mirror of
synced 2024-12-17 12:31:52 +03:00
* validation support for unions and interfaces * refactor SQL generation logic for improved readability * '/v1/relay' endpoint for relay schema * implement 'Node' interface and top level 'node' field resolver * add relay toggle on graphiql * fix explain api response & index plan id with query type * add hasura mutations to relay * add relay pytests * update CHANGELOG.md Co-authored-by: rakeshkky <12475069+rakeshkky@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Rishichandra Wawhal <rishi@hasura.io> Co-authored-by: Rikin Kachhia <54616969+rikinsk@users.noreply.github.com>
408 lines
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408 lines
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module Hasura.GraphQL.RelaySchema where
import Control.Lens.Extended hiding (op)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.HashSet as Set
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax as G
import Hasura.GraphQL.Context
import Hasura.GraphQL.Resolve.Types
import Hasura.GraphQL.Validate.Types
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.Server.Utils (duplicates)
import Hasura.Session
import Hasura.SQL.Types
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.BoolExp
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Builder
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Common
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Function
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.OrderBy
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Select
mkNodeInterface :: [QualifiedTable] -> IFaceTyInfo
mkNodeInterface relayTableNames =
let description = G.Description "An object with globally unique ID"
in mkIFaceTyInfo (Just description) nodeType (mapFromL _fiName [idField]) $
Set.fromList $ map mkTableTy relayTableNames
idField =
let description = G.Description "A globally unique identifier"
in mkHsraObjFldInfo (Just description) "id" mempty nodeIdType
:: forall m. (MonadError QErr m)
=> TableCache -> FunctionCache -> m GCtxMap
mkRelayGCtxMap tableCache functionCache = do
typesMapL <- mapM (mkRelayGCtxMapTable tableCache functionCache) relayTables
typesMap <- combineTypes typesMapL
let gCtxMap = flip Map.map typesMap $
\(ty, flds, insCtx) -> mkGCtx ty flds insCtx
pure $ Map.map (flip RoleContext Nothing) gCtxMap
relayTables =
filter (tableFltr . _tiCoreInfo) $ Map.elems tableCache
tableFltr ti =
not (isSystemDefined $ _tciSystemDefined ti)
&& isValidObjectName (_tciName ti)
&& isJust (_tciPrimaryKey ti)
:: [Map.HashMap RoleName (TyAgg, RootFields, InsCtxMap)]
-> m (Map.HashMap RoleName (TyAgg, RootFields, InsCtxMap))
combineTypes maps = do
let listMap = foldr (Map.unionWith (++) . Map.map pure) mempty maps
flip Map.traverseWithKey listMap $ \roleName typeList -> do
let relayTableNames = map (_tciName . _tiCoreInfo) relayTables
tyAgg = addTypeInfoToTyAgg
(TIIFace $ mkNodeInterface relayTableNames) $
mconcat $ map (^. _1) typeList
insCtx = mconcat $ map (^. _3) typeList
rootFields <- combineRootFields roleName $ map (^. _2) typeList
pure (tyAgg, rootFields, insCtx)
combineRootFields :: RoleName -> [RootFields] -> m RootFields
combineRootFields roleName rootFields = do
let duplicateQueryFields = duplicates $
concatMap (Map.keys . _rootQueryFields) rootFields
duplicateMutationFields = duplicates $
concatMap (Map.keys . _rootMutationFields) rootFields
-- TODO: The following exception should result in inconsistency
when (not $ null duplicateQueryFields) $
throw400 Unexpected $ "following query root fields are duplicated: "
<> showNames duplicateQueryFields
when (not $ null duplicateMutationFields) $
throw400 Unexpected $ "following mutation root fields are duplicated: "
<> showNames duplicateMutationFields
