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.. meta::
:description: Use computed fields in Hasura
:keywords: hasura, docs, schema, computed field
.. _computed_fields:
Computed fields
.. contents:: Table of contents
:backlinks: none
:depth: 2
What are computed fields?
Computed fields are virtual values or objects that are dynamically computed and can be queried along with a table's
columns. Computed fields are computed when requested for via `custom SQL functions <https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/sql-createfunction.html>`__
using other columns of the table and other custom inputs if needed.
.. note::
Computed fields are only exposed over the GraphQL API and the database schema is not modified on addition of a
computed field.
Supported SQL functions
Only functions which satisfy the following constraints can be added as a computed field to a table.
(*terminology from* `Postgres docs <https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/sql-createfunction.html>`__):
- **Function behaviour**: ONLY ``STABLE`` or ``IMMUTABLE``
- **Argument modes**: ONLY ``IN``
- **Table Argument**: One input argument with a table row type
- **Return type**: Either ``SETOF <table-name>`` or ``BASE`` type
.. note::
Functions used as computed fields can also accept other arguments other than the mandatory table row argument.
Values for these extra arguments can be passed as arguments to the computed field in the GraphQL API.
Computed field types
Based on the SQL function's return type, we can define two types of computed fields:
1. Scalar computed fields
Computed fields whose associated SQL function returns a
`base type <https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/extend-type-system.html#id->`__ like *Integer*,
*Boolean*, *Geography* etc. are scalar computed fields.
The ``author`` table has two ``text`` columns: ``first_name`` and ``last_name``.
Define an SQL function called ``author_full_name``:
.. code-block:: plpgsql
CREATE FUNCTION author_full_name(author_row author)
SELECT author_row.first_name || ' ' || author_row.last_name
:ref:`Add a computed field <add-computed-field>` called ``full_name`` to the ``author`` table using the SQL function above.
Query data from the ``author`` table:
.. graphiql::
query {
author {
"data": {
"author": [
"id": 1,
"first_name": "Chris",
"last_name": "Raichael",
"full_name": "Chris Raichael"
2. Table computed fields
Computed fields whose associated SQL function returns ``SETOF <table-name>`` are table computed fields.
The return table must be tracked to define such a computed field.
In a simple ``author <-> article`` schema, we can define a :ref:`relationship <relationships>` on the ``author``
table to fetch authors along with their articles.
We can make use of computed fields to fetch the author's articles with a search parameter.
Define an SQL function called ``filter_author_articles``:
.. code-block:: plpgsql
CREATE FUNCTION filter_author_articles(author_row author, search text)
FROM article
( title ilike ('%' || search || '%')
OR content ilike ('%' || search || '%')
) AND author_id = author_row.id
:ref:`Add a computed field <add-computed-field>` called ``filtered_articles`` to the ``author`` table using the SQL function above.
Query data from the ``author`` table:
.. graphiql::
query {
author {
filtered_articles(args: {search: "Hasura"}){
"data": {
"author": [
"id": 1,
"first_name": "Chris",
"last_name": "Raichael",
"filtered_articles": [
"id": 1,
"title": "Computed fields in Hasura",
"content": "lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"
.. _add-computed-field:
Adding a computed field to a table
.. rst-class:: api_tabs
.. tabs::
.. tab:: Console
Head to the ``Modify`` tab of the table and click on the ``Add`` button in the ``Computed fields``
.. thumbnail:: /img/graphql/manual/schema/computed-field-create.png
.. admonition:: Supported from
Console support is available in ``v1.1.0`` and above
.. tab:: API
A computed field can be added to a table using the :ref:`add_computed_field <api_computed_field>`
metadata API
Computed fields permissions
:ref:`Access control <authorization>` to computed fields depends on the type of computed field.
- For **scalar computed fields**, permissions are managed similar to the :ref:`columns permissions <col-level-permissions>`
of the table.
- For **table computed fields**, the permissions set on the return table are respected.
Accessing Hasura session variables in computed fields
It can be useful to have access to the session variable from the SQL function defining a computed field.
For instance, suppose we want to record which users have liked which articles. We can do so using a table
``article_likes`` that specifies a many-to-many relationship between ``article`` and ``user``. In such a
case it can be useful to know if the current user has liked a specific article, and this information can be
exposed as a *Boolean* computed field on ``article``.
Create a function with an argument for session variables and add it with the :ref:`add_computed_field` API with the
``session_argument`` key set. The session argument is a JSON object where keys are session variable names
(in lower case) and values are strings. Use the ``->>`` JSON operator to fetch the value of a session variable
as shown in the following example.
.. code-block:: plpgsql
-- 'hasura_session' will be the session argument
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION article_liked_by_user(article_row article, hasura_session json)
RETURNS boolean AS $$
FROM article_likes A
WHERE A.user_id = hasura_session ->> 'x-hasura-user-id' AND A.article_id = article_row.id
.. code-block:: http
POST /v1/query HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Hasura-Role: admin
.. graphiql::
query {
article(where: {id: {_eq: 3}}) {
"data": {
"article": [
"id": "3",
"liked_by_user": true
.. note::
The specified session argument is not included in the argument options of the computed
field in the GraphQL schema.
.. admonition:: Supported from
This feature will be available in ``v1.3.0-beta.1`` and above
.. This feature is available in ``v1.3.0`` and above
Computed fields vs. Postgres generated columns
Postgres, from version ``12``, is introducing `Generated Columns <https://www.postgresql.org/docs/12/ddl-generated-columns.html>`__.
The value of generated columns is also computed from other columns of a table. Postgres' generated columns
come with their own limitations. Hasura's computed fields are defined via an SQL function, which allows users
to define any complex business logic in a function. Generated columns will go together with computed fields where
Hasura treats generated columns as normal Postgres columns.