mirror of
synced 2025-01-07 08:13:18 +03:00
* move user info related code to Hasura.User module
* the RFC #4120 implementation; insert permissions with admin secret
* revert back to old RoleName based schema maps
An attempt made to avoid duplication of schema contexts in types
if any role doesn't possess any admin secret specific schema
* fix compile errors in haskell test
* keep 'user_vars' for session variables in http-logs
* no-op refacto
* tests for admin only inserts
* update docs for admin only inserts
* updated CHANGELOG.md
* default behaviour when admin secret is not set
* fix x-hasura-role to X-Hasura-Role in pytests
* introduce effective timeout in actions async tests
* update docs for admin-secret not configured case
* Update docs/graphql/manual/api-reference/schema-metadata-api/permission.rst
Co-Authored-By: Marion Schleifer <marion@hasura.io>
* Apply suggestions from code review
Co-Authored-By: Marion Schleifer <marion@hasura.io>
* a complete iteration
backend insert permissions accessable via 'x-hasura-backend-privilege'
session variable
* console changes for backend-only permissions
* provide tooltip id; update labels and tooltips;
* requested changes
* requested changes
- remove className from Toggle component
- use appropriate function name (capitalizeFirstChar -> capitalize)
* use toggle props from definitelyTyped
* fix accidental commit
* Revert "introduce effective timeout in actions async tests"
This reverts commit b7a59c19d6
* generate complete schema for both 'default' and 'backend' sessions
* Apply suggestions from code review
Co-Authored-By: Marion Schleifer <marion@hasura.io>
* remove unnecessary import, export Toggle as is
* update session variable in tooltip
* 'x-hasura-use-backend-only-permissions' variable to switch
* update help texts
* update docs
* update docs
* update console help text
* regenerate package-lock
* serve no backend schema when backend_only: false and header set to true
- Few type name refactor as suggested by @0x777
* update CHANGELOG.md
* Update CHANGELOG.md
* Update CHANGELOG.md
* fix a merge bug where a certain entity didn't get removed
Co-authored-by: Marion Schleifer <marion@hasura.io>
Co-authored-by: Rishichandra Wawhal <rishi@hasura.io>
Co-authored-by: rikinsk <rikin.kachhia@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Tirumarai Selvan <tiru@hasura.io>
291 lines
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291 lines
9.0 KiB
module Hasura.RQL.DML.Internal where
import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q
import qualified Hasura.SQL.DML as S
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.GBoolExp
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.Session
import Hasura.SQL.Error
import Hasura.SQL.Types
import Hasura.SQL.Value
import Control.Lens
import Data.Aeson.Types
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M
import qualified Data.HashSet as HS
import qualified Data.Sequence as DS
import qualified Data.Text as T
newtype DMLP1T m a
= DMLP1T { unDMLP1T :: StateT (DS.Seq Q.PrepArg) m a }
deriving ( Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadTrans
, MonadState (DS.Seq Q.PrepArg), MonadError e
, TableCoreInfoRM, CacheRM, UserInfoM, HasSQLGenCtx
runDMLP1T :: DMLP1T m a -> m (a, DS.Seq Q.PrepArg)
runDMLP1T = flip runStateT DS.empty . unDMLP1T
mkAdminRolePermInfo :: TableCoreInfo -> RolePermInfo
mkAdminRolePermInfo ti =
RolePermInfo (Just i) (Just s) (Just u) (Just d)
fields = _tciFieldInfoMap ti
pgCols = map pgiColumn $ getCols fields