pure $ mconcat $ mkNodeQueryRootFields roleName relayTables : rootFields
:: (MonadError QErr m)
=> TableCache
-> FunctionCache
-> TableInfo
-> m (Map.HashMap RoleName (TyAgg, RootFields, InsCtxMap))
mkRelayGCtxMapTable tableCache funcCache tabInfo = do
m <- flip Map.traverseWithKey rolePerms $
mkRelayGCtxRole tableCache tn descM fields primaryKey validConstraints tabFuncs viewInfo customConfig
adminSelFlds <- mkAdminSelFlds fields tableCache
adminInsCtx <- mkAdminInsCtx tableCache fields
let adminCtx = mkRelayTyAggRole tn descM (Just (cols, icRelations adminInsCtx))
(Just (True, adminSelFlds)) (Just cols) (Just ())
primaryKey validConstraints viewInfo tabFuncs
adminInsCtxMap = Map.singleton tn adminInsCtx
return $ Map.insert adminRoleName (adminCtx, adminRootFlds, adminInsCtxMap) m
TableInfo coreInfo rolePerms _ = tabInfo
TableCoreInfo tn descM _ fields primaryKey _ _ viewInfo _ customConfig = coreInfo
validConstraints = mkValidConstraints $ map _cName (tciUniqueOrPrimaryKeyConstraints coreInfo)
tabFuncs = filter (isValidObjectName . fiName) $
getFuncsOfTable tn funcCache
cols = getValidCols fields
adminRootFlds =
let insertPermDetails = Just ([], True)
selectPermDetails = Just (noFilter, Nothing, [], True)
updatePermDetails = Just (getValidCols fields, mempty, noFilter, Nothing, [])
deletePermDetails = Just (noFilter, [])
queryFields = getRelayQueryRootFieldsRole tn primaryKey fields tabFuncs
mutationFields = getMutationRootFieldsRole tn primaryKey
validConstraints fields insertPermDetails
selectPermDetails updatePermDetails
deletePermDetails viewInfo customConfig
in RootFields queryFields mutationFields
:: (MonadError QErr m)
=> TableCache
-> QualifiedTable
-> Maybe PGDescription
-> FieldInfoMap FieldInfo
-> Maybe (PrimaryKey PGColumnInfo)
-> [ConstraintName]
-> [FunctionInfo]
-> Maybe ViewInfo
-> TableConfig
-> RoleName
-> RolePermInfo
-> m (TyAgg, RootFields, InsCtxMap)
mkRelayGCtxRole tableCache tn descM fields primaryKey constraints funcs viM tabConfigM role permInfo = do
selPermM <- mapM (getSelPerm tableCache fields role) selM
tabInsInfoM <- forM (_permIns permInfo) $ \ipi -> do
ctx <- mkInsCtx role tableCache fields ipi $ _permUpd permInfo
let permCols = flip getColInfos allCols $ Set.toList $ ipiCols ipi
return (ctx, (permCols, icRelations ctx))
let insPermM = snd <$> tabInsInfoM
insCtxM = fst <$> tabInsInfoM
updColsM = filterColumnFields . upiCols <$> _permUpd permInfo
tyAgg = mkRelayTyAggRole tn descM insPermM selPermM updColsM
(void $ _permDel permInfo) primaryKey constraints viM funcs
queryRootFlds = getRelayQueryRootFieldsRole tn primaryKey fields funcs
(mkSel <$> _permSel permInfo)
mutationRootFlds = getMutationRootFieldsRole tn primaryKey constraints fields
(mkIns <$> insM) (mkSel <$> selM)
(mkUpd <$> updM) (mkDel <$> delM) viM tabConfigM
insCtxMap = maybe Map.empty (Map.singleton tn) insCtxM
return (tyAgg, RootFields queryRootFlds mutationRootFlds, insCtxMap)
RolePermInfo insM selM updM delM = permInfo
allCols = getCols fields
filterColumnFields allowedSet =
filter ((`Set.member` allowedSet) . pgiColumn) $ getValidCols fields
mkIns i = (ipiRequiredHeaders i, isJust updM)
mkSel s = ( spiFilter s, spiLimit s
, spiRequiredHeaders s, spiAllowAgg s
mkUpd u = ( flip getColInfos allCols $ Set.toList $ upiCols u
, upiSet u
, upiFilter u
, upiCheck u
, upiRequiredHeaders u
mkDel d = (dpiFilter d, dpiRequiredHeaders d)
:: QualifiedTable
-> Maybe PGDescription
-- ^ Postgres description
-> Maybe ([PGColumnInfo], RelationInfoMap)
-- ^ insert permission
-> Maybe (Bool, [SelField])
-- ^ select permission
-> Maybe [PGColumnInfo]
-- ^ update cols
-> Maybe ()
-- ^ delete cols
-> Maybe (PrimaryKey PGColumnInfo)
-> [ConstraintName]
-- ^ constraints
-> Maybe ViewInfo
