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synced 2024-12-17 20:41:49 +03:00
This fix is a little ugly, but it’s the only simple solution without a significant refactoring that restructures the relationship between GraphQL/Validate and GraphQL/Resolve. The ugliness should go away if we implement something like #2801.
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200 lines
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module Hasura.GraphQL.Resolve.InputValue
( withNotNull
, tyMismatch
, OpaqueValue
, OpaquePGValue
, mkParameterizablePGValue
, openOpaqueValue
, asPGColumnTypeAndValueM
, asPGColumnValueM
, asPGColumnValue
, asEnumVal
, asEnumValM
, withObject
, asObject
, withObjectM
, asObjectM
, withArray
, asArray
, withArrayM
, parseMany
, asPGColText
, asPGColTextM
) where
import Hasura.Prelude
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax as G
import qualified Hasura.RQL.Types as RQL
import Hasura.GraphQL.Resolve.Context
import Hasura.GraphQL.Validate.Types
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.SQL.Types
import Hasura.SQL.Value
:: (MonadError QErr m)
=> G.NamedType -> Maybe a -> m a
withNotNull nt v =
onNothing v $ throw500 $
"unexpected null for a value of type " <> showNamedTy nt
:: (MonadError QErr m) => Text -> AnnInpVal -> m a
tyMismatch expectedTy v =
throw500 $ "expected " <> expectedTy <> ", found " <>
getAnnInpValKind (_aivValue v) <> " for value of type " <>
G.showGT (_aivType v)
-- | As part of query reusability tracking (see 'QueryReusability'), functions that parse input
-- values call 'markNotReusable' when the value comes from a variable. However, always calling
-- 'markNotReusable' when parsing column values (using 'asPGColumnValue' and its variants) would be
-- much too conservative: often the value is simply validated and wrapped immediately in 'UVPG',
-- which allows it to be parameterized over.
-- Always omitting the check would be incorrect, as some callers inspect the column values and use
-- them to generate different SQL, which is where 'OpaqueValue' comes in. Functions like
-- 'asPGColumnValue' return an 'OpaquePGValue', which can be safely converted to an 'UnresolvedVal'
-- via 'mkParameterizablePGValue' without marking the query as non-reusable. Other callers that wish
-- to inspect the value can instead call 'openOpaqueValue' to get the value out, and /that/ will
-- mark the query non-reusable, instead.
-- In other words, 'OpaqueValue' is a mechanism of delaying the 'markNotReusable' call until we’re
-- confident its value will actually affect the generated SQL.
data OpaqueValue a
= OpaqueValue
{ _opgvValue :: !a
, _opgvIsVariable :: !Bool
} deriving (Show)
type OpaquePGValue = OpaqueValue AnnPGVal
mkParameterizablePGValue :: OpaquePGValue -> UnresolvedVal
mkParameterizablePGValue (OpaqueValue v _) = UVPG v
openOpaqueValue :: (MonadReusability m) => OpaqueValue a -> m a
openOpaqueValue (OpaqueValue v isVariable) = when isVariable markNotReusable $> v
:: (MonadReusability m, MonadError QErr m)
=> AnnInpVal
-> m (PGColumnType, WithScalarType (Maybe (OpaqueValue PGScalarValue)))
asPGColumnTypeAndValueM v = do
(columnType, scalarValueM) <- case _aivValue v of
AGScalar colTy val -> pure (PGColumnScalar colTy, WithScalarType colTy val)
AGEnum _ (AGEReference reference maybeValue) -> do
let maybeScalarValue = PGValText . RQL.getEnumValue <$> maybeValue
pure (PGColumnEnumReference reference, WithScalarType PGText maybeScalarValue)
_ -> tyMismatch "pgvalue" v
for_ (_aivVariable v) $ \variableName -> if
-- If the value is a nullable variable, then the caller might make a different decision based on
-- whether the result is 'Nothing' or 'Just', which would change the generated query, so we have
-- to unconditionally mark the query non-reusable.
