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synced 2024-12-19 13:31:43 +03:00
PR-URL: https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/6286 GitOrigin-RevId: ef861e6070e667322fb2657166d3d343d6cab4bc
281 lines
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281 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -O0 #-}
-- | Arg and Env Parsing for initialisation of the engine along with
-- corresponding logging and other helper functionality.
-- This module is intended as the interface for options parsing and
-- its submodules should not need to be imported directly.
module Hasura.Server.Init
( -- * Option Fetching and Merging
-- * Metadata DB
-- * Re-exports
module Hasura.Server.Init.Config,
module Hasura.Server.Init.Env,
module Hasura.Server.Init.Arg,
module Hasura.Server.Init.Logging,
import Data.HashSet qualified as HashSet
import Data.Text qualified as Text
import Database.PG.Query qualified as Query
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.Connection qualified as Connection
import Hasura.Base.Error qualified as Error
import Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.Subscription.Options qualified as Subscription.Options
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Options qualified as Options
import Hasura.Logging qualified as Logging
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Common qualified as Common
import Hasura.Server.Auth qualified as Auth
import Hasura.Server.Cors qualified as Cors
import Hasura.Server.Init.Arg
import Hasura.Server.Init.Config
import Hasura.Server.Init.Env
import Hasura.Server.Init.Logging
import Hasura.Server.Logging qualified as Server.Logging
import Hasura.Server.Types qualified as Types
import Network.WebSockets qualified as WebSockets
import Refined (unrefine)
-- TODO(SOLOMON): Where does this note belong?
{- Note [ReadOnly Mode]
This mode starts the server in a (database) read-only mode. That is, only
read-only queries are allowed on users' database sources, and write
queries throw a runtime error. The use-case is for failsafe operations.
Metadata APIs are also disabled.
Following is the precise behaviour -
1. For any GraphQL API (relay/hasura; http/websocket) - disable execution of
2. Metadata API is disabled
3. /v2/query API - insert, delete, update, run_sql are disabled
4. /v1/query API - insert, delete, update, run_sql are disabled
5. No source catalog migrations are run
6. During build schema cache phase, building event triggers are disabled (as
they create corresponding database triggers)
-- | Query the Metadata DB for the Metadata DB UUID.
-- TODO: Move into a dedicated Metadata module (ala Pro).
getDbId :: Query.TxE Error.QErr Types.MetadataDbId
getDbId =
Types.MetadataDbId . runIdentity . Query.getRow
<$> Query.withQE
SELECT (hasura_uuid :: text) FROM hdb_catalog.hdb_version
getPgVersion :: Query.TxE Error.QErr Types.PGVersion
getPgVersion = Types.PGVersion <$> Query.serverVersion
-- | Given the 'ServeOptionsRaw' parsed from the arg parser,
-- postprocess the db url and fetch env vars associated with the main
-- command parser, then process the subcommand raw values if
-- necessary.
mkHGEOptions ::
Logging.EnabledLogTypes impl => HGEOptionsRaw (ServeOptionsRaw impl) -> WithEnv (HGEOptions (ServeOptions impl))
mkHGEOptions (HGEOptionsRaw rawDbUrl rawMetadataDbUrl rawCmd) = do
dbUrl <- processPostgresConnInfo rawDbUrl
metadataDbUrl <- withOption rawMetadataDbUrl metadataDbUrlOption
cmd <- case rawCmd of
HCServe rso -> HCServe <$> mkServeOptions rso
HCExport -> pure HCExport
HCClean -> pure HCClean
HCVersion -> pure HCVersion
HCDowngrade tgt -> pure (HCDowngrade tgt)
pure $ HGEOptions dbUrl metadataDbUrl cmd
-- | 'PostressConnInfo' is a a tuple of some @a@ with a 'Maybe Int'
-- representing the retries setting. This function thus takes a
-- retries setting and a 'PostgresConnInfoRaw' from the arg parser and
-- merges those results with the contents of their corresponding env
-- vars.
processPostgresConnInfo ::
PostgresConnInfo (Maybe PostgresConnInfoRaw) ->
WithEnv (PostgresConnInfo (Maybe Common.UrlConf))
processPostgresConnInfo PostgresConnInfo {..} = do
withEnvRetries <- withOption _pciRetries retriesNumOption
databaseUrl <- rawConnInfoToUrlConf _pciDatabaseConn
pure $ PostgresConnInfo databaseUrl withEnvRetries
-- | A helper function for 'processPostgresConnInfo' which fetches
-- postgres connection info from the 'WithEnv' and merges it with the
-- arg parser result.
