mirror of
synced 2024-12-17 20:41:49 +03:00
PR-URL: https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/9527 GitOrigin-RevId: 8babe4f4f28f76278d6242148b3c657112ca7745
1179 lines
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1179 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Hasura.Server.App
( APIResp (JSONResp, RawResp),
CEConsoleType (..),
ConsoleRenderer (..),
MonadVersionAPIWithExtraData (..),
HandlerCtx (hcReqHeaders, hcAppContext, hcSchemaCache, hcUser),
HasuraApp (HasuraApp),
MonadConfigApiHandler (..),
MonadMetadataApiAuthorization (..),
AppContext (..),
import Control.Concurrent.Async.Lifted.Safe qualified as LA
import Control.Exception (IOException, throwIO, try)
import Control.Exception.Lifted (ErrorCall (..), catch)
import Control.Monad.Morph (hoist)
import Control.Monad.Stateless
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl)
import Data.Aeson hiding (json)
import Data.Aeson qualified as J
import Data.Aeson.Encoding qualified as J
import Data.Aeson.Key qualified as K
import Data.Aeson.KeyMap qualified as KM
import Data.Aeson.Types qualified as J
import Data.ByteString.Builder qualified as BB
import Data.ByteString.Char8 qualified as B8
import Data.ByteString.Char8 qualified as Char8
import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as BL
import Data.CaseInsensitive qualified as CI
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HashMap
import Data.HashSet qualified as S
import Data.Kind (Type)
import Data.String (fromString)
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Text.Conversions (convertText)
import Data.Text.Extended
import Data.Text.Lazy qualified as LT
import Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding qualified as TL
import GHC.Stats.Extended qualified as RTS
import Hasura.App.State
import Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.API (openApiSchema)
import Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.Agent.Client (AgentLicenseKey)
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.Execute.Types
import Hasura.Base.Error
import Hasura.CredentialCache
import Hasura.EncJSON
import Hasura.GraphQL.Execute qualified as E
import Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.Subscription.State qualified as ES
import Hasura.GraphQL.Explain qualified as GE
import Hasura.GraphQL.Logging (MonadExecutionLog, MonadQueryLog)
import Hasura.GraphQL.Transport.HTTP qualified as GH
import Hasura.GraphQL.Transport.HTTP.Protocol qualified as GH
import Hasura.GraphQL.Transport.WSServerApp qualified as WS
import Hasura.GraphQL.Transport.WebSocket qualified as WS
import Hasura.GraphQL.Transport.WebSocket.Server qualified as WS
import Hasura.GraphQL.Transport.WebSocket.Types qualified as WS
import Hasura.HTTP
import Hasura.Logging qualified as L
import Hasura.Metadata.Class
import Hasura.Prelude hiding (get, put)
import Hasura.QueryTags
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.EventTrigger (MonadEventLogCleanup)
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Cache.Config
import Hasura.RQL.Types.BackendType
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Endpoint as EP
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Roles (adminRoleName, roleNameToTxt)
import Hasura.RQL.Types.SchemaCache
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Source
import Hasura.Server.API.Config (runGetConfig)
import Hasura.Server.API.Metadata
import Hasura.Server.API.PGDump qualified as PGD
import Hasura.Server.API.Query
import Hasura.Server.API.V2Query qualified as V2Q
import Hasura.Server.AppStateRef
( AppStateRef,
import Hasura.Server.Auth (AuthMode (..), UserAuthentication (..))
import Hasura.Server.Compression
import Hasura.Server.Init
import Hasura.Server.Limits
import Hasura.Server.Logging
import Hasura.Server.Middleware (corsMiddleware)
import Hasura.Server.OpenAPI (buildOpenAPI)
import Hasura.Server.Rest
import Hasura.Server.Types
import Hasura.Server.Utils
import Hasura.Server.Version
import Hasura.Services
import Hasura.Session (ExtraUserInfo (..), UserInfo (..), UserInfoM, askUserInfo)
import Hasura.Tracing (MonadTrace)
import Hasura.Tracing qualified as Tracing
import Network.HTTP.Types qualified as HTTP
import Network.Mime (defaultMimeLookup)
import Network.Wai.Extended qualified as Wai
import Network.Wai.Handler.WebSockets.Custom qualified as WSC
import System.FilePath (isRelative, joinPath, splitExtension, takeFileName)
import System.Mem (performMajorGC)
import System.Metrics qualified as EKG
import System.Metrics.Json qualified as EKG
import Text.Mustache qualified as M
import Web.Spock.Core ((<//>))
import Web.Spock.Core qualified as Spock
data HandlerCtx = HandlerCtx
{ hcAppContext :: AppContext,
hcSchemaCache :: RebuildableSchemaCache,
hcSchemaCacheVersion :: SchemaCacheVer,
hcUser :: UserInfo,
hcReqHeaders :: [HTTP.Header],
hcRequestId :: RequestId,
hcSourceIpAddress :: Wai.IpAddress,
hcLicenseKeyCache :: Maybe (CredentialCache AgentLicenseKey)
newtype Handler m a = Handler (ReaderT HandlerCtx (ExceptT QErr m) a)
( Functor,
MonadBase b,
MonadBaseControl b,
MonadReader HandlerCtx,
MonadError QErr,
instance MonadTrans Handler where
lift = Handler . lift . lift
instance (Monad m) => UserInfoM (Handler m) where
askUserInfo = asks hcUser
runHandler :: (HasResourceLimits m, MonadBaseControl IO m) => L.Logger L.Hasura -> HandlerCtx -> Handler m a -> m (Either QErr a)
runHandler logger ctx (Handler r) = do
handlerLimit <- askHTTPHandlerLimit
runExceptT (runReaderT (runResourceLimits handlerLimit r) ctx)
`catch` \errorCallWithLoc@(ErrorCallWithLocation txt _) -> do
liftBase $ L.unLogger logger $ L.UnhandledInternalErrorLog errorCallWithLoc
$ throw500WithDetail "Internal Server Error"
$ object [("error", fromString txt)]
data APIResp
= JSONResp !(HttpResponse EncJSON)
| RawResp !(HttpResponse BL.ByteString)
-- | API request handlers for different endpoints
data APIHandler m a where
-- | A simple GET request
AHGet :: !(Handler m (HttpLogGraphQLInfo, APIResp)) -> APIHandler m void
-- | A simple POST request that expects a request body from which an 'a' can be extracted
AHPost :: !(a -> Handler m (HttpLogGraphQLInfo, APIResp)) -> APIHandler m a
-- | A general GraphQL request (query or mutation) for which the content of the query
-- is made available to the handler for authentication.
