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https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/2061 Co-authored-by: Naveen Naidu <30195193+Naveenaidu@users.noreply.github.com> GitOrigin-RevId: bf26b804d93b19ef7fc15c71fec80fb6d6632e64
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414 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE NondecreasingIndentation #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Hasura.GraphQL.Transport.WebSocket.Server where
import qualified Control.Concurrent.Async as A
import qualified Control.Concurrent.Async.Lifted.Safe as LA
import qualified Control.Concurrent.STM as STM
import Control.Exception.Lifted
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Control as MC
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Data.Aeson.Casing as J
import qualified Data.Aeson.TH as J
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
import Data.String
import qualified Data.TByteString as TBS
import qualified Data.UUID as UUID
import qualified Data.UUID.V4 as UUID
import Data.Word (Word16)
import GHC.AssertNF
import GHC.Int (Int64)
import Hasura.Prelude
import qualified ListT
import Network.Wai.Extended (IpAddress)
import qualified Network.WebSockets as WS
import qualified StmContainers.Map as STMMap
import qualified System.IO.Error as E
import Hasura.GraphQL.ParameterizedQueryHash (ParameterizedQueryHash)
import Hasura.GraphQL.Transport.HTTP.Protocol
import Hasura.GraphQL.Transport.WebSocket.Protocol
import qualified Hasura.Logging as L
import Hasura.Server.Init.Config (WSConnectionInitTimeout (..))
newtype WSId
= WSId { unWSId :: UUID.UUID }
deriving (Show, Eq, Hashable)
instance J.ToJSON WSId where
toJSON (WSId uuid) =
J.toJSON $ UUID.toText uuid
-- | Websocket message and other details
data MessageDetails
= MessageDetails
{ _mdMessage :: !TBS.TByteString
, _mdMessageSize :: !Int64
} deriving (Show, Eq)
$(J.deriveToJSON hasuraJSON ''MessageDetails)
data WSEvent
= EConnectionRequest
| EAccepted
| ERejected
| EMessageReceived !MessageDetails
| EMessageSent !MessageDetails
| EJwtExpired
| ECloseReceived
| ECloseSent !TBS.TByteString
| EClosed
deriving (Show, Eq)
J.defaultOptions { J.constructorTagModifier = J.snakeCase . drop 1
, J.sumEncoding = J.TaggedObject "type" "detail"
-- extra websocket event info
data WSEventInfo
= WSEventInfo
{ _wseiEventType :: !(Maybe ServerMsgType)
, _wseiOperationId :: !(Maybe OperationId)
, _wseiOperationName :: !(Maybe OperationName)
, _wseiQueryExecutionTime :: !(Maybe Double)
, _wseiResponseSize :: !(Maybe Int64)
, _wseiParameterizedQueryHash :: !(Maybe ParameterizedQueryHash)
} deriving (Show, Eq)
J.defaultOptions { J.fieldLabelModifier = J.snakeCase . drop 5
, J.omitNothingFields = True
data WSLog
= WSLog
{ _wslWebsocketId :: !WSId
, _wslEvent :: !WSEvent
, _wslMetadata :: !(Maybe WSEventInfo)
} deriving (Show, Eq)
J.defaultOptions { J.fieldLabelModifier = J.snakeCase . drop 4
, J.omitNothingFields = True
class Monad m => MonadWSLog m where
-- | Takes WS server log data and logs it
-- logWSServer
logWSLog :: L.Logger L.Hasura -> WSLog -> m ()
instance MonadWSLog m => MonadWSLog (ExceptT e m) where
logWSLog l ws = lift $ logWSLog l ws
instance MonadWSLog m => MonadWSLog (ReaderT r m) where
logWSLog l ws = lift $ logWSLog l ws
instance L.ToEngineLog WSLog L.Hasura where
toEngineLog wsLog =
(L.LevelDebug, L.ELTInternal L.ILTWsServer, J.toJSON wsLog)
