pranshi06 75f0629c5d server: change log level to error for triggers in Cloud
GitOrigin-RevId: 703a16da479d35908a9a8c2862884d11a3135731
2023-08-10 10:04:05 +00:00

113 lines
5.0 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE DisambiguateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
-- | Constant configurations used throughout the test suite.
module Constants
( serveOptions,
import Data.HashSet qualified as Set
import Database.PG.Query qualified as PG
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.Connection.MonadTx (ExtensionsSchema (..))
import Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.Subscription.Options qualified as ES
import Hasura.Logging qualified as L
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Metadata (emptyMetadataDefaults)
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Schema.Options qualified as Options
import Hasura.Server.Cors (CorsConfig (CCAllowAll))
import Hasura.Server.Init
OptionalInterval (..),
ServeOptions (..),
import Hasura.Server.Init qualified as Init
import Hasura.Server.Logging (MetadataQueryLoggingMode (MetadataQueryLoggingDisabled))
import Hasura.Server.Types
( ApolloFederationStatus (ApolloFederationDisabled),
EventingMode (EventingEnabled),
ExperimentalFeature (..),
MaintenanceMode (MaintenanceModeDisabled),
ReadOnlyMode (ReadOnlyModeDisabled),
import Network.WebSockets qualified as WS
import Refined (refineTH)
-- * Server configuration
serveOptions :: ServeOptions L.Hasura
serveOptions =
{ soPort = Init.unsafePort 12345, -- The server runner will typically be generating
-- a random port, so this isn't particularly
-- important.
soHost = "",
soConnParams =
{ PG.cpConns = 3, -- only use three simultaneous connection
PG.cpTimeout = Just 30, -- pool should only wait 30 seconds for a connection to stop tests hanging
PG.cpStripes = 2 -- two thread pls
soTxIso = PG.Serializable,
soAdminSecret = mempty,
soAuthHook = Nothing,
soJwtSecret = mempty,
soUnAuthRole = Nothing,
soCorsConfig = CCAllowAll,
soConsoleStatus = Init.ConsoleEnabled,
soConsoleAssetsDir = Just "../../frontend/dist/apps/server-assets-console-ce",
soConsoleSentryDsn = Nothing,
soEnableTelemetry = Init.TelemetryDisabled,
soStringifyNum = Options.Don'tStringifyNumbers,
soDangerousBooleanCollapse = Options.Don'tDangerouslyCollapseBooleans,
soRemoteNullForwardingPolicy = Options.RemoteForwardAccurately,
soEnabledAPIs = testSuiteEnabledApis,
soLiveQueryOpts = ES.mkSubscriptionsOptions Nothing Nothing,
soStreamingQueryOpts = ES.mkSubscriptionsOptions Nothing Nothing,
soEnableAllowList = Init.AllowListDisabled,
soEnabledLogTypes = Set.fromList L.userAllowedLogTypes,
soLogLevel = fromMaybe (L.LevelOther "test-suite") engineLogLevel,
soEventsHttpPoolSize = Init._default Init.graphqlEventsHttpPoolSizeOption,
soEventsFetchInterval = Init._default Init.graphqlEventsFetchIntervalOption,
soAsyncActionsFetchInterval = Skip,
soEnableRemoteSchemaPermissions = Options.DisableRemoteSchemaPermissions,
soConnectionOptions = WS.defaultConnectionOptions,
soWebSocketKeepAlive = Init._default Init.webSocketKeepAliveOption,
soInferFunctionPermissions = Options.InferFunctionPermissions,
soEnableMaintenanceMode = MaintenanceModeDisabled,
-- MUST be disabled to be able to modify schema.
soSchemaPollInterval = Interval $$(refineTH 10),
soExperimentalFeatures = Set.fromList [EFStreamingSubscriptions, EFBigQueryStringNumericInput],
soEventsFetchBatchSize = $$(refineTH 1),
soDevMode = Init.DevModeEnabled,
soAdminInternalErrors = Init.AdminInternalErrorsEnabled,
soGracefulShutdownTimeout = $$(refineTH 0), -- Don't wait to shutdown.
soWebSocketConnectionInitTimeout = Init._default Init.webSocketConnectionInitTimeoutOption,
soEventingMode = EventingEnabled,
soReadOnlyMode = ReadOnlyModeDisabled,
soEnableMetadataQueryLogging = MetadataQueryLoggingDisabled,
soDefaultNamingConvention = Init._default Init.defaultNamingConventionOption,
soExtensionsSchema = ExtensionsSchema "public",
soMetadataDefaults = emptyMetadataDefaults,
soApolloFederationStatus = ApolloFederationDisabled,
soCloseWebsocketsOnMetadataChangeStatus = Init._default Init.closeWebsocketsOnMetadataChangeOption,
soMaxTotalHeaderLength = Init._default Init.maxTotalHeaderLengthOption,
soTriggersErrorLogLevelStatus = Init._default Init.triggersErrorLogLevelStatusOption
-- | What log level should be used by the engine; this is not exported, and
-- only used in 'serveOptions'.
-- This should be adjusted locally for debugging purposes; e.g. change it to
-- @Just L.LevelDebug@ to enable all logs.
-- See 'L.LogLevel' for an enumeration of available log levels.
engineLogLevel :: Maybe L.LogLevel
engineLogLevel = Nothing
-- These are important for the test suite.
testSuiteEnabledApis :: HashSet API
testSuiteEnabledApis = Set.fromList [METADATA, GRAPHQL, DEVELOPER, CONFIG]