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PR-URL: https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/1616 GitOrigin-RevId: f7eefd2367929209aa77895ea585e96a99a78d47
389 lines
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389 lines
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module Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Action
( actionExecute,
import Data.Aeson qualified as J
import Data.Has
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as Map
import Data.Text.Extended
import Data.Text.NonEmpty
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.SQL.Types
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.Types.Column
import Hasura.Base.Error
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser
( FieldParser,
Kind (..),
UnpreparedValue (..),
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser qualified as P
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Class
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Internal.Parser qualified as P
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Backend
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Common
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Select
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.DML.Internal qualified as RQL
import Hasura.RQL.IR.Select qualified as RQL
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.Session
import Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax qualified as G
-- | actionExecute is used to execute either a query action or a synchronous
-- mutation action. A query action or a synchronous mutation action accepts
-- the field name and input arguments and a selectionset. The
-- input argument and selectionset types are defined by the user.
-- > action_name(action_input_arguments) {
-- > col1: col1_type
-- > col2: col2_type
-- > }
actionExecute ::
forall r m n.
MonadBuildSchema ('Postgres 'Vanilla) r m n =>
NonObjectTypeMap ->
ActionInfo ->
m (Maybe (FieldParser n (AnnActionExecution ('Postgres 'Vanilla) (RQL.RemoteSelect UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue ('Postgres 'Vanilla)))))
actionExecute nonObjectTypeMap actionInfo = runMaybeT do
roleName <- askRoleName
guard (roleName == adminRoleName || roleName `Map.member` permissions)
let fieldName = unActionName actionName
description = G.Description <$> comment
inputArguments <- lift $ actionInputArguments nonObjectTypeMap $ _adArguments definition
selectionSet <- lift $ actionOutputFields outputType outputObject
stringifyNum <- asks $ qcStringifyNum . getter
pure $
P.subselection fieldName description inputArguments selectionSet
<&> \(argsJson, fields) ->
{ _aaeName = actionName,
_aaeFields = fields,
_aaePayload = argsJson,
_aaeOutputType = _adOutputType definition,
_aaeOutputFields = getActionOutputFields outputObject,
_aaeDefinitionList = mkDefinitionList outputObject,
_aaeWebhook = _adHandler definition,
_aaeHeaders = _adHeaders definition,
_aaeForwardClientHeaders = _adForwardClientHeaders definition,
_aaeStrfyNum = stringifyNum,
_aaeTimeOut = _adTimeout definition,
_aaeSource = getActionSourceInfo outputObject,
_aaeRequestTransform = _adRequestTransform definition
ActionInfo actionName (outputType, outputObject) definition permissions _ comment = actionInfo
-- | actionAsyncMutation is used to execute a asynchronous mutation action. An
-- asynchronous action expects the field name and the input arguments to the
-- action. A selectionset is *not* expected. An action ID (UUID) will be
-- returned after performing the action
-- > action_name(action_input_arguments)
actionAsyncMutation ::
forall m n r.
(MonadSchema n m, MonadTableInfo r m, MonadRole r m) =>
NonObjectTypeMap ->
ActionInfo ->
m (Maybe (FieldParser n AnnActionMutationAsync))
actionAsyncMutation nonObjectTypeMap actionInfo = runMaybeT do
roleName <- lift askRoleName
guard $ roleName == adminRoleName || roleName `Map.member` permissions
inputArguments <- lift $ actionInputArguments nonObjectTypeMap $ _adArguments definition
let fieldName = unActionName actionName
description = G.Description <$> comment
pure $
P.selection fieldName description inputArguments actionIdParser
<&> AnnActionMutationAsync actionName forwardClientHeaders
ActionInfo actionName _ definition permissions forwardClientHeaders comment = actionInfo
-- | actionAsyncQuery is used to query/subscribe to the result of an
-- asynchronous mutation action. The only input argument to an
-- asynchronous mutation action is the action ID (UUID) and a selection
-- set is expected, the selection set contains 4 fields namely 'id',
-- 'created_at','errors' and 'output'. The result of the action can be queried
-- through the 'output' field.
-- > action_name (id: UUID!) {
-- > id: UUID!
-- > created_at: timestampz!
-- > errors: JSON
-- > output: user_defined_type!
