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{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
-- | Webhook Transformations are data transformations used to modify HTTP
-- Requests before those requests are executed or Responses after
-- requests are executed.
-- 'MetadataRequestTransform'/'MetadataResponseTransform' values are
-- stored in Metadata within the 'CreateAction' and
-- 'CreateEventTriggerQuery' Types and then converted into
-- 'RequestTransform'/'ResponseTransform' values using
-- 'mkRequestTransform'/'mkResponseTransform'.
-- 'RequestTransforms' and 'ResponseTransforms' are applied to an HTTP
-- Request/Response using 'applyRequestTransform' and
-- 'applyResponseTransform'.
-- In the case of body transformations, a user specified templating
-- script is applied.
module Hasura.RQL.DDL.WebhookTransforms
( applyRequestTransform,
RequestMethod (..),
BodyTransform (..),
StringTemplateText (..),
TemplatingEngine (..),
TemplateText (..),
ReqTransformCtx (..),
TransformErrorBundle (..),
TransformHeaders (..),
MetadataRequestTransform (..),
MetadataResponseTransform (..),
RequestTransform (..),
ResponseTransform (..),
Version (..),
import Control.Lens (traverseOf, view)
import Data.Aeson qualified as J
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Bitraversable
import Data.ByteString qualified as B
import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as BL
import Data.CaseInsensitive qualified as CI
import Data.Either.Validation
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as M
import Data.List qualified as L
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Text.Encoding qualified as TE
import Data.Validation qualified as V
import Hasura.Incremental (Cacheable)
import Hasura.Prelude hiding (first)
import Hasura.Session (SessionVariables, getSessionVariableValue, mkSessionVariable)
import Kriti (SerializedError (..), runKriti, runKritiWith)
import Kriti.Error (CustomFunctionError (..), serialize)
import Kriti.Parser (parser)
import Network.HTTP.Client.Transformable qualified as HTTP
import Network.URI qualified as URI
--- Types ---
data ReqTransformCtx = ReqTransformCtx
{ tcUrl :: Maybe J.Value,
tcBody :: J.Value,
tcSessionVars :: J.Value,
tcQueryParams :: Maybe J.Value,
tcFunctions :: M.HashMap T.Text (J.Value -> Either CustomFunctionError J.Value)
instance J.ToJSON ReqTransformCtx where
toJSON ReqTransformCtx {..} =
J.object $ ["base_url" J..= tcUrl, "body" J..= tcBody, "session_variables" J..= tcSessionVars] <> catMaybes [("query_params" J..=) <$> tcQueryParams]
data RespTransformCtx = RespTransformCtx
{ rtcBody :: J.Value,
rtcReqCtx :: J.Value
-- | A set of data transformation functions and substitutions
-- generated from a 'MetadataRequestTransform'. 'Nothing' values mean
-- use the original request value, unless otherwise indicated.
data RequestTransform = RequestTransform
{ -- | Change the request method to one provided here. Nothing means POST.
reqTransformRequestMethod :: Maybe (ReqTransformCtx -> Either TransformErrorBundle RequestMethod),
-- | A function which contructs a new URL given the request context.
reqTransformRequestURL :: Maybe (ReqTransformCtx -> Either TransformErrorBundle Text),
-- | A function for transforming the request body.
reqTransformBody ::
( BodyTransform
(ReqTransformCtx -> Either TransformErrorBundle J.Value)
(ReqTransformCtx -> Either TransformErrorBundle B.ByteString)
-- | A function which contructs new query parameters given the request context.
reqTransformQueryParams :: Maybe (ReqTransformCtx -> Either TransformErrorBundle HTTP.Query),
-- | A function which contructs new Headers given the request context.
reqTransformRequestHeaders :: Maybe (ReqTransformCtx -> Either TransformErrorBundle ([HTTP.Header] -> [HTTP.Header]))
-- | A set of data transformation functions generated from a
-- 'MetadataResponseTransform'. 'Nothing' means use the original
-- response value.
newtype ResponseTransform = ResponseTransform
{ respTransformBody ::
( BodyTransform
(RespTransformCtx -> Either TransformErrorBundle J.Value)
(ReqTransformCtx -> Either TransformErrorBundle B.ByteString)
-- | A de/serializable request transformation template which can be stored in
-- the metadata associated with an action/event trigger/etc. and used to produce
-- a 'RequestTransform'.
