Divi 5723baaab4 cli: fix migrate create command behaviour when no data provided

Co-authored-by: Aravind K P <>
GitOrigin-RevId: 4f7e38d649c1f414132d576d0f288ca8d3cdb53d
2022-01-12 16:16:50 +00:00

238 lines
7.7 KiB

package commands
import (
mig ""
log ""
const migrateCreateCmdExamples = ` # Setup migration files for the first time by introspecting a server:
hasura migrate create "init" --from-server
# Use with admin secret:
hasura migrate create --admin-secret "<admin-secret>"
# Setup migration files from an instance mentioned by the flag:
hasura migrate create init --from-server --endpoint "<endpoint>"
# Take pg_dump of schema and hasura metadata from server while specifying the schemas to include
hasura migrate create init --from-server --schema myschema1,myschema2
# Create up and down SQL migrations, providing contents as flags
hasura migrate create migration-name --up-sql "CREATE TABLE article(id serial NOT NULL, title text NOT NULL, content text NOT NULL);" --down-sql "DROP TABLE article;"
func newMigrateCreateCmd(ec *cli.ExecutionContext) *cobra.Command {
opts := &migrateCreateOptions{
EC: ec,
migrateCreateCmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "create [migration-name]",
Short: "Create files required for a migration",
Long: "Create ``sql`` files required for a migration",
Example: migrateCreateCmdExamples,
SilenceUsage: true,
Args: cobra.ExactArgs(1),
PreRunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
if cmd.Flags().Changed("up-sql") {
opts.upSQLChanged = true
if cmd.Flags().Changed("down-sql") {
opts.downSQLChanged = true
if cmd.Flags().Changed("metadata-from-server") {
return fmt.Errorf("metadata-from-server flag is deprecated")
if cmd.Flags().Changed("metadata-from-file") {
return fmt.Errorf("metadata-from-file flag is deprecated")
if err := validateConfigV3Flags(cmd, ec); err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, errDatabaseNotFound) {
// this means provided database is not yet connected to hasura
// this can be ignored for `migrate create`
// we can allow users to create migration files for databases
// which are not connected
ec.Logger.Warnf("database %s is not connected to hasura", ec.Source.Name)
ec.Source.Kind = hasura.SourceKindPG // the default kind is postgres
return nil
return err
if opts.upSQLChanged && !opts.downSQLChanged {
ec.Logger.Warn("you are creating an up migration without a down migration")
if opts.downSQLChanged && !opts.upSQLChanged {
ec.Logger.Warn("you are creating a down migration without an up migration")
return nil
RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { = args[0]
opts.EC.Spin("Creating migration files...")
opts.Source = ec.Source
version, err :=
if err != nil {
return err
"version": version,
}).Info("Migrations files created")
return nil
f := migrateCreateCmd.Flags()
opts.flags = f
f.SortFlags = false
f.BoolVar(&opts.fromServer, "from-server", false, "take pg_dump of schema (default: public) and Hasura metadata from the server")
f.StringVar(&opts.sqlFile, "sql-from-file", "", "path to an SQL file which contains the SQL statements")
f.BoolVar(&opts.sqlServer, "sql-from-server", false, "take pg_dump from the server (default: public) and save it as a migration")
f.StringSliceVar(&opts.schemaNames, "schema", []string{"public"}, "name of Postgres schema to export as a migration. provide multiple schemas with a comma separated list e.g. --schema public,user")
f.StringVar(&opts.metaDataFile, "metadata-from-file", "", "path to a hasura metadata file to be used for up actions")
f.BoolVar(&opts.metaDataServer, "metadata-from-server", false, "take metadata from the server and write it as an up migration file")
f.StringVar(&opts.upSQL, "up-sql", "", "sql string/query that is to be used to create an up migration")
f.StringVar(&opts.downSQL, "down-sql", "", "sql string/query that is to be used to create a down migration")
if err := f.MarkDeprecated("sql-from-server", "use --from-server instead"); err != nil {
ec.Logger.Debugf("marking flag --sql-from-server as depricatef failed: %v", err)
if err := migrateCreateCmd.MarkFlagFilename("sql-from-file", "sql"); err != nil {
ec.Logger.WithError(err).Errorf("error while using a dependency library")
if err := migrateCreateCmd.MarkFlagFilename("metadata-from-file", "json"); err != nil {
ec.Logger.WithError(err).Errorf("error while using a dependency library")
return migrateCreateCmd
type migrateCreateOptions struct {
EC *cli.ExecutionContext
name string
flags *pflag.FlagSet
// Flags
fromServer bool
sqlFile string
sqlServer bool
metaDataFile string
metaDataServer bool
schemaNames []string
upSQL string
upSQLChanged bool
downSQLChanged bool
downSQL string
Source cli.Source
func (o *migrateCreateOptions) run() (version int64, err error) {
timestamp := getTime()
createOptions := mig.New(timestamp,, filepath.Join(o.EC.MigrationDir, o.Source.Name))
if o.fromServer {
o.sqlServer = true
var migrateDrv *migrate.Migrate
// disabling auto state migrations for migrate create command
o.EC.DisableAutoStateMigration = true
if o.sqlServer || o.upSQLChanged || o.downSQLChanged {
migrateDrv, err = migrate.NewMigrate(o.EC, true, o.Source.Name, o.Source.Kind)
if err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot create migrate instance: %w", err)
if o.sqlFile != "" {
// sql-file flag is set
err := createOptions.SetSQLUpFromFile(o.sqlFile)
if err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot set sql file: %w", err)
if o.sqlServer {
data, err := migrateDrv.ExportSchemaDump(o.schemaNames, o.Source.Name, o.Source.Kind)
if err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot fetch schema dump: %w", err)
err = createOptions.SetSQLUp(string(data))
if err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("while writing data from server into the up.sql file: %w", err)
// create pure sql based migrations here
if o.upSQLChanged {
err = createOptions.SetSQLUp(o.upSQL)
if err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("up migration with SQL string could not be created: %w", err)
if o.downSQLChanged {
err = createOptions.SetSQLDown(o.downSQL)
if err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("down migration with SQL string could not be created: %w", err)
if o.sqlFile == "" && !o.sqlServer && o.EC.Config.Version != cli.V1 {
// Set empty data for [up|down].sql
if !o.upSQLChanged {
createOptions.SQLUp = []byte(``)
if !o.downSQLChanged {
createOptions.SQLDown = []byte(``)
defer func() {
if err != nil {
if err := createOptions.Delete(); err != nil {
o.EC.Logger.Warnf("cannot delete dangling migrations: %v", err)
err = createOptions.Create()
if err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("error creating migration files: %w", err)
o.EC.Logger.Infof("Created Migrations")
if o.fromServer {
opts := &MigrateApplyOptions{
EC: o.EC,
SkipExecution: true,
VersionMigration: fmt.Sprintf("%d", timestamp),
Source: o.Source,
err := opts.Run()
if err != nil {
o.EC.Logger.Warnf("cannot mark created migration %d as applied: %v", timestamp, err)
o.EC.Logger.Warnf("manually mark it as applied using command: hasura migrate apply --skip-execution --version %d", timestamp)
return timestamp, nil
func getTime() int64 {
startTime := time.Now()
return startTime.UnixNano() / int64(time.Millisecond)