data WSQueueResponse
= WSQueueResponse
{ _wsqrMessage :: !BL.ByteString
, _wsqrEventInfo :: !(Maybe WSEventInfo)
-- ^ extra metadata that we use for other actions, such as print log
-- we don't want to inlcude them into websocket message payload
data WSConn a
= WSConn
{ _wcConnId :: !WSId
, _wcLogger :: !(L.Logger L.Hasura)
, _wcConnRaw :: !WS.Connection
, _wcSendQ :: !(STM.TQueue WSQueueResponse)
, _wcExtraData :: !a
getRawWebSocketConnection :: WSConn a -> WS.Connection
getRawWebSocketConnection = _wcConnRaw
getData :: WSConn a -> a
getData = _wcExtraData
getWSId :: WSConn a -> WSId
getWSId = _wcConnId
closeConn :: WSConn a -> BL.ByteString -> IO ()
closeConn wsConn = closeConnWithCode wsConn 1000 -- 1000 is "normal close"
-- | Closes a connection with code 1012, which means "Server is restarting"
-- good clients will implement a retry logic with a backoff of a few seconds
forceConnReconnect :: MonadIO m => WSConn a -> BL.ByteString -> m ()
forceConnReconnect wsConn bs = liftIO $ closeConnWithCode wsConn 1012 bs
closeConnWithCode :: WSConn a -> Word16 -> BL.ByteString -> IO ()
closeConnWithCode wsConn code bs = do
(L.unLogger . _wcLogger) wsConn $
WSLog (_wcConnId wsConn) (ECloseSent $ TBS.fromLBS bs) Nothing
WS.sendCloseCode (_wcConnRaw wsConn) code bs
-- writes to a queue instead of the raw connection
-- so that sendMsg doesn't block
sendMsg :: WSConn a -> WSQueueResponse -> IO ()
sendMsg wsConn !resp = do
$assertNFHere resp -- so we don't write thunks to mutable vars
STM.atomically $ STM.writeTQueue (_wcSendQ wsConn) resp
type ConnMap a = STMMap.Map WSId (WSConn a)
data ServerStatus a
= AcceptingConns !(ConnMap a)
| ShuttingDown
data WSServer a
= WSServer
{ _wssLogger :: !(L.Logger L.Hasura)
, _wssStatus :: !(STM.TVar (ServerStatus a))
-- ^ See e.g. createServerApp.onAccept for how we use STM to preserve consistency
createWSServer :: L.Logger L.Hasura -> STM.STM (WSServer a)
createWSServer logger = do
connMap <- STMMap.new
serverStatus <- STM.newTVar (AcceptingConns connMap)
return $ WSServer logger serverStatus
closeAll :: WSServer a -> BL.ByteString -> IO ()
closeAll (WSServer (L.Logger writeLog) serverStatus) msg = do
writeLog $ L.debugT "closing all connections"
conns <- STM.atomically $ flushConnMap serverStatus
closeAllWith (flip closeConn) msg conns
:: (BL.ByteString -> WSConn a -> IO ())
-> BL.ByteString
-> [(WSId, WSConn a)]
-> IO ()
closeAllWith closer msg conns =
void $ A.mapConcurrently (closer msg . snd) conns
-- | Resets the current connections map to an empty one if the server is
-- running and returns the list of connections that were in the map
-- before flushing it.
flushConnMap :: STM.TVar (ServerStatus a) -> STM.STM [(WSId, WSConn a)]
flushConnMap serverStatus = do
status <- STM.readTVar serverStatus
case status of
AcceptingConns connMap -> do
conns <- ListT.toList $ STMMap.listT connMap
STMMap.reset connMap
return conns
ShuttingDown -> return []
data AcceptWith a
= AcceptWith
{ _awData :: !a
, _awReq :: !WS.AcceptRequest
, _awKeepAlive :: !(WSConn a -> IO ())
, _awOnJwtExpiry :: !(WSConn a -> IO ())
-- | These set of functions or message handlers is used by the
-- server while communicating with the client. They are particularly
-- useful for the case when the messages being sent to the client
-- are different for each of the sub-protocol(s) supported by the server.
