mirror of
synced 2025-01-05 14:27:59 +03:00
PR-URL: https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/9858 GitOrigin-RevId: 11eab0ec6383871792a1e7bf3c7ebaed3be53f90
685 lines
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685 lines
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-- | The RQL metadata query ('/v1/metadata')
module Hasura.Server.API.Metadata
( RQLMetadata,
RQLMetadataV1 (..),
import Control.Lens (_Just)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl)
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Environment qualified as Env
import Data.Has (Has)
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HashMap
import Data.Text qualified as T
import GHC.Generics.Extended (constrName)
import Hasura.App.State
import Hasura.Base.Error
import Hasura.EncJSON
import Hasura.Eventing.Backend
import Hasura.Function.API qualified as Functions
import Hasura.GraphQL.Transport.WebSocket qualified as WS
import Hasura.Logging qualified as L
import Hasura.LogicalModel.API qualified as LogicalModel
import Hasura.Metadata.Class
import Hasura.NativeQuery.API qualified as NativeQueries
import Hasura.Prelude hiding (first)
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Action
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Action.Lenses (caDefinition, uaDefinition)
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.ApiLimit
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.ComputedField
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.ConnectionTemplate
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.CustomTypes
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.DataConnector
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Endpoint
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.EventTrigger
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.GraphqlSchemaIntrospection
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.InheritedRoles
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Metadata
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Network
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.OpenTelemetry
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Permission
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.QueryCollection
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.QueryTags
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Relationship
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Relationship.Rename
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Relationship.Suggest
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.RemoteRelationship
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.ScheduledTrigger
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Cache.Config
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Source
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.SourceKinds
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Webhook.Transform.Validation
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Action
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Common
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Metadata (Metadata, MetadataModifier (MetadataModifier), emptyMetadataDefaults)
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Metadata.Backend
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Metadata.Object (MetadataObjId)
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Permission
import Hasura.RQL.Types.ScheduledTrigger
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Schema.Options qualified as Options
import Hasura.RQL.Types.SchemaCache
import Hasura.RQL.Types.SchemaCache.Build
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Source
import Hasura.RemoteSchema.MetadataAPI
import Hasura.SQL.AnyBackend
import Hasura.Server.API.Instances ()
import Hasura.Server.API.Metadata.Instances ()
import Hasura.Server.API.Metadata.Types
import Hasura.Server.Init.FeatureFlag (HasFeatureFlagChecker)
import Hasura.Server.Logging (SchemaSyncLog (..), SchemaSyncThreadType (TTMetadataApi))
import Hasura.Server.Types
import Hasura.Services
import Hasura.Session
import Hasura.StoredProcedure.API qualified as StoredProcedures
import Hasura.Tracing qualified as Tracing
-- | The payload for the @/v1/metadata@ endpoint. See:
-- https://hasura.io/docs/latest/graphql/core/api-reference/metadata-api/index/
data RQLMetadata = RQLMetadata
{ _rqlMetadataResourceVersion :: !(Maybe MetadataResourceVersion),
_rqlMetadata :: !RQLMetadataRequest
instance FromJSON RQLMetadata where
parseJSON = withObject "RQLMetadata" $ \o -> do
_rqlMetadataResourceVersion <- o .:? "resource_version"
_rqlMetadata <- parseJSON $ Object o
pure RQLMetadata {..}
runMetadataQuery ::
( MonadIO m,
MonadError QErr m,
MonadBaseControl IO m,
HasAppEnv m,
HasCacheStaticConfig m,
HasFeatureFlagChecker m,
Tracing.MonadTrace m,
MonadMetadataStorage m,
MonadResolveSource m,
MonadEventLogCleanup m,
ProvidesHasuraServices m,
MonadGetPolicies m,
UserInfoM m
) =>
AppContext ->
RebuildableSchemaCache ->
WS.WebsocketCloseOnMetadataChangeAction ->
RQLMetadata ->
m (EncJSON, RebuildableSchemaCache)
runMetadataQuery appContext schemaCache closeWebsocketsOnMetadataChange RQLMetadata {..} = do
AppEnv {..} <- askAppEnv
let logger = _lsLogger appEnvLoggers
MetadataWithResourceVersion metadata currentResourceVersion <- Tracing.newSpan "fetchMetadata" $ liftEitherM fetchMetadata
let exportsMetadata = \case
RMV1 (RMExportMetadata _) -> True
RMV2 (RMV2ExportMetadata _) -> True
_ -> False
metadataDefaults =
-- Note: The following check is performed to determine if the metadata defaults can
-- be safely merged into the reader at this point.
