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PR-URL: https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/6993 GitOrigin-RevId: 0458c806176e752aea5a848e68246744c3e5b38a
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{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskellQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Remote
( buildRemoteParser,
import Data.Has
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as Map
import Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd qualified as OMap
import Data.HashSet qualified as Set
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NE
import Data.Monoid (Any (..))
import Data.Text.Extended
import Data.Type.Equality
import Hasura.Base.Error
import Hasura.GraphQL.Namespace
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Internal.Parser qualified as P (inputParserInput, nonNullableField, nullableField)
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Internal.TypeChecking qualified as P
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Name qualified as GName
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Common
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Parser as P
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Typename
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.IR.RemoteSchema qualified as IR
import Hasura.RQL.IR.Root qualified as IR
import Hasura.RQL.IR.Value qualified as IR
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Relationships.Remote
import Hasura.RQL.Types.ResultCustomization
import Hasura.RQL.Types.SchemaCache
import Hasura.RemoteSchema.SchemaCache.Types
import Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax qualified as G
-- Top level function
buildRemoteParser ::
forall r m n.
MonadBuildRemoteSchema r m n =>
IntrospectionResult ->
RemoteSchemaRelationships ->
RemoteSchemaInfo ->
SchemaT r m (RemoteSchemaParser n)
buildRemoteParser introspectionResult remoteRelationships remoteSchemaInfo@RemoteSchemaInfo {..} = do
(rawQueryParsers, rawMutationParsers, rawSubscriptionParsers) <-
withRemoteSchemaCustomization rsCustomizer $
buildRawRemoteParser introspectionResult remoteRelationships remoteSchemaInfo
pure $
(customizeRemoteNamespace remoteSchemaInfo (irQueryRoot introspectionResult) rawQueryParsers)
(customizeRemoteNamespace remoteSchemaInfo <$> irMutationRoot introspectionResult <*> rawMutationParsers)
(customizeRemoteNamespace remoteSchemaInfo <$> irSubscriptionRoot introspectionResult <*> rawSubscriptionParsers)
makeResultCustomizer ::
RemoteSchemaCustomizer -> IR.GraphQLField (IR.RemoteRelationshipField IR.UnpreparedValue) RemoteSchemaVariable -> ResultCustomizer
makeResultCustomizer remoteSchemaCustomizer IR.GraphQLField {..} =
modifyFieldByName _fAlias $
if _fName == GName.___typename
then customizeTypeNameString (_rscCustomizeTypeName remoteSchemaCustomizer)
else resultCustomizerFromSelection _fSelectionSet
resultCustomizerFromSelection ::
IR.SelectionSet (IR.RemoteRelationshipField IR.UnpreparedValue) RemoteSchemaVariable -> ResultCustomizer
resultCustomizerFromSelection = \case
IR.SelectionSetObject s -> foldMap customizeField s
IR.SelectionSetUnion s -> foldMap (foldMap customizeField) $ IR._dssMemberSelectionSets s
IR.SelectionSetInterface s -> foldMap (foldMap customizeField) $ IR._dssMemberSelectionSets s
IR.SelectionSetNone -> mempty
customizeField :: IR.Field (IR.RemoteRelationshipField IR.UnpreparedValue) RemoteSchemaVariable -> ResultCustomizer
customizeField = \case
IR.FieldGraphQL f -> makeResultCustomizer remoteSchemaCustomizer f
-- we do not traverse the remote because that part of the response is
-- never exists in the response by a remote schema - it is only added
-- later by the remote joins execution engine, which in turn would have
-- been processed by its own result customizer if applicable
IR.FieldRemote _ -> mempty
buildRawRemoteParser ::
forall r m n.
MonadBuildRemoteSchema r m n =>
IntrospectionResult ->
RemoteSchemaRelationships ->
RemoteSchemaInfo ->
-- | parsers for, respectively: queries, mutations, and subscriptions
( [P.FieldParser n (IR.RemoteSchemaRootField (IR.RemoteRelationshipField IR.UnpreparedValue) RemoteSchemaVariable)],
Maybe [P.FieldParser n (IR.RemoteSchemaRootField (IR.RemoteRelationshipField IR.UnpreparedValue) RemoteSchemaVariable)],
Maybe [P.FieldParser n (IR.RemoteSchemaRootField (IR.RemoteRelationshipField IR.UnpreparedValue) RemoteSchemaVariable)]
buildRawRemoteParser (IntrospectionResult sdoc queryRoot mutationRoot subscriptionRoot) remoteRelationships info = do
queryT <- makeParsers queryRoot
mutationT <- makeNonQueryRootFieldParser mutationRoot GName._Mutation
subscriptionT <- makeNonQueryRootFieldParser subscriptionRoot GName._Subscription
return (queryT, mutationT, subscriptionT)
makeFieldParser :: G.Name -> G.FieldDefinition RemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition -> SchemaT r m (P.FieldParser n (IR.RemoteSchemaRootField (IR.RemoteRelationshipField IR.UnpreparedValue) RemoteSchemaVariable))
makeFieldParser rootTypeName fieldDef =
fmap makeRemoteField <$> remoteFieldFromDefinition sdoc rootTypeName remoteRelationships fieldDef
makeRemoteField :: IR.GraphQLField (IR.RemoteRelationshipField IR.UnpreparedValue) RemoteSchemaVariable -> (IR.RemoteSchemaRootField (IR.RemoteRelationshipField IR.UnpreparedValue) RemoteSchemaVariable)
makeRemoteField fld = IR.RemoteSchemaRootField info (makeResultCustomizer (rsCustomizer info) fld) fld
makeParsers :: G.Name -> SchemaT r m [P.FieldParser n (IR.RemoteSchemaRootField (IR.RemoteRelationshipField IR.UnpreparedValue) RemoteSchemaVariable)]
makeParsers rootName =
case lookupType sdoc rootName of
Just (G.TypeDefinitionObject o) ->
traverse (makeFieldParser rootName) $ G._otdFieldsDefinition o
_ -> throw400 Unexpected $ rootName <<> " has to be an object type"
makeNonQueryRootFieldParser :: Maybe G.Name -> G.Name -> SchemaT r m (Maybe [P.FieldParser n (IR.RemoteSchemaRootField (IR.RemoteRelationshipField IR.UnpreparedValue) RemoteSchemaVariable)])
makeNonQueryRootFieldParser userProvidedRootName defaultRootName =
case userProvidedRootName of
Just _rootName -> traverse makeParsers userProvidedRootName
Nothing ->
let isDefaultRootObjectExists = isJust $ lookupObject sdoc defaultRootName
in bool (pure Nothing) (traverse makeParsers $ Just defaultRootName) $ isDefaultRootObjectExists
-- Remote schema input parsers
{- Note [Variable expansion in remote schema input parsers]
=== Input parsers as lightweight type checkers
The purpose of input parsers for remote schemas is not to translate the provided input values into
an internal representation: those values will be transmitted more or less unmodified to the remote
service; their main purpose is simply to check the shape of the input against the remote schema.
