Antoine Leblanc 0a69db81c9 Move RoleName into SchemaContext.
### Description

I am not 100% sure about this PR; while I think the code is better this way, I'm willing to be convinced otherwise.

In short, this PR moves the `RoleName` field into the `SchemaContext`, instead of being a nebulous `Has RoleName` constraint on the reader monad. The major upside of this is that it makes it an explicit named field, rather than something that must be given as part of a tuple of arguments when calling `runReader`.

However, the downside is that it breaks the helper permissions functions of `Schema.Table`, which relied on `Has RoleName r`. This PR makes the choice of passing the role name explicitly to all of those functions, which in turn means first explicitly fetching the role name in a lot of places. It makes it more explicit when a schema building block relies on the role name, but is a bit verbose...

### Alternatives

Some alternatives worth considering:
- attempting something like `Has context r, Has RoleName context`, which would allow them to be independent from the context but still fetch the role name from the reader, but might require type annotations to not be ambiguous
- keeping the permission functions the same, with `Has RoleName r`, and introducing a bunch of newtypes instead of using tuples to explicitly implement all the required `Has` instances
- changing the permission functions to `Has SchemaContext r`, since they are functions used only to build the schema, and therefore may be allowed to be tied to the context.

What do y'all think?

GitOrigin-RevId: 8fd09fafb54905a4d115ef30842d35da0c3db5d2
2022-07-29 15:38:44 +00:00

