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{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Hasura.Logging
( LoggerSettings(..)
, defaultLoggerSettings
, EngineLogType(..)
, Hasura
, InternalLogTypes(..)
, EngineLog(..)
, userAllowedLogTypes
, ToEngineLog(..)
, debugT
, debugBS
, debugLBS
, UnstructuredLog(..)
, Logger (..)
, LogLevel(..)
, mkLogger
, LoggerCtx(..)
, mkLoggerCtx
, cleanLoggerCtx
, eventTriggerLogType
, scheduledTriggerLogType
, EnabledLogTypes (..)
, defaultEnabledEngineLogTypes
, isEngineLogTypeEnabled
, readLogTypes
) where
import Hasura.Prelude
import qualified Control.AutoUpdate as Auto
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Data.Aeson.TH as J
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BLC
import qualified Data.HashSet as Set
import qualified Data.TByteString as TBS
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Time.Clock as Time
import qualified Data.Time.Format as Format
import qualified Data.Time.LocalTime as Time
import qualified System.Log.FastLogger as FL
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control
import Control.Monad.Trans.Managed (ManagedT (..), allocate)
newtype FormattedTime
= FormattedTime { _unFormattedTime :: Text }
deriving (Show, Eq, J.ToJSON)
-- | Typeclass representing any type which can be parsed into a list of enabled log types, and has a @Set@
-- of default enabled log types, and can find out if a log type is enabled
class (Eq (EngineLogType impl), Hashable (EngineLogType impl)) => EnabledLogTypes impl where
parseEnabledLogTypes :: String -> Either String [EngineLogType impl]
defaultEnabledLogTypes :: Set.HashSet (EngineLogType impl)
isLogTypeEnabled :: Set.HashSet (EngineLogType impl) -> EngineLogType impl -> Bool
-- | A family of EngineLogType types
data family EngineLogType impl
data Hasura
data instance EngineLogType Hasura
= ELTHttpLog
| ELTWebsocketLog
| ELTWebhookLog
| ELTQueryLog
| ELTStartup
| ELTLivequeryPollerLog
| ELTActionHandler
-- internal log types
| ELTInternal !InternalLogTypes
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
instance Hashable (EngineLogType Hasura)
instance J.ToJSON (EngineLogType Hasura) where
toJSON = \case
ELTHttpLog -> "http-log"
ELTWebsocketLog -> "websocket-log"
ELTWebhookLog -> "webhook-log"
ELTQueryLog -> "query-log"
ELTStartup -> "startup"
ELTLivequeryPollerLog -> "livequery-poller-log"
ELTActionHandler -> "action-handler-log"
ELTInternal t -> J.toJSON t
instance J.FromJSON (EngineLogType Hasura) where
parseJSON = J.withText "log-type" $ \s -> case T.toLower $ T.strip s of
"startup" -> return ELTStartup
"http-log" -> return ELTHttpLog
"webhook-log" -> return ELTWebhookLog
"websocket-log" -> return ELTWebsocketLog
"query-log" -> return ELTQueryLog
"livequery-poller-log" -> return ELTLivequeryPollerLog
"action-handler-log" -> return ELTActionHandler
_ -> fail $ "Valid list of comma-separated log types: "
<> BLC.unpack (J.encode userAllowedLogTypes)
data InternalLogTypes
= ILTUnstructured
-- ^ mostly for debug logs - see @debugT@, @debugBS@ and @debugLBS@ functions
| ILTEventTrigger
| ILTScheduledTrigger
| ILTWsServer
-- ^ internal logs for the websocket server
| ILTPgClient
| ILTMetadata
-- ^ log type for logging metadata related actions; currently used in logging inconsistent metadata
| ILTJwkRefreshLog
| ILTTelemetry
| ILTSchemaSyncThread
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
instance Hashable InternalLogTypes
instance J.ToJSON InternalLogTypes where
toJSON = \case
ILTUnstructured -> "unstructured"
ILTEventTrigger -> "event-trigger"
ILTScheduledTrigger -> "scheduled-trigger"
ILTWsServer -> "ws-server"
ILTPgClient -> "pg-client"
ILTMetadata -> "metadata"
ILTJwkRefreshLog -> "jwk-refresh-log"
ILTTelemetry -> "telemetry-log"
ILTSchemaSyncThread -> "schema-sync-thread"
-- the default enabled log-types
defaultEnabledEngineLogTypes :: Set.HashSet (EngineLogType Hasura)
defaultEnabledEngineLogTypes =
Set.fromList [ELTStartup, ELTHttpLog, ELTWebhookLog, ELTWebsocketLog]
isEngineLogTypeEnabled :: Set.HashSet (EngineLogType Hasura) -> EngineLogType Hasura -> Bool
isEngineLogTypeEnabled enabledTypes logTy = case logTy of
ELTInternal _ -> True
_ -> logTy `Set.member` enabledTypes
readLogTypes :: String -> Either String [EngineLogType Hasura]
