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= Event Triggers
Event triggers are like ordinary SQL triggers, except instead of calling a SQL
procedure, they call a webhook. The event delivery mechanism involves coordination
between both the database and graphql-engine: only the SQL database knows
when the events should fire, but only graphql-engine know how to actually
deliver them.
Therefore, event triggers are implemented in two parts:
1. Every event trigger is backed by a bona fide SQL trigger. When the SQL trigger
fires, it creates a new record in the hdb_catalog.event_log table.
2. Concurrently, a thread in graphql-engine monitors the hdb_catalog.event_log
table for new events. When new event(s) are found, it uses the information
(URL,payload and headers) stored in the event to deliver the event
to the webhook.
The creation and deletion of SQL trigger itself is managed by the metadata DDL
APIs (see Hasura.RQL.DDL.EventTrigger), so this module focuses on event delivery.
Most of the subtleties involve guaranteeing reliable delivery of events:
we guarantee that every event will be delivered at least once,
even if graphql-engine crashes. This means we have to record the state
of each event in the database, and we have to retry
failed requests at a regular (user-configurable) interval.
{-# LANGUAGE StrictData #-}
module Hasura.Eventing.EventTrigger
( initEventEngineCtx
, processEventQueue
, defaultMaxEventThreads
, defaultFetchInterval
, Event(..)
, unlockEvents
, EventEngineCtx(..)
) where
import Hasura.Prelude
import qualified Control.Concurrent.Async.Lifted.Safe as LA
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M
import qualified Data.TByteString as TBS
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Time.Clock as Time
import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q
import qualified Database.PG.Query.PTI as PTI
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as HTTP
import qualified PostgreSQL.Binary.Encoding as PE
import qualified System.Metrics.Distribution as EKG.Distribution
import qualified System.Metrics.Gauge as EKG.Gauge
import Control.Concurrent.Extended (sleep)
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar
import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadMask, bracket_)
import Control.Monad.STM
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl)
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.TH
import Data.Has
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.String
import Data.Text.Extended
import Data.Text.NonEmpty
import Data.Time.Clock
import qualified Hasura.Logging as L
import qualified Hasura.Tracing as Tracing
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.Execute.Types
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.SQL.Types
import Hasura.Eventing.Common
import Hasura.Eventing.HTTP
import Hasura.HTTP
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Headers
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.Server.Init.Config
import Hasura.Server.Migrate.Internal (getCatalogVersion)
import Hasura.Server.Migrate.Version (latestCatalogVersionString)
import Hasura.Server.Types
import Hasura.Server.Version (HasVersion)
data TriggerMetadata
= TriggerMetadata { tmName :: TriggerName }
deriving (Show, Eq)
$(deriveJSON hasuraJSON{omitNothingFields=True} ''TriggerMetadata)
newtype EventInternalErr
= EventInternalErr QErr
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance L.ToEngineLog EventInternalErr L.Hasura where
toEngineLog (EventInternalErr qerr) = (L.LevelError, L.eventTriggerLogType, toJSON qerr)
{- Note [Maintenance mode]
Maintenance mode is a mode in which users can upgrade their graphql-engine
without any down time. More on maintenance mode can be found here:
Basically, there are a few main things that maintenance mode boils down to:
1. No operation that may change the metadata will be allowed.
2. Migrations are not applied when the graphql-engine is started, so the
catalog schema will be in the older version.
3. Event triggers should continue working in the new code with the older
catalog schema i.e it should work even if there are any schema changes
to the `hdb_catalog.event_log` table.
#1 and #2 are fairly self-explanatory. For #3, we need to support fetching
events depending upon the catalog version. So, fetch events works in the
following way now:
1. Check if maintenance mode is enabled
2. If maintenance mode is enabled then read the catalog version from the DB
and accordingly fire the appropriate query to the events log table.
When maintenance mode is disabled, we query the events log table according
to the latest catalog, we do not read the catalog version for this.