-- We want to prevent scenarios:
-- \* Exporting defaults - Contradicting the "roundtrip" principle of metadata operations
-- \* Serializing defaults into the metadata storage - Putting data into the users hdb_catalog
-- While this check does have the desired effect it relies on the fact that the only
-- operations that need access to the defaults here do not export or modify metadata.
-- If at some point in future an operation needs access to the defaults and also needs to
-- export/modify metadata, then another approach will need to be taken.
-- Luckily, most actual need for defaults access exists within the schema cache build phase,
-- so metadata operations don't need "smarts" that require defaults access.
if (exportsMetadata _rqlMetadata || queryModifiesMetadata _rqlMetadata)
then emptyMetadataDefaults
else acMetadataDefaults appContext
let dynamicConfig = buildCacheDynamicConfig appContext
((r, modMetadata), modSchemaCache, cacheInvalidations, sourcesIntrospection, schemaRegistryAction) <-
(acEnvironment appContext)
(acRemoteSchemaPermsCtx appContext)
-- TODO: remove this straight runReaderT that provides no actual new info
& flip runReaderT logger
& runMetadataT metadata metadataDefaults
& runCacheRWT dynamicConfig schemaCache
-- set modified metadata in storage
if queryModifiesMetadata _rqlMetadata
then case (appEnvEnableMaintenanceMode, appEnvEnableReadOnlyMode) of
(MaintenanceModeDisabled, ReadOnlyModeDisabled) -> do
-- set modified metadata in storage
L.unLogger logger
$ SchemaSyncLog L.LevelInfo TTMetadataApi
$ String
$ "Attempting to insert new metadata in storage"
newResourceVersion <-
Tracing.newSpan "setMetadata"
$ liftEitherM
$ setMetadata (fromMaybe currentResourceVersion _rqlMetadataResourceVersion) modMetadata
L.unLogger logger
$ SchemaSyncLog L.LevelInfo TTMetadataApi
$ String
$ "Successfully inserted new metadata in storage with resource version: "
<> showMetadataResourceVersion newResourceVersion
-- save sources introspection to stored-introspection DB
Tracing.newSpan "storeSourcesIntrospection"
$ saveSourcesIntrospection logger sourcesIntrospection newResourceVersion
-- run the schema registry action
Tracing.newSpan "runSchemaRegistryAction"
$ for_ schemaRegistryAction
$ \action -> do
liftIO $ action newResourceVersion (scInconsistentObjs (lastBuiltSchemaCache modSchemaCache))
-- notify schema cache sync
Tracing.newSpan "notifySchemaCacheSync"
$ liftEitherM
$ notifySchemaCacheSync newResourceVersion appEnvInstanceId cacheInvalidations
L.unLogger logger
$ SchemaSyncLog L.LevelInfo TTMetadataApi
$ String
$ "Inserted schema cache sync notification at resource version:"
<> showMetadataResourceVersion newResourceVersion
(_, modSchemaCache', _, _, _) <-
Tracing.newSpan "setMetadataResourceVersionInSchemaCache"
$ setMetadataResourceVersionInSchemaCache newResourceVersion
& runCacheRWT dynamicConfig modSchemaCache
-- Close all subscriptions with 1012 code (subscribers should reconnect)
