2022-09-20 04:01:33 +00:00

283 lines
11 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-}
module Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.API.V0.Expression
( Expression (..),
ExistsInTable (..),
BinaryComparisonOperator (..),
BinaryArrayComparisonOperator (..),
UnaryComparisonOperator (..),
ComparisonColumn (..),
ColumnPath (..),
ComparisonValue (..),
import Autodocodec.Extended
import Autodocodec.OpenAPI ()
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData)
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, ToJSON, Value)
import Data.Data (Data)
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HashMap
import Data.Hashable (Hashable)
import Data.OpenApi (ToSchema)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Tuple.Extra
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.API.V0.Column qualified as API.V0
import Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.API.V0.Relationships qualified as API.V0
import Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.API.V0.Table qualified as API.V0
import Prelude
-- | A serializable representation of binary comparison operators.
data BinaryComparisonOperator
= LessThan
| LessThanOrEqual
| GreaterThan
| GreaterThanOrEqual
| Equal
| CustomBinaryComparisonOperator {getCustomBinaryComparisonOperator :: Text}
deriving stock (Data, Eq, Generic, Ord, Show)
deriving anyclass (Hashable, NFData)
deriving (FromJSON, ToJSON, ToSchema) via Autodocodec BinaryComparisonOperator
instance HasCodec BinaryComparisonOperator where
codec =
named "BinaryComparisonOperator" $
( stringConstCodec
[ (LessThan, "less_than"),
(LessThanOrEqual, "less_than_or_equal"),
(GreaterThan, "greater_than"),
(GreaterThanOrEqual, "greater_than_or_equal"),
(Equal, "equal")
(dimapCodec CustomBinaryComparisonOperator getCustomBinaryComparisonOperator textCodec)
op@CustomBinaryComparisonOperator {} -> Right op
op -> Left op
-- | A serializable representation of binary array comparison operators.
data BinaryArrayComparisonOperator
= In
| CustomBinaryArrayComparisonOperator {getCustomBinaryArrayComparisonOperator :: Text}
deriving stock (Data, Eq, Generic, Ord, Show)
deriving anyclass (Hashable, NFData)
deriving (FromJSON, ToJSON, ToSchema) via Autodocodec BinaryArrayComparisonOperator
instance HasCodec BinaryArrayComparisonOperator where
codec =
named "BinaryArrayComparisonOperator" $
( stringConstCodec
[ (In, "in")
(dimapCodec CustomBinaryArrayComparisonOperator getCustomBinaryArrayComparisonOperator textCodec)
op@CustomBinaryArrayComparisonOperator {} -> Right op
op -> Left op
-- | A serializable representation of unary comparison operators.
data UnaryComparisonOperator
= IsNull
| CustomUnaryComparisonOperator {getCustomUnaryComparisonOperator :: Text}
deriving stock (Data, Eq, Generic, Ord, Show)
deriving anyclass (Hashable, NFData)
deriving (FromJSON, ToJSON, ToSchema) via Autodocodec UnaryComparisonOperator
instance HasCodec UnaryComparisonOperator where
codec =
named "UnaryComparisonOperator" $
( stringConstCodec
[ (IsNull, "is_null")
(dimapCodec CustomUnaryComparisonOperator getCustomUnaryComparisonOperator textCodec)
op@CustomUnaryComparisonOperator {} -> Right op
op -> Left op
-- | A serializable representation of query expressions.
data Expression
= And [Expression]
| Or [Expression]
| Not Expression
| Exists ExistsInTable Expression
| ApplyBinaryComparisonOperator BinaryComparisonOperator ComparisonColumn ComparisonValue
| ApplyBinaryArrayComparisonOperator BinaryArrayComparisonOperator ComparisonColumn [Value]
| ApplyUnaryComparisonOperator UnaryComparisonOperator ComparisonColumn
deriving stock (Data, Eq, Generic, Ord, Show)
deriving anyclass (Hashable, NFData)
deriving (FromJSON, ToJSON, ToSchema) via Autodocodec Expression
instance HasCodec Expression where
codec =
named "Expression" $
object "Expression" $
discriminatedUnionCodec "type" enc dec
expressionsCodec = requiredField' "expressions"
expressionCodec = requiredField' "expression"
existsCodec =
<$> requiredField' "in_table" .= fst
<*> requiredField' "where" .= snd
binaryOperatorCodec =
<$> requiredField' "operator" .= fst3
<*> requiredField' "column" .= snd3
<*> requiredField' "value" .= thd3
binaryArrayOperatorCodec =
<$> requiredField' "operator" .= fst3
<*> requiredField' "column" .= snd3
<*> requiredField' "values" .= thd3
unaryOperatorCodec =
<$> requiredField' "operator" .= fst
<*> requiredField' "column" .= snd
enc = \case
And expressions -> ("and", mapToEncoder expressions expressionsCodec)
Or expressions -> ("or", mapToEncoder expressions expressionsCodec)
Not expression -> ("not", mapToEncoder expression expressionCodec)
Exists inTable where' ->
("exists", mapToEncoder (inTable, where') existsCodec)
ApplyBinaryComparisonOperator o c v ->
("binary_op", mapToEncoder (o, c, v) binaryOperatorCodec)
ApplyBinaryArrayComparisonOperator o c vs ->
("binary_arr_op", mapToEncoder (o, c, vs) binaryArrayOperatorCodec)