type WSKeepAliveMessageAction a = WSConn a -> IO ()
type WSPostExecErrMessageAction a = WSConn a -> OperationId -> GQExecError -> IO ()
type WSOnErrorMessageAction a = WSConn a -> ConnErrMsg -> Maybe String -> IO ()
type WSCloseConnAction a = WSConn a -> OperationId -> String -> IO ()
-- | Used for specific actions within the `onConn` and `onMessage` handlers
data WSActions a = WSActions
{ _wsaPostExecErrMessageAction :: !(WSPostExecErrMessageAction a)
, _wsaOnErrorMessageAction :: !(WSOnErrorMessageAction a)
, _wsaConnectionCloseAction :: !(WSCloseConnAction a)
, _wsaKeepAliveAction :: !(WSKeepAliveMessageAction a)
-- ^ NOTE: keep alive action was made redundant because we need to send this message
-- after the connection has been successfully established after `connection_init`
, _wsaGetDataMessageType :: !(DataMsg -> ServerMsg)
, _wsaAcceptRequest :: !WS.AcceptRequest
-- | to be used with `WSOnErrorMessageAction`
onClientMessageParseErrorText :: Maybe String
onClientMessageParseErrorText = Just "Parsing client message failed: "
-- | to be used with `WSOnErrorMessageAction`
onConnInitErrorText :: Maybe String
onConnInitErrorText = Just "Connection initialization failed: "
type OnConnH m a = WSId -> WS.RequestHead -> IpAddress -> WSActions a -> m (Either WS.RejectRequest (AcceptWith a))
type OnMessageH m a = WSConn a -> BL.ByteString -> WSActions a -> m ()
type OnCloseH m a = WSConn a -> m ()
-- | aka generalized 'WS.ServerApp' over @m@, which takes an IPAddress
type HasuraServerApp m = IpAddress -> WS.PendingConnection -> m ()
-- | NOTE: The types of `_hOnConn` and `_hOnMessage` were updated from `OnConnH` and `OnMessageH`
-- because we needed to pass the subprotcol here to these methods to eventually get to `OnConnH` and `OnMessageH`.
-- Please see `createServerApp` to get a better understanding of how these handlers are used.
data WSHandlers m a
= WSHandlers
{ _hOnConn :: (WSId -> WS.RequestHead -> IpAddress -> WSSubProtocol -> m (Either WS.RejectRequest (AcceptWith a)))
, _hOnMessage :: (WSConn a -> BL.ByteString -> WSSubProtocol -> m ())
, _hOnClose :: OnCloseH m a
:: (MonadIO m, MC.MonadBaseControl IO m, LA.Forall (LA.Pure m), MonadWSLog m)
=> WSConnectionInitTimeout
-> WSServer a
-> WSHandlers m a
-- ^ user provided handlers
-> HasuraServerApp m
-- ^ aka WS.ServerApp
{-# INLINE createServerApp #-}
createServerApp wsConnInitTimeout (WSServer logger@(L.Logger writeLog) serverStatus) wsHandlers !ipAddress !pendingConn = do
wsId <- WSId <$> liftIO UUID.nextRandom
logWSLog logger $ WSLog wsId EConnectionRequest Nothing
-- NOTE: this timer is specific to `graphql-ws`. the server has to close the connection
-- if the client doesn't send a `connection_init` message within the timeout period
wsConnInitTimer <- liftIO $ getNewWSTimer (unWSConnectionInitTimeout wsConnInitTimeout)
status <- liftIO $ STM.readTVarIO serverStatus
case status of
AcceptingConns _ -> logUnexpectedExceptions $ do
onConnRes <- connHandler wsId reqHead ipAddress subProtocol
either (onReject wsId) (onAccept wsConnInitTimer wsId) onConnRes
ShuttingDown ->
onReject wsId shuttingDownReject
reqHead = WS.pendingRequest pendingConn
getSubProtocolHeader rhdrs =
filter (\(x, _) -> x == (CI.mk . B.pack $ "Sec-WebSocket-Protocol")) $ WS.requestHeaders rhdrs
subProtocol = case getSubProtocolHeader reqHead of
[sph] -> toWSSubProtocol . B.unpack . snd $ sph
_ -> Apollo -- NOTE: we default to the apollo implemenation
connHandler = _hOnConn wsHandlers
messageHandler = _hOnMessage wsHandlers
closeHandler = _hOnClose wsHandlers
-- It's not clear what the unexpected exception handling story here should be. So at
-- least log properly and re-raise:
logUnexpectedExceptions = handle $ \(e :: SomeException) -> do
writeLog $ L.UnstructuredLog L.LevelError $ fromString $
"Unexpected exception raised in websocket. Please report this as a bug: " <> show e
throwIO e
shuttingDownReject =
WS.RejectRequest 503
"Service Unavailable"
[("Retry-After", "0")]
"Server is shutting down"
onReject wsId rejectRequest = do
liftIO $ WS.rejectRequestWith pendingConn rejectRequest
logWSLog logger $ WSLog wsId ERejected Nothing
onAccept wsConnInitTimer wsId (AcceptWith a acceptWithParams keepAlive onJwtExpiry) = do
conn <- liftIO $ WS.acceptRequestWith pendingConn acceptWithParams
logWSLog logger $ WSLog wsId EAccepted Nothing
sendQ <- liftIO STM.newTQueueIO
let !wsConn = WSConn wsId logger conn sendQ a
-- TODO there are many thunks here. Difficult to trace how much is retained, and
-- how much of that would be shared anyway.