-- and close poller threads
when ((_cdcCloseWebsocketsOnMetadataChangeStatus dynamicConfig) == CWMCEnabled)
$ Tracing.newSpan "closeWebsocketsOnMetadataChange"
$ liftIO
$ WS.runWebsocketCloseOnMetadataChangeAction closeWebsocketsOnMetadataChange
pure (r, modSchemaCache')
(MaintenanceModeEnabled (), ReadOnlyModeDisabled) ->
throw500 "metadata cannot be modified in maintenance mode"
(MaintenanceModeDisabled, ReadOnlyModeEnabled) ->
throw400 NotSupported "metadata cannot be modified in read-only mode"
(MaintenanceModeEnabled (), ReadOnlyModeEnabled) ->
throw500 "metadata cannot be modified in maintenance mode"
else pure (r, modSchemaCache)
queryModifiesMetadata :: RQLMetadataRequest -> Bool
queryModifiesMetadata = \case
RMV1 q ->
case q of
RMRedeliverEvent _ -> False
RMInvokeEventTrigger _ -> False
RMGetEventLogs _ -> False
RMGetEventInvocationLogs _ -> False
RMGetEventById _ -> False
RMGetInconsistentMetadata _ -> False
RMIntrospectRemoteSchema _ -> False
RMDumpInternalState _ -> False
RMSetCatalogState _ -> False
RMGetCatalogState _ -> False
RMExportMetadata _ -> False
RMGetScheduledEventInvocations _ -> False
RMGetCronTriggers -> False
RMGetScheduledEvents _ -> False
RMCreateScheduledEvent _ -> False
RMDeleteScheduledEvent _ -> False
RMTestWebhookTransform _ -> False
RMGetSourceKindCapabilities _ -> False
RMListSourceKinds _ -> False
RMGetSourceTables _ -> False
RMGetSourceTrackables _ -> False
RMGetTableInfo _ -> False
RMGetTableInfo_ _ -> False
RMTestConnectionTemplate _ -> False
RMSuggestRelationships _ -> False
RMGetNativeQuery _ -> False
RMTrackNativeQuery _ -> True
RMUntrackNativeQuery _ -> True
RMGetStoredProcedure _ -> False
RMTrackStoredProcedure _ -> True
RMUntrackStoredProcedure _ -> True
RMGetLogicalModel _ -> False
RMTrackLogicalModel _ -> True
RMUntrackLogicalModel _ -> True
RMCreateSelectLogicalModelPermission _ -> True
RMDropSelectLogicalModelPermission _ -> True
RMBulk qs -> any queryModifiesMetadata qs
RMBulkKeepGoing qs -> any queryModifiesMetadata qs
RMBulkAtomic qs -> any queryModifiesMetadata qs
-- We used to assume that the fallthrough was True,
-- but it is better to be explicit here to warn when new constructors are added.
RMAddSource _ -> True
RMDropSource _ -> True
RMRenameSource _ -> True
RMUpdateSource _ -> True
RMTrackTable _ -> True
RMTrackTables _ -> True
RMUntrackTable _ -> True
RMUntrackTables _ -> True
RMSetTableCustomization _ -> True
RMSetApolloFederationConfig _ -> True
RMPgSetTableIsEnum _ -> True
RMCreateInsertPermission _ -> True
RMCreateSelectPermission _ -> True
RMCreateUpdatePermission _ -> True
RMCreateDeletePermission _ -> True
RMDropInsertPermission _ -> True
RMDropSelectPermission _ -> True
RMDropUpdatePermission _ -> True
RMDropDeletePermission _ -> True
RMSetPermissionComment _ -> True
RMCreateObjectRelationship _ -> True
RMCreateArrayRelationship _ -> True
RMDropRelationship _ -> True
RMSetRelationshipComment _ -> True
RMRenameRelationship _ -> True