| G.isNullable (_aivType v) -> markNotReusable
| otherwise -> recordVariableUse variableName columnType
let isVariable = isJust $ _aivVariable v
pure (columnType, fmap (flip OpaqueValue isVariable) <$> scalarValueM)
:: (MonadReusability m, MonadError QErr m) => AnnInpVal -> m (PGColumnType, Maybe OpaquePGValue)
asPGColumnTypeAndAnnValueM v = do
(columnType, scalarValueM) <- asPGColumnTypeAndValueM v
let mkAnnPGColVal = AnnPGVal (_aivVariable v) (G.isNullable (_aivType v))
replaceOpaqueValue (WithScalarType scalarType (OpaqueValue scalarValue isVariable)) =
OpaqueValue (mkAnnPGColVal (WithScalarType scalarType scalarValue)) isVariable
pure (columnType, replaceOpaqueValue <$> sequence scalarValueM)
asPGColumnValueM :: (MonadReusability m, MonadError QErr m) => AnnInpVal -> m (Maybe OpaquePGValue)
asPGColumnValueM = fmap snd . asPGColumnTypeAndAnnValueM
asPGColumnValue :: (MonadReusability m, MonadError QErr m) => AnnInpVal -> m OpaquePGValue
asPGColumnValue v = do
(columnType, annPGValM) <- asPGColumnTypeAndAnnValueM v
onNothing annPGValM $ throw500 ("unexpected null for type " <>> columnType)
openInputValue :: (MonadReusability m) => AnnInpVal -> m AnnGValue
openInputValue v = when (isJust $ _aivVariable v) markNotReusable $> _aivValue v
-- | Note: only handles “synthetic” enums (see 'EnumValuesInfo'). Enum table references are handled
-- by 'asPGColumnType' and its variants.
asEnumVal :: (MonadReusability m, MonadError QErr m) => AnnInpVal -> m (G.NamedType, G.EnumValue)
asEnumVal = asEnumValM >=> \case
(ty, Just val) -> pure (ty, val)
(ty, Nothing) -> throw500 $ "unexpected null for ty " <> showNamedTy ty
-- | Like 'asEnumVal', only handles “synthetic” enums.
asEnumValM :: (MonadReusability m, MonadError QErr m) => AnnInpVal -> m (G.NamedType, Maybe G.EnumValue)
asEnumValM v = openInputValue v >>= \case
AGEnum ty (AGESynthetic valM) -> return (ty, valM)
_ -> tyMismatch "enum" v
:: (MonadReusability m, MonadError QErr m) => (G.NamedType -> AnnGObject -> m a) -> AnnInpVal -> m a
withObject fn v = openInputValue v >>= \case
AGObject nt (Just obj) -> fn nt obj
AGObject _ Nothing ->
throw500 $ "unexpected null for ty"
<> G.showGT (_aivType v)
_ -> tyMismatch "object" v
asObject :: (MonadReusability m, MonadError QErr m) => AnnInpVal -> m AnnGObject
asObject = withObject (\_ o -> return o)
:: (MonadReusability m, MonadError QErr m)
=> (G.NamedType -> Maybe AnnGObject -> m a) -> AnnInpVal -> m a
withObjectM fn v = openInputValue v >>= \case
AGObject nt objM -> fn nt objM
_ -> tyMismatch "object" v
asObjectM :: (MonadReusability m, MonadError QErr m) => AnnInpVal -> m (Maybe AnnGObject)
asObjectM = withObjectM (\_ o -> return o)
:: (MonadReusability m, MonadError QErr m)
=> (G.ListType -> Maybe [AnnInpVal] -> m a) -> AnnInpVal -> m a
withArrayM fn v = openInputValue v >>= \case
AGArray lt listM -> fn lt listM
_ -> tyMismatch "array" v
:: (MonadReusability m, MonadError QErr m)
=> (G.ListType -> [AnnInpVal] -> m a) -> AnnInpVal -> m a
withArray fn v = openInputValue v >>= \case
AGArray lt (Just l) -> fn lt l
AGArray _ Nothing -> throw500 $ "unexpected null for ty"
<> G.showGT (_aivType v)
_ -> tyMismatch "array" v
asArray :: (MonadReusability m, MonadError QErr m) => AnnInpVal -> m [AnnInpVal]
asArray = withArray (\_ vals -> return vals)
:: (MonadReusability m, MonadError QErr m) => (AnnInpVal -> m a) -> AnnInpVal -> m (Maybe [a])
parseMany fn v = openInputValue v >>= \case
AGArray _ arrM -> mapM (mapM fn) arrM
_ -> tyMismatch "array" v
:: (MonadError QErr m)
=> PGScalarValue -> m Text
onlyText = \case
PGValText t -> return t
PGValVarchar t -> return t
_ -> throw500 "expecting text for asPGColText"
asPGColText :: (MonadReusability m, MonadError QErr m) => AnnInpVal -> m Text
asPGColText val = do
pgColVal <- openOpaqueValue =<< asPGColumnValue val
onlyText (pstValue $ _apvValue pgColVal)
asPGColTextM :: (MonadReusability m, MonadError QErr m) => AnnInpVal -> m (Maybe Text)
asPGColTextM val = do
pgColValM <- traverse openOpaqueValue =<< asPGColumnValueM val
traverse onlyText (pstValue . _apvValue <$> pgColValM)