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fixes #3868 docker image - `hasura/graphql-engine:inherited-roles-preview-48b73a2de` Note: To be able to use the inherited roles feature, the graphql-engine should be started with the env variable `HASURA_GRAPHQL_EXPERIMENTAL_FEATURES` set to `inherited_roles`. Introduction ------------ This PR implements the idea of multiple roles as presented in this [paper](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/FGALanguageICDE07.pdf). The multiple roles feature in this PR can be used via inherited roles. An inherited role is a role which can be created by combining multiple singular roles. For example, if there are two roles `author` and `editor` configured in the graphql-engine, then we can create a inherited role with the name of `combined_author_editor` role which will combine the select permissions of the `author` and `editor` roles and then make GraphQL queries using the `combined_author_editor`. How are select permissions of different roles are combined? ------------------------------------------------------------ A select permission includes 5 things: 1. Columns accessible to the role 2. Row selection filter 3. Limit 4. Allow aggregation 5. Scalar computed fields accessible to the role Suppose there are two roles, `role1` gives access to the `address` column with row filter `P1` and `role2` gives access to both the `address` and the `phone` column with row filter `P2` and we create a new role `combined_roles` which combines `role1` and `role2`. Let's say the following GraphQL query is queried with the `combined_roles` role. ```graphql query { employees { address phone } } ``` This will translate to the following SQL query: ```sql select (case when (P1 or P2) then address else null end) as address, (case when P2 then phone else null end) as phone from employee where (P1 or P2) ``` The other parameters of the select permission will be combined in the following manner: 1. Limit - Minimum of the limits will be the limit of the inherited role 2. Allow aggregations - If any of the role allows aggregation, then the inherited role will allow aggregation 3. Scalar computed fields - same as table column fields, as in the above example APIs for inherited roles: ---------------------- 1. `add_inherited_role` `add_inherited_role` is the [metadata API](https://hasura.io/docs/1.0/graphql/core/api-reference/index.html#schema-metadata-api) to create a new inherited role. It accepts two arguments `role_name`: the name of the inherited role to be added (String) `role_set`: list of roles that need to be combined (Array of Strings) Example: ```json { "type": "add_inherited_role", "args": { "role_name":"combined_user", "role_set":[ "user", "user1" ] } } ``` After adding the inherited role, the inherited role can be used like single roles like earlier Note: An inherited role can only be created with non-inherited/singular roles. 2. `drop_inherited_role` The `drop_inherited_role` API accepts the name of the inherited role and drops it from the metadata. It accepts a single argument: `role_name`: name of the inherited role to be dropped Example: ```json { "type": "drop_inherited_role", "args": { "role_name":"combined_user" } } ``` Metadata --------- The derived roles metadata will be included under the `experimental_features` key while exporting the metadata. ```json { "experimental_features": { "derived_roles": [ { "role_name": "manager_is_employee_too", "role_set": [ "employee", "manager" ] } ] } } ``` Scope ------ Only postgres queries and subscriptions are supported in this PR. Important points: ----------------- 1. All columns exposed to an inherited role will be marked as `nullable`, this is done so that cell value nullification can be done. TODOs ------- - [ ] Tests - [ ] Test a GraphQL query running with a inherited role without enabling inherited roles in experimental features - [] Tests for aggregate queries, limit, computed fields, functions, subscriptions (?) - [ ] Introspection test with a inherited role (nullability changes in a inherited role) - [ ] Docs - [ ] Changelog Co-authored-by: Vamshi Surabhi <6562944+0x777@users.noreply.github.com> GitOrigin-RevId: 3b8ee1e11f5ceca80fe294f8c074d42fbccfec63
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module Hasura.GraphQL.Execute
( EPr.ExecutionStep(..)
, ResolvedExecutionPlan(..)
, ET.GraphQLQueryType(..)
, getResolvedExecPlan
, getExecPlanPartial
, execRemoteGQ
, EQ.PreparedSql(..)
, ExecutionCtx(..)
, MonadGQLExecutionCheck(..)
, checkQueryInAllowlist
, LiveQueryPlan (..)