-- NOTE: This data type is _only_ intended to be parsed from and stored as user
-- metadata; no direct logical transformations should be done upon it.
-- NOTE: Users should convert this to 'RequestTransform' as close as possible to
-- the call site that performs a transformed HTTP request, as 'RequestTransform'
-- has a representation that makes it more difficult to deserialize for
-- debugging.
-- Nothing values mean use the original request value, unless
-- otherwise indicated.
data MetadataRequestTransform = MetadataRequestTransform
{ -- | The Schema Version
mtVersion :: Version,
-- | Change the request method to one provided here. Nothing means POST.
mtRequestMethod :: Maybe StringTemplateText,
-- | Template script for transforming the URL.
mtRequestURL :: Maybe StringTemplateText,
-- | Template script for transforming the request body.
mtBodyTransform :: Maybe (BodyTransform TemplateText StringTemplateText),
-- | A list of template scripts for constructing new Query Params.
mtQueryParams :: Maybe [(StringTemplateText, Maybe StringTemplateText)],
-- | A list of template scripts for constructing headers.
mtRequestHeaders :: Maybe TransformHeaders,
-- | The template engine to use for transformations. Default: Kriti
mtTemplatingEngine :: TemplatingEngine
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic)
deriving anyclass (NFData, Cacheable)
instance J.ToJSON MetadataRequestTransform where
toJSON MetadataRequestTransform {..} =
let body = case mtVersion of
V1 -> case mtBodyTransform of
Just (Transform template) -> Just ("body", J.toJSON template)
_ -> Nothing
V2 -> "body" .=? mtBodyTransform
in J.object $
[ "template_engine" J..= mtTemplatingEngine,
"version" J..= mtVersion
<> catMaybes
[ "method" .=? mtRequestMethod,
"url" .=? mtRequestURL,
"query_params" .=? fmap M.fromList mtQueryParams,
"request_headers" .=? mtRequestHeaders,
instance J.FromJSON MetadataRequestTransform where
parseJSON = J.withObject "Object" $ \o -> do
version <- o J..:? "version" J..!= V1
method <- o J..:? "method"
url <- o J..:? "url"
body <- case version of
V1 -> do
template :: (Maybe TemplateText) <- o J..:? "body"
pure $ fmap Transform template
V2 -> o J..:? "body"
queryParams' <- o J..:? "query_params"
let queryParams = fmap M.toList queryParams'
headers <- o J..:? "request_headers"
templateEngine <- o J..:? "template_engine" J..!= Kriti
pure $ MetadataRequestTransform version method url body queryParams headers templateEngine
data MetadataResponseTransform = MetadataResponseTransform
{ -- | The Schema Version
mrtVersion :: Version,
-- | Template script for transforming the response body.
mrtBodyTransform :: Maybe (BodyTransform TemplateText StringTemplateText),
-- | The template engine to use for transformations. Default: Kriti
mrtTemplatingEngine :: TemplatingEngine
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic)
deriving anyclass (NFData, Cacheable)
instance J.ToJSON MetadataResponseTransform where
toJSON MetadataResponseTransform {..} =
let body = case mrtVersion of
V1 -> case mrtBodyTransform of
Just (Transform template) -> Just ("body", J.toJSON template)
_ -> Nothing
V2 -> "body" .=? mrtBodyTransform
in J.object $
[ "template_engine" J..= mrtTemplatingEngine,
"version" J..= mrtVersion
<> catMaybes [body]
instance J.FromJSON MetadataResponseTransform where
parseJSON = J.withObject "Object" $ \o -> do
version <- o J..:? "version" J..!= V1
body <- case version of
V1 -> do
template :: (Maybe TemplateText) <- o J..:? "body"
pure $ fmap Transform template
V2 -> o J..:? "body"
templateEngine <- o J..:? "template_engine"
let templateEngine' = fromMaybe Kriti templateEngine
pure $ MetadataResponseTransform version body templateEngine'
data BodyTransform a b = Remove | Transform a | FormUrlEncoded (M.HashMap T.Text b)
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Functor, Generic)
deriving anyclass (NFData, Cacheable)
instance Bifunctor BodyTransform where
bimap f g = \case
Remove -> Remove
Transform a -> Transform $ f a
FormUrlEncoded form -> FormUrlEncoded $ fmap g form
instance (J.ToJSON a, J.ToJSON b) => J.ToJSON (BodyTransform a b) where
toJSON = \case
Remove -> J.object ["action" J..= ("remove" :: T.Text)]
Transform a ->
[ "action" J..= ("transform" :: T.Text),
"template" J..= J.toJSON a
FormUrlEncoded form ->
[ "action" J..= ("x_www_form_urlencoded" :: T.Text),
"form_template" J..= J.toJSON form
instance (J.FromJSON a, J.FromJSON b) => J.FromJSON (BodyTransform a b) where
parseJSON = J.withObject "body" \o -> do
action <- o J..: "action"
case action of
"remove" -> pure Remove
"transform" -> do
template <- o J..: "template"
pure $ Transform template
"x_www_form_urlencoded" -> do
template <- o J..: "form_template"
pure $ FormUrlEncoded template
x -> fail $ "'" <> x <> "'" <> "is not a valid body action."