ApplyUnaryComparisonOperator o c ->
("unary_op", mapToEncoder (o, c) unaryOperatorCodec)
dec =
[ ("and", ("AndExpression", mapToDecoder And expressionsCodec)),
("or", ("OrExpression", mapToDecoder Or expressionsCodec)),
("not", ("NotExpression", mapToDecoder Not expressionCodec)),
( "exists",
( "ExistsExpression",
mapToDecoder (uncurry Exists) existsCodec
( "binary_op",
( "ApplyBinaryComparisonOperator",
mapToDecoder (uncurry3 ApplyBinaryComparisonOperator) binaryOperatorCodec
( "binary_arr_op",
( "ApplyBinaryArrayComparisonOperator",
mapToDecoder (uncurry3 ApplyBinaryArrayComparisonOperator) binaryArrayOperatorCodec
( "unary_op",
( "ApplyUnaryComparisonOperator",
mapToDecoder (uncurry ApplyUnaryComparisonOperator) unaryOperatorCodec
-- | Which table should be subqueried to satisfy the 'Exists' expression
data ExistsInTable
= -- | The table is the one found by navigating the specified relationship
-- from the current table
RelatedTable API.V0.RelationshipName
| -- | The table is completely unrelated to the current table (ie no join
-- between the current table and the specified table should be performed
-- and the whole of the specified table would be subqueried)
UnrelatedTable API.V0.TableName
deriving stock (Data, Eq, Generic, Ord, Show)
deriving anyclass (Hashable, NFData)
deriving (FromJSON, ToJSON, ToSchema) via Autodocodec ExistsInTable
instance HasCodec ExistsInTable where
codec = named "ExistsInTable" . object "ExistsInTable" $ discriminatedUnionCodec "type" enc dec
relatedTableCodec = requiredField' "relationship"
unrelatedTableCodec = requiredField' "table"
enc = \case
RelatedTable relationship -> ("related", mapToEncoder relationship relatedTableCodec)
UnrelatedTable tableName -> ("unrelated", mapToEncoder tableName unrelatedTableCodec)
dec =
[ ("related", ("RelatedTable", mapToDecoder RelatedTable relatedTableCodec)),
("unrelated", ("UnrelatedTable", mapToDecoder UnrelatedTable unrelatedTableCodec))
-- | Specifies a particular column to use in a comparison via its path and name
data ComparisonColumn = ComparisonColumn
{ -- | The path to the table that contains the specified column.
_ccPath :: ColumnPath,
-- | The name of the column
_ccName :: API.V0.ColumnName
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, Data)
deriving (FromJSON, ToJSON, ToSchema) via Autodocodec ComparisonColumn
deriving anyclass (Hashable, NFData)
instance HasCodec ComparisonColumn where
codec =
object "ComparisonColumn" $
<$> optionalFieldWithOmittedDefault "path" CurrentTable "The path to the table that contains the specified column. Missing or empty array means the current table. [\"$\"] means the query table. No other values are supported at this time." .= _ccPath
<*> requiredField "name" "The name of the column" .= _ccName
-- | Describes what table a column is located on. This may either be the "current" table
-- (which would be query table, or the table specified by the closest ancestor 'Exists'
-- expression), or the query table (meaning the table being queried by the 'Query' which
-- the current 'Expression' is from)
-- This currently encodes to @[]@ or @["$"]@ in JSON. This format has been chosen to ensure
-- that if we want to extend the pathing to allow navigation of table relationships by
-- turning this type into a list of path components, we can do that without breaking the
-- JSON format. The JSON format also aligns with how HGE encodes this concept in @_ceq@ etc
-- operators in the permissions system.
data ColumnPath
= CurrentTable
| QueryTable
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, Data)
deriving (FromJSON, ToJSON, ToSchema) via Autodocodec ColumnPath
deriving anyclass (Hashable, NFData)
instance HasCodec ColumnPath where
codec = bimapCodec decode encode codec
decode :: [Text] -> Either String ColumnPath
decode = \case
[] -> Right CurrentTable
["$"] -> Right QueryTable
_otherwise -> Left "Invalid ColumnPath"
encode :: ColumnPath -> [Text]
encode = \case
CurrentTable -> []
QueryTable -> ["$"]
-- | A serializable representation of comparison values used in comparisons inside 'Expression's.
data ComparisonValue
= -- | Allows a comparison to a column on the current table or another table
AnotherColumn ComparisonColumn
| ScalarValue Value
deriving stock (Data, Eq, Generic, Ord, Show)
deriving anyclass (Hashable, NFData)
deriving (FromJSON, ToJSON, ToSchema) via Autodocodec ComparisonValue
instance HasCodec ComparisonValue where
codec =
object "ComparisonValue" $
discriminatedUnionCodec "type" enc dec
columnCodec = requiredField' "column"
scalarValueCodec = requiredField' "value"
enc = \case
AnotherColumn c -> ("column", mapToEncoder c columnCodec)
ScalarValue v -> ("scalar", mapToEncoder v scalarValueCodec)
dec =
[ ("column", ("AnotherColumnComparison", mapToDecoder AnotherColumn columnCodec)),
("scalar", ("ScalarValueComparison", mapToDecoder ScalarValue scalarValueCodec))