Consider, for instance, the following remote schema:
input Foo {
bar: Int!
type Query {
run(foo: Foo!): Int!
Our parsers will need to decide which invocations of `run` are valid:
query {
run(null) # invalid: foo is non-nullable
run(foo: {baz: 0}) # invalid: Foo doesn't have a "baz" field
run(foo: {bar: "0"}) # actually valid!
That last example is surprising: why would we accept a string literal for an Int? It simply is
because we delegate the task of translating the literal into a scalar to the remote server. After
all, *we* advertise some values as Int in the schema, despite accepting string literals.
=== Inserting remote permissions presets
Where things get more complicated is with remote permissions. We allow users to specify "presets":
values that will always be provided to the remote schema, and that the user cannot customize in
their query. For instance, given the following schema with permissions:
input Range {
low: Int! @preset(value: 0)
high: Int!
type Query {
getValues(range: Range!): [Int]
a user cannot specify "low" in OUR schema, as we will insert its value when parsing the incoming
query. This is the second purpose of those input parsers: they insert remote schema presets where
required. In this case:
# we receive
query {
getValues(range: {high: 42})
# we emit
query {
getValues(range: {low: 0, high: 42})
=== Variable expansion
But where this gets even more complicated is with variables. As much as possible, we simply forward
variables without interpeting them (not all JSON values are representable in GraphQL). We do so
whenever possible; for instance, using the previously established remote schema:
# we receive
query($h: Int!) {
getValues(range: {high: $h})
{ "h": 42 }
# we emit
query($h: Int!) {
getValues(range: {low: 0, high: $h})
{ "h": 42 }
The tricky case is when a preset field is *within a variable*. We then have no choice: we have to
expand the variable, and rewrap the value as best as we can, to minimize the amount of JSON
evaluation. For instance:
# we receive
query($r: Range!) {
getValues(range: $r)
{ "r": {"high": 42} }
# we emit
query($hasura_json_var_1: Int!) {
getValues(range: {low: 0, high: $hasura_json_var_1})
{ "hasura_json_var_1": 42 }
Our parsers, like all others in our model, expand the variables as they traverse the tree, and add
the preset values where required. But the downside of this is that we will create one such JSON
variable per scalar within a JSON variable!
=== Short-circuiting optimization
To avoid this, we track in the parsers whether an alteration has occured: if we had to insert a
preset value. As long as we don't, we can discard the output of the parser, as it will contain the
exact same value as the input (if perhaps represented differently); by discarding the output and
just forwarding the input, we avoid expanding variables if no preset needs be inserted.
-- | Helper, used to track whether an input value was altered during its parsing.
-- There are two possible sources of alteration:
-- - preset values, and
-- - type name customizations.
-- They might force evaluation of variables, and encapsulation of sub-JSON expressions as new variables.
-- Each parser indicates whether such alteration took place within its part of the tree.
-- See Note [Variable expansion in remote schema input parsers] for more information.
newtype Altered = Altered {getAltered :: Bool}
deriving (Show)
deriving (Semigroup, Monoid) via Any
-- | 'inputValueDefinitionParser' accepts a 'G.InputValueDefinition' and will return an
-- 'InputFieldsParser' for it. If a non 'Input' GraphQL type is found in the 'type' of the
-- 'InputValueDefinition' then an error will be thrown.
-- Each parser also returns a boolean that indicates whether the parsed value was altered by
-- presets. Presets might force the evaluation of variables that would otherwise be transmitted
-- unmodified.
inputValueDefinitionParser ::
forall r m n.
MonadBuildRemoteSchema r m n =>
RemoteSchemaIntrospection ->
G.InputValueDefinition ->
SchemaT r m (InputFieldsParser n (Maybe (Altered, G.Value RemoteSchemaVariable)))
inputValueDefinitionParser schemaDoc (G.InputValueDefinition desc name fieldType maybeDefaultVal _directives) =
buildField fieldConstructor fieldType
doNullability ::
forall a k.
'Input <: k =>
G.Nullability ->
Parser k n (Maybe a) ->
Parser k n (Maybe a)
doNullability (G.Nullability True) = fmap join . P.nullable
doNullability (G.Nullability False) = id
fieldConstructor ::
forall k.
'Input <: k =>
Parser k n (Maybe (Altered, G.Value RemoteSchemaVariable)) ->
InputFieldsParser n (Maybe (Altered, G.Value RemoteSchemaVariable))
fieldConstructor (shortCircuitIfUnaltered -> parser) =
case maybeDefaultVal of
Nothing ->
if G.isNullable fieldType
then join <$> fieldOptional name desc parser
else field name desc parser
Just defaultVal -> fieldWithDefault name desc defaultVal parser
buildField ::
( forall k.