newtype RequestMethod = RequestMethod (CI.CI T.Text)
deriving stock (Generic)
deriving newtype (Show, Eq)
deriving anyclass (NFData, Cacheable)
instance J.ToJSON RequestMethod where
toJSON = J.String . CI.original . coerce
instance J.FromJSON RequestMethod where
parseJSON = J.withText "RequestMethod" (pure . coerce . CI.mk)
-- | Available Template Languages
data TemplatingEngine = Kriti
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Enum, Bounded, Generic)
deriving anyclass (NFData, Cacheable)
renderTemplatingEngine :: TemplatingEngine -> Text
renderTemplatingEngine _ = "Kriti"
instance J.FromJSON TemplatingEngine where
parseJSON = J.withText "TemplatingEngine" \case
"Kriti" -> pure Kriti
_ -> fail "Invalid TemplatingEngine"
instance J.ToJSON TemplatingEngine where
toJSON = J.String . renderTemplatingEngine
data Version = V1 | V2
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic)
deriving anyclass (NFData, Cacheable, Hashable)
instance J.FromJSON Version where
parseJSON v = do
version :: Int <- J.parseJSON v
case version of
1 -> pure V1
2 -> pure V2
i -> fail $ "expected 1 or 3, encountered " ++ show i
instance J.ToJSON Version where
toJSON = \case
V1 -> J.toJSON @Int 1
V2 -> J.toJSON @Int 2
-- | Unparsed Kriti templating code
newtype TemplateText = TemplateText {unTemplateText :: T.Text}
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
deriving newtype (Hashable, J.ToJSONKey, J.FromJSONKey)
deriving anyclass (NFData, Cacheable)
instance J.FromJSON TemplateText where
parseJSON = J.withText "TemplateText" \t ->
let bs = TE.encodeUtf8 t
in case parser bs of
-- TODO: Use the parsed ValueExt in MetadataRequestTransform so that we
-- don't have to parse at every request.
Right _ -> pure $ TemplateText t
Left err ->
let SerializedError {_message} = serialize err
in fail $ T.unpack _message
instance J.ToJSON TemplateText where
toJSON = J.String . coerce
-- | Unparsed Kriti templating code for string interpolations only.
-- NOTE: WE are highly coupled to Kriti at this point and will likely
-- need to rethink Kriti string interpolation when we start adding
-- other template engines.
newtype StringTemplateText = StringTemplateText {unStringTemplateText :: T.Text}
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
deriving newtype (Hashable, J.ToJSONKey, J.FromJSONKey)
instance NFData StringTemplateText
instance Cacheable StringTemplateText
instance J.FromJSON StringTemplateText where
parseJSON = J.withText "StringTemplateText" \t ->
let wrapped = "\"" <> t <> "\""
in case parser (TE.encodeUtf8 wrapped) of
-- NOTE: We can't simplfy use the wrapped value because the
-- 'FromJSONKey' instance uses coercion rather then this
-- instance to wrap the newtype. This means we would need to
-- handle QueryParam keys explicitly in 'mkQueryParamsTransform'
-- while values would be handled implicitliy via this aeson
-- instance. That is confusing, so we just handle everything
-- explicitly down the call stack.
