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module Hasura.Server.Compression
( compressResponse,
CompressionType (..),
import Codec.Compression.GZip qualified as GZ
import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as BL
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.Server.Utils (gzipHeader)
import Network.HTTP.Types.Header qualified as NH
data CompressionType
= CTGZip
deriving (Show, Eq)
compressionTypeToTxt :: CompressionType -> Text
compressionTypeToTxt CTGZip = "gzip"
compressResponse ::
NH.RequestHeaders ->
BL.ByteString ->
(BL.ByteString, Maybe NH.Header, Maybe CompressionType)
compressResponse reqHeaders unCompressedResp =
let compressionTypeM = getRequestedCompression reqHeaders
appendCompressionType (res, headerM) = (res, headerM, compressionTypeM)
gzipCompressionParams =
GZ.defaultCompressParams {GZ.compressLevel = GZ.compressionLevel 1}
in appendCompressionType $ case compressionTypeM of
Just CTGZip -> (GZ.compressWith gzipCompressionParams unCompressedResp, Just gzipHeader)
Nothing -> (unCompressedResp, Nothing)
getRequestedCompression :: NH.RequestHeaders -> Maybe CompressionType
getRequestedCompression reqHeaders
| "gzip" `elem` acceptEncodingVals = Just CTGZip
| otherwise = Nothing
acceptEncodingVals =
concatMap (splitHeaderVal . snd) $
filter (\h -> fst h == NH.hAcceptEncoding) reqHeaders
splitHeaderVal bs = map T.strip $ T.splitOn "," $ bsToTxt bs