-> [FunctionInfo]
-- ^ all functions
-> TyAgg
mkRelayTyAggRole tn descM insPermM selPermM updColsM delPermM pkeyCols constraints viM funcs =
let (mutationTypes, mutationFields) =
mkMutationTypesAndFieldsRole tn insPermM selFldsM updColsM delPermM pkeyCols constraints viM
in TyAgg (mkTyInfoMap allTypes <> mutationTypes)
(fieldMap <> mutationFields)
scalars ordByCtx
ordByCtx = fromMaybe Map.empty ordByCtxM
funcInpArgTys = bool [] (map TIInpObj funcArgInpObjs) $ isJust selFldsM
allTypes = queryTypes <> aggQueryTypes <> funcInpArgTys <> computedFieldFuncArgsInps
queryTypes = map TIObj selectObjects <>
[ TIInpObj <$> boolExpInpObjM
, TIInpObj <$> ordByInpObjM
, TIEnum <$> selColInpTyM
aggQueryTypes = map TIObj aggObjs <> map TIInpObj aggOrdByInps
fieldMap = Map.unions $ catMaybes [boolExpInpObjFldsM, selObjFldsM]
scalars = selByPkScalarSet <> funcArgScalarSet <> computedFieldFuncArgScalars
selFldsM = snd <$> selPermM
selColNamesM = map pgiName . getPGColumnFields <$> selFldsM
selColInpTyM = mkSelColumnTy tn <$> selColNamesM
-- boolexp input type
boolExpInpObjM = case selFldsM of
Just selFlds -> Just $ mkBoolExpInp tn selFlds
-- no select permission
Nothing ->
-- but update/delete is defined
if isJust updColsM || isJust delPermM
then Just $ mkBoolExpInp tn []
else Nothing
-- funcargs input type
funcArgInpObjs = flip mapMaybe funcs $ \func ->
mkFuncArgsInp (fiName func) (getInputArgs func)
-- funcArgCtx = Map.unions funcArgCtxs
funcArgScalarSet = funcs ^.. folded.to getInputArgs.folded.to (_qptName.faType)
-- helper
mkFldMap ty = Map.fromList . concatMap (mkFld ty)
mkFld ty = \case
SFPGColumn ci -> [((ty, pgiName ci), RFPGColumn ci)]
SFRelationship (RelationshipFieldInfo relInfo allowAgg cols permFilter permLimit maybePkCols _) ->
let relationshipName = riName relInfo
relFld = ( (ty, mkRelName relationshipName)
, RFRelationship $ RelationshipField relInfo RFKSimple cols permFilter permLimit
aggRelFld = ( (ty, mkAggRelName relationshipName)
, RFRelationship $ RelationshipField relInfo RFKAggregate cols permFilter permLimit
maybeConnFld = maybePkCols <&> \pkCols ->
( (ty, mkConnectionRelName relationshipName)
, RFRelationship $ RelationshipField relInfo
(RFKConnection pkCols) cols permFilter permLimit
in case riType relInfo of
ObjRel -> [relFld]
ArrRel -> bool [relFld] ([relFld, aggRelFld] <> maybe [] pure maybeConnFld) allowAgg
SFComputedField cf -> pure
( (ty, mkComputedFieldName $ _cfName cf)
, RFComputedField cf
SFRemoteRelationship remoteField -> pure
( (ty, G.Name (remoteRelationshipNameToText (_rfiName remoteField)))
, RFRemoteRelationship remoteField
-- the fields used in bool exp
boolExpInpObjFldsM = mkFldMap (mkBoolExpTy tn) <$> selFldsM
-- table obj
selectObjects = case selPermM of
Just (_, selFlds) ->
[ (mkRelayTableObj tn descM selFlds)
{_otiImplIFaces = Set.singleton nodeType}
, mkTableEdgeObj tn
, mkTableConnectionObj tn
Nothing -> []
-- aggregate objs and order by inputs
(aggObjs, aggOrdByInps) = case selPermM of
Just (True, selFlds) ->
let cols = getPGColumnFields selFlds
numCols = onlyNumCols cols
compCols = onlyComparableCols cols
objs = [ mkTableAggObj tn
, mkTableAggregateFieldsObj tn (numCols, numAggregateOps) (compCols, compAggregateOps)
] <> mkColAggregateFieldsObjs selFlds
ordByInps = mkTabAggOrdByInpObj tn (numCols, numAggregateOps) (compCols, compAggregateOps)
: mkTabAggregateOpOrdByInpObjs tn (numCols, numAggregateOps) (compCols, compAggregateOps)
in (objs, ordByInps)
_ -> ([], [])
getNumericCols = onlyNumCols . getPGColumnFields
getComparableCols = onlyComparableCols . getPGColumnFields
onlyFloat = const $ mkScalarTy PGFloat
mkTypeMaker "sum" = mkColumnType
mkTypeMaker _ = onlyFloat
mkColAggregateFieldsObjs flds =
let numCols = getNumericCols flds
compCols = getComparableCols flds