RMCreateRemoteRelationship _ -> True
RMUpdateRemoteRelationship _ -> True
RMDeleteRemoteRelationship _ -> True
RMTrackFunction _ -> True
RMUntrackFunction _ -> True
RMSetFunctionCustomization _ -> True
RMCreateFunctionPermission _ -> True
RMDropFunctionPermission _ -> True
RMAddComputedField _ -> True
RMDropComputedField _ -> True
RMCreateEventTrigger _ -> True
RMDeleteEventTrigger _ -> True
RMCleanupEventTriggerLog _ -> True
RMResumeEventTriggerCleanup _ -> True
RMPauseEventTriggerCleanup _ -> True
RMAddRemoteSchema _ -> True
RMUpdateRemoteSchema _ -> True
RMRemoveRemoteSchema _ -> True
RMReloadRemoteSchema _ -> True
RMAddRemoteSchemaPermissions _ -> True
RMDropRemoteSchemaPermissions _ -> True
RMCreateRemoteSchemaRemoteRelationship _ -> True
RMUpdateRemoteSchemaRemoteRelationship _ -> True
RMDeleteRemoteSchemaRemoteRelationship _ -> True
RMCreateCronTrigger _ -> True
RMDeleteCronTrigger _ -> True
RMCreateAction _ -> True
RMDropAction _ -> True
RMUpdateAction _ -> True
RMCreateActionPermission _ -> True
RMDropActionPermission _ -> True
RMCreateQueryCollection _ -> True
RMRenameQueryCollection _ -> True
RMDropQueryCollection _ -> True
RMAddQueryToCollection _ -> True
RMDropQueryFromCollection _ -> True
RMAddCollectionToAllowlist _ -> True
RMDropCollectionFromAllowlist _ -> True
RMUpdateScopeOfCollectionInAllowlist _ -> True
RMCreateRestEndpoint _ -> True
RMDropRestEndpoint _ -> True
RMDCAddAgent _ -> True
RMDCDeleteAgent _ -> True
RMSetCustomTypes _ -> True
RMSetApiLimits _ -> True
RMRemoveApiLimits -> True
RMSetMetricsConfig _ -> True
RMRemoveMetricsConfig -> True
RMAddInheritedRole _ -> True
RMDropInheritedRole _ -> True
RMReplaceMetadata _ -> True
RMClearMetadata _ -> True
RMReloadMetadata _ -> True
RMDropInconsistentMetadata _ -> True
RMSetGraphqlSchemaIntrospectionOptions _ -> True
RMAddHostToTLSAllowlist _ -> True
RMDropHostFromTLSAllowlist _ -> True
RMSetQueryTagsConfig _ -> True
RMSetOpenTelemetryConfig _ -> True
RMSetOpenTelemetryStatus _ -> True
RMV2 q ->
case q of
RMV2ExportMetadata _ -> False
_ -> True
runMetadataQueryM ::
( MonadIO m,
MonadBaseControl IO m,
CacheRWM m,
Tracing.MonadTrace m,
UserInfoM m,
MetadataM m,
MonadMetadataStorage m,
MonadReader r m,
Has (L.Logger L.Hasura) r,
MonadError QErr m,
MonadEventLogCleanup m,
ProvidesHasuraServices m,
MonadGetPolicies m,
HasFeatureFlagChecker m
) =>
Env.Environment ->
CheckFeatureFlag ->
Options.RemoteSchemaPermissions ->
MetadataResourceVersion ->
RQLMetadataRequest ->
runMetadataQueryM env checkFeatureFlag remoteSchemaPerms currentResourceVersion =
withPathK "args" . \case
-- NOTE: This is a good place to install tracing, since it's involved in
-- the recursive case via "bulk":
RMV1 q ->
Tracing.newSpan ("v1 " <> T.pack (constrName q))
$ runMetadataQueryV1M env checkFeatureFlag remoteSchemaPerms currentResourceVersion q
RMV2 q ->
Tracing.newSpan ("v2 " <> T.pack (constrName q))
$ runMetadataQueryV2M currentResourceVersion q
runMetadataQueryV1M ::
forall m r.