-- Requires a fork of 'wai-websockets' and 'websockets', it looks like.
-- Adding `package` stanzas with -Xstrict -XStrictData for those two packages
-- helped, cutting the number of thunks approximately in half.
# ifndef PROFILING
liftIO $ $assertNFHere wsConn -- so we don't write thunks to mutable vars
# endif
let whenAcceptingInsertConn = liftIO $ STM.atomically $ do
status <- STM.readTVar serverStatus
case status of
ShuttingDown -> pure ()
AcceptingConns connMap -> STMMap.insert wsConn wsId connMap
return status
-- ensure we clean up connMap even if an unexpected exception is raised from our worker
-- threads, or an async exception is raised somewhere in the body here:
(onConnClose wsConn)
$ \case
ShuttingDown -> do
-- Bad luck, we were in the process of shutting the server down but a new
-- connection was accepted. Let's just close it politely
forceConnReconnect wsConn "shutting server down"
closeHandler wsConn
AcceptingConns _ -> do
let rcv = forever $ do
-- Process all messages serially (important!), in a separate thread:
msg <- liftIO $
-- Re-throw "receiveloop: resource vanished (Connection reset by peer)" :
-- https://github.com/yesodweb/wai/blob/master/warp/Network/Wai/Handler/Warp/Recv.hs#L112
-- as WS exception signaling cleanup below. It's not clear why exactly this gets
-- raised occasionally; I suspect an equivalent handler is missing from WS itself.
-- Regardless this should be safe:
handleJust (guard . E.isResourceVanishedError) (\()-> throw WS.ConnectionClosed) $
WS.receiveData conn
let message = MessageDetails (TBS.fromLBS msg) (BL.length msg)
logWSLog logger $ WSLog wsId (EMessageReceived message) Nothing
messageHandler wsConn msg subProtocol
let send = forever $ do
WSQueueResponse msg wsInfo <- liftIO $ STM.atomically $ STM.readTQueue sendQ
let message = MessageDetails (TBS.fromLBS msg) (BL.length msg)
liftIO $ WS.sendTextData conn msg
logWSLog logger $ WSLog wsId (EMessageSent message) wsInfo
-- withAsync lets us be very sure that if e.g. an async exception is raised while we're
-- forking that the threads we launched will be cleaned up. See also below.
LA.withAsync rcv $ \rcvRef -> do
LA.withAsync send $ \sendRef -> do
LA.withAsync (liftIO $ keepAlive wsConn) $ \keepAliveRef -> do
LA.withAsync (liftIO $ onJwtExpiry wsConn) $ \onJwtExpiryRef -> do
-- once connection is accepted, check the status of the timer, and if it's expired, close the connection for `graphql-ws`
timeoutStatus <- liftIO $ getWSTimerState wsConnInitTimer
when (timeoutStatus == Done && subProtocol == GraphQLWS) $
liftIO $ closeConnWithCode wsConn 4408 "Connection initialisation timed out"
-- terminates on WS.ConnectionException and JWT expiry
let waitOnRefs = [keepAliveRef, onJwtExpiryRef, rcvRef, sendRef]
-- withAnyCancel re-raises exceptions from forkedThreads, and is guarenteed to cancel in
-- case of async exceptions raised while blocking here:
try (LA.waitAnyCancel waitOnRefs) >>= \case
-- NOTE: 'websockets' is a bit of a rat's nest at the moment wrt
-- exceptions; for now handle all ConnectionException by closing
-- and cleaning up, see: https://github.com/jaspervdj/websockets/issues/48
Left ( _ :: WS.ConnectionException) -> do
logWSLog logger $ WSLog (_wcConnId wsConn) ECloseReceived Nothing
-- this will happen when jwt is expired
Right _ -> do
logWSLog logger $ WSLog (_wcConnId wsConn) EJwtExpired Nothing
onConnClose wsConn = \case
ShuttingDown -> pure ()
AcceptingConns connMap -> do
liftIO $ STM.atomically $ STMMap.delete (_wcConnId wsConn) connMap
closeHandler wsConn
logWSLog logger $ WSLog (_wcConnId wsConn) EClosed Nothing
shutdown :: WSServer a -> IO ()
shutdown (WSServer (L.Logger writeLog) serverStatus) = do
writeLog $ L.debugT "Shutting websockets server down"
conns <- STM.atomically $ do
conns <- flushConnMap serverStatus
STM.writeTVar serverStatus ShuttingDown
return conns
closeAllWith (flip forceConnReconnect) "shutting server down" conns