mkNumObjFld n = mkTableColAggregateFieldsObj tn n (mkTypeMaker n) numCols
mkCompObjFld n = mkTableColAggregateFieldsObj tn n mkColumnType compCols
numFldsObjs = bool (map mkNumObjFld numAggregateOps) [] $ null numCols
compFldsObjs = bool (map mkCompObjFld compAggregateOps) [] $ null compCols
in numFldsObjs <> compFldsObjs
-- the fields used in table object
nodeFieldM = RFNodeId tn . _pkColumns <$> pkeyCols
selObjFldsM = mkFldMap (mkTableTy tn) <$> selFldsM >>=
\fm -> nodeFieldM <&> \nodeField ->
Map.insert (mkTableTy tn, "id") nodeField fm
-- the scalar set for table_by_pk arguments
selByPkScalarSet = pkeyCols ^.. folded.to _pkColumns.folded.to pgiType._PGColumnScalar
ordByInpCtxM = mkOrdByInpObj tn <$> selFldsM
(ordByInpObjM, ordByCtxM) = case ordByInpCtxM of
Just (a, b) -> (Just a, Just b)
Nothing -> (Nothing, Nothing)
-- computed fields' function args input objects and scalar types
mkComputedFieldRequiredTypes computedFieldInfo =
let ComputedFieldFunction qf inputArgs _ _ _ = _cfFunction computedFieldInfo
scalarArgs = map (_qptName . faType) $ toList inputArgs
in (, scalarArgs) <$> mkFuncArgsInp qf inputArgs
computedFieldReqTypes = catMaybes $
maybe [] (map mkComputedFieldRequiredTypes . getComputedFields) selFldsM
computedFieldFuncArgsInps = map (TIInpObj . fst) computedFieldReqTypes
computedFieldFuncArgScalars = Set.fromList $ concatMap snd computedFieldReqTypes
:: QualifiedTable
-> [PGColumnInfo]
-> (AnnBoolExpPartialSQL, Maybe Int, [T.Text]) -- select filter
-> SelOpCtx
mkSelectOpCtx tn allCols (fltr, pLimit, hdrs) =
SelOpCtx tn hdrs colGNameMap fltr pLimit
colGNameMap = mkPGColGNameMap allCols
:: QualifiedTable
-> Maybe (PrimaryKey PGColumnInfo)
-> FieldInfoMap FieldInfo
-> [FunctionInfo]
-> Maybe (AnnBoolExpPartialSQL, Maybe Int, [T.Text], Bool) -- select filter
-> QueryRootFieldMap
getRelayQueryRootFieldsRole tn primaryKey fields funcs selM =
makeFieldMap $
<> catMaybes
[ getSelConnectionDet <$> selM <*> maybePrimaryKeyColumns
maybePrimaryKeyColumns = fmap _pkColumns primaryKey
colGNameMap = mkPGColGNameMap $ getCols fields
funcConnectionQueries = fromMaybe [] $ getFuncQueryConnectionFlds
<$> selM <*> maybePrimaryKeyColumns
getSelConnectionDet (selFltr, pLimit, hdrs, _) primaryKeyColumns =
selFldHelper (QCSelectConnection primaryKeyColumns)
(mkSelFldConnection Nothing) selFltr pLimit hdrs
selFldHelper f g pFltr pLimit hdrs =
( f $ mkSelectOpCtx tn (getCols fields) (pFltr, pLimit, hdrs)
, g tn
getFuncQueryConnectionFlds (selFltr, pLimit, hdrs, _) primaryKeyColumns =
funcFldHelper (QCFuncConnection primaryKeyColumns) mkFuncQueryConnectionFld selFltr pLimit hdrs
funcFldHelper f g pFltr pLimit hdrs =
flip map funcs $ \fi ->
( f $ FuncQOpCtx (fiName fi) (mkFuncArgItemSeq fi) hdrs colGNameMap pFltr pLimit
, g fi $ fiDescription fi
mkNodeQueryRootFields :: RoleName -> [TableInfo] -> RootFields
mkNodeQueryRootFields roleName relayTables =
RootFields (mapFromL (_fiName . snd) [nodeQueryDet]) mempty
nodeQueryDet =
( QCNodeSelect nodeSelMap
, nodeQueryField
nodeQueryField =
let nodeParams = fromInpValL $ pure $
InpValInfo (Just $ G.Description "A globally unique id")
"id" Nothing nodeIdType
in mkHsraObjFldInfo Nothing "node" nodeParams $ G.toGT nodeType
nodeSelMap =
Map.fromList $ flip mapMaybe relayTables $ \table ->
let tableName = _tciName $ _tiCoreInfo table
allColumns = getCols $ _tciFieldInfoMap $ _tiCoreInfo table
selectPermM = _permSel <$> Map.lookup roleName
(_tiRolePermInfoMap table)
permDetailsM = join selectPermM <&> \perm ->
( spiFilter perm
, spiLimit perm
, spiRequiredHeaders perm
adminPermDetails = (noFilter, Nothing, [])
in (mkTableTy tableName,) . mkSelectOpCtx tableName allColumns
<$> bool permDetailsM (Just adminPermDetails) (isAdmin roleName)