-- | See Note [Maintenance Mode]
data MaintenanceModeVersion
= PreviousMMVersion
-- ^ should correspond to the catalog version from which the user
-- is migrating from
| CurrentMMVersion
-- ^ should correspond to the latest catalog version
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | Change data for a particular row
-- https://docs.hasura.io/1.0/graphql/manual/event-triggers/payload.html
data Event
= Event
{ eId :: !EventId
, eSource :: !SourceName
, eTable :: !QualifiedTable
, eTrigger :: !TriggerMetadata
, eEvent :: !Value
, eTries :: !Int
, eCreatedAt :: !Time.UTCTime
} deriving (Show, Eq)
$(deriveFromJSON hasuraJSON{omitNothingFields=True} ''Event)
data EventEngineCtx
= EventEngineCtx
{ _eeCtxEventThreadsCapacity :: TVar Int
, _eeCtxFetchInterval :: DiffTime
data DeliveryInfo
= DeliveryInfo
{ diCurrentRetry :: Int
, diMaxRetries :: Int
} deriving (Show, Eq)
$(deriveJSON hasuraJSON{omitNothingFields=True} ''DeliveryInfo)
newtype QualifiedTableStrict = QualifiedTableStrict
{ getQualifiedTable :: QualifiedTable
} deriving (Show, Eq)
instance ToJSON QualifiedTableStrict where
toJSON (QualifiedTableStrict (QualifiedObject sn tn)) =
object [ "schema" .= sn
, "name" .= tn
data EventPayload
= EventPayload
{ epId :: EventId
, epTable :: QualifiedTableStrict
, epTrigger :: TriggerMetadata
, epEvent :: Value
, epDeliveryInfo :: DeliveryInfo
, epCreatedAt :: Time.UTCTime
} deriving (Show, Eq)
$(deriveToJSON hasuraJSON{omitNothingFields=True} ''EventPayload)
defaultMaxEventThreads :: Int
defaultMaxEventThreads = 100
defaultFetchInterval :: DiffTime
defaultFetchInterval = seconds 1
initEventEngineCtx :: Int -> DiffTime -> STM EventEngineCtx
initEventEngineCtx maxT _eeCtxFetchInterval = do
_eeCtxEventThreadsCapacity <- newTVar maxT
return $ EventEngineCtx{..}
type EventWithSource b = (Event, SourceConfig b, Time.UTCTime)
-- | Service events from our in-DB queue.
-- There are a few competing concerns and constraints here; we want to...
-- - fetch events in batches for lower DB pressure
-- - don't fetch more than N at a time (since that can mean: space leak, less
-- effective scale out, possible double sends for events we've checked out
-- on exit (TODO clean shutdown procedure))
-- - try not to cause webhook workers to stall waiting on DB fetch
-- - limit webhook HTTP concurrency per HASURA_GRAPHQL_EVENTS_HTTP_POOL_SIZE
:: forall m void
. ( HasVersion
, MonadIO m
, Tracing.HasReporter m
, MonadBaseControl IO m
, LA.Forall (LA.Pure m)
, MonadMask m
=> L.Logger L.Hasura
-> LogEnvHeaders
-> HTTP.Manager
-> IO SchemaCache
-> EventEngineCtx
-> LockedEventsCtx
-> ServerMetrics
-> MaintenanceMode
-> m void
processEventQueue logger logenv httpMgr getSchemaCache eeCtx@EventEngineCtx{..} LockedEventsCtx{leEvents} serverMetrics maintenanceMode = do
events0 <- popEventsBatch
-- Track number of events fetched in EKG
_ <- liftIO $ EKG.Distribution.add (smNumEventsFetched serverMetrics) (fromIntegral $ length events0)
go events0 0 False
fetchBatchSize = 100
popEventsBatch :: m [EventWithSource ('Postgres 'Vanilla)]
popEventsBatch = do
SELECT FOR UPDATE .. SKIP LOCKED can throw serialization errors in RepeatableRead: https://stackoverflow.com/a/53289263/1911889
We can avoid this safely by running it in ReadCommitted as Postgres will recheck the
predicate condition if a row is updated concurrently: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.5/transaction-iso.html#XACT-READ-COMMITTED
Every other action on an event_log row (like post-processing, archival, etc) are single writes (no R-W or W-R)
so it is safe to perform them in ReadCommitted as well (the writes will then acquire some serial order).