, createSubscriptionPlan
) where
import Hasura.Prelude
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Data.Environment as Env
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.HashSet as HS
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax as G
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as HTTP
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as HTTP
import qualified Network.Wai.Extended as Wai
import Data.Text.Extended
import Data.Typeable
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Context as C
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.Backend as EB
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.Inline as EI
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.LiveQuery.Plan as EL
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.Mutation as EM
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.Prepare as EPr
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.Query as EQ
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.RemoteJoin as RJ
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.Types as ET
import qualified Hasura.Logging as L
import qualified Hasura.Server.Telemetry.Counters as Telem
import qualified Hasura.Tracing as Tracing
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Column (UnpreparedValue)
import Hasura.GraphQL.RemoteServer (execRemoteGQ)
import Hasura.GraphQL.Transport.HTTP.Protocol
import Hasura.Metadata.Class
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.Server.Version (HasVersion)
import Hasura.Session
type QueryParts = G.TypedOperationDefinition G.FragmentSpread G.Name
-- | Execution context
data ExecutionCtx
= ExecutionCtx
{ _ecxLogger :: !(L.Logger L.Hasura)
, _ecxSqlGenCtx :: !SQLGenCtx
-- , _ecxPlanCache :: !EP.PlanCache
, _ecxSchemaCache :: !SchemaCache
, _ecxSchemaCacheVer :: !SchemaCacheVer
, _ecxHttpManager :: !HTTP.Manager
, _ecxEnableAllowList :: !Bool
-- | Typeclass representing safety checks (if any) that need to be performed
-- before a GraphQL query should be allowed to be executed. In OSS, the safety
-- check is to check in the query is in the allow list.
-- | TODO (from master): Limitation: This parses the query, which is not ideal if we already
-- have the query cached. The parsing happens unnecessary. But getting this to
-- either return a plan or parse was tricky and complicated.
class Monad m => MonadGQLExecutionCheck m where
:: UserInfo
-> ([HTTP.Header], Wai.IpAddress)
-> Bool
-- ^ allow list enabled?
-> SchemaCache
-- ^ needs allow list
-> GQLReqUnparsed
-- ^ the unparsed GraphQL query string (and related values)
-> m (Either QErr GQLReqParsed)
instance MonadGQLExecutionCheck m => MonadGQLExecutionCheck (ExceptT e m) where
checkGQLExecution ui det enableAL sc req =
lift $ checkGQLExecution ui det enableAL sc req
instance MonadGQLExecutionCheck m => MonadGQLExecutionCheck (ReaderT r m) where
checkGQLExecution ui det enableAL sc req =
lift $ checkGQLExecution ui det enableAL sc req
instance MonadGQLExecutionCheck m => MonadGQLExecutionCheck (Tracing.TraceT m) where
checkGQLExecution ui det enableAL sc req =
lift $ checkGQLExecution ui det enableAL sc req
instance MonadGQLExecutionCheck m => MonadGQLExecutionCheck (MetadataStorageT m) where
checkGQLExecution ui det enableAL sc req =
lift $ checkGQLExecution ui det enableAL sc req
:: (MonadError QErr m)
=> UserInfo
-> SchemaCache
-> ET.GraphQLQueryType
-> GQLReqParsed
-> m (C.GQLContext, QueryParts)
getExecPlanPartial userInfo sc queryType req =
(getGCtx ,) <$> getQueryParts req
role = _uiRole userInfo
contextMap =
case queryType of
ET.QueryHasura -> scGQLContext sc
ET.QueryRelay -> scRelayContext sc
defaultContext =
case queryType of
ET.QueryHasura -> scUnauthenticatedGQLContext sc
ET.QueryRelay -> scUnauthenticatedRelayContext sc
getGCtx :: C.GQLContext
getGCtx =
case Map.lookup role contextMap of
Nothing -> defaultContext
Just (C.RoleContext frontend backend) ->
case _uiBackendOnlyFieldAccess userInfo of