( MonadIO m,
MonadBaseControl IO m,
CacheRWM m,
Tracing.MonadTrace m,
UserInfoM m,
MetadataM m,
MonadMetadataStorage m,
MonadReader r m,
Has (L.Logger L.Hasura) r,
MonadError QErr m,
MonadEventLogCleanup m,
ProvidesHasuraServices m,
MonadGetPolicies m,
HasFeatureFlagChecker m
) =>
Env.Environment ->
CheckFeatureFlag ->
Options.RemoteSchemaPermissions ->
MetadataResourceVersion ->
RQLMetadataV1 ->
runMetadataQueryV1M env checkFeatureFlag remoteSchemaPerms currentResourceVersion = \case
RMAddSource q -> dispatchMetadata (runAddSource env) q
RMDropSource q -> runDropSource q
RMRenameSource q -> runRenameSource q
RMUpdateSource q -> dispatchMetadata runUpdateSource q
RMListSourceKinds q -> runListSourceKinds q
RMGetSourceKindCapabilities q -> runGetSourceKindCapabilities q
RMGetSourceTables q -> dispatchMetadata runGetSourceTables q
RMGetSourceTrackables q -> dispatchMetadata runGetSourceTrackables q
RMGetTableInfo q -> dispatchMetadata runGetTableInfo q
RMGetTableInfo_ q -> runGetTableInfo_ q
RMTrackTable q -> dispatchMetadata runTrackTableV2Q q
RMTrackTables q -> dispatchMetadata runTrackTablesQ q
RMUntrackTable q -> dispatchMetadataAndEventTrigger runUntrackTableQ q
RMUntrackTables q -> dispatchMetadataAndEventTrigger runUntrackTablesQ q
RMSetFunctionCustomization q -> dispatchMetadata Functions.runSetFunctionCustomization q
RMSetTableCustomization q -> dispatchMetadata runSetTableCustomization q
RMSetApolloFederationConfig q -> dispatchMetadata runSetApolloFederationConfig q
RMPgSetTableIsEnum q -> dispatchMetadata runSetExistingTableIsEnumQ q
RMCreateInsertPermission q -> dispatchMetadata runCreatePerm q
RMCreateSelectPermission q -> dispatchMetadata runCreatePerm q
RMCreateUpdatePermission q -> dispatchMetadata runCreatePerm q
RMCreateDeletePermission q -> dispatchMetadata runCreatePerm q
RMDropInsertPermission q -> dispatchMetadata (runDropPerm PTInsert) q
RMDropSelectPermission q -> dispatchMetadata (runDropPerm PTSelect) q
RMDropUpdatePermission q -> dispatchMetadata (runDropPerm PTUpdate) q
RMDropDeletePermission q -> dispatchMetadata (runDropPerm PTDelete) q
RMSetPermissionComment q -> dispatchMetadata runSetPermComment q
RMCreateObjectRelationship q -> dispatchMetadata (runCreateRelationship ObjRel . unCreateObjRel) q
RMCreateArrayRelationship q -> dispatchMetadata (runCreateRelationship ArrRel . unCreateArrRel) q
RMDropRelationship q -> dispatchMetadata runDropRel q
RMSetRelationshipComment q -> dispatchMetadata runSetRelComment q
RMRenameRelationship q -> dispatchMetadata runRenameRel q
RMSuggestRelationships q -> dispatchMetadata runSuggestRels q
RMCreateRemoteRelationship q -> dispatchMetadata runCreateRemoteRelationship q
RMUpdateRemoteRelationship q -> dispatchMetadata runUpdateRemoteRelationship q
RMDeleteRemoteRelationship q -> dispatchMetadata runDeleteRemoteRelationship q
RMTrackFunction q -> dispatchMetadata Functions.runTrackFunctionV2 q
RMUntrackFunction q -> dispatchMetadata Functions.runUntrackFunc q
RMCreateFunctionPermission q -> dispatchMetadata Functions.runCreateFunctionPermission q
RMDropFunctionPermission q -> dispatchMetadata Functions.runDropFunctionPermission q
RMAddComputedField q -> dispatchMetadata runAddComputedField q
RMDropComputedField q -> dispatchMetadata runDropComputedField q
RMTestConnectionTemplate q -> dispatchMetadata runTestConnectionTemplate q
RMGetNativeQuery q -> dispatchMetadata NativeQueries.runGetNativeQuery q