Any serial order of updates to a row will lead to an eventually consistent state as the row will have
(delivered=t or error=t or archived=t) after a fixed number of tries (assuming it begins with locked='f').
pgSources <- scSources <$> liftIO getSchemaCache
liftIO $ fmap concat $ forM (M.toList pgSources) $ \(sourceName, sourceCache) ->
case unsafeSourceConfiguration @('Postgres 'Vanilla) sourceCache of
Nothing -> pure []
Just sourceConfig -> do
fetchEventsTxE <-
case maintenanceMode of
MaintenanceModeEnabled -> do
maintenanceModeVersion <- runPgSourceReadTx sourceConfig getMaintenanceModeVersion
pure $ fmap (fetchEventsMaintenanceMode sourceName fetchBatchSize) maintenanceModeVersion
MaintenanceModeDisabled -> return $ Right $ fetchEvents sourceName fetchBatchSize
liftIO $ do
case fetchEventsTxE of
Left err -> do
liftIO $ L.unLogger logger $ EventInternalErr err
return []
Right fetchEventsTx ->
runPgSourceWriteTx sourceConfig fetchEventsTx >>= \case
Left err -> do
liftIO $ L.unLogger logger $ EventInternalErr err
return []
Right events -> do
-- The time when the events were fetched. This is used to calculate the average lock time of an event.
eventsFetchedTime <- liftIO getCurrentTime
saveLockedEvents (map eId events) leEvents
return $ map (, sourceConfig, eventsFetchedTime) events
-- work on this batch of events while prefetching the next. Recurse after we've forked workers
-- for each in the batch, minding the requested pool size.
go :: [EventWithSource ('Postgres 'Vanilla)] -> Int -> Bool -> m void
go events !fullFetchCount !alreadyWarned = do
-- process events ASAP until we've caught up; only then can we sleep
when (null events) . liftIO $ sleep _eeCtxFetchInterval
-- Prefetch next events payload while concurrently working through our current batch.
-- NOTE: we probably don't need to prefetch so early, but probably not
-- worth the effort for something more fine-tuned
eventsNext <- LA.withAsync popEventsBatch $ \eventsNextA -> do
-- process approximately in order, minding HASURA_GRAPHQL_EVENTS_HTTP_POOL_SIZE:
forM_ events $ \(event, sourceConfig, eventFetchedTime) -> do
t <- processEvent event sourceConfig eventFetchedTime
& withEventEngineCtx eeCtx
& flip runReaderT (logger, httpMgr)
& LA.async
-- removing an event from the _eeCtxLockedEvents after the event has
-- been processed
removeEventFromLockedEvents (eId event) leEvents
LA.link t
LA.wait eventsNextA
let lenEvents = length events
if | lenEvents == fetchBatchSize -> do
-- If we've seen N fetches in a row from the DB come back full (i.e. only limited
-- by our LIMIT clause), then we say we're clearly falling behind:
let clearlyBehind = fullFetchCount >= 3
unless alreadyWarned $
when clearlyBehind $
L.unLogger logger $ L.UnstructuredLog L.LevelWarn $ fromString $
"Events processor may not be keeping up with events generated in postgres, " <>
"or we're working on a backlog of events. Consider increasing " <>
go eventsNext (fullFetchCount+1) (alreadyWarned || clearlyBehind)
| otherwise -> do
when (lenEvents /= fetchBatchSize && alreadyWarned) $
-- emit as warning in case users are only logging warning severity and saw above
L.unLogger logger $ L.UnstructuredLog L.LevelWarn $ fromString $
"It looks like the events processor is keeping up again."