-- > }
actionAsyncQuery ::
forall r m n.
MonadBuildSchema ('Postgres 'Vanilla) r m n =>
ActionInfo ->
m (Maybe (FieldParser n (AnnActionAsyncQuery ('Postgres 'Vanilla) (RQL.RemoteSelect UnpreparedValue) (UnpreparedValue ('Postgres 'Vanilla)))))
actionAsyncQuery actionInfo = runMaybeT do
roleName <- askRoleName
guard $ roleName == adminRoleName || roleName `Map.member` permissions
actionOutputParser <- lift $ actionOutputFields outputType outputObject
createdAtFieldParser <-
lift $ columnParser @('Postgres 'Vanilla) (ColumnScalar PGTimeStampTZ) (G.Nullability False)
errorsFieldParser <-
lift $ columnParser @('Postgres 'Vanilla) (ColumnScalar PGJSON) (G.Nullability True)
outputTypeName <- P.mkTypename $ unActionName actionName
let fieldName = unActionName actionName
description = G.Description <$> comment
actionIdInputField =
P.field idFieldName (Just idFieldDescription) actionIdParser
allFieldParsers =
let idField = P.selection_ idFieldName (Just idFieldDescription) actionIdParser $> AsyncId
createdAtField =
$$(G.litName "created_at")
(Just "the time at which this action was created")
$> AsyncCreatedAt
errorsField =
$$(G.litName "errors")
(Just "errors related to the invocation")
$> AsyncErrors
outputField =
$$(G.litName "output")
(Just "the output fields of this action")
<&> AsyncOutput
in [idField, createdAtField, errorsField, outputField]
selectionSet =
let desc = G.Description $ "fields of action: " <>> actionName
in P.selectionSet outputTypeName (Just desc) allFieldParsers
<&> parsedSelectionsToFields AsyncTypename
stringifyNum <- asks $ qcStringifyNum . getter
pure $
P.subselection fieldName description actionIdInputField selectionSet
<&> \(idArg, fields) ->
{ _aaaqName = actionName,
_aaaqActionId = idArg,
_aaaqOutputType = _adOutputType definition,
_aaaqFields = fields,
_aaaqDefinitionList = mkDefinitionList outputObject,
_aaaqStringifyNum = stringifyNum,
_aaaqForwardClientHeaders = forwardClientHeaders,
_aaaqSource = getActionSourceInfo outputObject
ActionInfo actionName (outputType, outputObject) definition permissions forwardClientHeaders comment = actionInfo
idFieldName = $$(G.litName "id")
idFieldDescription = "the unique id of an action"
-- | Async action's unique id
actionIdParser ::
MonadParse n => Parser 'Both n ActionId
actionIdParser = ActionId <$> P.uuid
actionOutputFields ::
forall r m n.
MonadBuildSchema ('Postgres 'Vanilla) r m n =>
G.GType ->
AnnotatedObjectType ->
m (Parser 'Output n (AnnotatedFields ('Postgres 'Vanilla)))
actionOutputFields outputType annotatedObject = do
let outputObject = _aotDefinition annotatedObject
scalarOrEnumFields = map outputFieldParser $ toList $ _otdFields outputObject
relationshipFields <- forM (_otdRelationships outputObject) $ traverse relationshipFieldParser
outputTypeName <- P.mkTypename $ unObjectTypeName $ _otdName outputObject
let allFieldParsers =
<> maybe [] (concat . catMaybes . toList) relationshipFields
outputTypeDescription = _otdDescription outputObject
pure $
outputParserModifier outputType $
P.selectionSet outputTypeName outputTypeDescription allFieldParsers
<&> parsedSelectionsToFields RQL.AFExpression
outputParserModifier :: G.GType -> Parser 'Output n a -> Parser 'Output n a
outputParserModifier = \case