rawConnInfoToUrlConf :: Maybe PostgresConnInfoRaw -> WithEnv (Maybe Common.UrlConf)
rawConnInfoToUrlConf maybeRawConnInfo = do
env <- ask
let databaseUrlEnvVar = _envVar databaseUrlOption
hasDatabaseUrlEnv = any ((== databaseUrlEnvVar) . fst) env
pure $ case maybeRawConnInfo of
-- If no --database-url or connection options provided in CLI command
Nothing ->
if hasDatabaseUrlEnv
then -- Consider env variable as is in order to store it as @`UrlConf`
-- in default source configuration in metadata
Just $ Common.UrlFromEnv $ Text.pack databaseUrlEnvVar
else Nothing
Just databaseConn ->
Just . Common.UrlValue . Common.InputWebhook $ case databaseConn of
PGConnDatabaseUrl urlTemplate -> urlTemplate
PGConnDetails connDetails -> rawConnDetailsToUrl connDetails
-- | Merge the results of the serve subcommmand arg parser with
-- corresponding values from the 'WithEnv' context.
mkServeOptions :: forall impl. Logging.EnabledLogTypes impl => ServeOptionsRaw impl -> WithEnv (ServeOptions impl)
mkServeOptions ServeOptionsRaw {..} = do
soPort <- withOptionDefault rsoPort servePortOption
soHost <- withOptionDefault rsoHost serveHostOption
soConnParams <- mkConnParams rsoConnParams
soTxIso <- withOptionDefault rsoTxIso txIsolationOption
soAdminSecret <- maybe mempty (HashSet.singleton) <$> withOptions rsoAdminSecret [adminSecretOption, accessKeyOption]
soAuthHook <- mkAuthHook rsoAuthHook
soJwtSecret <- maybeToList <$> withOption rsoJwtSecret jwtSecretOption
soUnAuthRole <- withOption rsoUnAuthRole unAuthRoleOption
soCorsConfig <- mkCorsConfig rsoCorsConfig
soEnableConsole <- withOptionSwitch rsoEnableConsole enableConsoleOption
soConsoleAssetsDir <- withOption rsoConsoleAssetsDir consoleAssetsDirOption
soConsoleSentryDsn <- withOption rsoConsoleSentryDsn consoleSentryDsnOption
soEnableTelemetry <- withOptionDefault rsoEnableTelemetry enableTelemetryOption
soStringifyNum <-
case rsoStringifyNum of
Options.Don'tStringifyNumbers -> withOptionDefault Nothing stringifyNumOption
stringifyNums -> pure stringifyNums
soDangerousBooleanCollapse <- withOptionDefault rsoDangerousBooleanCollapse dangerousBooleanCollapseOption
soEnabledAPIs <- withOptionDefault rsoEnabledAPIs enabledAPIsOption
soLiveQueryOpts <- do
_lqoRefetchInterval <- withOptionDefault rsoMxRefetchInt mxRefetchDelayOption
_lqoBatchSize <- withOptionDefault rsoMxBatchSize mxBatchSizeOption
pure $ Subscription.Options.SubscriptionsOptions {..}
soStreamingQueryOpts <- do
_lqoRefetchInterval <- withOptionDefault rsoStreamingMxRefetchInt streamingMxRefetchDelayOption
_lqoBatchSize <- withOptionDefault rsoStreamingMxBatchSize streamingMxBatchSizeOption
pure $ Subscription.Options.SubscriptionsOptions {..}
soEnableAllowlist <- withOptionSwitch rsoEnableAllowlist enableAllowlistOption
soEnabledLogTypes <- withOptionDefault rsoEnabledLogTypes (enabledLogsOption @impl)
soLogLevel <- withOptionDefault rsoLogLevel logLevelOption
soDevMode <- withOptionSwitch rsoDevMode graphqlDevModeOption
soResponseInternalErrorsConfig <- mkResponseInternalErrorsConfig soDevMode
soEventsHttpPoolSize <- withOptionDefault rsoEventsHttpPoolSize graphqlEventsHttpPoolSizeOption
soEventsFetchInterval <- withOptionDefault rsoEventsFetchInterval graphqlEventsFetchIntervalOption
soAsyncActionsFetchInterval <- withOptionDefault rsoAsyncActionsFetchInterval asyncActionsFetchIntervalOption
soEnableRemoteSchemaPermissions <-
case rsoEnableRemoteSchemaPermissions of
Options.DisableRemoteSchemaPermissions -> withOptionDefault Nothing enableRemoteSchemaPermsOption
enableRemoteSchemaPermissions -> pure enableRemoteSchemaPermissions
soConnectionOptions <- mkConnectionOptions
soWebSocketKeepAlive <- withOptionDefault rsoWebSocketKeepAlive webSocketKeepAliveOption
soInferFunctionPermissions <- withOptionDefault rsoInferFunctionPermissions inferFunctionPermsOption