350 lines
13 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
-- | This module provides common building blocks for composing Schema Parsers
-- used in the schema of Update Mutations.
module Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Update
( UpdateOperator (..),
import Data.Has (Has (getter))
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as M
import Data.HashMap.Strict.Extended qualified as M
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NE
import Data.Text.Extended ((<>>))
import Hasura.Base.Error (QErr)
import Hasura.Base.ToErrorValue
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Backend (BackendSchema (..), BackendTableSelectSchema (..), MonadBuildSchema, columnParser)
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.BoolExp (boolExp)
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Common (Scenario (..), SchemaContext (..), mapField, partialSQLExpToUnpreparedValue, retrieve)
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Mutation (mutationSelectionSet, primaryKeysArguments)
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.NamingCase
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Parser qualified as P
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Table (getTableGQLName, tableColumns, tableUpdateColumns)
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Typename
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.IR.BoolExp (AnnBoolExp, annBoolExpTrue)
import Hasura.RQL.IR.Returning (MutationOutputG (..))
import Hasura.RQL.IR.Root (RemoteRelationshipField)
import Hasura.RQL.IR.Update (AnnotatedUpdateG (..))
import Hasura.RQL.IR.Value
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Backend (Backend (..))
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Column (ColumnInfo (..), isNumCol)
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Source
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Table
import Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax (Description (..), Name (..), Nullability (..), litName)
-- | @UpdateOperator b m n op@ represents one single update operator for a
-- backend @b@.
-- The type variable @op@ is the backend-specific data type that represents
-- update operators, typically in the form of a sum-type with an
-- @UnpreparedValue b@ in each constructor.
-- The @UpdateOperator b m n@ is a @Functor@. There exist building blocks of
-- common update operators (such as 'setOp', etc.) which have @op ~
-- UnpreparedValue b@. The Functor instance lets you wrap the generic update
-- operators in backend-specific tags.
data UpdateOperator b m n op = UpdateOperator
{ updateOperatorApplicableColumn :: ColumnInfo b -> Bool,
updateOperatorParser ::
Name ->
TableName b ->
NonEmpty (ColumnInfo b) ->
m (P.InputFieldsParser n (HashMap (Column b) op))
deriving (Functor)
-- | The top-level component for building update operators parsers.
-- * It implements the @preset@ functionality from Update Permissions (see
-- <
-- Permissions user docs>). Use the 'presetColumns' function to extract those from the update permissions.
-- * It validates that that the update fields parsed are sound when taken as a
-- whole, i.e. that some changes are actually specified (either in the
-- mutation query text or in update preset columns) and that each column is
-- only used in one operator.
buildUpdateOperators ::
forall b r m n op.
MonadBuildSchema b r m n =>
-- | Columns with @preset@ expressions
(HashMap (Column b) op) ->
-- | Update operators to include in the Schema
[UpdateOperator b m n op] ->
TableInfo b ->
m (P.InputFieldsParser n (HashMap (Column b) op))
buildUpdateOperators presetCols ops tableInfo = do
parsers :: P.InputFieldsParser n [HashMap (Column b) op] <-
sequenceA . catMaybes <$> traverse (runUpdateOperator tableInfo) ops
pure $
`P.bindFields` ( \opExps -> do
let withPreset = presetCols : opExps
mergeDisjoint @b withPreset
-- | The columns that have 'preset' definitions applied to them. (see
-- <
-- Permissions user docs>)
presetColumns :: UpdPermInfo b -> HashMap (Column b) (UnpreparedValue b)
presetColumns = fmap partialSQLExpToUnpreparedValue . upiSet
-- | Produce an InputFieldsParser from an UpdateOperator, but only if the operator
-- applies to the table (i.e., it admits a non-empty column set).
runUpdateOperator ::
forall b r m n op.
MonadBuildSchema b r m n =>
TableInfo b ->
UpdateOperator b m n op ->
( Maybe
( P.InputFieldsParser
(HashMap (Column b) op)
runUpdateOperator tableInfo UpdateOperator {..} = do
let tableName = tableInfoName tableInfo
tableGQLName <- getTableGQLName tableInfo
roleName <- retrieve scRole
let columns = tableUpdateColumns roleName tableInfo
let applicableCols :: Maybe (NonEmpty (ColumnInfo b)) =
nonEmpty . filter updateOperatorApplicableColumn $ columns
(sequenceA :: Maybe (m a) -> m (Maybe a))
(applicableCols <&> updateOperatorParser tableGQLName tableName)
-- | Merge the results of parsed update operators. Throws an error if the same
-- column has been specified in multiple operators.
mergeDisjoint ::
forall b m t.
(Backend b, P.MonadParse m) =>
[HashMap (Column b) t] ->
m (HashMap (Column b) t)
mergeDisjoint parsedResults = do
let unioned = M.unionsAll parsedResults
duplicates = M.keys $ M.filter (not . null . NE.tail) unioned
unless (null duplicates) $
( "Column found in multiple operators: "
<> toErrorValue duplicates
<> "."
return $ NE.head unioned
-- | Construct a parser for a single update operator.
-- @updateOperator _ "op" fp MkOp ["col1","col2"]@ gives a parser that accepts
-- objects in the shape of:
-- > op: {
-- > col1: "x",
-- > col2: "y"
-- > }
-- And (morally) parses into values:
-- > M.fromList [("col1", MkOp (fp "x")), ("col2", MkOp (fp "y"))]
updateOperator ::
forall n r m b a.
(P.MonadParse n, MonadReader r m, Has MkTypename r, Backend b) =>
Name ->
Name ->
(ColumnInfo b -> m (P.Parser 'P.Both n a)) ->
NonEmpty (ColumnInfo b) ->
Description ->
Description ->
m (P.InputFieldsParser n (HashMap (Column b) a))
updateOperator tableGQLName opName mkParser columns opDesc objDesc = do
fieldParsers :: NonEmpty (P.InputFieldsParser n (Maybe (Column b, a))) <-
for columns \columnInfo -> do
let fieldName = ciName columnInfo
fieldDesc = ciDescription columnInfo
fieldParser <- mkParser columnInfo