'Input <: k =>
Parser k n (Maybe (Altered, G.Value RemoteSchemaVariable)) ->
InputFieldsParser n (Maybe (Altered, G.Value RemoteSchemaVariable))
) ->
G.GType ->
SchemaT r m (InputFieldsParser n (Maybe (Altered, G.Value RemoteSchemaVariable)))
buildField mkInputFieldsParser = \case
G.TypeNamed nullability typeName ->
case lookupType schemaDoc typeName of
Nothing -> throw400 RemoteSchemaError $ "Could not find type with name " <>> typeName
Just typeDef -> do
customizeTypename <- asks getter
case typeDef of
G.TypeDefinitionScalar scalarTypeDefn ->
pure $ mkInputFieldsParser $ doNullability nullability $ Just <$> remoteFieldScalarParser customizeTypename scalarTypeDefn
G.TypeDefinitionEnum defn ->
pure $ mkInputFieldsParser $ doNullability nullability $ Just <$> remoteFieldEnumParser customizeTypename defn
G.TypeDefinitionObject _ ->
throw400 RemoteSchemaError "expected input type, but got output type"
G.TypeDefinitionInputObject defn -> do
potentialObject <- remoteInputObjectParser schemaDoc defn
pure $ case potentialObject of
Left dummyInputFieldsParser -> do
-- We couln't create a parser, meaning we can't create a field for this
-- object. Instead we must return a "pure" InputFieldsParser that always yields
-- the needed result without containing a field definition.
-- !!! WARNING #1 !!!
-- Since we have no input field in the schema for this field, we can't make the
-- distinction between it being actually present at parsing time or not. We
-- therefore choose to behave as if it was always present, and we always
-- include the preset values in the result.
-- !!! WARNING #2 !!!
-- We are re-using an 'InputFieldsParser' that was created earlier! Won't that
-- create new fields in the current context? No, it won't, but only because in
-- this case we know that it was created from the preset fields in
-- 'argumentsParser', and therefore contains no field definition.
Just <$> dummyInputFieldsParser
Right actualParser -> do
-- We're in the normal case: we do have a parser for the input object, which is
-- therefore valid (non-empty).
mkInputFieldsParser $ doNullability nullability $ Just <$> actualParser
G.TypeDefinitionUnion _ ->
throw400 RemoteSchemaError "expected input type, but got output type"
G.TypeDefinitionInterface _ ->
throw400 RemoteSchemaError "expected input type, but got output type"
G.TypeList nullability subType -> do
buildField (mkInputFieldsParser . doNullability nullability . fmap (Just . fmap G.VList . aggregateListAndAlteration) . P.list) subType
-- | remoteFieldScalarParser attempts to parse a scalar value for a given remote field
-- We do not attempt to verify that the literal is correct! Some GraphQL implementations, including
-- ours, are a bit flexible with the intepretations of literals; for instance, there are several
-- places in our schema where we declare something to be an `Int`, but actually accept `String`
-- literals. We do however peform variable type-checking.
-- If we encounter a JSON value, it means that we were introspecting a query variable. To call the
-- remote schema, we need a graphql value; we therefore need to treat that JSON expression as if it
-- were a query variable of its own. To avoid ending up with one such variable per scalar in the
-- query, we also track alterations, to apply optimizations.
-- See Note [Variable expansion in remote schema input parsers] for more information.
-- If the value contains a variable with a customized type name then we need to consider it to be
-- altered to ensure that the original type name is passed to the remote server.
remoteFieldScalarParser ::
MonadParse n =>
MkTypename ->
G.ScalarTypeDefinition ->
P.Parser 'Both n (Altered, G.Value RemoteSchemaVariable)
remoteFieldScalarParser customizeTypename (G.ScalarTypeDefinition description name _directives) =
{ pType = schemaType,
pParser = \case
JSONValue v ->
-- Disallow short-circuit optimisation if the type name has been changed by remote schema customization
pure $ (Altered $ G.getBaseType gType /= name, G.VVariable $ RemoteJSONValue (mkRemoteGType gType) v)
GraphQLValue v -> case v of
G.VVariable var -> do
P.typeCheck False gType var
-- Disallow short-circuit optimisation if the type name has been changed by remote schema customization
pure $ (Altered $ G.getBaseType (vType var) /= name, G.VVariable $ QueryVariable var {vType = mkRemoteGType (vType var)})
_ -> pure (Altered False, QueryVariable <$> v)
customizedTypename = runMkTypename customizeTypename name
schemaType = TNamed NonNullable $ Definition customizedTypename description Nothing [] TIScalar
gType = toGraphQLType schemaType
mkRemoteGType = \case
G.TypeNamed n _ -> G.TypeNamed n name
G.TypeList n l -> G.TypeList n $ mkRemoteGType l
remoteFieldEnumParser ::
MonadParse n =>
MkTypename ->
G.EnumTypeDefinition ->
Parser 'Both n (Altered, G.Value RemoteSchemaVariable)
remoteFieldEnumParser customizeTypename (G.EnumTypeDefinition desc name _directives valueDefns) =
let enumValDefns =
valueDefns <&> \(G.EnumValueDefinition enumDesc enumName _) ->
( Definition (G.unEnumValue enumName) enumDesc Nothing [] P.EnumValueInfo,
G.VEnum enumName
customizedTypeName = runMkTypename customizeTypename name
in fmap (Altered (name /= customizedTypeName),) $ P.enum customizedTypeName desc $ NE.fromList enumValDefns
-- | remoteInputObjectParser returns an input parser for a given 'G.InputObjectTypeDefinition'
-- Now, this is tricky! We are faced with two contradicting constraints here. On one hand, the
-- GraphQL spec forbids us from creating empty input objects. This means that if all the arguments
-- have presets, we CANNOT use the parser this function creates, and the caller cannot create a
-- field for this object (and instead should use @pure@ to include the preset values in the result
-- of parsing the fields).
-- One way we could fix this would be to change the type of this function to return a `Maybe
-- Parser`, inspect the result of 'argumentsParser', and return @Nothing@ when we realize that there
-- aren't any actual field in it (or at least return a value that propagates the preset values). But
-- this would contradict our second constraint: this function needs to be memoized!