scalarComputedFields = map _cfiName $ onlyScalarComputedFields $
getComputedFieldInfos fields
tn = _tciName ti
i = InsPermInfo (HS.fromList pgCols) annBoolExpTrue M.empty False []
s = SelPermInfo (HS.fromList pgCols) (HS.fromList scalarComputedFields) tn annBoolExpTrue
Nothing True []
u = UpdPermInfo (HS.fromList pgCols) tn annBoolExpTrue Nothing M.empty []
d = DelPermInfo tn annBoolExpTrue []
:: (UserInfoM m)
=> PermAccessor c
-> TableInfo
-> m (Maybe c)
askPermInfo' pa tableInfo = do
roleName <- askCurRole
let mrpi = getRolePermInfo roleName
return $ mrpi >>= (^. permAccToLens pa)
rpim = _tiRolePermInfoMap tableInfo
getRolePermInfo roleName
| roleName == adminRoleName = Just $ mkAdminRolePermInfo (_tiCoreInfo tableInfo)
| otherwise = M.lookup roleName rpim
:: (UserInfoM m, QErrM m)
=> PermAccessor c
-> TableInfo
-> m c
askPermInfo pa tableInfo = do
roleName <- askCurRole
mPermInfo <- askPermInfo' pa tableInfo
case mPermInfo of
Just c -> return c
Nothing -> throw400 PermissionDenied $ mconcat
[ pt <> " on " <>> _tciName (_tiCoreInfo tableInfo)
, " for role " <>> roleName
, " is not allowed. "
pt = permTypeToCode $ permAccToType pa
isTabUpdatable :: RoleName -> TableInfo -> Bool
isTabUpdatable roleName ti
| roleName == adminRoleName = True
| otherwise = isJust $ M.lookup roleName rpim >>= _permUpd
rpim = _tiRolePermInfoMap ti
:: (UserInfoM m, QErrM m)
=> TableInfo -> m InsPermInfo
askInsPermInfo = askPermInfo PAInsert
:: (UserInfoM m, QErrM m)
=> TableInfo -> m SelPermInfo
askSelPermInfo = askPermInfo PASelect
:: (UserInfoM m, QErrM m)
=> TableInfo -> m UpdPermInfo
askUpdPermInfo = askPermInfo PAUpdate
:: (UserInfoM m, QErrM m)
=> TableInfo -> m DelPermInfo
askDelPermInfo = askPermInfo PADelete
verifyAsrns :: (MonadError QErr m) => [a -> m ()] -> [a] -> m ()
verifyAsrns preds xs = indexedForM_ xs $ \a -> mapM_ ($ a) preds
checkSelOnCol :: (UserInfoM m, QErrM m)
=> SelPermInfo -> PGCol -> m ()
checkSelOnCol selPermInfo =
checkPermOnCol PTSelect (spiCols selPermInfo)
:: (UserInfoM m, QErrM m)
=> PermType
-> HS.HashSet PGCol
-> PGCol
-> m ()
checkPermOnCol pt allowedCols pgCol = do
roleName <- askCurRole
unless (HS.member pgCol allowedCols) $
throw400 PermissionDenied $ permErrMsg roleName
permErrMsg roleName
| roleName == adminRoleName = "no such column exists : " <>> pgCol
| otherwise = mconcat
[ "role " <>> roleName
, " does not have permission to "
, permTypeToCode pt <> " column " <>> pgCol
binRHSBuilder :: (QErrM m) => PGColumnType -> Value -> DMLP1T m S.SQLExp
binRHSBuilder colType val = do
preparedArgs <- get
scalarValue <- parsePGScalarValue colType val
put (preparedArgs DS.|> toBinaryValue scalarValue)
return $ toPrepParam (DS.length preparedArgs + 1) (pstType scalarValue)
:: (QErrM m, CacheRM m)
=> QualifiedTable
-> m TableInfo
fetchRelTabInfo refTabName =
-- Internal error
modifyErrAndSet500 ("foreign " <> ) $ askTabInfo refTabName
type SessVarBldr m = PGType PGScalarType -> SessionVariable -> m S.SQLExp
:: (UserInfoM m, QErrM m, CacheRM m)
=> RelName -> QualifiedTable
-> m (FieldInfoMap FieldInfo, SelPermInfo)
fetchRelDet relName refTabName = do
roleName <- askCurRole
-- Internal error
refTabInfo <- fetchRelTabInfo refTabName
-- Get the correct constraint that applies to the given relationship
refSelPerm <- modifyErr (relPermErr refTabName roleName) $
askSelPermInfo refTabInfo
return (_tciFieldInfoMap $ _tiCoreInfo refTabInfo, refSelPerm)
relPermErr rTable roleName _ =
[ "role " <>> roleName
, " does not have permission to read relationship " <>> relName
, "; no permission on"
