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PR-URL: https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/3743 GitOrigin-RevId: e2b3dba91b1b9ca66e0e140f9ec8d6d2d2e8a319
193 lines
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193 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
-- | Templating yaml files.
module Harness.Quoter.Yaml
( yaml,
import Control.Exception.Safe (Exception, impureThrow, throwM)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (ResourceT)
import Data.Aeson (Value)
import Data.Aeson qualified
import Data.Aeson qualified as Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Text qualified as Aeson.Text
import Data.ByteString.Char8 qualified as BS8
import Data.Conduit (runConduitRes, (.|))
import Data.Conduit.List qualified as CL
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HashMap
import Data.Text.Encoding.Error qualified as T
import Data.Text.Lazy qualified as LT
import Data.Vector qualified as Vector
import Data.Yaml qualified
import Data.Yaml.Internal qualified
import Harness.Test.Context qualified as Context (Options (..))
import Instances.TH.Lift ()
import Language.Haskell.TH (Exp, Q, listE, mkName, runIO, varE)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Lift (Lift)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Lift qualified as TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote (QuasiQuoter (..))
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import Test.Hspec (HasCallStack, shouldBe, shouldContain)
import Text.Libyaml qualified as Libyaml
import Prelude
-- * Expectations
-- | The action @actualIO@ should produce the @expected@ YAML,
-- represented (by the yaml package) as an aeson 'Value'.
-- We use 'Visual' internally to easily display the 'Value' as YAML
-- when the test suite uses its 'Show' instance.
shouldReturnYaml :: HasCallStack => Context.Options -> IO Value -> Value -> IO ()
shouldReturnYaml options actualIO rawExpected = do
actual <- actualIO
let Context.Options {stringifyNumbers} = options
expected =
if stringifyNumbers
then stringifyExpectedToActual rawExpected actual
else rawExpected
shouldBeYaml actual expected
-- | TODO(jkachmar): Document.
stringifyExpectedToActual :: Value -> Value -> Value
stringifyExpectedToActual (Aeson.Number n) (Aeson.String _) =
Aeson.String (LT.toStrict . Aeson.Text.encodeToLazyText $ n)
stringifyExpectedToActual (Aeson.Object hm) (Aeson.Object hm') =
let stringifyKV k v =
case HashMap.lookup k hm' of
Just v' -> stringifyExpectedToActual v v'
Nothing -> v
in Aeson.Object (HashMap.mapWithKey stringifyKV hm)
stringifyExpectedToActual (Aeson.Array as) (Aeson.Array bs) =
Aeson.Array (Vector.zipWith stringifyExpectedToActual as bs)
stringifyExpectedToActual expected _ = expected
-- | The action @actualIO@ should produce the @expected@ YAML,
-- represented (by the yaml package) as an aeson 'Value'.
-- We use 'Visual' internally to easily display the 'Value' as YAML
-- when the test suite uses its 'Show' instance.
shouldReturnOneOfYaml :: HasCallStack => Context.Options -> IO Value -> [Value] -> IO ()
shouldReturnOneOfYaml options actualIO expecteds = do
actual <- actualIO
let Context.Options {stringifyNumbers} = options
fixNumbers expected =
if stringifyNumbers
then stringifyExpectedToActual expected actual
else expected
shouldContain (map (Visual . fixNumbers) expecteds) [Visual actual]
-- | We use 'Visual' internally to easily display the 'Value' as YAML
-- when the test suite uses its 'Show' instance.
-- NOTE(jkachmar): A lot of the matchers we define in this module are
-- implemented in the @hspec-expectations-json@ package.
-- Since @Data.Yaml@ uses the same underlying 'Value' type as
-- @Data.Aeson@, we could pull that in as a dependency and alias
-- some of these functions accordingly.
shouldBeYaml :: HasCallStack => Value -> Value -> IO ()
shouldBeYaml actual expected = do
shouldBe (Visual actual) (Visual expected)
-- * Quasi quoters
yaml :: QuasiQuoter
yaml =
{ quoteExp = templateYaml,
quotePat = \_ -> fail "invalid",
quoteType = \_ -> fail "invalid",
quoteDec = \_ -> fail "invalid"
-- | Template a YAML file contents. Throws a bunch of exception types:
-- 'YamlTemplateException' or 'YamlException' or 'ParseException'.
-- Produces 'Value'.
templateYaml :: String -> Q Exp
templateYaml inputString = do
events <-
( runConduitRes
(Libyaml.decode inputBytes .| CL.mapM processor .| CL.consume)
( do
bs <-
(CL.sourceList (concat $(listE events)) .| Libyaml.encode)
case Data.Yaml.decodeEither' bs of
Left e -> impureThrow e
Right (v :: Aeson.Value) -> pure v
inputBytes = BS8.pack inputString
-- | Process the events as they come in, potentially expanding any
-- aliases to objects.
processor :: Libyaml.Event -> ResourceT IO (Q Exp)
processor =
Libyaml.EventAlias anchorName ->
(Data.Aeson.toJSON $(varE (mkName anchorName)))
-- We disable anchors because aliases are used only to refer to
-- Haskell variables, not YAML anchors.
(Libyaml.EventScalar _ _ _ (Just {})) -> throwM AnchorsAreDisabled
(Libyaml.EventSequenceStart _ _ (Just {})) -> throwM AnchorsAreDisabled
(Libyaml.EventMappingStart _ _ (Just {})) -> throwM AnchorsAreDisabled
event -> pure (TH.lift [event])
-- * YAML types
-- | Exceptions that will be thrown mercilessly.
data YamlTemplateException
= AnchorsAreDisabled
| YamlEncodingProblem T.UnicodeException
deriving stock (Show)
deriving anyclass (Exception)
deriving instance Lift Libyaml.Event
deriving instance Lift Libyaml.Style
deriving instance Lift Libyaml.Tag
deriving instance Lift Libyaml.SequenceStyle
deriving instance Lift Libyaml.MappingStyle
-- | For the test suite: diff structural, but display in a readable
-- way.
newtype Visual = Visual {unVisual :: Value}
deriving stock (Eq)
instance Show Visual where
show = BS8.unpack . Data.Yaml.encode . unVisual