HttpLog m)
=> L.Logger L.Hasura
-> [HTTP.Header]
-> QErr
-> Spock.ActionT m ()
raiseGenericApiError logger headers qErr = do
req <- Spock.request
reqBody <- liftIO $ Wai.strictRequestBody req
reqId <- getRequestId $ Wai.requestHeaders req
lift $ logHttpError logger Nothing reqId req (reqBody, Nothing) qErr headers
setHeader jsonHeader
Spock.setStatus $ qeStatus qErr
Spock.lazyBytes $ encode qErr