-- At time of writing, we can't memoize functions that return arbitrary functors of Parsers; so no
-- memoizing Maybe Parser or Either Presets Parser. Which means that we would need to first call
-- `argumentsParser`, then memoize the "Just" branch that builds the actual Parser. The problem is
-- that the recursive call ro remoteSchemaInputObject is within 'argumentsParser', meaning the call
-- to it MUST be in the memoized branch!
-- This is why, in the end, we do the following: we first test whether there is any non-preset
-- field: if yes, we memoize that branch and proceed as normal. Otherwise we can omit the
-- memoization: we know for sure that the preset fields won't generate a recursive call!
remoteInputObjectParser ::
forall r m n.
MonadBuildRemoteSchema r m n =>
RemoteSchemaIntrospection ->
G.InputObjectTypeDefinition RemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition ->
( Either
(InputFieldsParser n (Altered, G.Value RemoteSchemaVariable))
(Parser 'Input n (Altered, G.Value RemoteSchemaVariable))
remoteInputObjectParser schemaDoc defn@(G.InputObjectTypeDefinition desc name _ valueDefns) =
if all (isJust . _rsitdPresetArgument) valueDefns
then -- All the fields are preset: we can't create a parser, that would result in an invalid type in
-- the schema (an input object with no field). We therefore forward the InputFieldsParser
-- unmodified. No need to memoize this branch: since all arguments are preset, 'argumentsParser'
-- won't be recursively calling this function.
Left . fmap (fmap G.VObject) <$> argumentsParser valueDefns schemaDoc
else -- At least one field is not a preset, meaning we have the guarantee that there will be at least
-- one field in the input object. We have to memoize this branch as we might recursively call
-- the same parser.
Right <$> P.memoizeOn 'remoteInputObjectParser defn do
typename <- asks getter <&> \mkTypename -> runMkTypename mkTypename name
-- Disallow short-circuit optimisation if the type name has been changed by remote schema customization
let altered = Altered $ typename /= name
argsParser <- fmap (first (<> altered)) <$> argumentsParser valueDefns schemaDoc
pure $ fmap G.VObject <$> P.object typename desc argsParser
-- | Variable expansion optimization.
-- Since each parser returns a value that indicates whether it was altered, we can detect when no
-- alteration took place, and replace the parsed and expanded value by its original.
-- See Note [Variable expansion in remote schema input parsers] for more information.
shortCircuitIfUnaltered ::
forall k n.
('Input <: k, MonadParse n) =>
Parser k n (Maybe (Altered, G.Value RemoteSchemaVariable)) ->
Parser k n (Maybe (Altered, G.Value RemoteSchemaVariable))
shortCircuitIfUnaltered parser =
{ pType = P.pType parser,
pParser = \value -> do
result <- P.pParser parser value
pure $ case result of
-- The parser did yield a value, and it was unmodified by presets
-- we can short-circuit by transforming the input value, therefore
-- "unpeeling" variables and avoiding extraneous JSON variables.
Just (Altered False, _) -> Just $
(Altered False,) $ case castWith (P.inputParserInput @k) value of
-- The input was a GraphQL value: just forward it.
GraphQLValue v -> QueryVariable <$> v
-- The input value was already a JSON value: we still have to create
-- a new JSON variable, but it will still be more efficient than having
-- all the leaves of said value each be their own distinct value.
JSONValue v -> G.VVariable $ RemoteJSONValue (toGraphQLType $ P.pType parser) v
-- Otherwise either the parser did not yield any value, or a value
-- that has been altered by presets, permissions or type name customization; we forward it
-- unoptimized.
_ -> result
-- | argumentsParser is used for creating an argument parser for remote fields,
-- This function is called for field arguments and input object fields. This
-- function works in the following way:
-- * if a field is not preset, we recursively call `inputValueDefinitionParser` on it
-- * otherwise, we use the preset
-- For example, consider the following input objects:
-- input MessageWhereInpObj {
-- id: IntCompareObj
-- name: StringCompareObj
-- }
-- input IntCompareObj {
-- eq : Int @preset(value: 2)
-- gt : Int
-- lt : Int
-- }
-- parsing a MessageWhereInpObj will result in the following call tree:
-- -> argumentsParser MessageWhereInpObj
-- -> id => inputValueDefinitionParser IntCompareObj
-- -> remoteInputObjectParser IntCompareObj
-- -> argumentsParser IntCompareObj
-- -> eq => using preset, no recursion
-- -> gt => inputValueDefinitionParser Int
-- -> remoteFieldScalarParser Int
-- -> lt => inputValueDefinitionParser Int
-- -> remoteFieldScalarParser Int
-- -> name => inputValueDefinitionParser StringCompareObj
-- -> ...
-- Furthermore, like all other input parsers in this file, 'argumentsParser' indicates whether this
-- part of the tree was altered during parsing; if any of the fields is preset, or recursively
-- contains values that contain presets further down, then this result is labelled as altered.
argumentsParser ::
forall r m n.
MonadBuildRemoteSchema r m n =>
G.ArgumentsDefinition RemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition ->
RemoteSchemaIntrospection ->
SchemaT r m (InputFieldsParser n (Altered, HashMap G.Name (G.Value RemoteSchemaVariable)))
argumentsParser args schemaDoc = do
-- ! DANGER !
-- This function is mutually recursive with 'inputValueDefinitionParser': if one of the non-preset
-- arguments is an input object, then recursively we'll end up using 'argumentsParser' to parse
-- its arguments. Note however that if all arguments have a preset value, then this function will
-- not call 'inputValueDefinitionParser', and will simply return without any recursion.
-- This is labelled as dangerous because another function in this module,
-- 'remoteInputObjectParser', EXPLICITLY RELIES ON THIS BEHAVIOUR. Due to limitations of the
-- GraphQL spec and of parser memoization functions, it cannot memoize the case where all
-- arguments are preset, and therefore relies on the assumption that 'argumentsParser' is not
-- recursive in this edge case.