G.TypeNamed (G.Nullability True) _ -> P.nullableParser
G.TypeNamed (G.Nullability False) _ -> P.nonNullableParser
G.TypeList (G.Nullability True) t -> P.nullableParser . P.multiple . outputParserModifier t
G.TypeList (G.Nullability False) t -> P.nonNullableParser . P.multiple . outputParserModifier t
outputFieldParser ::
ObjectFieldDefinition (G.GType, AnnotatedObjectFieldType) ->
FieldParser n (AnnotatedField ('Postgres 'Vanilla))
outputFieldParser (ObjectFieldDefinition name _ description (gType, objectFieldType)) =
let fieldName = unObjectFieldName name
selection = P.selection_ fieldName description $ case objectFieldType of
AOFTScalar def -> customScalarParser def
AOFTEnum def -> customEnumParser def
in P.wrapFieldParser gType selection $> RQL.mkAnnColumnField (unsafePGCol $ G.unName fieldName) (ColumnScalar PGJSON) Nothing Nothing
relationshipFieldParser ::
TypeRelationship (TableInfo ('Postgres 'Vanilla)) (ColumnInfo ('Postgres 'Vanilla)) ->
m (Maybe [FieldParser n (AnnotatedField ('Postgres 'Vanilla))])
relationshipFieldParser (TypeRelationship relName relType sourceName tableInfo fieldMapping) = runMaybeT do
let tableName = _tciName $ _tiCoreInfo tableInfo
fieldName = unRelationshipName relName
tableRelName = RelName $ mkNonEmptyTextUnsafe $ G.unName fieldName
columnMapping = Map.fromList $ do
(k, v) <- Map.toList fieldMapping
pure (unsafePGCol $ G.unName $ unObjectFieldName k, pgiColumn v)
roleName <- lift askRoleName
tablePerms <- hoistMaybe $ RQL.getPermInfoMaybe roleName PASelect tableInfo
case relType of
ObjRel -> do
let desc = Just $ G.Description "An object relationship"
selectionSetParser <- lift $ tableSelectionSet sourceName tableInfo tablePerms
pure $
pure $
P.nonNullableField $
P.subselection_ fieldName desc selectionSetParser
<&> \fields ->
RQL.AFObjectRelation $
RQL.AnnRelationSelectG tableRelName columnMapping $
RQL.AnnObjectSelectG fields tableName $
(fmap partialSQLExpToUnpreparedValue <$> spiFilter tablePerms)
ArrRel -> do
let desc = Just $ G.Description "An array relationship"
otherTableParser <- lift $ selectTable sourceName tableInfo fieldName desc tablePerms
let arrayRelField =
otherTableParser <&> \selectExp ->
RQL.AFArrayRelation $
RQL.ASSimple $ RQL.AnnRelationSelectG tableRelName columnMapping selectExp
relAggFieldName = fieldName <> $$(G.litName "_aggregate")
relAggDesc = Just $ G.Description "An aggregate relationship"
tableAggField <- lift $ selectTableAggregate sourceName tableInfo relAggFieldName relAggDesc tablePerms
pure $
[ Just arrayRelField,
fmap (RQL.AFArrayRelation . RQL.ASAggregate . RQL.AnnRelationSelectG tableRelName columnMapping) <$> tableAggField
mkDefinitionList :: AnnotatedObjectType -> [(PGCol, ScalarType ('Postgres 'Vanilla))]
mkDefinitionList AnnotatedObjectType {..} =
flip map (toList _otdFields) $ \ObjectFieldDefinition {..} ->
(unsafePGCol . G.unName . unObjectFieldName $ _ofdName,) $
case Map.lookup _ofdName fieldReferences of
Nothing -> fieldTypeToScalarType $ snd _ofdType
Just columnInfo -> unsafePGColumnToBackend $ pgiType columnInfo
ObjectTypeDefinition {..} = _aotDefinition
fieldReferences =
Map.unions $ map _trFieldMapping $ maybe [] toList _otdRelationships
actionInputArguments ::
forall m n r.