, " table " <>> rTable
:: (UserInfoM m, QErrM m, CacheRM m)
=> SelPermInfo
-> SessVarBldr m
-> AnnBoolExpFldSQL
-> m AnnBoolExpFldSQL
checkOnColExp spi sessVarBldr annFld = case annFld of
AVCol colInfo _ -> do
let cn = pgiColumn colInfo
checkSelOnCol spi cn
return annFld
AVRel relInfo nesAnn -> do
relSPI <- snd <$> fetchRelDet (riName relInfo) (riRTable relInfo)
modAnn <- checkSelPerm relSPI sessVarBldr nesAnn
resolvedFltr <- convAnnBoolExpPartialSQL sessVarBldr $ spiFilter relSPI
return $ AVRel relInfo $ andAnnBoolExps modAnn resolvedFltr
:: (Applicative f)
=> SessVarBldr f
-> AnnBoolExpPartialSQL
-> f AnnBoolExpSQL
convAnnBoolExpPartialSQL f =
traverseAnnBoolExp (convPartialSQLExp f)
:: (Applicative f)
=> SessVarBldr f
-> PartialSQLExp
-> f S.SQLExp
convPartialSQLExp f = \case
PSESQLExp sqlExp -> pure sqlExp
PSESessVar colTy sessionVariable -> f colTy sessionVariable
:: (Applicative f) => PGType PGScalarType -> SessionVariable -> f S.SQLExp
sessVarFromCurrentSetting pgType sessVar =
pure $ sessVarFromCurrentSetting' pgType sessVar
sessVarFromCurrentSetting' :: PGType PGScalarType -> SessionVariable -> S.SQLExp
sessVarFromCurrentSetting' ty sessVar =
flip S.SETyAnn (S.mkTypeAnn ty) $
case ty of
PGTypeScalar baseTy -> withConstructorFn baseTy sessVarVal
PGTypeArray _ -> sessVarVal
sessVarVal = S.SEOpApp (S.SQLOp "->>")
[currentSession, S.SELit $ sessionVariableToText sessVar]
currentSession :: S.SQLExp
currentSession = S.SEUnsafe "current_setting('hasura.user')::json"
:: (UserInfoM m, QErrM m, CacheRM m)
=> SelPermInfo
-> SessVarBldr m
-> AnnBoolExpSQL
-> m AnnBoolExpSQL
checkSelPerm spi sessVarBldr =
traverse (checkOnColExp spi sessVarBldr)
:: (UserInfoM m, QErrM m, CacheRM m)
=> FieldInfoMap FieldInfo
-> SelPermInfo
-> BoolExp
-> SessVarBldr m
-> (PGColumnType -> Value -> m S.SQLExp)
-> m AnnBoolExpSQL
convBoolExp cim spi be sessVarBldr prepValBldr = do
abe <- annBoolExp rhsParser cim $ unBoolExp be
checkSelPerm spi sessVarBldr abe
rhsParser pgType val = case pgType of
PGTypeScalar ty -> prepValBldr ty val
PGTypeArray ofTy -> do
-- for arrays, we don't use the prepared builder
vals <- runAesonParser parseJSON val
WithScalarType scalarType scalarValues <- parsePGScalarValues ofTy vals
return $ S.SETyAnn
(S.SEArray $ map (toTxtValue . WithScalarType scalarType) scalarValues)
(S.mkTypeAnn $ PGTypeArray scalarType)
dmlTxErrorHandler :: Q.PGTxErr -> QErr
dmlTxErrorHandler = mkTxErrorHandler $ \case
PGIntegrityConstraintViolation _ -> True
PGDataException _ -> True
PGSyntaxErrorOrAccessRuleViolation (Just (PGErrorSpecific code)) -> code `elem`
[ PGUndefinedObject
, PGInvalidColumnReference ]
_ -> False
toJSONableExp :: Bool -> PGColumnType -> Bool -> S.SQLExp -> S.SQLExp
toJSONableExp strfyNum colTy asText expn
| asText || (isScalarColumnWhere isBigNum colTy && strfyNum) =
expn `S.SETyAnn` S.textTypeAnn
| isScalarColumnWhere isGeoType colTy =
[ expn
, S.SEUnsafe "15" -- max decimal digits
, S.SEUnsafe "4" -- to print out crs
] Nothing
`S.SETyAnn` S.jsonTypeAnn
| otherwise = expn
-- validate headers
validateHeaders :: (UserInfoM m, QErrM m) => [T.Text] -> m ()
validateHeaders depHeaders = do
headers <- getSessionVariables . _uiSession <$> askUserInfo
forM_ depHeaders $ \hdr ->
unless (hdr `elem` map T.toLower headers) $
throw400 NotFound $ hdr <<> " header is expected but not found"
-- validate limit and offset int values
onlyPositiveInt :: MonadError QErr m => Int -> m ()
onlyPositiveInt i = when (i < 0) $ throw400 NotSupported
"unexpected negative value"