readLogTypes = mapM (J.eitherDecodeStrict' . quote . txtToBs) . T.splitOn "," . T.pack
where quote x = "\"" <> x <> "\""
instance EnabledLogTypes Hasura where
parseEnabledLogTypes = readLogTypes
defaultEnabledLogTypes = defaultEnabledEngineLogTypes
isLogTypeEnabled = isEngineLogTypeEnabled
-- log types that can be set by the user
userAllowedLogTypes :: [EngineLogType Hasura]
userAllowedLogTypes =
[ ELTStartup
, ELTHttpLog
, ELTWebhookLog
, ELTWebsocketLog
, ELTQueryLog
, ELTLivequeryPollerLog
data LogLevel
= LevelDebug
| LevelInfo
| LevelWarn
| LevelError
| LevelOther Text
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance J.ToJSON LogLevel where
toJSON = J.toJSON . \case
LevelDebug -> "debug"
LevelInfo -> "info"
LevelWarn -> "warn"
LevelError -> "error"
LevelOther t -> t
data EngineLog impl
= EngineLog
{ _elTimestamp :: !FormattedTime
, _elLevel :: !LogLevel
, _elType :: !(EngineLogType impl)
, _elDetail :: !J.Value
deriving instance Show (EngineLogType impl) => Show (EngineLog impl)
deriving instance Eq (EngineLogType impl) => Eq (EngineLog impl)
-- empty splice to bring all the above definitions in scope
$(pure [])
instance J.ToJSON (EngineLogType impl) => J.ToJSON (EngineLog impl) where
toJSON = $(J.mkToJSON hasuraJSON ''EngineLog)
-- | Typeclass representing any data type that can be converted to @EngineLog@ for the purpose of
-- logging
class EnabledLogTypes impl => ToEngineLog a impl where
toEngineLog :: a -> (LogLevel, EngineLogType impl, J.Value)
data UnstructuredLog
= UnstructuredLog { _ulLevel :: !LogLevel, _ulPayload :: !TBS.TByteString }
deriving (Show, Eq)
debugT :: Text -> UnstructuredLog
debugT = UnstructuredLog LevelDebug . TBS.fromText
debugBS :: B.ByteString -> UnstructuredLog
debugBS = UnstructuredLog LevelDebug . TBS.fromBS
debugLBS :: BL.ByteString -> UnstructuredLog
debugLBS = UnstructuredLog LevelDebug . TBS.fromLBS
instance ToEngineLog UnstructuredLog Hasura where
toEngineLog (UnstructuredLog level t) =
(level, ELTInternal ILTUnstructured, J.toJSON t)
data LoggerCtx impl
= LoggerCtx
{ _lcLoggerSet :: !FL.LoggerSet
, _lcLogLevel :: !LogLevel
, _lcTimeGetter :: !(IO FormattedTime)
, _lcEnabledLogTypes :: !(Set.HashSet (EngineLogType impl))
data LoggerSettings
= LoggerSettings
{ _lsCachedTimestamp :: !Bool
-- ^ should current time be cached (refreshed every sec)
, _lsTimeZone :: !(Maybe Time.TimeZone)
, _lsLevel :: !LogLevel
} deriving (Show, Eq)
defaultLoggerSettings :: Bool -> LogLevel -> LoggerSettings
defaultLoggerSettings isCached =
LoggerSettings isCached Nothing
getFormattedTime :: Maybe Time.TimeZone -> IO FormattedTime
getFormattedTime tzM = do
tz <- onNothing tzM Time.getCurrentTimeZone
t <- Time.getCurrentTime
let zt = Time.utcToZonedTime tz t
return $ FormattedTime $ T.pack $ formatTime zt
formatTime = Format.formatTime Format.defaultTimeLocale format
format = "%FT%H:%M:%S%3Q%z"
-- format = Format.iso8601DateFormat (Just "%H:%M:%S")
:: (MonadIO io, MonadBaseControl IO io)
=> LoggerSettings
-> Set.HashSet (EngineLogType impl)
-> ManagedT io (LoggerCtx impl)
mkLoggerCtx (LoggerSettings cacheTime tzM logLevel) enabledLogs = do
loggerSet <- allocate
(liftIO $ FL.newStdoutLoggerSet FL.defaultBufSize)
(liftIO . FL.rmLoggerSet)
timeGetter <- liftIO $ bool (return $ getFormattedTime tzM) cachedTimeGetter cacheTime
return $ LoggerCtx loggerSet logLevel timeGetter enabledLogs
cachedTimeGetter =
Auto.mkAutoUpdate Auto.defaultUpdateSettings {
Auto.updateAction = getFormattedTime tzM
cleanLoggerCtx :: LoggerCtx a -> IO ()
cleanLoggerCtx =
FL.rmLoggerSet . _lcLoggerSet
-- See Note [Existentially Quantified Types]
newtype Logger impl
= Logger { unLogger :: forall a m. (ToEngineLog a impl, MonadIO m) => a -> m () }
mkLogger :: LoggerCtx Hasura -> Logger Hasura
mkLogger (LoggerCtx loggerSet serverLogLevel timeGetter enabledLogTypes) = Logger $ \l -> do
localTime <- liftIO timeGetter
let (logLevel, logTy, logDet) = toEngineLog l
when (logLevel >= serverLogLevel && isLogTypeEnabled enabledLogTypes logTy) $
liftIO $ FL.pushLogStrLn loggerSet $ FL.toLogStr (J.encode $ EngineLog localTime logLevel logTy logDet)
eventTriggerLogType :: EngineLogType Hasura
eventTriggerLogType = ELTInternal ILTEventTrigger
scheduledTriggerLogType :: EngineLogType Hasura
scheduledTriggerLogType = ELTInternal ILTScheduledTrigger