RMTrackNativeQuery q -> dispatchMetadata (runSingleExec NativeQueries.execTrackNativeQuery) q
RMUntrackNativeQuery q -> dispatchMetadata (runSingleExec NativeQueries.execUntrackNativeQuery) q
RMGetStoredProcedure q -> dispatchMetadata StoredProcedures.runGetStoredProcedure q
RMTrackStoredProcedure q -> dispatchMetadata StoredProcedures.runTrackStoredProcedure q
RMUntrackStoredProcedure q -> dispatchMetadata StoredProcedures.runUntrackStoredProcedure q
RMGetLogicalModel q -> dispatchMetadata LogicalModel.runGetLogicalModel q
RMTrackLogicalModel q -> dispatchMetadata (runSingleExec LogicalModel.execTrackLogicalModel) q
RMUntrackLogicalModel q -> dispatchMetadata (runSingleExec LogicalModel.execUntrackLogicalModel) q
RMCreateSelectLogicalModelPermission q -> dispatchMetadata LogicalModel.runCreateSelectLogicalModelPermission q
RMDropSelectLogicalModelPermission q -> dispatchMetadata LogicalModel.runDropSelectLogicalModelPermission q
RMCreateEventTrigger q ->
( validateTransforms
(unUnvalidate1 . cetqRequestTransform . _Just)
(unUnvalidate1 . cetqResponseTrasnform . _Just)
(runCreateEventTriggerQuery . _unUnvalidate1)
RMDeleteEventTrigger q -> dispatchMetadataAndEventTrigger runDeleteEventTriggerQuery q
RMRedeliverEvent q -> dispatchEventTrigger runRedeliverEvent q
RMInvokeEventTrigger q -> dispatchEventTrigger runInvokeEventTrigger q
RMCleanupEventTriggerLog q -> runCleanupEventTriggerLog q
RMResumeEventTriggerCleanup q -> runEventTriggerResumeCleanup q
RMPauseEventTriggerCleanup q -> runEventTriggerPauseCleanup q
RMGetEventLogs q -> dispatchEventTrigger runGetEventLogs q
RMGetEventInvocationLogs q -> dispatchEventTrigger runGetEventInvocationLogs q
RMGetEventById q -> dispatchEventTrigger runGetEventById q
RMAddRemoteSchema q -> runAddRemoteSchema env q
RMUpdateRemoteSchema q -> runUpdateRemoteSchema env q
RMRemoveRemoteSchema q -> runRemoveRemoteSchema q
RMReloadRemoteSchema q -> runReloadRemoteSchema q
RMIntrospectRemoteSchema q -> runIntrospectRemoteSchema q
RMAddRemoteSchemaPermissions q -> runAddRemoteSchemaPermissions remoteSchemaPerms q
RMDropRemoteSchemaPermissions q -> runDropRemoteSchemaPermissions q
RMCreateRemoteSchemaRemoteRelationship q -> runCreateRemoteSchemaRemoteRelationship q
RMUpdateRemoteSchemaRemoteRelationship q -> runUpdateRemoteSchemaRemoteRelationship q
RMDeleteRemoteSchemaRemoteRelationship q -> runDeleteRemoteSchemaRemoteRelationship q
RMCreateCronTrigger q ->
(unUnvalidate . cctRequestTransform . _Just)
(unUnvalidate . cctResponseTransform . _Just)
(runCreateCronTrigger . _unUnvalidate)
RMDeleteCronTrigger q -> runDeleteCronTrigger q
RMCreateScheduledEvent q -> runCreateScheduledEvent q
RMDeleteScheduledEvent q -> runDeleteScheduledEvent q
RMGetScheduledEvents q -> runGetScheduledEvents q
RMGetScheduledEventInvocations q -> runGetScheduledEventInvocations q
RMGetCronTriggers -> runGetCronTriggers
RMCreateAction q ->
(unUnvalidate . caDefinition . adRequestTransform . _Just)
(unUnvalidate . caDefinition . adResponseTransform . _Just)
(runCreateAction . _unUnvalidate)
RMDropAction q -> runDropAction q
RMUpdateAction q ->
(unUnvalidate . uaDefinition . adRequestTransform . _Just)
(unUnvalidate . uaDefinition . adResponseTransform . _Just)
(runUpdateAction . _unUnvalidate)
RMCreateActionPermission q -> runCreateActionPermission q
RMDropActionPermission q -> runDropActionPermission q