BOFAAllowed -> fromMaybe frontend backend
BOFADisallowed -> frontend
-- | Depending on the request parameters, fetch the correct typed operation
-- definition from the GraphQL query
:: MonadError QErr m
=> GQLReqParsed
-> m QueryParts
getQueryParts (GQLReq opNameM q _varValsM) = do
let (selSets, opDefs, _fragDefsL) = G.partitionExDefs $ unGQLExecDoc q
case (opNameM, selSets, opDefs) of
(Just opName, [], _) -> do
let n = _unOperationName opName
opDefM = find (\opDef -> G._todName opDef == Just n) opDefs
onNothing opDefM $ throw400 ValidationFailed $
"no such operation found in the document: " <> dquote n
(Just _, _, _) ->
throw400 ValidationFailed $ "operationName cannot be used when " <>
"an anonymous operation exists in the document"
(Nothing, [selSet], []) ->
return $ G.TypedOperationDefinition G.OperationTypeQuery Nothing [] [] selSet
(Nothing, [], [opDef]) ->
return opDef
(Nothing, _, _) ->
throw400 ValidationFailed $ "exactly one operation has to be present " <>
"in the document when operationName is not specified"
-- The graphql query is resolved into a sequence of execution operations
data ResolvedExecutionPlan
= QueryExecutionPlan EB.ExecutionPlan [C.QueryRootField UnpreparedValue]
-- ^ query execution; remote schemas and introspection possible
| MutationExecutionPlan EB.ExecutionPlan
-- ^ mutation execution; only __typename introspection supported
| SubscriptionExecutionPlan SourceName LiveQueryPlan
-- ^ live query execution; remote schemas and introspection not supported
-- See Note [Existentially Quantified Types]
data LiveQueryPlan where
LQP :: forall b. EB.BackendExecute b => EL.LiveQueryPlan b (EB.MultiplexedQuery b) -> LiveQueryPlan
:: forall m
. ( MonadError QErr m
, MonadIO m
=> UserInfo
-> InsOrdHashMap G.Name (C.QueryRootField UnpreparedValue)
-> m (SourceName, LiveQueryPlan)
createSubscriptionPlan userInfo rootFields = do
subscriptions <- for rootFields \case
C.RFDB src e x -> pure $ C.RFDB src e x
C.RFAction (C.AQAsync _) -> throw400 NotSupported "async action queries are temporarily not supported in subscription"
C.RFAction (C.AQQuery _) -> throw400 NotSupported "query actions cannot be run as a subscription"
C.RFRemote _ -> throw400 NotSupported "subscription to remote server is not supported"
C.RFRaw _ -> throw400 NotSupported "Introspection not supported over subscriptions"
for_ subscriptions \(C.RFDB _ _ (C.QDBR qdb)) -> do
unless (isNothing $ RJ.getRemoteJoins qdb) $
throw400 NotSupported "Remote relationships are not allowed in subscriptions"
case toList subscriptions of
[] -> throw500 "empty selset for subscription"
(sub:_) -> buildAction sub subscriptions
buildAction (C.RFDB sourceName (sourceConfig :: SourceConfig b) _) allFields = do
qdbs <- traverse (checkField @b sourceName) allFields
lqp <- case backendTag @b of
PostgresTag -> LQP <$> EB.mkDBSubscriptionPlan userInfo sourceConfig qdbs
MSSQLTag -> LQP <$> EB.mkDBSubscriptionPlan userInfo sourceConfig qdbs
pure (sourceName, lqp)
:: forall b. Backend b
=> SourceName
-> C.SubscriptionRootField UnpreparedValue
-> m (C.QueryDB b (UnpreparedValue b))
checkField sourceName (C.RFDB src _ (C.QDBR qdb))
| sourceName /= src = throw400 NotSupported "all fields of a subscription must be from the same source"
| otherwise = cast qdb `onNothing`
throw500 "internal error: two sources share the same name but are tied to different backends"
:: (MonadError QErr m) => Bool -> UserInfo -> GQLReqParsed -> SchemaCache -> m ()
checkQueryInAllowlist enableAL userInfo req sc =
-- only for non-admin roles
-- check if query is in allowlist
when (enableAL && (_uiRole userInfo /= adminRoleName)) $ do
let notInAllowlist =
not $ isQueryInAllowlist (_grQuery req) (scAllowlist sc)
when notInAllowlist $ modifyQErr modErr $ throw400 ValidationFailed "query is not allowed"
modErr e =
let msg = "query is not in any of the allowlists"
in e{qeInternal = Just $ J.object [ "message" J..= J.String msg]}