go eventsNext 0 False
:: forall io r
. ( HasVersion
, MonadIO io
, MonadReader r io
, Has HTTP.Manager r
, Has (L.Logger L.Hasura) r
, Tracing.HasReporter io
, MonadMask io
=> Event
-> SourceConfig ('Postgres 'Vanilla)
-> Time.UTCTime
-- ^ Time when the event was fetched from DB. Used to calculate Event Lock time
-> io ()
processEvent e sourceConfig eventFetchedTime= do
-- Track Lock Time of Event
-- Lock Time = Time when the event was fetched from DB - Time when the event is being processed
eventProcessTime <- liftIO getCurrentTime
let eventLockTime = realToFrac $ diffUTCTime eventProcessTime eventFetchedTime
_ <- liftIO $ EKG.Distribution.add (smEventLockTime serverMetrics) eventLockTime
cache <- liftIO getSchemaCache
tracingCtx <- liftIO (Tracing.extractEventContext (eEvent e))
let spanName eti = "Event trigger: " <> unNonEmptyText (unTriggerName (etiName eti))
runTraceT = maybe
maintenanceModeVersionEither :: Either QErr (Maybe MaintenanceModeVersion) <-
case maintenanceMode of
MaintenanceModeEnabled -> do
maintenanceModeVersion <-
liftIO $ runPgSourceReadTx sourceConfig getMaintenanceModeVersion
return $ Just <$> maintenanceModeVersion
MaintenanceModeDisabled -> return $ Right Nothing
case maintenanceModeVersionEither of
Left maintenanceModeVersionErr -> logQErr maintenanceModeVersionErr
Right maintenanceModeVersion ->
case getEventTriggerInfoFromEvent cache e of
Left err -> do
-- This rare error can happen in the following known cases:
-- i) schema cache is not up-to-date (due to some bug, say during schema syncing across multiple instances)
-- ii) the event trigger is dropped when this event was just fetched
logQErr $ err500 Unexpected err
liftIO (runPgSourceWriteTx sourceConfig $ do
currentTime <- liftIO getCurrentTime
-- For such an event, we unlock the event and retry after a minute
setRetry e (addUTCTime 60 currentTime) maintenanceModeVersion)
>>= flip onLeft logQErr
Right eti -> runTraceT (spanName eti) do
let webhook = T.unpack $ wciCachedValue $ etiWebhookInfo eti
retryConf = etiRetryConf eti
timeoutSeconds = fromMaybe defaultTimeoutSeconds (rcTimeoutSec retryConf)
responseTimeout = HTTP.responseTimeoutMicro (timeoutSeconds * 1000000)
headerInfos = etiHeaders eti
etHeaders = map encodeHeader headerInfos
headers = addDefaultHeaders etHeaders
ep = createEventPayload retryConf e
payload = encode $ toJSON ep
extraLogCtx = ExtraLogContext Nothing (epId ep) -- avoiding getting current time here to avoid another IO call with each event call
requestDetails = RequestDetails $ LBS.length payload
-- Track the number of active HTTP workers using EKG.