soEnableMaintenanceMode <- case rsoEnableMaintenanceMode of
Types.MaintenanceModeDisabled -> withOptionDefault Nothing enableMaintenanceModeOption
maintenanceModeEnabled -> pure maintenanceModeEnabled
soSchemaPollInterval <- withOptionDefault rsoSchemaPollInterval schemaPollIntervalOption
soExperimentalFeatures <- withOptionDefault rsoExperimentalFeatures experimentalFeaturesOption
soEventsFetchBatchSize <- withOptionDefault rsoEventsFetchBatchSize eventsFetchBatchSizeOption
soGracefulShutdownTimeout <- withOptionDefault rsoGracefulShutdownTimeout gracefulShutdownOption
soWebSocketConnectionInitTimeout <- withOptionDefault rsoWebSocketConnectionInitTimeout webSocketConnectionInitTimeoutOption
let soEventingMode = Types.EventingEnabled
let soReadOnlyMode = Types.ReadOnlyModeDisabled
soEnableMetadataQueryLogging <- case rsoEnableMetadataQueryLoggingEnv of
Server.Logging.MetadataQueryLoggingDisabled -> withOptionDefault Nothing enableMetadataQueryLoggingOption
metadataQueryLoggingEnabled -> pure metadataQueryLoggingEnabled
soDefaultNamingConvention <- withOption rsoDefaultNamingConvention defaultNamingConventionOption
soMetadataDefaults <- withOptionDefault rsoMetadataDefaults metadataDefaultsOption
soExtensionsSchema <- withOptionDefault rsoExtensionsSchema metadataDBExtensionsSchemaOption
pure ServeOptions {..}
mkConnParams ConnParamsRaw {..} = do
cpStripes <- unrefine <$> withOptionDefault rcpStripes pgStripesOption
-- Note: by Little's Law we can expect e.g. (with 50 max connections) a
-- hard throughput cap at 1000RPS when db queries take 50ms on average:
cpConns <- unrefine <$> withOptionDefault rcpConns pgConnsOption
cpIdleTime <- unrefine <$> withOptionDefault rcpIdleTime pgTimeoutOption
cpAllowPrepare <- withOptionDefault rcpAllowPrepare pgUsePreparedStatementsOption
-- TODO: Add newtype to allow this:
cpMbLifetime <- do
lifetime <- unrefine <$> withOptionDefault rcpConnLifetime pgConnLifetimeOption
if lifetime == 0
then pure Nothing
else pure (Just lifetime)
cpTimeout <- fmap unrefine <$> withOption rcpPoolTimeout pgPoolTimeoutOption
let cpCancel = True
return $
Query.ConnParams {..}
mkAuthHook (AuthHookRaw mUrl mType) = do
mUrlEnv <- withOption mUrl authHookOption
-- TODO (from master):- drop this in next major update <--- (NOTE: This comment is from 2020-08-21)
authMode <-
( fromMaybe (_default authHookModeOption)
<$> considerEnvs
[_envVar authHookModeOption, "HASURA_GRAPHQL_AUTH_HOOK_TYPE"]
pure $ (`Auth.AuthHook` authMode) <$> mUrlEnv
mkCorsConfig mCfg = do
corsCfg <- do
corsDisabled <- withOptionDefault Nothing disableCorsOption
if corsDisabled
then pure (Cors.CCDisabled $ _default disableCorsOption)
else withOptionDefault mCfg corsDomainOption
readCookVal <-
case rsoWsReadCookie of
False -> withOptionDefault Nothing wsReadCookieOption
p -> pure p
wsReadCookie <- case (Cors.isCorsDisabled corsCfg, readCookVal) of
(True, _) -> pure readCookVal
(False, True) ->
throwError $
_envVar wsReadCookieOption
<> " can only be used when CORS is disabled"
(False, False) -> return False
pure $ case corsCfg of
Cors.CCDisabled _ -> Cors.CCDisabled wsReadCookie
_ -> corsCfg
mkResponseInternalErrorsConfig devMode = do
adminInternalErrors <- withOptionDefault rsoAdminInternalErrors graphqlAdminInternalErrorsOption
| devMode -> pure InternalErrorsAllRequests
| adminInternalErrors -> pure InternalErrorsAdminOnly
| otherwise -> pure InternalErrorsDisabled
mkConnectionOptions = do
webSocketCompressionFromEnv <- withOptionSwitch rsoWebSocketCompression webSocketCompressionOption
pure $
{ WebSockets.connectionCompressionOptions =
if webSocketCompressionFromEnv
then WebSockets.PermessageDeflateCompression WebSockets.defaultPermessageDeflate
else WebSockets.NoCompression