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#!/usr/bin/env python3
import yaml
import json
import os
import base64
import jsondiff
import jwt
def check_keys(keys, obj):
for k in keys:
assert k in obj, obj
def check_ev_payload_shape(ev_payload):
top_level_keys = ["created_at", "event", "id", "table", "trigger"]
check_keys(top_level_keys, ev_payload)
event_keys = ["data", "op"]
check_keys(event_keys, ev_payload['event'])
trigger_keys = ["id", "name"]
check_keys(trigger_keys, ev_payload['trigger'])
def validate_event_payload(ev_payload, trig_name, table):
assert ev_payload['table'] == table, ev_payload
assert ev_payload['trigger']['name'] == trig_name, ev_payload
def validate_event_headers(ev_headers, headers):
for key, value in headers.items():
v = ev_headers.get(key)
assert v == value, (key, v)
def validate_event_webhook(ev_webhook_path, webhook_path):
assert ev_webhook_path == webhook_path
def check_event(hge_ctx, trig_name, table, operation, exp_ev_data, headers, webhook_path):
ev_full = hge_ctx.get_event(3)
validate_event_webhook(ev_full['path'], webhook_path)
validate_event_headers(ev_full['headers'], headers)
validate_event_payload(ev_full['body'], trig_name, table)
ev = ev_full['body']['event']
assert ev['op'] == operation, ev
assert ev['data'] == exp_ev_data, ev
def test_forbidden_when_access_key_reqd(hge_ctx, conf):
headers = {}
if 'headers' in conf:
headers = conf['headers']
# Test without access key
code, resp = hge_ctx.anyq(conf['url'], conf['query'], headers)
assert code == 401, "\n" + yaml.dump({
"expected": "Should be access denied as access key is not provided",
"actual": {
"code": code,
"response": resp
# Test with random access key
headers['X-Hasura-Access-Key'] = base64.b64encode(os.urandom(30))
code, resp = hge_ctx.anyq(conf['url'], conf['query'], headers)
assert code == 401, "\n" + yaml.dump({
"expected": "Should be access denied as an incorrect access key is provided",
"actual": {
"code": code,
"response": resp
def test_forbidden_webhook(hge_ctx, conf):
h = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + base64.b64encode(base64.b64encode(os.urandom(30))).decode('utf-8')}
code, resp = hge_ctx.anyq(conf['url'], conf['query'], h)
assert code == 401, "\n" + yaml.dump({
"expected": "Should be access denied as it is denied from webhook",
"actual": {
"code": code,
"response": resp
def check_query(hge_ctx, conf, add_auth=True):
headers = {}
if 'headers' in conf:
headers = conf['headers']
if add_auth:
if hge_ctx.hge_jwt_key is not None and len(headers) > 0 and 'X-Hasura-Role' in headers:
hClaims = dict()
hClaims['X-Hasura-Allowed-Roles'] = [headers['X-Hasura-Role']]
hClaims['X-Hasura-Default-Role'] = headers['X-Hasura-Role']
for key in headers:
if key != 'X-Hasura-Role':
hClaims[key] = headers[key]
claim = {
"sub": "foo",
"name": "bar",
"https://hasura.io/jwt/claims": hClaims
headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + jwt.encode(claim, hge_ctx.hge_jwt_key, algorithm='RS512').decode(
if hge_ctx.hge_webhook is not None and len(headers) > 0:
if not hge_ctx.webhook_insecure:
test_forbidden_webhook(hge_ctx, conf)
headers['X-Hasura-Auth-Mode'] = 'webhook'
headers_new = dict()
headers_new['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + base64.b64encode(json.dumps(headers).encode('utf-8')).decode(
headers = headers_new
elif (
hge_ctx.hge_webhook is not None or hge_ctx.hge_jwt_key is not None) and hge_ctx.hge_key is not None and len(
headers) == 0:
headers['X-Hasura-Access-Key'] = hge_ctx.hge_key
elif hge_ctx.hge_key is not None and hge_ctx.hge_webhook is None and hge_ctx.hge_jwt_key is None:
test_forbidden_when_access_key_reqd(hge_ctx, conf)
headers['X-Hasura-Access-Key'] = hge_ctx.hge_key
code, resp = hge_ctx.anyq(conf['url'], conf['query'], headers)
assert code == conf['status'], resp
if 'response' in conf:
assert json_ordered(resp) == json_ordered(conf['response']), yaml.dump({
'response': resp,
'expected': conf['response'],
'diff': jsondiff.diff(conf['response'], resp)
return code, resp
def check_query_f(hge_ctx, f, add_auth=True):
hge_ctx.may_skip_test_teardown = False
with open(f) as c:
conf = yaml.safe_load(c)
if isinstance(conf, list):
for sconf in conf:
check_query(hge_ctx, sconf)
if conf['status'] != 200:
hge_ctx.may_skip_test_teardown = True
check_query(hge_ctx, conf, add_auth)
def json_ordered(obj):
if isinstance(obj, dict):
return sorted((k, json_ordered(v)) for k, v in obj.items())
if isinstance(obj, list):
return list(json_ordered(x) for x in obj)
return obj