res <- bracket_
(liftIO $ EKG.Gauge.inc $ smNumEventHTTPWorkers serverMetrics)
(liftIO $ EKG.Gauge.dec $ smNumEventHTTPWorkers serverMetrics)
(runExceptT $ tryWebhook headers responseTimeout payload webhook)
logHTTPForET res extraLogCtx requestDetails
let decodedHeaders = map (decodeHeader logenv headerInfos) headers
(processError sourceConfig e retryConf decodedHeaders ep maintenanceModeVersion)
(processSuccess sourceConfig e decodedHeaders ep maintenanceModeVersion) res
>>= flip onLeft logQErr
withEventEngineCtx ::
( MonadIO m
, MonadMask m
=> EventEngineCtx -> m () -> m ()
withEventEngineCtx eeCtx = bracket_ (decrementThreadCount eeCtx) (incrementThreadCount eeCtx)
incrementThreadCount :: MonadIO m => EventEngineCtx -> m ()
incrementThreadCount (EventEngineCtx c _) = liftIO $ atomically $ modifyTVar' c (+1)
decrementThreadCount :: MonadIO m => EventEngineCtx -> m ()
decrementThreadCount (EventEngineCtx c _) = liftIO $ atomically $ do
countThreads <- readTVar c
if countThreads > 0
then modifyTVar' c (\v -> v - 1)
else retry
createEventPayload :: RetryConf -> Event -> EventPayload
createEventPayload retryConf e = EventPayload
{ epId = eId e
, epTable = QualifiedTableStrict { getQualifiedTable = eTable e}
, epTrigger = eTrigger e
, epEvent = eEvent e
, epDeliveryInfo = DeliveryInfo
{ diCurrentRetry = eTries e
, diMaxRetries = rcNumRetries retryConf
, epCreatedAt = eCreatedAt e
:: ( MonadIO m )
=> SourceConfig ('Postgres 'Vanilla)
-> Event
-> [HeaderConf]
-> EventPayload
-> Maybe MaintenanceModeVersion
-> HTTPResp a
-> m (Either QErr ())
processSuccess sourceConfig e decodedHeaders ep maintenanceModeVersion resp = do
let respBody = hrsBody resp
respHeaders = hrsHeaders resp
respStatus = hrsStatus resp
invocation = mkInvocation ep respStatus decodedHeaders respBody respHeaders
liftIO $ runPgSourceWriteTx sourceConfig $ do
insertInvocation invocation
setSuccess e maintenanceModeVersion
:: ( MonadIO m )
=> SourceConfig ('Postgres 'Vanilla)
-> Event
-> RetryConf
-> [HeaderConf]
-> EventPayload
-> Maybe MaintenanceModeVersion
-> HTTPErr a
-> m (Either QErr ())
processError sourceConfig e retryConf decodedHeaders ep maintenanceModeVersion err = do
let invocation = case err of
HClient excp -> do
let errMsg = TBS.fromLBS $ encode $ show excp
mkInvocation ep 1000 decodedHeaders errMsg []
HParse _ detail -> do
let errMsg = TBS.fromLBS $ encode detail
mkInvocation ep 1001 decodedHeaders errMsg []
HStatus errResp -> do
let respPayload = hrsBody errResp
respHeaders = hrsHeaders errResp
respStatus = hrsStatus errResp
mkInvocation ep respStatus decodedHeaders respPayload respHeaders
HOther detail -> do
let errMsg = TBS.fromLBS $ encode detail
mkInvocation ep 500 decodedHeaders errMsg []
liftIO $ runPgSourceWriteTx sourceConfig $ do
insertInvocation invocation
retryOrSetError e retryConf maintenanceModeVersion err
:: Event
-> RetryConf
-> Maybe MaintenanceModeVersion
-> HTTPErr a
-> Q.TxE QErr ()
retryOrSetError e retryConf maintenanceModeVersion err = do
let mretryHeader = getRetryAfterHeaderFromError err
tries = eTries e
mretryHeaderSeconds = mretryHeader >>= parseRetryHeader
triesExhausted = tries >= rcNumRetries retryConf
noRetryHeader = isNothing mretryHeaderSeconds
-- current_try = tries + 1 , allowed_total_tries = rcNumRetries retryConf + 1
if triesExhausted && noRetryHeader
then do
setError e maintenanceModeVersion
else do
currentTime <- liftIO getCurrentTime
let delay = fromMaybe (rcIntervalSec retryConf) mretryHeaderSeconds
diff = fromIntegral delay
retryTime = addUTCTime diff currentTime
setRetry e retryTime maintenanceModeVersion
getRetryAfterHeaderFromError (HStatus resp) = getRetryAfterHeaderFromResp resp
getRetryAfterHeaderFromError _ = Nothing
parseRetryHeader = mfilter (> 0) . readMaybe . T.unpack
:: EventPayload -> Int -> [HeaderConf] -> TBS.TByteString -> [HeaderConf]
-> Invocation 'EventType
mkInvocation ep status reqHeaders respBody respHeaders
= let resp = if isClientError status
then mkClientErr respBody
else mkResp status respBody respHeaders
(epId ep)
(mkWebhookReq (toJSON ep) reqHeaders invocationVersionET)
logQErr :: ( MonadReader r m, Has (L.Logger L.Hasura) r, MonadIO m) => QErr -> m ()
logQErr err = do
logger :: L.Logger L.Hasura <- asks getter
L.unLogger logger $ EventInternalErr err
:: SchemaCache -> Event -> Either Text EventTriggerInfo
getEventTriggerInfoFromEvent sc e = do
let table = eTable e
mTableInfo = unsafeTableInfo @('Postgres 'Vanilla) (eSource e) table $ scSources sc
tableInfo <- onNothing mTableInfo $ Left ("table '" <> table <<> "' not found")
let triggerName = tmName $ eTrigger e
mEventTriggerInfo = M.lookup triggerName (_tiEventTriggerInfoMap tableInfo)
onNothing mEventTriggerInfo $ Left ("event trigger '" <> triggerNameToTxt triggerName
<> "' on table '" <> table <<> "' not found")
---- DATABASE QUERIES ---------------------
-- The API for our in-database work queue:
-- | Lock and return events not yet being processed or completed, up to some
-- limit. Process events approximately in created_at order, but we make no
-- ordering guarentees; events can and will race. Nevertheless we want to
-- ensure newer change events don't starve older ones.