-- This assumptions is unlikely to ever be broken; but if you ever modify this function, please
-- nonetheless make sure that it is maintained.
argsParsers <- for args \arg -> do
let argDef = _rsitdDefinition arg
argName = G._ivdName argDef
argParser <- case _rsitdPresetArgument arg of
Nothing -> inputValueDefinitionParser schemaDoc argDef
-- This is the source of all possible alterations: one of the fields is preset; everything
-- "above" this field in the tree will be considered "altered", and the optimizations will
-- not apply.
Just preset -> pure $ pure $ pure (Altered True, preset)
pure $ fmap (fmap (argName,)) <$> argParser
pure $ sequenceA argsParsers <&> fmap Map.fromList . aggregateListAndAlteration
aggregateListAndAlteration :: [Maybe (Altered, a)] -> (Altered, [a])
aggregateListAndAlteration = first mconcat . unzip . catMaybes
-- Remote schema output parsers
remoteSchemaRelationships ::
forall r n m.
MonadBuildRemoteSchema r m n =>
RemoteSchemaRelationships ->
G.Name ->
SchemaT r m [FieldParser n (IR.SchemaRemoteRelationshipSelect (IR.RemoteRelationshipField IR.UnpreparedValue))]
remoteSchemaRelationships relationships typeName =
case OMap.lookup typeName relationships of
Nothing -> pure []
Just rels ->
concat <$> for (toList rels) \remoteFieldInfo -> do
RemoteRelationshipParserBuilder remoteRelationshipField <- retrieve scRemoteRelationshipParserBuilder
relationshipFields <- fromMaybe [] <$> remoteRelationshipField remoteFieldInfo
let lhsFields = _rfiLHS remoteFieldInfo
pure $ map (fmap (IR.SchemaRemoteRelationshipSelect lhsFields)) relationshipFields
-- | 'remoteSchemaObject' returns a output parser for a given 'ObjectTypeDefinition'.
remoteSchemaObject ::
forall r m n.
MonadBuildRemoteSchema r m n =>
RemoteSchemaIntrospection ->
RemoteSchemaRelationships ->
G.ObjectTypeDefinition RemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition ->
SchemaT r m (Parser 'Output n (IR.ObjectSelectionSet (IR.RemoteRelationshipField IR.UnpreparedValue) RemoteSchemaVariable))
remoteSchemaObject schemaDoc remoteRelationships defn@(G.ObjectTypeDefinition description name interfaces _directives subFields) =
P.memoizeOn 'remoteSchemaObject defn do
subFieldParsers <- traverse (remoteFieldFromDefinition schemaDoc name remoteRelationships) subFields
remoteJoinParsers <- remoteSchemaRelationships remoteRelationships name
interfaceDefs <- traverse getInterface interfaces
implements <- traverse (remoteSchemaInterface schemaDoc remoteRelationships) interfaceDefs
-- TODO: also check sub-interfaces, when these are supported in a future graphql spec
traverse_ validateImplementsFields interfaceDefs
typename <- asks getter <&> \mkTypename -> runMkTypename mkTypename name
let allFields = map (fmap IR.FieldGraphQL) subFieldParsers <> map (fmap IR.FieldRemote) remoteJoinParsers
pure $
P.selectionSetObject typename description allFields implements
<&> OMap.mapWithKey \alias ->
handleTypename $
const $
IR.FieldGraphQL $
IR.mkGraphQLField (Just alias) GName.___typename mempty mempty IR.SelectionSetNone
getInterface :: G.Name -> SchemaT r m (G.InterfaceTypeDefinition [G.Name] RemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition)
getInterface interfaceName =
onNothing (lookupInterface schemaDoc interfaceName) $
throw400 RemoteSchemaError $
"Could not find interface "
<> squote interfaceName
<> " implemented by Object type "
<> squote name
validateImplementsFields :: G.InterfaceTypeDefinition [G.Name] RemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition -> SchemaT r m ()
validateImplementsFields interface =
traverse_ (validateImplementsField (G._itdName interface)) (G._itdFieldsDefinition interface)
validateImplementsField :: G.Name -> G.FieldDefinition RemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition -> SchemaT r m ()
validateImplementsField interfaceName interfaceField =
case lookup (G._fldName interfaceField) (zip (fmap G._fldName subFields) subFields) of
Nothing ->
throw400 RemoteSchemaError $
"Interface field "
<> squote interfaceName
<> "."
<> dquote (G._fldName interfaceField)
<> " expected, but "
<> squote name
<> " does not provide it"
Just f -> do
unless (validateSubType (G._fldType f) (G._fldType interfaceField)) $
throw400 RemoteSchemaError $
"The type of Object field "
<> squote name
<> "."
<> dquote (G._fldName f)
<> " ("
<> G.showGT (G._fldType f)
<> ") is not the same type/sub type of Interface field "
<> squote interfaceName
<> "."
<> dquote (G._fldName interfaceField)
<> " ("
<> G.showGT (G._fldType interfaceField)
<> ")"
( validateArgument
(map _rsitdDefinition (G._fldArgumentsDefinition f))
. _rsitdDefinition
(G._fldArgumentsDefinition interfaceField)
( validateNoExtraNonNull
(map _rsitdDefinition (G._fldArgumentsDefinition interfaceField))
. _rsitdDefinition
(G._fldArgumentsDefinition f)
validateArgument :: [G.InputValueDefinition] -> G.InputValueDefinition -> SchemaT r m ()
validateArgument objectFieldArgs ifaceArgument =
case lookup (G._ivdName ifaceArgument) (zip (fmap G._ivdName objectFieldArgs) objectFieldArgs) of
Nothing ->
throw400 RemoteSchemaError $
"Interface field argument "
<> squote interfaceName
<> "."
<> dquote (G._fldName interfaceField)
<> "("
<> dquote (G._ivdName ifaceArgument)
<> ":) required, but Object field "
<> squote name
<> "."
<> dquote (G._fldName f)
<> " does not provide it"
Just a ->
unless (G._ivdType a == G._ivdType ifaceArgument) $
throw400 RemoteSchemaError $
"Interface field argument "
<> squote interfaceName
<> "."