Right _ -> pure $ StringTemplateText t
Left err ->
let SerializedError {_message} = serialize err
in fail $ T.unpack _message
instance J.ToJSON StringTemplateText where
toJSON = J.String . coerce
-- | This newtype exists solely to anchor a `FromJSON` instance and is
-- eliminated in the `TransformHeaders` `FromJSON` instance.
newtype HeaderKey = HeaderKey {unHeaderKey :: CI.CI Text}
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
deriving anyclass (NFData, Cacheable)
instance J.FromJSON HeaderKey where
parseJSON = J.withText "HeaderKey" \txt -> case CI.mk txt of
key -> pure $ HeaderKey key
data TransformHeaders = TransformHeaders
{ addHeaders :: [(CI.CI Text, StringTemplateText)],
removeHeaders :: [CI.CI Text]
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
deriving anyclass (NFData, Cacheable)
instance J.ToJSON TransformHeaders where
toJSON TransformHeaders {..} =
[ "add_headers" J..= M.fromList (fmap (first CI.original) addHeaders),
"remove_headers" J..= fmap CI.original removeHeaders
instance J.FromJSON TransformHeaders where
parseJSON = J.withObject "TransformHeaders" $ \o -> do
addHeaders <- fromMaybe mempty <$> o J..:? "add_headers"
let headers = M.toList $ mapKeys CI.mk addHeaders
removeHeaders <- o J..:? "remove_headers"
let removeHeaders' = unHeaderKey <$> fromMaybe mempty removeHeaders
pure $ TransformHeaders headers removeHeaders'
newtype TransformErrorBundle = TransformErrorBundle {teMessages :: [J.Value]}
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic)
deriving newtype (Semigroup, Monoid, J.ToJSON)
deriving anyclass (NFData, Cacheable)
--- Constructing Transforms ---
-- | Construct a `RequestTransform` from its metadata representation.
mkRequestTransform :: MetadataRequestTransform -> RequestTransform
mkRequestTransform MetadataRequestTransform {..} =
let methodTransform = mkMethodTransform mtTemplatingEngine <$> mtRequestMethod
urlTransform = mkUrlTransform mtTemplatingEngine <$> mtRequestURL
queryTransform = mkQueryParamsTransform mtTemplatingEngine <$> mtQueryParams
headerTransform = mkHeaderTransform mtTemplatingEngine <$> mtRequestHeaders
bodyTransform = bimap (mkReqTemplateTransform mtTemplatingEngine) (flip (transformST mtTemplatingEngine)) <$> mtBodyTransform
in RequestTransform methodTransform urlTransform bodyTransform queryTransform headerTransform
mkResponseTransform :: MetadataResponseTransform -> ResponseTransform
mkResponseTransform MetadataResponseTransform {..} =
let bodyTransform = bimap (mkRespTemplateTransform mrtTemplatingEngine) (flip (transformST mrtTemplatingEngine)) <$> mrtBodyTransform
in ResponseTransform bodyTransform
-- | Transform a String Template
transformST :: TemplatingEngine -> ReqTransformCtx -> StringTemplateText -> Either TransformErrorBundle B.ByteString
transformST engine transformCtx t =
valueToString =<< mkReqTemplateTransform engine (coerce wrapTemplate t) transformCtx
mkMethodTransform :: TemplatingEngine -> StringTemplateText -> ReqTransformCtx -> Either TransformErrorBundle RequestMethod
mkMethodTransform engine template transformCtx =
fmap (coerce . CI.mk . TE.decodeUtf8) $ transformST engine transformCtx template
mkQueryParamsTransform :: TemplatingEngine -> [(StringTemplateText, Maybe StringTemplateText)] -> ReqTransformCtx -> Either TransformErrorBundle HTTP.Query
mkQueryParamsTransform engine templates transformCtx =
let transform = eitherToValidation . transformST engine transformCtx
transformationResults :: [(Validation TransformErrorBundle B.ByteString, Maybe (Validation TransformErrorBundle B.ByteString))]
transformationResults = fmap (bimap transform (fmap transform)) templates
in validationToEither $ traverse (bitraverse id sequenceA) transformationResults
-- | Given a `TransformHeaders` and the `ReqTransformCtx`, Construct a
-- function to transform the existing headers.