fetchEvents :: SourceName -> Int -> Q.TxE QErr [Event]
fetchEvents source limitI =
map uncurryEvent <$> Q.listQE defaultTxErrorHandler [Q.sql|
UPDATE hdb_catalog.event_log
SET locked = NOW()
FROM hdb_catalog.event_log l
WHERE l.delivered = 'f' and l.error = 'f'
and (l.locked IS NULL or l.locked < (NOW() - interval '30 minute'))
and (l.next_retry_at is NULL or l.next_retry_at <= now())
and l.archived = 'f'
ORDER BY created_at
RETURNING id, schema_name, table_name, trigger_name, payload::json, tries, created_at
|] (Identity limit) True
where uncurryEvent (id', sn, tn, trn, Q.AltJ payload, tries, created) =
{ eId = id'
, eSource = source
, eTable = QualifiedObject sn tn
, eTrigger = TriggerMetadata trn
, eEvent = payload
, eTries = tries
, eCreatedAt = created
limit = fromIntegral limitI :: Word64
fetchEventsMaintenanceMode :: SourceName -> Int -> MaintenanceModeVersion -> Q.TxE QErr [Event]
fetchEventsMaintenanceMode sourceName limitI = \case
PreviousMMVersion ->
map uncurryEvent <$> Q.listQE defaultTxErrorHandler [Q.sql|
UPDATE hdb_catalog.event_log
SET locked = 't'
FROM hdb_catalog.event_log l
WHERE l.delivered = 'f' and l.error = 'f' and l.locked = 'f'
and (l.next_retry_at is NULL or l.next_retry_at <= now())
and l.archived = 'f'
ORDER BY created_at
RETURNING id, schema_name, table_name, trigger_name, payload::json, tries, created_at
|] (Identity limit) True
where uncurryEvent (id', sn, tn, trn, Q.AltJ payload, tries, created) =
{ eId = id'
, eSource = SNDefault -- in v1, there'll only be the default source
, eTable = QualifiedObject sn tn
, eTrigger = TriggerMetadata trn
, eEvent = payload
, eTries = tries
, eCreatedAt = created
limit = fromIntegral limitI :: Word64
CurrentMMVersion -> fetchEvents sourceName limitI
insertInvocation :: Invocation 'EventType -> Q.TxE QErr ()
insertInvocation invo = do
Q.unitQE defaultTxErrorHandler [Q.sql|
INSERT INTO hdb_catalog.event_invocation_logs (event_id, status, request, response)
VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4)
|] ( iEventId invo
, toInt64 $ iStatus invo :: Int64
, Q.AltJ $ toJSON $ iRequest invo
, Q.AltJ $ toJSON $ iResponse invo) True
Q.unitQE defaultTxErrorHandler [Q.sql|
UPDATE hdb_catalog.event_log
SET tries = tries + 1
WHERE id = $1
|] (Identity $ iEventId invo) True
setSuccess :: Event -> Maybe MaintenanceModeVersion -> Q.TxE QErr ()
setSuccess e = \case
Just PreviousMMVersion ->
Q.unitQE defaultTxErrorHandler [Q.sql|
UPDATE hdb_catalog.event_log
SET delivered = 't', next_retry_at = NULL, locked = 'f'
WHERE id = $1
|] (Identity $ eId e) True
Just CurrentMMVersion -> latestVersionSetSuccess
Nothing -> latestVersionSetSuccess
latestVersionSetSuccess =
Q.unitQE defaultTxErrorHandler [Q.sql|