<> dquote (G._fldName interfaceField)
<> "("
<> dquote (G._ivdName ifaceArgument)
<> ":) expects type "
<> G.showGT (G._ivdType ifaceArgument)
<> ", but "
<> squote name
<> "."
<> dquote (G._fldName f)
<> "("
<> dquote (G._ivdName ifaceArgument)
<> ":) has type "
<> G.showGT (G._ivdType a)
validateNoExtraNonNull :: [G.InputValueDefinition] -> G.InputValueDefinition -> SchemaT r m ()
validateNoExtraNonNull ifaceArguments objectFieldArg =
case lookup (G._ivdName objectFieldArg) (zip (fmap G._ivdName ifaceArguments) ifaceArguments) of
Just _ -> pure ()
Nothing ->
unless (G.isNullable (G._ivdType objectFieldArg)) $
throw400 RemoteSchemaError $
"Object field argument "
<> squote name
<> "."
<> dquote (G._fldName f)
<> "("
<> dquote (G._ivdName objectFieldArg)
<> ":) is of required type "
<> G.showGT (G._ivdType objectFieldArg)
<> ", but is not provided by Interface field "
<> squote interfaceName
<> "."
<> dquote (G._fldName interfaceField)
validateSubType :: G.GType -> G.GType -> Bool
-- TODO this ignores nullability which is probably wrong, even though the GraphQL spec is ambiguous
validateSubType (G.TypeList _ x) (G.TypeList _ y) = validateSubType x y
-- It is OK to "upgrade" the strictness
validateSubType (G.TypeNamed (G.Nullability False) x) (G.TypeNamed (G.Nullability True) y) =
validateSubType (G.TypeNamed (G.Nullability True) x) (G.TypeNamed (G.Nullability True) y)
validateSubType (G.TypeNamed nx x) (G.TypeNamed ny y) =
case (lookupType schemaDoc x, lookupType schemaDoc y) of
(Just x', Just y') -> nx == ny && validateSubTypeDefinition x' y'
_ -> False
validateSubType _ _ = False
validateSubTypeDefinition x' y' | x' == y' = True
validateSubTypeDefinition (G.TypeDefinitionObject otd) (G.TypeDefinitionInterface itd) =
G._otdName otd `elem` G._itdPossibleTypes itd
validateSubTypeDefinition (G.TypeDefinitionObject _otd) (G.TypeDefinitionUnion _utd) =
True -- TODO write appropriate check (may require saving 'possibleTypes' in Syntax.hs)
validateSubTypeDefinition _ _ = False
{- Note [Querying remote schema interfaces]
When querying Remote schema interfaces, we need to re-construct
the incoming query to be compliant with the upstream remote.
We need to do this because the `SelectionSet`(s) that are
inputted to this function have the fragments (if any) flattened.
(Check `flattenSelectionSet` in 'Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Collect' module)
The `constructInterfaceSelectionSet` function makes a valid interface query by:
1. Getting the common interface fields in all the selection sets
2. Remove the common fields obtained in #1 from the selection sets
3. Construct a selection field for every common interface field
4. Construct inline fragments for non-common interface fields
using the result of #2 for every object
5. Construct the final selection set by combining #3 and #4
Example: Suppose an interface 'Character' is defined in the upstream
and two objects 'Human' and 'Droid' implement the 'Character' Interface.
Suppose, a field 'hero' returns 'Character'.
hero {
... on Droid {
... on Human {
When we parse the selection set of the `hero` field, we parse the selection set
twice: once for the `Droid` object type, which would be passed a selection set
containing the field(s) defined in the `Droid` object type and similarly once
for the 'Human' object type. The result of the interface selection set parsing
would then be the results of the parsing of the object types when passed their
corresponding flattened selection sets and the results of the parsing of the
interface fields.
After we parse the above GraphQL query, we get a selection set containing
the interface fields and the selection sets of the objects that were queried
in the GraphQL query. Since, we have the selection sets of the objects that
were being queried, we can convert them into inline fragments resembling
the original query and then query the remote schema with the newly
constructed query.
-- | 'remoteSchemaInterface' returns a output parser for a given 'InterfaceTypeDefinition'.
-- Also check Note [Querying remote schema interfaces]
remoteSchemaInterface ::
forall r m n.
MonadBuildRemoteSchema r m n =>
RemoteSchemaIntrospection ->
RemoteSchemaRelationships ->
G.InterfaceTypeDefinition [G.Name] RemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition ->
SchemaT r m (Parser 'Output n (IR.DeduplicatedSelectionSet (IR.RemoteRelationshipField IR.UnpreparedValue) RemoteSchemaVariable))
remoteSchemaInterface schemaDoc remoteRelationships defn@(G.InterfaceTypeDefinition description name _directives fields possibleTypes) =
P.memoizeOn 'remoteSchemaObject defn do
subFieldParsers <- traverse (remoteFieldFromDefinition schemaDoc name remoteRelationships) fields
objs <- traverse (getObjectParser schemaDoc remoteRelationships getObject) possibleTypes
-- In the Draft GraphQL spec (> June 2018), interfaces can themselves
-- implement superinterfaces. In the future, we may need to support this
-- here.
when (null subFieldParsers) $
throw400 RemoteSchemaError $
"List of fields cannot be empty for interface " <> squote name
-- TODO: another way to obtain 'possibleTypes' is to lookup all the object
-- types in the schema document that claim to implement this interface. We
-- should have a check that expresses that that collection of objects is equal
-- to 'possibleTypes'.
typename <- asks getter <&> \mkTypename -> runMkTypename mkTypename name
let allFields = map (fmap IR.FieldGraphQL) subFieldParsers
pure $
P.selectionSetInterface typename description allFields objs
<&> IR.mkInterfaceSelectionSet (Set.fromList $ map G._fldName fields)
getObject :: G.Name -> SchemaT r m (G.ObjectTypeDefinition RemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition)
getObject objectName =
onNothing (lookupObject schemaDoc objectName) $
case lookupInterface schemaDoc objectName of
Nothing ->
throw400 RemoteSchemaError $
"Could not find type "
<> squote objectName
<> ", which is defined as a member type of Interface "
<> squote name
Just _ ->
throw400 RemoteSchemaError $
"Interface type "
<> squote name
<> " can only include object types. It cannot include "
<> squote objectName
-- | 'remoteSchemaUnion' returns a output parser for a given 'UnionTypeDefinition'.
remoteSchemaUnion ::
forall r m n.
