Vamshi Surabhi 2a9bc2354f
add relay modern support (#4458)
* validation support for unions and interfaces

* refactor SQL generation logic for improved readability

* '/v1/relay' endpoint for relay schema

* implement 'Node' interface and top level 'node' field resolver

* add relay toggle on graphiql

* fix explain api response & index plan id with query type

* add hasura mutations to relay

* add relay pytests

* update

Co-authored-by: rakeshkky <>
Co-authored-by: Rishichandra Wawhal <>
Co-authored-by: Rikin Kachhia <>
2020-06-08 17:43:01 +05:30

301 lines
9.1 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilyDependencies #-}
module Hasura.GraphQL.NormalForm
( Selection(..)
, NormalizedSelection
, NormalizedSelectionSet
, NormalizedField
, SelectionSet(..)
, RootSelectionSet(..)
-- , toGraphQLOperation
, ArgsMap
, Field(..)
, Typename(..)
, IsField(..)
, toField
, AliasedFields(..)
, asObjectSelectionSet
, ObjectSelectionSet(..)
, ObjectSelectionSetMap
, traverseObjectSelectionSet
, InterfaceSelectionSet
, asInterfaceSelectionSet
, getMemberSelectionSet
, UnionSelectionSet
, ScopedSelectionSet(..)
, emptyScopedSelectionSet
, getUnionSelectionSet
, getInterfaceSelectionSet
, getObjectSelectionSet
, AnnInpVal(..)
, AnnGValue(..)
, AnnGObject
, AnnGEnumValue(..)
, hasNullVal
, getAnnInpValKind
, toGraphQLField
, toGraphQLSelectionSet
) where
import Hasura.Prelude
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Data.Aeson.Casing as J
import qualified Data.Aeson.TH as J
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd.Extended as OMap
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax as G
import qualified Hasura.RQL.Types.Column as RQL
import qualified Hasura.RQL.Types.Error as RQL
import Hasura.SQL.Types
import Hasura.SQL.Value
data Selection f s
= SelectionField !G.Alias !f
| SelectionInlineFragmentSpread !s
| SelectionFragmentSpread !G.Name !s
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | What a processed G.SelectionSet should look like
type family NormalizedSelectionSet a = s | s -> a
-- | What a processed G.Field should look like
type family NormalizedField a
type NormalizedSelection a
= Selection (NormalizedField a) (NormalizedSelectionSet a)
-- | Ordered fields
newtype AliasedFields f
= AliasedFields { unAliasedFields :: OMap.InsOrdHashMap G.Alias f }
deriving (Show, Eq, Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Semigroup)
newtype ObjectSelectionSet
= ObjectSelectionSet { unObjectSelectionSet :: AliasedFields Field }
deriving (Show, Eq, Semigroup)
:: (Monad m) => ObjectSelectionSet -> (Field -> m a) -> m [(Text, a)]
traverseObjectSelectionSet selectionSet f =
forM (OMap.toList $ unAliasedFields $ unObjectSelectionSet selectionSet) $
\(alias, field) -> (G.unName $ G.unAlias alias,) <$> f field
type ObjectSelectionSetMap
= Map.HashMap G.NamedType ObjectSelectionSet
data Typename = Typename
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
data ScopedSelectionSet f
= ScopedSelectionSet
{ _sssBaseSelectionSet :: !(AliasedFields f)
-- ^ Fields that aren't explicitly defined for member types
, _sssMemberSelectionSets :: !ObjectSelectionSetMap
-- ^ SelectionSets of individual member types
} deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
emptyScopedSelectionSet :: ScopedSelectionSet f
emptyScopedSelectionSet =
ScopedSelectionSet (AliasedFields mempty) mempty
type InterfaceSelectionSet = ScopedSelectionSet Field
type UnionSelectionSet = ScopedSelectionSet Typename
data RootSelectionSet
= RQuery !ObjectSelectionSet
| RMutation !ObjectSelectionSet
| RSubscription !ObjectSelectionSet
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- toGraphQLOperation :: RootSelectionSet -> G.ExecutableDefinition
-- toGraphQLOperation = \case
-- RQuery selectionSet ->
-- mkExecutableDefinition G.OperationTypeQuery $
-- toGraphQLSelectionSet $ SelectionSetObject selectionSet
-- RMutation selectionSet ->
-- mkExecutableDefinition G.OperationTypeQuery $
-- toGraphQLSelectionSet $ SelectionSetObject selectionSet
-- RSubscription opDef _ ->
-- G.ExecutableDefinitionOperation $ G.OperationDefinitionTyped opDef
-- where
-- mkExecutableDefinition operationType selectionSet =
-- G.ExecutableDefinitionOperation $ G.OperationDefinitionTyped $
-- G.TypedOperationDefinition
-- { G._todName = Nothing -- TODO, store the name too?
-- , G._todDirectives = []
-- , G._todType = operationType
-- , G._todVariableDefinitions = []
-- , G._todSelectionSet = selectionSet
-- }
data SelectionSet
= SelectionSetObject !ObjectSelectionSet