UPDATE hdb_catalog.event_log
SET delivered = 't', next_retry_at = NULL, locked = NULL
WHERE id = $1
|] (Identity $ eId e) True
setError :: Event -> Maybe MaintenanceModeVersion -> Q.TxE QErr ()
setError e = \case
Just PreviousMMVersion ->
Q.unitQE defaultTxErrorHandler [Q.sql|
UPDATE hdb_catalog.event_log
SET error = 't', next_retry_at = NULL, locked = 'f'
WHERE id = $1
|] (Identity $ eId e) True
Just CurrentMMVersion -> latestVersionSetError
Nothing -> latestVersionSetError
latestVersionSetError =
Q.unitQE defaultTxErrorHandler [Q.sql|
UPDATE hdb_catalog.event_log
SET error = 't', next_retry_at = NULL, locked = NULL
WHERE id = $1
|] (Identity $ eId e) True
setRetry :: Event -> UTCTime -> Maybe MaintenanceModeVersion -> Q.TxE QErr ()
setRetry e time = \case
Just PreviousMMVersion ->
Q.unitQE defaultTxErrorHandler [Q.sql|
UPDATE hdb_catalog.event_log
SET next_retry_at = $1, locked = 'f'
WHERE id = $2
|] (time, eId e) True
Just CurrentMMVersion -> latestVersionSetRetry
Nothing -> latestVersionSetRetry
latestVersionSetRetry =
Q.unitQE defaultTxErrorHandler [Q.sql|
UPDATE hdb_catalog.event_log
SET next_retry_at = $1, locked = NULL
WHERE id = $2
|] (time, eId e) True
toInt64 :: (Integral a) => a -> Int64
toInt64 = fromIntegral
-- EventIdArray is only used for PG array encoding
newtype EventIdArray = EventIdArray { unEventIdArray :: [EventId]} deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Q.ToPrepArg EventIdArray where
toPrepVal (EventIdArray l) = Q.toPrepValHelper PTI.unknown encoder $ map unEventId l
-- 25 is the OID value of TEXT, https://jdbc.postgresql.org/development/privateapi/constant-values.html
encoder = PE.array 25 . PE.dimensionArray foldl' (PE.encodingArray . PE.text_strict)
-- | unlockEvents takes an array of 'EventId' and unlocks them. This function is called
-- when a graceful shutdown is initiated.
unlockEvents :: [EventId] -> Q.TxE QErr Int
unlockEvents eventIds =
runIdentity . Q.getRow <$> Q.withQE defaultTxErrorHandler
WITH "cte" AS
(UPDATE hdb_catalog.event_log
SET locked = NULL
WHERE id = ANY($1::text[])
-- only unlock those events that have been locked, it's possible
-- that an event has been processed but not yet been removed from
-- the saved locked events, which will lead to a double send
SELECT count(*) FROM "cte"
|] (Identity $ EventIdArray eventIds) True
getMaintenanceModeVersion :: Q.TxE QErr MaintenanceModeVersion
getMaintenanceModeVersion = liftTx $ do
catalogVersion <- getCatalogVersion -- From the user's DB
if | catalogVersion == "40" -> pure PreviousMMVersion
| catalogVersion == latestCatalogVersionString -> pure CurrentMMVersion
| otherwise ->
throw500 $
"Maintenance mode is only supported with catalog versions: 40 and " <> latestCatalogVersionString