MonadBuildRemoteSchema r m n =>
RemoteSchemaIntrospection ->
RemoteSchemaRelationships ->
G.UnionTypeDefinition ->
SchemaT r m (Parser 'Output n (IR.DeduplicatedSelectionSet (IR.RemoteRelationshipField IR.UnpreparedValue) RemoteSchemaVariable))
remoteSchemaUnion schemaDoc remoteRelationships defn@(G.UnionTypeDefinition description name _directives objectNames) =
P.memoizeOn 'remoteSchemaObject defn do
objs <- traverse (getObjectParser schemaDoc remoteRelationships getObject) objectNames
when (null objs) $
throw400 RemoteSchemaError $
"List of member types cannot be empty for union type " <> squote name
typename <- asks getter <&> \mkTypename -> runMkTypename mkTypename name
pure $ P.selectionSetUnion typename description objs <&> IR.mkUnionSelectionSet
getObject :: G.Name -> SchemaT r m (G.ObjectTypeDefinition RemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition)
getObject objectName =
onNothing (lookupObject schemaDoc objectName) $
case lookupInterface schemaDoc objectName of
Nothing ->
throw400 RemoteSchemaError $
"Could not find type "
<> squote objectName
<> ", which is defined as a member type of Union "
<> squote name
Just _ ->
throw400 RemoteSchemaError $
"Union type "
<> squote name
<> " can only include object types. It cannot include "
<> squote objectName
remoteFieldFromDefinition ::
forall r m n.
MonadBuildRemoteSchema r m n =>
RemoteSchemaIntrospection ->
G.Name ->
RemoteSchemaRelationships ->
G.FieldDefinition RemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition ->
SchemaT r m (FieldParser n (IR.GraphQLField (IR.RemoteRelationshipField IR.UnpreparedValue) RemoteSchemaVariable))
remoteFieldFromDefinition schemaDoc parentTypeName remoteRelationships (G.FieldDefinition description name argsDefinition gType _) = do
convertType gType
addNullableList :: FieldParser n a -> FieldParser n a
addNullableList (P.FieldParser (Definition name' desc origin dLst (FieldInfo args typ)) parser) =
P.FieldParser (Definition name' desc origin dLst (FieldInfo args (TList Nullable typ))) parser
addNonNullableList :: FieldParser n a -> FieldParser n a
addNonNullableList (P.FieldParser (Definition name' desc origin dLst (FieldInfo args typ)) parser) =
P.FieldParser (Definition name' desc origin dLst (FieldInfo args (TList NonNullable typ))) parser
-- TODO add directives, deprecation
convertType ::
G.GType ->
SchemaT r m (FieldParser n (IR.GraphQLField (IR.RemoteRelationshipField IR.UnpreparedValue) RemoteSchemaVariable))
convertType = \case
G.TypeNamed (G.Nullability True) fieldTypeName ->
P.nullableField <$> remoteFieldFromName schemaDoc remoteRelationships parentTypeName name description fieldTypeName argsDefinition
G.TypeList (G.Nullability True) gType' ->
addNullableList <$> convertType gType'
G.TypeNamed (G.Nullability False) fieldTypeName -> do
P.nonNullableField <$> remoteFieldFromName schemaDoc remoteRelationships parentTypeName name description fieldTypeName argsDefinition
G.TypeList (G.Nullability False) gType' ->
addNonNullableList <$> convertType gType'
-- | 'remoteFieldFromName' accepts a GraphQL name and searches for its definition
-- in the 'RemoteSchemaIntrospection'.
remoteFieldFromName ::
forall r m n.
MonadBuildRemoteSchema r m n =>
RemoteSchemaIntrospection ->
RemoteSchemaRelationships ->
G.Name ->
G.Name ->
Maybe G.Description ->
G.Name ->
G.ArgumentsDefinition RemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition ->
SchemaT r m (FieldParser n (IR.GraphQLField (IR.RemoteRelationshipField IR.UnpreparedValue) RemoteSchemaVariable))
remoteFieldFromName sdoc remoteRelationships parentTypeName fieldName description fieldTypeName argsDefns =
case lookupType sdoc fieldTypeName of
Nothing -> throw400 RemoteSchemaError $ "Could not find type with name " <>> fieldTypeName
Just typeDef -> remoteField sdoc remoteRelationships parentTypeName fieldName description argsDefns typeDef
-- | 'remoteField' accepts a 'G.TypeDefinition' and will returns a 'FieldParser' for it.
-- Note that the 'G.TypeDefinition' should be of the GraphQL 'Output' kind, when an
-- GraphQL 'Input' kind is provided, then error will be thrown.
remoteField ::
forall r m n.