RMCreateQueryCollection q -> runCreateCollection q
RMRenameQueryCollection q -> runRenameCollection q
RMDropQueryCollection q -> runDropCollection q
RMAddQueryToCollection q -> runAddQueryToCollection q
RMDropQueryFromCollection q -> runDropQueryFromCollection q
RMAddCollectionToAllowlist q -> runAddCollectionToAllowlist q
RMDropCollectionFromAllowlist q -> runDropCollectionFromAllowlist q
RMUpdateScopeOfCollectionInAllowlist q -> runUpdateScopeOfCollectionInAllowlist q
RMCreateRestEndpoint q -> runCreateEndpoint q
RMDropRestEndpoint q -> runDropEndpoint q
RMDCAddAgent q -> runAddDataConnectorAgent q
RMDCDeleteAgent q -> runDeleteDataConnectorAgent q
RMSetCustomTypes q -> runSetCustomTypes q
RMSetApiLimits q -> runSetApiLimits q
RMRemoveApiLimits -> runRemoveApiLimits
RMSetMetricsConfig q -> runSetMetricsConfig q
RMRemoveMetricsConfig -> runRemoveMetricsConfig
RMAddInheritedRole q -> runAddInheritedRole q
RMDropInheritedRole q -> runDropInheritedRole q
RMReplaceMetadata q -> runReplaceMetadata q
RMExportMetadata q -> runExportMetadata q
RMClearMetadata q -> runClearMetadata q
RMReloadMetadata q -> runReloadMetadata q
RMGetInconsistentMetadata q -> runGetInconsistentMetadata q
RMDropInconsistentMetadata q -> runDropInconsistentMetadata q
RMSetGraphqlSchemaIntrospectionOptions q -> runSetGraphqlSchemaIntrospectionOptions q
RMAddHostToTLSAllowlist q -> runAddHostToTLSAllowlist q
RMDropHostFromTLSAllowlist q -> runDropHostFromTLSAllowlist q
RMDumpInternalState q -> runDumpInternalState q
RMGetCatalogState q -> runGetCatalogState q
RMSetCatalogState q -> runSetCatalogState q
RMTestWebhookTransform q ->
(unUnvalidate . twtRequestTransformer)
(unUnvalidate . twtResponseTransformer . _Just)
(runTestWebhookTransform . _unUnvalidate)
RMSetQueryTagsConfig q -> runSetQueryTagsConfig q
RMSetOpenTelemetryConfig q -> runSetOpenTelemetryConfig q
RMSetOpenTelemetryStatus q -> runSetOpenTelemetryStatus q
RMBulk q -> encJFromList <$> indexedMapM (runMetadataQueryM env checkFeatureFlag remoteSchemaPerms currentResourceVersion) q
RMBulkKeepGoing commands -> do
results <-
commands & indexedMapM \command ->
runMetadataQueryM env checkFeatureFlag remoteSchemaPerms currentResourceVersion command
-- Because changes to the metadata are maintained in MetadataT, which is a state monad
-- that is layered above the QErr error monad, this catchError causes any changes to
-- the metadata made during running the failed API function to be rolled back
`catchError` \qerr -> pure (encJFromJValue qerr)
pure (encJFromList results)
RMBulkAtomic commands -> runBulkAtomic commands
dispatchEventTrigger :: (forall b. (BackendEventTrigger b) => i b -> a) -> AnyBackend i -> a
dispatchEventTrigger f x = dispatchAnyBackend @BackendEventTrigger x f
dispatchMetadataAndEventTrigger ::
(forall b. (BackendMetadata b, BackendEventTrigger b) => i b -> a) ->
AnyBackend i ->
dispatchMetadataAndEventTrigger f x = dispatchAnyBackendWithTwoConstraints @BackendMetadata @BackendEventTrigger x f
dispatchMetadata ::
(forall b. (BackendMetadata b) => i b -> a) ->
AnyBackend i ->
dispatchMetadata f x = dispatchAnyBackend @BackendMetadata x f
-- | the atomic commands work slightly differently
-- each one just returns the metadata modifier, we then chain them all and
-- run the schema cache validation once. This allows us to combine drop and
-- re-add commands to do edits, or add two interdependent items at once.
runBulkAtomic ::
forall m.