| SelectionSetUnion !UnionSelectionSet
| SelectionSetInterface !InterfaceSelectionSet
| SelectionSetNone
-- ^ in cases of enums and scalars
deriving (Show, Eq)
getObjectSelectionSet :: SelectionSet -> Maybe ObjectSelectionSet
getObjectSelectionSet = \case
SelectionSetObject s -> pure s
_ -> Nothing
:: (MonadError RQL.QErr m) => SelectionSet -> m ObjectSelectionSet
asObjectSelectionSet selectionSet =
onNothing (getObjectSelectionSet selectionSet) $
RQL.throw500 "expecting ObjectSelectionSet"
getUnionSelectionSet :: SelectionSet -> Maybe UnionSelectionSet
getUnionSelectionSet = \case
SelectionSetUnion s -> pure s
_ -> Nothing
getInterfaceSelectionSet :: SelectionSet -> Maybe InterfaceSelectionSet
getInterfaceSelectionSet = \case
SelectionSetInterface s -> pure s
_ -> Nothing
:: (MonadError RQL.QErr m) => SelectionSet -> m InterfaceSelectionSet
asInterfaceSelectionSet selectionSet =
onNothing (getInterfaceSelectionSet selectionSet) $
RQL.throw500 "expecting InterfaceSelectionSet"
type ArgsMap = Map.HashMap G.Name AnnInpVal
data Field
= Field
{ _fName :: !G.Name
, _fType :: !G.NamedType
, _fArguments :: !ArgsMap
, _fSelSet :: !SelectionSet
} deriving (Eq, Show)
toGraphQLField :: G.Alias -> Field -> G.Field
toGraphQLField alias Field{..} =
{ G._fName = _fName
, G._fArguments = [] -- TODO
, G._fDirectives = []
, G._fAlias = Just alias
, G._fSelectionSet = toGraphQLSelectionSet _fSelSet
toGraphQLSelectionSet :: SelectionSet -> G.SelectionSet
toGraphQLSelectionSet = \case
SelectionSetObject selectionSet -> fromSelectionSet selectionSet
SelectionSetInterface selectionSet -> fromScopedSelectionSet selectionSet
SelectionSetUnion selectionSet -> fromScopedSelectionSet selectionSet
SelectionSetNone -> mempty
fromAliasedFields :: (IsField f) => AliasedFields f -> G.SelectionSet
fromAliasedFields =
map (G.SelectionField . uncurry toGraphQLField) .
OMap.toList . fmap toField . unAliasedFields
fromSelectionSet =
fromAliasedFields . unObjectSelectionSet
toInlineSelection typeName =
G.SelectionInlineFragment . G.InlineFragment (Just typeName) mempty .
fromScopedSelectionSet (ScopedSelectionSet base specific) =
map (uncurry toInlineSelection) (Map.toList specific) <> fromAliasedFields base
-- $(J.deriveToJSON (J.aesonDrop 2 J.camelCase){J.omitNothingFields=True}
-- ''Field
-- )
-- $(J.deriveToJSON (J.aesonDrop 2 J.camelCase){J.omitNothingFields=True}
-- ''InterfaceSelectionSet
-- )
-- $(J.deriveToJSON (J.aesonDrop 2 J.camelCase){J.omitNothingFields=True}
-- ''SelectionSet
-- )
class IsField f where
getFieldName :: f -> G.Name
getFieldType :: f -> G.NamedType
getFieldArguments :: f -> ArgsMap
getFieldSelectionSet :: f -> SelectionSet
toField :: (IsField f) => f -> Field
toField f =
Field (getFieldName f) (getFieldType f)
(getFieldArguments f) (getFieldSelectionSet f)
instance IsField Field where
getFieldName = _fName
getFieldType = _fType
getFieldArguments = _fArguments
getFieldSelectionSet = _fSelSet
instance IsField Typename where
getFieldName _ = "__typename"
getFieldType _ = G.NamedType "String"
getFieldArguments _ = mempty
getFieldSelectionSet _ = SelectionSetNone
:: IsField f
=> G.NamedType -> ScopedSelectionSet f -> ObjectSelectionSet
getMemberSelectionSet namedType (ScopedSelectionSet {..}) =
fromMaybe (ObjectSelectionSet (fmap toField _sssBaseSelectionSet)) $
Map.lookup namedType $ _sssMemberSelectionSets
data AnnInpVal
= AnnInpVal
{ _aivType :: !G.GType
, _aivVariable :: !(Maybe G.Variable)
, _aivValue :: !AnnGValue
} deriving (Show, Eq)
type AnnGObject = OMap.InsOrdHashMap G.Name AnnInpVal
-- | See 'EnumValuesInfo' for information about what these cases mean.
data AnnGEnumValue
= AGESynthetic !(Maybe G.EnumValue)
| AGEReference !RQL.EnumReference !(Maybe RQL.EnumValue)
deriving (Show, Eq)
data AnnGValue
= AGScalar !PGScalarType !(Maybe PGScalarValue)
| AGEnum !G.NamedType !AnnGEnumValue
| AGObject !G.NamedType !(Maybe AnnGObject)
| AGArray !G.ListType !(Maybe [AnnInpVal])
deriving (Show, Eq)
$(J.deriveToJSON (J.aesonDrop 4 J.camelCase){J.omitNothingFields=True}
instance J.ToJSON AnnGValue where
-- toJSON (AGScalar ty valM) =
toJSON = const J.Null
-- J.
-- J.toJSON [J.toJSON ty, J.toJSON valM]
hasNullVal :: AnnGValue -> Bool
hasNullVal = \case
AGScalar _ Nothing -> True
AGEnum _ (AGESynthetic Nothing) -> True
AGEnum _ (AGEReference _ Nothing) -> True
AGObject _ Nothing -> True
AGArray _ Nothing -> True
_ -> False
getAnnInpValKind :: AnnGValue -> Text
getAnnInpValKind = \case
AGScalar _ _ -> "scalar"
AGEnum _ _ -> "enum"
AGObject _ _ -> "object"
AGArray _ _ -> "array"