MonadBuildRemoteSchema r m n =>
RemoteSchemaIntrospection ->
RemoteSchemaRelationships ->
G.Name ->
G.Name ->
Maybe G.Description ->
G.ArgumentsDefinition RemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition ->
G.TypeDefinition [G.Name] RemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition ->
SchemaT r m (FieldParser n (IR.GraphQLField (IR.RemoteRelationshipField IR.UnpreparedValue) RemoteSchemaVariable))
remoteField sdoc remoteRelationships parentTypeName fieldName description argsDefn typeDefn = do
-- TODO add directives
argsParser <- argumentsParser argsDefn sdoc
customizeTypename <- asks getter
customizeFieldName <- asks getter
let customizedFieldName = runCustomizeRemoteFieldName customizeFieldName parentTypeName fieldName
case typeDefn of
G.TypeDefinitionObject objTypeDefn -> do
remoteSchemaObjFields <- remoteSchemaObject sdoc remoteRelationships objTypeDefn
-- converting [Field NoFragments Name] to (SelectionSet NoFragments G.Name)
let remoteSchemaObjSelSet = IR.SelectionSetObject <$> remoteSchemaObjFields
pure remoteSchemaObjSelSet <&> mkFieldParserWithSelectionSet customizedFieldName argsParser
G.TypeDefinitionScalar scalarTypeDefn ->
pure $ mkFieldParserWithoutSelectionSet customizedFieldName argsParser $ void $ remoteFieldScalarParser customizeTypename scalarTypeDefn
G.TypeDefinitionEnum enumTypeDefn ->
pure $ mkFieldParserWithoutSelectionSet customizedFieldName argsParser $ void $ remoteFieldEnumParser customizeTypename enumTypeDefn
G.TypeDefinitionInterface ifaceTypeDefn ->
remoteSchemaInterface sdoc remoteRelationships ifaceTypeDefn
<&> (mkFieldParserWithSelectionSet customizedFieldName argsParser . fmap IR.SelectionSetInterface)
G.TypeDefinitionUnion unionTypeDefn ->
remoteSchemaUnion sdoc remoteRelationships unionTypeDefn
<&> (mkFieldParserWithSelectionSet customizedFieldName argsParser . fmap IR.SelectionSetUnion)
_ -> throw400 RemoteSchemaError "expected output type, but got input type"
mkField ::
Maybe G.Name ->
G.Name ->
HashMap G.Name (G.Value RemoteSchemaVariable) ->
IR.SelectionSet (IR.RemoteRelationshipField IR.UnpreparedValue) RemoteSchemaVariable ->
IR.GraphQLField (IR.RemoteRelationshipField IR.UnpreparedValue) RemoteSchemaVariable
mkField alias customizedFieldName args selSet =
-- If there's no alias then use customizedFieldName as the alias so the
-- correctly customized field name will be returned from the remote server.
let alias' = alias <|> guard (customizedFieldName /= fieldName) *> Just customizedFieldName
in IR.mkGraphQLField alias' fieldName args mempty selSet
mkFieldParserWithoutSelectionSet ::
G.Name ->
InputFieldsParser n (Altered, HashMap G.Name (G.Value RemoteSchemaVariable)) ->
Parser 'Both n () ->
FieldParser n (IR.GraphQLField (IR.RemoteRelationshipField IR.UnpreparedValue) RemoteSchemaVariable)
mkFieldParserWithoutSelectionSet customizedFieldName argsParser outputParser =
P.rawSelection customizedFieldName description argsParser outputParser
<&> \(alias, _, (_, args)) -> mkField alias customizedFieldName args IR.SelectionSetNone
mkFieldParserWithSelectionSet ::
G.Name ->
InputFieldsParser n (Altered, HashMap G.Name (G.Value RemoteSchemaVariable)) ->
Parser 'Output n (IR.SelectionSet (IR.RemoteRelationshipField IR.UnpreparedValue) RemoteSchemaVariable) ->
FieldParser n (IR.GraphQLField (IR.RemoteRelationshipField IR.UnpreparedValue) RemoteSchemaVariable)
mkFieldParserWithSelectionSet customizedFieldName argsParser outputParser =
P.rawSubselection customizedFieldName description argsParser outputParser
<&> \(alias, _, (_, args), selSet) -> mkField alias customizedFieldName args selSet
-- | helper function to get a parser of an object with it's name
-- This function is called from 'remoteSchemaInterface' and
-- 'remoteSchemaObject' functions. Both of these have a slightly
-- different implementation of 'getObject', which is the
-- reason 'getObject' is an argument to this function
getObjectParser ::
forall r m n.
MonadBuildRemoteSchema r m n =>
RemoteSchemaIntrospection ->
RemoteSchemaRelationships ->
(G.Name -> SchemaT r m (G.ObjectTypeDefinition RemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition)) ->
G.Name ->
SchemaT r m (Parser 'Output n (G.Name, IR.ObjectSelectionSet (IR.RemoteRelationshipField IR.UnpreparedValue) RemoteSchemaVariable))
getObjectParser schemaDoc remoteRelationships getObject objName = do
obj <- remoteSchemaObject schemaDoc remoteRelationships =<< getObject objName
return $ (objName,) <$> obj
customizeRemoteNamespace ::
forall n.
(MonadParse n) =>
RemoteSchemaInfo ->
G.Name ->
[P.FieldParser n (IR.RemoteSchemaRootField (IR.RemoteRelationshipField IR.UnpreparedValue) RemoteSchemaVariable)] ->
[P.FieldParser n (NamespacedField (IR.RemoteSchemaRootField (IR.RemoteRelationshipField IR.UnpreparedValue) RemoteSchemaVariable))]
customizeRemoteNamespace remoteSchemaInfo@RemoteSchemaInfo {..} rootTypeName fieldParsers =
customizeNamespace (_rscNamespaceFieldName rsCustomizer) fromParsedSelection mkNamespaceTypename fieldParsers
fromParsedSelection alias =
handleTypename . const $
-- In P.selectionSet we lose the resultCustomizer from __typename fields so we need to put it back
let resultCustomizer = modifyFieldByName alias $ customizeTypeNameString $ _rscCustomizeTypeName rsCustomizer
in IR.RemoteSchemaRootField remoteSchemaInfo resultCustomizer $ IR.mkGraphQLField (Just alias) GName.___typename mempty mempty IR.SelectionSetNone
mkNamespaceTypename = MkTypename $ const $ runMkTypename (remoteSchemaCustomizeTypeName rsCustomizer) rootTypeName
withRemoteSchemaCustomization ::
forall m r a.
(MonadReader r m, Has MkTypename r, Has CustomizeRemoteFieldName r) =>
RemoteSchemaCustomizer ->
m a ->
m a
withRemoteSchemaCustomization remoteSchemaCustomizer =
withTypenameCustomization (remoteSchemaCustomizeTypeName remoteSchemaCustomizer)
. withRemoteFieldNameCustomization (remoteSchemaCustomizeFieldName remoteSchemaCustomizer)