mkHeaderTransform :: TemplatingEngine -> TransformHeaders -> ReqTransformCtx -> Either TransformErrorBundle ([HTTP.Header] -> [HTTP.Header])
mkHeaderTransform engine TransformHeaders {..} ctx = do
add <- V.toEither $ fmap mappend $ traverse (bitraverse (pure . CI.map TE.encodeUtf8) (V.fromEither . transformST engine ctx)) addHeaders
let filter' xs = filter (flip notElem (fmap (CI.map TE.encodeUtf8) removeHeaders) . fst) xs
pure $ add . filter'
mkUrlTransform :: TemplatingEngine -> StringTemplateText -> ReqTransformCtx -> Either TransformErrorBundle Text
mkUrlTransform engine template transformCtx =
case mkReqTemplateTransform engine (coerce $ wrapTemplate template) transformCtx of
Left err -> Left err
Right (J.String url) ->
case URI.parseURI (T.unpack url) of
Just _ -> Right url
Nothing ->
Left $
TransformErrorBundle $
pure $
[ "error_code" J..= J.String "TransformationError",
-- TODO: This error message is not very
-- helpful. We should find a way to identity what
-- is wrong with the URL.
"message" J..= J.String ("Invalid URL: " <> url)
Right val ->
Left $
TransformErrorBundle $
pure $
[ "error_code" J..= J.String "TransformationError",
"message" J..= J.String ("Url Transforms must produce a String value: " <> tshow val)
-- | Construct a Template Transformation function for Requests
mkReqTemplateTransform :: TemplatingEngine -> TemplateText -> ReqTransformCtx -> Either TransformErrorBundle J.Value
mkReqTemplateTransform engine (TemplateText template) ReqTransformCtx {..} =
let context = [("$body", tcBody), ("$session_variables", tcSessionVars)] <> catMaybes [("$query_params",) <$> tcQueryParams, ("$base_url",) <$> tcUrl]
in case engine of
Kriti -> first (TransformErrorBundle . pure . J.toJSON . serialize) $ runKritiWith (template) context tcFunctions
-- | Construct a Template Transformation function for Responses
mkRespTemplateTransform :: TemplatingEngine -> TemplateText -> RespTransformCtx -> Either TransformErrorBundle J.Value
mkRespTemplateTransform engine (TemplateText template) RespTransformCtx {..} =
let context = [("$body", rtcBody), ("$request", rtcReqCtx)]
in case engine of
Kriti -> first (TransformErrorBundle . pure . J.toJSON . serialize) $ runKriti template context
buildReqTransformCtx :: T.Text -> Maybe SessionVariables -> HTTP.Request -> ReqTransformCtx
buildReqTransformCtx url sessionVars reqData =
{ tcUrl = Just $ J.toJSON url,
tcBody = fromMaybe J.Null $ J.decode @J.Value =<< view HTTP.body reqData,
tcSessionVars = J.toJSON sessionVars,
tcQueryParams = Just $ J.toJSON $ bimap TE.decodeUtf8 (fmap TE.decodeUtf8) <$> view HTTP.queryParams reqData,
tcFunctions = M.singleton "getSessionVariable" getSessionVar
getSessionVar :: J.Value -> Either CustomFunctionError J.Value
getSessionVar inp = case inp of
J.String txt ->
case sessionVarValue of
Just x -> Right $ J.String x
Nothing -> Left . CustomFunctionError $ "Session variable \"" <> txt <> "\" not found"
sessionVarValue = sessionVars >>= getSessionVariableValue (mkSessionVariable txt)
_ -> Left $ CustomFunctionError "Session variable name should be a string"
buildRespTransformCtx :: ReqTransformCtx -> BL.ByteString -> RespTransformCtx
buildRespTransformCtx reqCtx respBody =
{ rtcBody = fromMaybe J.Null $ J.decode @J.Value respBody,
rtcReqCtx = J.toJSON reqCtx
-- | Transform an `HTTP.Request` with a `RequestTransform`.
-- Note: we pass in the request url explicitly for use in the
-- 'ReqTransformCtx'. We do this so that we can ensure that the url
-- is syntactically identical to what the use submits. If we use the
-- parsed request from the 'HTTP.Request' term then it is possible
-- that the url is semantically equivalent but syntactically
-- different. An example of this is the presence or lack of a trailing
-- slash on the URL path. This important when performing string
-- interpolation on the request url.
-- Because of this requirement, we must ensure the sequence of
-- transformation applications. If a query param transformation
-- occured before the url transformation then the query param
-- transformation would be wiped out.
