mirror of
synced 2024-12-17 04:24:35 +03:00
* Pass environment variables around as a data structure, via @sordina * Resolving build error * Adding Environment passing note to changelog * Removing references to ILTPollerLog as this seems to have been reintroduced from a bad merge * removing commented-out imports * Language pragmas already set by project * Linking async thread * Apply suggestions from code review Use `runQueryTx` instead of `runLazyTx` for queries. * remove the non-user facing entry in the changelog Co-authored-by: Phil Freeman <paf31@cantab.net> Co-authored-by: Phil Freeman <phil@hasura.io> Co-authored-by: Vamshi Surabhi <0x777@users.noreply.github.com>
199 lines
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199 lines
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module Hasura.Session
( RoleName
, mkRoleName
, adminRoleName
, isAdmin
, roleNameToTxt
, SessionVariable
, SessionVariableValue
, mkSessionVariable
, SessionVariables
, sessionVariableToText
, mkSessionVariablesText
, mkSessionVariables
, sessionVariablesToHeaders
, getSessionVariableValue
, getSessionVariables
, UserAdminSecret(..)
, UserRoleBuild(..)
, UserInfo
, _uiRole
, _uiSession
, _uiBackendOnlyFieldAccess
, mkUserInfo
, adminUserInfo
, BackendOnlyFieldAccess(..)
) where
import Hasura.Incremental (Cacheable)
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Common (NonEmptyText, adminText, mkNonEmptyText,
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Error
import Hasura.Server.Utils
import Hasura.SQL.Types
import Data.Aeson
import Instances.TH.Lift ()
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift)
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as HTTP
newtype RoleName
= RoleName { getRoleTxt :: NonEmptyText }
deriving ( Show, Eq, Ord, Hashable, FromJSONKey, ToJSONKey, FromJSON
, ToJSON, Q.FromCol, Q.ToPrepArg, Lift, Generic, Arbitrary, NFData, Cacheable )
instance DQuote RoleName where
dquoteTxt = roleNameToTxt
roleNameToTxt :: RoleName -> Text
roleNameToTxt = unNonEmptyText . getRoleTxt
mkRoleName :: Text -> Maybe RoleName
mkRoleName = fmap RoleName . mkNonEmptyText
adminRoleName :: RoleName
adminRoleName = RoleName adminText
isAdmin :: RoleName -> Bool
isAdmin = (adminRoleName ==)
newtype SessionVariable = SessionVariable {unSessionVariable :: CI.CI Text}
deriving (Show, Eq, Hashable, IsString, Cacheable, Data, NFData)
instance ToJSON SessionVariable where
toJSON = toJSON . CI.original . unSessionVariable
sessionVariableToText :: SessionVariable -> Text
sessionVariableToText = T.toLower . CI.original . unSessionVariable
mkSessionVariable :: Text -> SessionVariable
mkSessionVariable = SessionVariable . CI.mk
type SessionVariableValue = Text
newtype SessionVariables =
SessionVariables { unSessionVariables :: Map.HashMap SessionVariable SessionVariableValue}
deriving (Show, Eq, Hashable, Semigroup, Monoid)
instance ToJSON SessionVariables where
toJSON (SessionVariables varMap) =
toJSON $ Map.fromList $ map (first sessionVariableToText) $ Map.toList varMap
instance FromJSON SessionVariables where
parseJSON v = mkSessionVariablesText . Map.toList <$> parseJSON v
mkSessionVariablesText :: [(Text, Text)] -> SessionVariables
mkSessionVariablesText =
SessionVariables . Map.fromList . map (first mkSessionVariable)
mkSessionVariables :: [HTTP.Header] -> SessionVariables
mkSessionVariables =
. Map.fromList
. map (first SessionVariable)
. filter (isSessionVariable . CI.original . fst) -- Only x-hasura-* headers
. map (CI.map bsToTxt *** bsToTxt)
sessionVariablesToHeaders :: SessionVariables -> [HTTP.Header]
sessionVariablesToHeaders =
map ((CI.map txtToBs . unSessionVariable) *** txtToBs)
. Map.toList
. unSessionVariables
getSessionVariables :: SessionVariables -> [Text]
getSessionVariables = map sessionVariableToText . Map.keys . unSessionVariables
getSessionVariableValue :: SessionVariable -> SessionVariables -> Maybe SessionVariableValue
getSessionVariableValue k = Map.lookup k . unSessionVariables
-- | Represent the admin secret state; whether the secret is sent
-- in the request or if actually authorization is not configured.