( HasFeatureFlagChecker m,
MonadError QErr m,
CacheRWM m,
MetadataM m
) =>
[RQLMetadataRequest] ->
runBulkAtomic cmds = do
-- get the metadata modifiers for all our commands
(mdModifiers :: [Metadata -> m Metadata]) <- do
(mods :: [Metadata -> m MetadataModifier]) <- traverse getMetadataModifierForCommand cmds
$ map
( \checker metadata -> do
MetadataModifier modifier <- checker metadata
pure $ modifier metadata
-- Try building the schema cache using the combined modifiers. If we run into
-- any inconsistencies, we should fail and roll back.
inconsistencies <- tryBuildSchemaCacheWithModifiers mdModifiers
unless (null inconsistencies)
$ throw400WithDetail BadRequest "Schema inconsistency"
$ toJSON (HashMap.elems inconsistencies)
pure successMsg
forgetMetadataObjId ::
(command -> Metadata -> m (MetadataObjId, MetadataModifier)) ->
command ->
Metadata ->
m MetadataModifier
forgetMetadataObjId f x y = fmap snd (f x y)
getMetadataModifierForCommand :: RQLMetadataRequest -> m (Metadata -> m MetadataModifier)
getMetadataModifierForCommand = \case
RMV1 v -> case v of
-- Whoa there, cowboy! Chances are you're here to add table tracking to
-- the list of things that bulk_atomic can do. Before you do that,
-- though, there is a big, particularly-Citus-shaped problem you might
-- need to consider:
-- \* There are specific validation rules around how Citus handles
-- relationships (see 'validateRel' in 'PostgresMetadata'), which
-- will either need to be deferred until the end of the bulk /or/
-- moved to the schema cache.
-- \* This would also introduce the possibility of a table state that is
-- eventually consistent but currently inconsistent: I add table X, a
-- relationship between X and Y, and then I add table Y. Currently,
-- this can't be done, so all validation checks in
-- 'execCreateRelationship' and 'execDropRelationship' remain as they
-- are in the @run@ versions.
RMCreateObjectRelationship q -> pure $ dispatchMetadata (forgetMetadataObjId $ execCreateRelationship ObjRel . unCreateObjRel) q
RMCreateArrayRelationship q -> pure $ dispatchMetadata (forgetMetadataObjId $ execCreateRelationship ArrRel . unCreateArrRel) q
RMDropRelationship q -> pure $ dispatchMetadata (const . execDropRel) q
RMDeleteRemoteRelationship q -> pure $ dispatchMetadata (forgetMetadataObjId $ const . execDeleteRemoteRelationship) q
RMTrackNativeQuery q -> pure $ dispatchMetadata (forgetMetadataObjId NativeQueries.execTrackNativeQuery) q
RMUntrackNativeQuery q -> pure $ dispatchMetadata (forgetMetadataObjId NativeQueries.execUntrackNativeQuery) q
RMTrackLogicalModel q -> pure $ dispatchMetadata (forgetMetadataObjId LogicalModel.execTrackLogicalModel) q
RMUntrackLogicalModel q -> pure $ dispatchMetadata (forgetMetadataObjId LogicalModel.execUntrackLogicalModel) q
_ -> throw500 "Bulk atomic does not support this command"
RMV2 _ -> throw500 $ "Bulk atomic does not support this command"
runMetadataQueryV2M ::
( MonadIO m,
CacheRWM m,
MonadBaseControl IO m,
MetadataM m,
MonadMetadataStorage m,
MonadReader r m,
Has (L.Logger L.Hasura) r,
MonadError QErr m,
MonadEventLogCleanup m,
MonadGetPolicies m
) =>
MetadataResourceVersion ->
RQLMetadataV2 ->
runMetadataQueryV2M currentResourceVersion = \case
RMV2ReplaceMetadata q -> runReplaceMetadataV2 q
RMV2ExportMetadata q -> runExportMetadataV2 currentResourceVersion q
runSingleExec ::
forall m request.
( MonadError QErr m,
CacheRWM m,
MetadataM m
) =>
(request -> Metadata -> m (MetadataObjId, MetadataModifier)) ->
request ->
runSingleExec exec request = do
metadata <- getMetadata
(obj, modifier) <- exec request metadata
buildSchemaCacheFor obj modifier
pure successMsg