Lyndon Maydwell d54bb30d3b Structured Error Protocol for Data Connectors Agents - GDW-137
Co-authored-by: Vishnu Bharathi <>
GitOrigin-RevId: 855d96378030f4e01b0c74b00e20e592e51e7a49
2022-10-11 00:26:24 +00:00

93 lines
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module Test.SchemaSpec (spec) where
import Control.Lens ((%~), (.~), (?~))
import Control.Lens.At (at)
import Control.Lens.Lens ((&))
import Control.Monad (forM_)
import Data.Aeson (Value (..), toJSON)
import Data.Aeson.Lens (_Object)
import Data.Foldable (find)
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HashMap
import Data.List (sort, sortOn)
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NonEmpty
import Data.Text qualified as Text
import Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.API qualified as API
import Servant.API (NamedRoutes)
import Servant.Client (Client, (//))
import Test.Data (TestData (..))
import Test.Expectations (jsonShouldBe)
import Test.Hspec (Expectation, Spec, SpecWith, describe, it)
import Prelude
spec :: TestData -> Client IO (NamedRoutes API.Routes) -> API.SourceName -> API.Config -> API.Capabilities -> Spec
spec TestData {..} api sourceName config API.Capabilities {..} = describe "schema API" $ do
it "returns the Chinook tables" $ do
let extractTableNames = sort . fmap API._tiName
tableNames <- (extractTableNames . API._srTables) <$> (schemaGuard =<< (api // API._schema) sourceName config)
let expectedTableNames = extractTableNames _tdSchemaTables
tableNames `jsonShouldBe` expectedTableNames
testPerTable "returns the correct columns in the Chinook tables" $ \expectedTable@API.TableInfo {..} -> do
tables <- find (\t -> API._tiName t == _tiName) . API._srTables <$> (schemaGuard =<< (api // API._schema) sourceName config)
-- We remove some properties here so that we don't compare them since they vary between agent implementations
let extractJsonForComparison table =
let columns = fmap toJSON . sortOn API._ciName $ API._tiColumns table
in columns & traverse %~ \column ->
& _Object . at "type" .~ Nothing -- Types can vary between agents since underlying datatypes can change
& _Object . at "description" .~ Nothing -- Descriptions are not supported by all agents
-- If the agent only supports nullable columns, we make all columns nullable
let setExpectedColumnNullability columns =
if API._dscColumnNullability _cDataSchema == API.OnlyNullableColumns
then columns & traverse %~ (_Object . at "nullable" ?~ Bool True)
else columns
let actualJsonColumns = extractJsonForComparison <$> tables
let expectedJsonColumns = Just . setExpectedColumnNullability $ extractJsonForComparison expectedTable
actualJsonColumns `jsonShouldBe` expectedJsonColumns
if API._dscSupportsPrimaryKeys _cDataSchema
then testPerTable "returns the correct primary keys for the Chinook tables" $ \API.TableInfo {..} -> do
tables <- find (\t -> API._tiName t == _tiName) . API._srTables <$> (schemaGuard =<< (api // API._schema) sourceName config)
let actualPrimaryKey = API._tiPrimaryKey <$> tables
actualPrimaryKey `jsonShouldBe` Just _tiPrimaryKey
else testPerTable "returns no primary keys for the Chinook tables" $ \API.TableInfo {..} -> do
tables <- find (\t -> API._tiName t == _tiName) . API._srTables <$> (schemaGuard =<< (api // API._schema) sourceName config)
let actualPrimaryKey = API._tiPrimaryKey <$> tables
actualPrimaryKey `jsonShouldBe` Just []
if API._dscSupportsForeignKeys _cDataSchema
then testPerTable "returns the correct foreign keys for the Chinook tables" $ \expectedTable@API.TableInfo {..} -> do
tables <- find (\t -> API._tiName t == _tiName) . API._srTables <$> (schemaGuard =<< (api // API._schema) sourceName config)
-- We compare only the constraints and ignore the constraint names since some agents will have
-- different constraint names
let extractConstraintsForComparison table =
sort . HashMap.elems . API.unForeignKeys $ API._tiForeignKeys table
let actualConstraints = extractConstraintsForComparison <$> tables
let expectedConstraints = Just $ extractConstraintsForComparison expectedTable
actualConstraints `jsonShouldBe` expectedConstraints
else testPerTable "returns no foreign keys for the Chinook tables" $ \API.TableInfo {..} -> do
tables <- find (\t -> API._tiName t == _tiName) . API._srTables <$> (schemaGuard =<< (api // API._schema) sourceName config)
let actualJsonConstraints = API._tiForeignKeys <$> tables
actualJsonConstraints `jsonShouldBe` Just (API.ForeignKeys mempty)
testPerTable :: String -> (API.TableInfo -> Expectation) -> SpecWith ()
testPerTable description test =
describe description $ do
forM_ _tdSchemaTables $ \expectedTable@API.TableInfo {..} -> do
it (Text.unpack . NonEmpty.last $ API.unTableName _tiName) $
test expectedTable
schemaGuard = API.schemaCase defaultAction pure errorAction
defaultAction = fail "Error resolving source schema"
errorAction e = fail ("Error resolving source schema: " <> Text.unpack (API.errorResponseJsonText e))