Robert 11a454c2d6 server, pro: actually reformat the code-base using ormolu
This commit applies ormolu to the whole Haskell code base by running `make format`.

For in-flight branches, simply merging changes from `main` will result in merge conflicts.
To avoid this, update your branch using the following instructions. Replace `<format-commit>`
by the hash of *this* commit.

$ git checkout my-feature-branch
$ git merge <format-commit>^    # and resolve conflicts normally
$ make format
$ git commit -a -m "reformat with ormolu"
$ git merge -s ours post-ormolu

GitOrigin-RevId: 75049f5c12f430c615eafb4c6b8e83e371e01c8e
2021-09-23 22:57:37 +00:00

197 lines
7.5 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Hasura.Server.MigrateSpec (CacheRefT (..), spec) where
import Control.Concurrent.MVar.Lifted
import Control.Monad.Morph
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl)
import Control.Monad.Unique
import Control.Natural ((:~>) (..))
import Data.Aeson (encode)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 qualified as LBS
import Data.Environment qualified as Env
import Data.Time.Clock (getCurrentTime)
import Database.PG.Query qualified as Q
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.Connection
import Hasura.Base.Error
import Hasura.Logging
import Hasura.Metadata.Class
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Metadata (ClearMetadata (..), runClearMetadata)
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Cache.Common
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.LegacyCatalog
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.Server.API.PGDump
import Hasura.Server.Init (DowngradeOptions (..))
import Hasura.Server.Migrate
import Hasura.Server.Types (MaintenanceMode (..))
import Hasura.Server.Version (HasVersion)
import Hasura.Session
import Network.HTTP.Client.Manager qualified as HTTP
import Test.Hspec.Core.Spec
import Test.Hspec.Expectations.Lifted
-- -- NOTE: downgrade test disabled for now (see #5273)
newtype CacheRefT m a = CacheRefT {runCacheRefT :: MVar RebuildableSchemaCache -> m a}
( Functor,
MonadError e,
MonadBase b,
MonadBaseControl b,
via (ReaderT (MVar RebuildableSchemaCache) m)
instance MonadTrans CacheRefT where
lift = CacheRefT . const
instance MFunctor CacheRefT where
hoist f (CacheRefT m) = CacheRefT (f . m)
-- instance (MonadBase IO m) => TableCoreInfoRM 'Postgres (CacheRefT m)
instance (MonadBase IO m) => CacheRM (CacheRefT m) where
askSchemaCache = CacheRefT (fmap lastBuiltSchemaCache . readMVar)
( MonadIO m,
MonadBaseControl IO m,
MonadError QErr m,
HTTP.HasHttpManagerM m,
MonadResolveSource m,
HasServerConfigCtx m
) =>
CacheRWM (CacheRefT m)
buildSchemaCacheWithOptions reason invalidations metadata =
CacheRefT $ flip modifyMVar \schemaCache -> do
((), cache, _) <- runCacheRWT schemaCache (buildSchemaCacheWithOptions reason invalidations metadata)
pure (cache, ())
setMetadataResourceVersionInSchemaCache resourceVersion =
CacheRefT $ flip modifyMVar \schemaCache -> do
((), cache, _) <- runCacheRWT schemaCache (setMetadataResourceVersionInSchemaCache resourceVersion)
pure (cache, ())
instance Example (MetadataT (CacheRefT m) ()) where
type Arg (MetadataT (CacheRefT m) ()) = MetadataT (CacheRefT m) :~> IO
evaluateExample m params action = evaluateExample (action ($$ m)) params ($ ())
type SpecWithCache m = SpecWith (MetadataT (CacheRefT m) :~> IO)
singleTransaction :: MetadataT (CacheRefT m) () -> MetadataT (CacheRefT m) ()
singleTransaction = id
spec ::
forall m.
( HasVersion,
MonadIO m,
MonadBaseControl IO m,
HTTP.HasHttpManagerM m,
HasServerConfigCtx m,
MonadResolveSource m,
MonadMetadataStorageQueryAPI m
) =>
PostgresConnConfiguration ->
PGExecCtx ->
Q.ConnInfo ->
SpecWithCache m
spec srcConfig pgExecCtx pgConnInfo = do
let migrateCatalogAndBuildCache env time = do