(MonadSchema n m, MonadTableInfo r m) =>
NonObjectTypeMap ->
[ArgumentDefinition (G.GType, NonObjectCustomType)] ->
m (InputFieldsParser n J.Value)
actionInputArguments nonObjectTypeMap arguments = do
argumentParsers <- for arguments $ \argument -> do
let ArgumentDefinition argumentName (gType, nonObjectType) argumentDescription = argument
name = unArgumentName argumentName
(name,) <$> argumentParser name argumentDescription gType nonObjectType
pure $ J.Object <$> inputFieldsToObject argumentParsers
inputFieldsToObject ::
[(G.Name, InputFieldsParser n (Maybe J.Value))] ->
InputFieldsParser n J.Object
inputFieldsToObject inputFields =
let mkTuple (name, parser) = fmap (G.unName name,) <$> parser
in Map.fromList . catMaybes <$> traverse mkTuple inputFields
argumentParser ::
G.Name ->
Maybe G.Description ->
G.GType ->
NonObjectCustomType ->
m (InputFieldsParser n (Maybe J.Value))
argumentParser name description gType nonObjectType = do
let mkResult :: forall k. ('Input P.<: k) => Parser k n J.Value -> InputFieldsParser n (Maybe J.Value)
mkResult = mkArgumentInputFieldParser name description gType
case nonObjectType of
-- scalar and enum parsers are not recursive and need not be memoized
NOCTScalar def -> pure $ mkResult $ customScalarParser def
NOCTEnum def -> pure $ mkResult $ customEnumParser def
-- input objects however may recursively contain one another
NOCTInputObject (InputObjectTypeDefinition (InputObjectTypeName objectName) objectDesc inputFields) ->
mkResult <$> memoizeOn 'actionInputArguments objectName do
inputFieldsParsers <- forM
(toList inputFields)
\(InputObjectFieldDefinition (InputObjectFieldName fieldName) fieldDesc (GraphQLType fieldType)) -> do
nonObjectFieldType <-
Map.lookup (G.getBaseType fieldType) nonObjectTypeMap
`onNothing` throw500 "object type for a field found in custom input object type"
(fieldName,) <$> argumentParser fieldName fieldDesc fieldType nonObjectFieldType
pure $
P.object (P.Typename objectName) objectDesc $
J.Object <$> inputFieldsToObject inputFieldsParsers
mkArgumentInputFieldParser ::
forall m k.
(MonadParse m, 'Input P.<: k) =>
G.Name ->
Maybe G.Description ->
G.GType ->
Parser k m J.Value ->
InputFieldsParser m (Maybe J.Value)
mkArgumentInputFieldParser name description gType parser =
if G.isNullable gType
then P.fieldOptional name description modifiedParser
else Just <$> P.field name description modifiedParser
modifiedParser = parserModifier gType parser
parserModifier ::
G.GType -> Parser k m J.Value -> Parser k m J.Value
parserModifier = \case
G.TypeNamed nullable _ -> nullableModifier nullable
G.TypeList nullable ty ->
nullableModifier nullable . fmap J.toJSON . P.list . parserModifier ty
nullableModifier =
bool (fmap J.toJSON) (fmap J.toJSON . P.nullable) . G.unNullability
customScalarParser ::
MonadParse m =>
AnnotatedScalarType ->
Parser 'Both m J.Value
customScalarParser = \case
ASTCustom ScalarTypeDefinition {..} ->
| _stdName == idScalar -> J.toJSON <$> P.identifier
| _stdName == intScalar -> J.toJSON <$> P.int
| _stdName == floatScalar -> J.toJSON <$> P.float
| _stdName == stringScalar -> J.toJSON <$> P.string
| _stdName == boolScalar -> J.toJSON <$> P.boolean
| otherwise -> P.jsonScalar (P.Typename _stdName) _stdDescription
ASTReusedScalar name pgScalarType ->
let schemaType = P.NonNullable $ P.TNamed $ P.mkDefinition (P.Typename name) Nothing P.TIScalar
in P.Parser
{ pType = schemaType,
pParser =
P.valueToJSON (P.toGraphQLType schemaType)
>=> either
(parseErrorWith ParseFailed . qeError)
(pure . scalarValueToJSON @('Postgres 'Vanilla))
. parseScalarValue @('Postgres 'Vanilla) pgScalarType
customEnumParser ::
MonadParse m =>
EnumTypeDefinition ->
Parser 'Both m J.Value
customEnumParser (EnumTypeDefinition typeName description enumValues) =
let enumName = unEnumTypeName typeName
enumValueDefinitions =
enumValues <&> \enumValue ->
let valueName = G.unEnumValue $ _evdValue enumValue
in (,J.toJSON valueName) $
(_evdDescription enumValue)
in P.enum (P.Typename enumName) description enumValueDefinitions