pure $
P.fieldOptional fieldName fieldDesc fieldParser
`mapField` \value -> (ciColumn columnInfo, value)
objName <- mkTypename $ tableGQLName <> opName <> $$(litName "_input")
pure $
fmap (M.fromList . (fold :: Maybe [(Column b, a)] -> [(Column b, a)])) $
P.fieldOptional opName (Just opDesc) $
P.object objName (Just objDesc) $
(catMaybes . toList) <$> sequenceA fieldParsers
{-# ANN updateOperator ("HLint: ignore Use tuple-section" :: String) #-}
setOp ::
forall b n r m.
( BackendSchema b,
MonadReader r m,
Has MkTypename r,
Has NamingCase r,
MonadError QErr m,
P.MonadSchema n m
) =>
UpdateOperator b m n (UnpreparedValue b)
setOp = UpdateOperator {..}
updateOperatorApplicableColumn = const True
updateOperatorParser tableGQLName tableName columns = do
let typedParser columnInfo =
fmap mkParameter
<$> columnParser
(ciType columnInfo)
(Nullability $ ciIsNullable columnInfo)
$$(litName "_set")
"sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values"
(Description $ "input type for updating data in table " <>> tableName)
incOp ::
forall b m n r.
( Backend b,
MonadReader r m,
MonadError QErr m,
P.MonadSchema n m,
BackendSchema b,
Has MkTypename r,
Has NamingCase r
) =>
UpdateOperator b m n (UnpreparedValue b)
incOp = UpdateOperator {..}
updateOperatorApplicableColumn = isNumCol
updateOperatorParser tableGQLName tableName columns = do
let typedParser columnInfo =
fmap mkParameter
<$> columnParser
(ciType columnInfo)
(Nullability $ ciIsNullable columnInfo)
$$(litName "_inc")
"increments the numeric columns with given value of the filtered values"
(Description $ "input type for incrementing numeric columns in table " <>> tableName)
-- | Construct a root field, normally called update_tablename, that can be used
-- to update rows in a DB table specified by filters. Only returns a parser if
-- there are columns the user is allowed to update; otherwise returns Nothing.
updateTable ::
forall b r m n.
( MonadBuildSchema b r m n,
BackendTableSelectSchema b
) =>
-- | backend-specific data needed to perform an update mutation
P.InputFieldsParser n (BackendUpdate b (UnpreparedValue b)) ->
Scenario ->
-- | table source
SourceInfo b ->
-- | table info
TableInfo b ->
-- | field display name
Name ->
-- | field description, if any
Maybe Description ->
m (Maybe (P.FieldParser n (AnnotatedUpdateG b (RemoteRelationshipField UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue b))))
updateTable backendUpdate scenario sourceInfo tableInfo fieldName description = runMaybeT do
let tableName = tableInfoName tableInfo
columns = tableColumns tableInfo
whereName = $$(litName "where")
whereDesc = "filter the rows which have to be updated"
viewInfo = _tciViewInfo $ _tiCoreInfo tableInfo
guard $ isMutable viIsUpdatable viewInfo
roleName <- retrieve scRole
updatePerms <- hoistMaybe $ _permUpd $ getRolePermInfo roleName tableInfo
-- If we're in a frontend scenario, we should not include backend_only updates
-- For more info see Note [Backend only permissions]
guard $ not $ scenario == Frontend && upiBackendOnly updatePerms
whereArg <- lift $ P.field whereName (Just whereDesc) <$> boolExp sourceInfo tableInfo
selection <- lift $ mutationSelectionSet sourceInfo tableInfo
tCase <- asks getter
let argsParser = liftA2 (,) backendUpdate whereArg
pure $
P.subselection fieldName description argsParser selection
<&> mkUpdateObject tableName columns updatePerms (Just tCase) . fmap MOutMultirowFields
-- | Construct a root field, normally called 'update_tablename_by_pk', that can be used
-- to update a single in a DB table, specified by primary key. Only returns a
-- parser if there are columns the user is allowed to update and if the user has
-- select permissions on all primary keys; otherwise returns Nothing.
updateTableByPk ::
forall b r m n.
MonadBuildSchema b r m n =>
BackendTableSelectSchema b =>
-- | backend-specific data needed to perform an update mutation
P.InputFieldsParser n (BackendUpdate b (UnpreparedValue b)) ->
Scenario ->
-- | table source
SourceInfo b ->
-- | table info
TableInfo b ->
-- | field display name
Name ->
-- | field description, if any
Maybe Description ->
m (Maybe (P.FieldParser n (AnnotatedUpdateG b (RemoteRelationshipField UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue b))))
updateTableByPk backendUpdate scenario sourceInfo tableInfo fieldName description = runMaybeT $ do
let columns = tableColumns tableInfo
tableName = tableInfoName tableInfo
viewInfo = _tciViewInfo $ _tiCoreInfo tableInfo
guard $ isMutable viIsUpdatable viewInfo
roleName <- retrieve scRole
updatePerms <- hoistMaybe $ _permUpd $ getRolePermInfo roleName tableInfo
-- If we're in a frontend scenario, we should not include backend_only updates
-- For more info see Note [Backend only permissions]
guard $ not $ scenario == Frontend && upiBackendOnly updatePerms
pkArgs <- MaybeT $ primaryKeysArguments tableInfo
selection <- MaybeT $ tableSelectionSet sourceInfo tableInfo
tCase <- asks getter
lift $ do
tableGQLName <- getTableGQLName tableInfo
pkObjectName <- mkTypename $ tableGQLName <> $$(litName "_pk_columns_input")
let pkFieldName = $$(litName "pk_columns")
pkObjectDesc = Description $ "primary key columns input for table: " <> unName tableGQLName
pkParser = P.object pkObjectName (Just pkObjectDesc) pkArgs
argsParser = (,) <$> backendUpdate <*> P.field pkFieldName Nothing pkParser
pure $
P.subselection fieldName description argsParser selection
<&> mkUpdateObject tableName columns updatePerms (Just tCase) . fmap MOutSinglerowObject
mkUpdateObject ::
Backend b =>
TableName b ->
[ColumnInfo b] ->
UpdPermInfo b ->
(Maybe NamingCase) ->
( ( BackendUpdate b (UnpreparedValue b),
AnnBoolExp b (UnpreparedValue b)
MutationOutputG b (RemoteRelationshipField UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue b)
) ->
AnnotatedUpdateG b (RemoteRelationshipField UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue b)
mkUpdateObject _auTable _auAllCols updatePerms _auNamingConvention ((_auBackend, whereExp), _auOutput) =
AnnotatedUpdateG {..}
permissionFilter = fmap partialSQLExpToUnpreparedValue <$> upiFilter updatePerms
_auWhere = (permissionFilter, whereExp)
_auCheck = maybe annBoolExpTrue ((fmap . fmap) partialSQLExpToUnpreparedValue) $ upiCheck updatePerms