Robert 71af68e9e5 server: drop HasVersion implicit parameter (closes #2236)
The only real use was for the dubious multitenant option
--consoleAssetsVersion, which actually overrode not just
the assets version. I.e., as far as I can tell, if you pass
--consoleAssetsVersion to multitenant, that version will
also make it into e.g. HTTP client user agent headers as
the proper graphql-engine version.

I'm dropping that option, since it seems unused in production
and I don't want to go to the effort of fixing it, but am happy
to look into that if folks feels strongly that it should be

(Reason for attacking this is that I was looking into http
client things around blacklisting, and the versioning thing
is a bit painful around http client headers.)

GitOrigin-RevId: a02b05557124bdba9f65e96b3aa2746aeee03f4a
2021-10-13 16:39:58 +00:00

136 lines
5.3 KiB

module Hasura.HTTP
( wreqOptions,
HttpException (..),
HttpResponse (..),
import Control.Lens hiding ((.=))
import Data.Aeson qualified as J
import Data.CaseInsensitive (original)
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as M
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Text.Conversions (UTF8 (..), convertText)
import Data.Text.Encoding qualified as TE
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.Server.Utils (redactSensitiveHeader)
import Hasura.Server.Version (currentVersion)
import Network.HTTP.Client qualified as HTTP
import Network.HTTP.Types qualified as HTTP
import Network.Wreq qualified as Wreq
hdrsToText :: [HTTP.Header] -> [(Text, Text)]
hdrsToText hdrs =
[ (bsToTxt $ original hdrName, bsToTxt hdrVal)
| (hdrName, hdrVal) <- hdrs
wreqOptions :: HTTP.Manager -> [HTTP.Header] -> Wreq.Options
wreqOptions manager hdrs =
& Wreq.headers .~ addDefaultHeaders hdrs
& Wreq.checkResponse ?~ (\_ _ -> return ())
& Wreq.manager .~ Right manager
-- Adds defaults headers overwriting any existing ones
addDefaultHeaders :: [HTTP.Header] -> [HTTP.Header]
addDefaultHeaders hdrs = defaultHeaders <> rmDefaultHeaders hdrs
rmDefaultHeaders = filter (not . isDefaultHeader)
isDefaultHeader :: HTTP.Header -> Bool
isDefaultHeader (hdrName, _) = hdrName `elem` map fst defaultHeaders
defaultHeaders :: [HTTP.Header]
defaultHeaders = [contentType, userAgent]
contentType = ("Content-Type", "application/json")
userAgent =
( "User-Agent",
"hasura-graphql-engine/" <> unUTF8 (convertText currentVersion)
newtype HttpException = HttpException
{unHttpException :: HTTP.HttpException}
deriving (Show)
getHTTPExceptionStatus :: HttpException -> Maybe Int
getHTTPExceptionStatus = \case
(HttpException (HTTP.HttpExceptionRequest _ httpExceptionContent)) ->
case httpExceptionContent of
HTTP.StatusCodeException response _ -> Just $ HTTP.statusCode $ HTTP.responseStatus response
HTTP.ProxyConnectException _ _ status -> Just $ HTTP.statusCode status
_ -> Nothing
(HttpException (HTTP.InvalidUrlException _ _)) -> Nothing
serializeHTTPExceptionMessage :: HttpException -> Text
serializeHTTPExceptionMessage (HttpException (HTTP.HttpExceptionRequest _ httpExceptionContent)) =
case httpExceptionContent of
HTTP.StatusCodeException _ _ -> "unexpected"
HTTP.TooManyRedirects _ -> "Too many redirects"
HTTP.OverlongHeaders -> "Overlong headers"
HTTP.ResponseTimeout -> "Response timeout"
HTTP.ConnectionTimeout -> "Connection timeout"
HTTP.ConnectionFailure _ -> "Connection failure"
HTTP.InvalidStatusLine _ -> "Invalid HTTP Status Line"
HTTP.InternalException _ -> "Internal Exception"
HTTP.ProxyConnectException _ _ _ -> "Proxy connection exception"
HTTP.NoResponseDataReceived -> "No response data received"
HTTP.TlsNotSupported -> "TLS not supported"
HTTP.InvalidDestinationHost _ -> "Invalid destination host"
HTTP.InvalidHeader _ -> "Invalid Header"
HTTP.InvalidRequestHeader _ -> "Invalid Request Header"
HTTP.WrongRequestBodyStreamSize _ _ -> "Wrong request body stream size"
HTTP.ResponseBodyTooShort _ _ -> "Response body too short"
HTTP.InvalidChunkHeaders -> "Invalid chunk headers"
HTTP.IncompleteHeaders -> "Incomplete headers"
_ -> "unexpected"
serializeHTTPExceptionMessage (HttpException (HTTP.InvalidUrlException url reason)) = T.pack $ "URL: " <> url <> " is invalid because " <> reason
encodeHTTPRequestJSON :: HTTP.Request -> J.Value
encodeHTTPRequestJSON request =
J.Object $
[ ("host", J.toJSON $ TE.decodeUtf8 $ request),
("port", J.toJSON $ HTTP.port request),
("secure", J.toJSON $ request),
("requestHeaders", J.toJSON $ M.fromList $ hdrsToText $ map redactSensitiveHeader $ HTTP.requestHeaders request),
("path", J.toJSON $ TE.decodeUtf8 $ HTTP.path request),
("queryString", J.toJSON $ TE.decodeUtf8 $ HTTP.queryString request),
("method", J.toJSON $ TE.decodeUtf8 $ HTTP.method request),
("responseTimeout", J.String $ tshow $ HTTP.responseTimeout request)
instance J.ToJSON HttpException where
toJSON httpException =
case httpException of
(HttpException (HTTP.InvalidUrlException _ e)) ->
[ "type" J..= ("invalid_url" :: Text),
"message" J..= e
(HttpException (HTTP.HttpExceptionRequest req _)) ->
let statusMaybe = getHTTPExceptionStatus httpException
exceptionContent = serializeHTTPExceptionMessage httpException
reqJSON = encodeHTTPRequestJSON req
in J.object $
[ "type" J..= ("http_exception" :: Text),
"message" J..= exceptionContent,
"request" J..= reqJSON
<> maybe mempty (\status -> ["status" J..= status]) statusMaybe
data HttpResponse a = HttpResponse
{ _hrBody :: !a,
_hrHeaders :: !HTTP.ResponseHeaders
deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
addHttpResponseHeaders :: HTTP.ResponseHeaders -> HttpResponse a -> HttpResponse a
addHttpResponseHeaders newHeaders (HttpResponse b h) = HttpResponse b (newHeaders <> h)