isQueryInAllowlist q = HS.member gqlQuery
gqlQuery = GQLQuery $ G.ExecutableDocument $ stripTypenames $
unGQLExecDoc q
:: forall m
. ( HasVersion
, MonadError QErr m
, MonadMetadataStorage (MetadataStorageT m)
, MonadIO m
, Tracing.MonadTrace m
=> Env.Environment
-> L.Logger L.Hasura
-- -> EP.PlanCache
-> UserInfo
-> SQLGenCtx
-> SchemaCache
-> SchemaCacheVer
-> ET.GraphQLQueryType
-> HTTP.Manager
-> [HTTP.Header]
-> (GQLReqUnparsed, GQLReqParsed)
-> m (Telem.CacheHit, ResolvedExecutionPlan)
getResolvedExecPlan env logger {- planCache-} userInfo sqlGenCtx
sc scVer queryType httpManager reqHeaders (reqUnparsed, reqParsed) = -- do
-- See Note [Temporarily disabling query plan caching]
-- planM <- liftIO $ EP.getPlan scVer (_uiRole userInfo) opNameM queryStr
-- queryType planCache
-- case planM of
-- -- plans are only for queries and subscriptions
-- Just plan -> (Telem.Hit,) <$> case plan of
-- EP.RPQuery queryPlan -> do
-- -- (tx, genSql) <- EQ.queryOpFromPlan env httpManager reqHeaders userInfo queryVars queryPlan
-- return $ QueryExecutionPlan _ -- tx (Just genSql)
-- EP.RPSubs subsPlan ->
-- return $ SubscriptionExecutionPlan _ -- <$> EL.reuseLiveQueryPlan pgExecCtx usrVars queryVars subsPlan
-- Nothing -> (Telem.Miss,) <$> noExistingPlan
(Telem.Miss,) <$> noExistingPlan
GQLReq opNameM queryStr queryVars = reqUnparsed
-- addPlanToCache plan =
-- liftIO $ EP.addPlan scVer (userRole userInfo)
-- opNameM queryStr plan planCache
noExistingPlan :: m ResolvedExecutionPlan
noExistingPlan = do
-- GraphQL requests may incorporate fragments which insert a pre-defined
-- part of a GraphQL query. Here we make sure to remember those
-- pre-defined sections, so that when we encounter a fragment spread
-- later, we can inline it instead.
let takeFragment = \case G.ExecutableDefinitionFragment f -> Just f; _ -> Nothing
fragments =
mapMaybe takeFragment $ unGQLExecDoc $ _grQuery reqParsed
(gCtx, queryParts) <- getExecPlanPartial userInfo sc queryType reqParsed
case queryParts of
G.TypedOperationDefinition G.OperationTypeQuery _ varDefs dirs selSet -> do
-- (Here the above fragment inlining is actually executed.)
inlinedSelSet <- EI.inlineSelectionSet fragments selSet
uncurry QueryExecutionPlan <$>
EQ.convertQuerySelSet env logger gCtx userInfo httpManager reqHeaders dirs inlinedSelSet varDefs (_grVariables reqUnparsed)
-- See Note [Temporarily disabling query plan caching]
-- traverse_ (addPlanToCache . EP.RPQuery) plan
G.TypedOperationDefinition G.OperationTypeMutation _ varDefs _ selSet -> do
-- (Here the above fragment inlining is actually executed.)
inlinedSelSet <- EI.inlineSelectionSet fragments selSet
MutationExecutionPlan <$>
EM.convertMutationSelectionSet env logger gCtx sqlGenCtx userInfo httpManager reqHeaders
inlinedSelSet varDefs (_grVariables reqUnparsed)
-- See Note [Temporarily disabling query plan caching]
-- traverse_ (addPlanToCache . EP.RPQuery) plan
G.TypedOperationDefinition G.OperationTypeSubscription _ varDefs directives selSet -> do
-- (Here the above fragment inlining is actually executed.)
inlinedSelSet <- EI.inlineSelectionSet fragments selSet
-- Parse as query to check correctness
(unpreparedAST, _reusability) <-
EQ.parseGraphQLQuery gCtx varDefs (_grVariables reqUnparsed) inlinedSelSet
-- A subscription should have exactly one root field
-- As an internal testing feature, we support subscribing to multiple
-- root fields in a subcription. First, we check if the corresponding directive
-- (@_multiple_top_level_fields) is set.
case inlinedSelSet of
[] -> throw500 "empty selset for subscription"
[_] -> pure ()
(_:rst) ->
let multipleAllowed =
-- TODO!!!
-- We support directives we don't expose in the schema?!
G.Directive $$(G.litName "_multiple_top_level_fields") mempty `elem` directives
unless (multipleAllowed || null rst) $
throw400 ValidationFailed "subscriptions must select one top level field"
uncurry SubscriptionExecutionPlan <$> createSubscriptionPlan userInfo unpreparedAST