-- applyRequestTransform :: T.Text -> RequestTransform -> HTTP.Request -> Maybe SessionVariables -> Either TransformErrorBundle HTTP.Request
-- applyRequestTransform reqUrl RequestTransform {..} reqData sessionVars =
applyRequestTransform :: (HTTP.Request -> ReqTransformCtx) -> RequestTransform -> HTTP.Request -> Either TransformErrorBundle HTTP.Request
applyRequestTransform transformCtx' RequestTransform {..} reqData =
let transformCtx = transformCtx' reqData
methodFunc :: B.ByteString -> Either TransformErrorBundle B.ByteString
methodFunc method =
case reqTransformRequestMethod of
Nothing -> pure method
Just f -> TE.encodeUtf8 . CI.original . coerce <$> f transformCtx
bodyFunc :: Maybe BL.ByteString -> Either TransformErrorBundle (Maybe BL.ByteString)
bodyFunc body =
case reqTransformBody of
Nothing -> pure body
Just Remove -> pure Nothing
Just (FormUrlEncoded kv) -> fmap (Just . foldForm) $ traverse (\f -> f transformCtx) kv
Just (Transform f) -> pure . J.encode <$> f transformCtx
urlFunc :: Text -> Either TransformErrorBundle Text
urlFunc url =
case reqTransformRequestURL of
Nothing -> pure url
Just f -> f transformCtx
queryFunc :: HTTP.Query -> Either TransformErrorBundle HTTP.Query
queryFunc query =
case reqTransformQueryParams of
Nothing -> pure query
Just f -> f transformCtx
headerFunc :: [HTTP.Header] -> Either TransformErrorBundle [HTTP.Header]
headerFunc headers =
case reqTransformRequestHeaders of
Nothing -> pure headers
Just f -> f transformCtx <*> pure headers
in reqData & traverseOf HTTP.url urlFunc
>>= traverseOf HTTP.body bodyFunc
>>= traverseOf HTTP.queryParams queryFunc
>>= traverseOf HTTP.method methodFunc
>>= traverseOf HTTP.headers headerFunc
-- | At the moment we only transform the body of
-- Responses. 'http-client' does not export the constructors for
-- 'Response'. If we want to transform then we will need additional
-- 'apply' functions.
applyResponseTransform :: ResponseTransform -> RespTransformCtx -> Either TransformErrorBundle BL.ByteString
applyResponseTransform ResponseTransform {..} ctx@RespTransformCtx {..} =
let bodyFunc :: BL.ByteString -> Either TransformErrorBundle BL.ByteString
bodyFunc body =
case respTransformBody of
Nothing -> pure body
Just Remove -> pure mempty
Just (FormUrlEncoded _) -> pure mempty
Just (Transform f) -> J.encode <$> f ctx
in bodyFunc (J.encode rtcBody)
--- Utilities ---
valueToString :: MonadError TransformErrorBundle m => J.Value -> m B.ByteString
valueToString = \case
J.String str -> pure $ TE.encodeUtf8 str
J.Number num -> pure $ TE.encodeUtf8 (tshow num)
J.Bool True -> pure "true"
J.Bool False -> pure "false"
val -> throwErrorBundle "Template must produce a String, Number, or Boolean value" (Just val)
throwErrorBundle :: MonadError TransformErrorBundle m => T.Text -> Maybe J.Value -> m a
throwErrorBundle msg val =
throwError $
TransformErrorBundle $
pure $
J.object $
[ "error_code" J..= J.String "TransformationError",
"message" J..= J.String msg
<> catMaybes [("value" J..=) <$> val]
infixr 8 .=?
(.=?) :: J.ToJSON v => k -> Maybe v -> Maybe (k, J.Value)
(.=?) _ Nothing = Nothing
(.=?) k (Just v) = Just (k, J.toJSON v)
-- | Wrap a template with escaped double quotes.
wrapTemplate :: StringTemplateText -> StringTemplateText
wrapTemplate (StringTemplateText t) = StringTemplateText $ "\"" <> t <> "\""
escapeURIText :: T.Text -> T.Text
escapeURIText =
T.pack . URI.escapeURIString URI.isUnescapedInURIComponent . T.unpack
escapeURIBS :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
escapeURIBS =
TE.encodeUtf8 . T.pack . URI.escapeURIString URI.isUnescapedInURIComponent . T.unpack . TE.decodeUtf8
foldForm :: HashMap Text B.ByteString -> BL.ByteString
foldForm = fold . L.intersperse "&" . M.foldMapWithKey @[BL.ByteString] \k v -> [BL.fromStrict $ TE.encodeUtf8 (escapeURIText k) <> "=" <> escapeURIBS v]