(migrationResult, metadata) <- runTx' pgExecCtx $ migrateCatalog (Just srcConfig) MaintenanceModeDisabled time
(,migrationResult) <$> runCacheBuildM (buildRebuildableSchemaCache env metadata)
dropAndInit env time = lift $
CacheRefT $ flip modifyMVar \_ ->
(runTx' pgExecCtx dropHdbCatalogSchema) *> (migrateCatalogAndBuildCache env time)
downgradeTo v = runTx' pgExecCtx . downgradeCatalog (Just srcConfig) DowngradeOptions {dgoDryRun = False, dgoTargetVersion = v}
describe "migrateCatalog" $ do
it "initializes the catalog" $ singleTransaction do
env <- liftIO Env.getEnvironment
time <- liftIO getCurrentTime
dropAndInit env time `shouldReturn` MRInitialized
it "is idempotent" \(NT transact) -> do
let dumpSchema = execPGDump (PGDumpReqBody defaultSource ["--schema-only"] False) pgConnInfo
env <- Env.getEnvironment
time <- getCurrentTime
transact (dropAndInit env time) `shouldReturn` MRInitialized
firstDump <- transact dumpSchema
transact (dropAndInit env time) `shouldReturn` MRInitialized
secondDump <- transact dumpSchema
secondDump `shouldBe` firstDump
it "supports upgrades after downgrade to version 12" \(NT transact) -> do
let upgradeToLatest env time = lift $
CacheRefT $ flip modifyMVar \_ ->
migrateCatalogAndBuildCache env time
env <- Env.getEnvironment
time <- getCurrentTime
transact (dropAndInit env time) `shouldReturn` MRInitialized
downgradeResult <- (transact . lift) (downgradeTo "12" time)
downgradeResult `shouldSatisfy` \case
MRMigrated {} -> True
_ -> False
transact (upgradeToLatest env time) `shouldReturn` MRMigrated "12"
-- -- NOTE: this has been problematic in CI and we're not quite sure how to
-- -- make this work reliably given the way we do releases and create
-- -- beta tags and so on. Phil and Alexis are okay just commenting
-- -- this until we need revisit. See #5273:
-- it "supports downgrades for every Git tag" $ singleTransaction do
-- gitOutput <- liftIO $ readProcess "git" ["log", "--no-walk", "--tags", "--pretty=%D"] ""
-- let filterOldest = filter (not . isPrefixOf "v1.0.0-alpha")
-- extractTagName = Safe.headMay . splitOn ", " <=< stripPrefix "tag: "
-- supportedDowngrades = sort (map fst downgradeShortcuts)
-- gitTags = (sort . filterOldest . mapMaybe extractTagName . tail . lines) gitOutput
-- for_ gitTags \t ->
-- t `shouldSatisfy` (`elem` supportedDowngrades)
describe "recreateSystemMetadata" $ do
let dumpMetadata = execPGDump (PGDumpReqBody defaultSource ["--schema=hdb_catalog"] False) pgConnInfo
logger :: Logger Hasura = Logger $ \l -> do
let (logLevel, logType :: EngineLogType Hasura, logDetail) = toEngineLog l
t <- liftIO $ getFormattedTime Nothing
liftIO $ putStrLn $ LBS.toString $ encode $ EngineLog t logLevel logType logDetail
it "is idempotent" \(NT transact) -> do
env <- Env.getEnvironment
time <- getCurrentTime
transact (dropAndInit env time) `shouldReturn` MRInitialized
-- Downgrade to catalog version before metadata separation
downgradeResult <- (transact . lift) (downgradeTo "42" time)
downgradeResult `shouldSatisfy` \case
MRMigrated {} -> True
_ -> False
firstDump <- transact dumpMetadata
transact (runTx' pgExecCtx recreateSystemMetadata)
secondDump <- transact dumpMetadata
secondDump `shouldBe` firstDump
it "does not create any objects affected by ClearMetadata" \(NT transact) -> do
env <- Env.getEnvironment
time <- getCurrentTime
transact (dropAndInit env time) `shouldReturn` MRInitialized
firstDump <- transact dumpMetadata
transact (flip runReaderT logger $ runClearMetadata ClearMetadata) `shouldReturn` successMsg
secondDump <- transact dumpMetadata
secondDump `shouldBe` firstDump
runTx' ::
(MonadError QErr m, MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m) =>
PGExecCtx ->
Q.TxET QErr m a ->
m a
runTx' pgExecCtx = liftEitherM . runExceptT . runTx pgExecCtx Q.ReadWrite