data UserAdminSecret
= UAdminSecretSent
| UAdminSecretNotSent
| UAuthNotSet
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | Represents the 'X-Hasura-Use-Backend-Only-Permissions' session variable
-- and request made with 'X-Hasura-Admin-Secret' if any auth configured.
-- For more details see Note [Backend only permissions]
data BackendOnlyFieldAccess
= BOFAAllowed
| BOFADisallowed
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
instance Hashable BackendOnlyFieldAccess
data UserInfo
= UserInfo
{ _uiRole :: !RoleName
, _uiSession :: !SessionVariables
, _uiBackendOnlyFieldAccess :: !BackendOnlyFieldAccess
} deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
instance Hashable UserInfo
-- | Represents how to build a role from the session variables
data UserRoleBuild
= URBFromSessionVariables
-- ^ Look for `x-hasura-role` session variable value and absence will raise an exception
| URBFromSessionVariablesFallback !RoleName
-- ^ Look for `x-hasura-role` session variable value, if absent fall back to given role
| URBPreDetermined !RoleName
-- ^ Use only the pre-determined role
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | Build @'UserInfo' from @'SessionVariables'
:: forall m. (MonadError QErr m)
=> UserRoleBuild -> UserAdminSecret -> SessionVariables -> m UserInfo
mkUserInfo roleBuild userAdminSecret sessionVariables = do
roleName <- case roleBuild of
URBFromSessionVariables -> onNothing maybeSessionRole $
throw400 InvalidParams $ userRoleHeader <> " not found in session variables"
URBFromSessionVariablesFallback role -> pure $ fromMaybe role maybeSessionRole
URBPreDetermined role -> pure role
backendOnlyFieldAccess <- getBackendOnlyFieldAccess
let modifiedSession = modifySessionVariables roleName sessionVariables
pure $ UserInfo roleName modifiedSession backendOnlyFieldAccess
maybeSessionRole = maybeRoleFromSessionVariables sessionVariables
-- | Add x-hasura-role header and remove admin secret headers
modifySessionVariables :: RoleName -> SessionVariables -> SessionVariables
modifySessionVariables roleName =
. Map.insert userRoleHeader (roleNameToTxt roleName)
. Map.delete adminSecretHeader
. Map.delete deprecatedAccessKeyHeader
. unSessionVariables
-- | See Note [Backend only permissions] to know more about the function
getBackendOnlyFieldAccess :: m BackendOnlyFieldAccess
getBackendOnlyFieldAccess = case userAdminSecret of
UAdminSecretNotSent -> pure BOFADisallowed
UAdminSecretSent -> lookForBackendOnlyPermissionsConfig
UAuthNotSet -> lookForBackendOnlyPermissionsConfig
lookForBackendOnlyPermissionsConfig =
case getSessionVariableValue useBackendOnlyPermissionsHeader sessionVariables of
Nothing -> pure BOFADisallowed
Just varVal ->
case parseStringAsBool (T.unpack varVal) of
Left err -> throw400 BadRequest $
useBackendOnlyPermissionsHeader <> ": " <> T.pack err
Right privilege -> pure $ if privilege then BOFAAllowed else BOFADisallowed
maybeRoleFromSessionVariables :: SessionVariables -> Maybe RoleName
maybeRoleFromSessionVariables sessionVariables =
-- returns Nothing if x-hasura-role is an empty string
getSessionVariableValue userRoleHeader sessionVariables >>= mkRoleName
adminUserInfo :: UserInfo
adminUserInfo = UserInfo adminRoleName mempty BOFADisallowed