-- This is a more specific version of the 'AHPost' constructor.
AHGraphQLRequest :: !(GH.ReqsText -> Handler m (HttpLogGraphQLInfo, APIResp)) -> APIHandler m GH.ReqsText
boolToText :: Bool -> Text
boolToText = bool "false" "true"
isAdminSecretSet :: AuthMode -> Text
isAdminSecretSet AMNoAuth = boolToText False
isAdminSecretSet _ = boolToText True
mkGetHandler :: Handler m (HttpLogGraphQLInfo, APIResp) -> APIHandler m ()
mkGetHandler = AHGet
mkPostHandler :: (a -> Handler m (HttpLogGraphQLInfo, APIResp)) -> APIHandler m a
mkPostHandler = AHPost
mkGQLRequestHandler :: (GH.ReqsText -> Handler m (HttpLogGraphQLInfo, APIResp)) -> APIHandler m GH.ReqsText
mkGQLRequestHandler = AHGraphQLRequest
mkAPIRespHandler :: (Functor m) => (a -> Handler m (HttpResponse EncJSON)) -> (a -> Handler m APIResp)
mkAPIRespHandler = (fmap . fmap) JSONResp
mkGQLAPIRespHandler ::
(Functor m) =>
(a -> Handler m (b, (HttpResponse EncJSON))) ->
(a -> Handler m (b, APIResp))
mkGQLAPIRespHandler = (fmap . fmap . fmap) JSONResp
isMetadataEnabled :: AppContext -> Bool
isMetadataEnabled ac = S.member METADATA $ acEnabledAPIs ac
isGraphQLEnabled :: AppContext -> Bool
isGraphQLEnabled ac = S.member GRAPHQL $ acEnabledAPIs ac
isPGDumpEnabled :: AppContext -> Bool
isPGDumpEnabled ac = S.member PGDUMP $ acEnabledAPIs ac
isConfigEnabled :: AppContext -> Bool
isConfigEnabled ac = S.member CONFIG $ acEnabledAPIs ac
isDeveloperAPIEnabled :: AppContext -> Bool
isDeveloperAPIEnabled ac = S.member DEVELOPER $ acEnabledAPIs ac
-- {-# SCC parseBody #-}
parseBody :: (FromJSON a, MonadError QErr m) => BL.ByteString -> m (Value, a)
parseBody reqBody =
case eitherDecode' reqBody of
Left e -> throw400 InvalidJSON (T.pack e)
Right jVal -> (jVal,) <$> decodeValue jVal
onlyAdmin :: (MonadError QErr m, MonadReader HandlerCtx m) => m ()
onlyAdmin = do
uRole <- asks (_uiRole . hcUser)
unless (uRole == adminRoleName)
$ throw400 AccessDenied "You have to be an admin to access this endpoint"
setHeader :: (MonadIO m) => HTTP.Header -> Spock.ActionCtxT ctx m ()
setHeader (headerName, headerValue) =
Spock.setHeader (bsToTxt $ CI.original headerName) (bsToTxt headerValue)
-- | Typeclass representing the metadata API authorization effect
class (Monad m) => MonadMetadataApiAuthorization m where
authorizeV1QueryApi ::
RQLQuery -> HandlerCtx -> m (Either QErr ())
authorizeV1MetadataApi ::
RQLMetadata -> HandlerCtx -> m (Either QErr ())
authorizeV2QueryApi ::
V2Q.RQLQuery -> HandlerCtx -> m (Either QErr ())
instance (MonadMetadataApiAuthorization m) => MonadMetadataApiAuthorization (ReaderT r m) where
authorizeV1QueryApi q hc = lift $ authorizeV1QueryApi q hc
authorizeV1MetadataApi q hc = lift $ authorizeV1MetadataApi q hc
authorizeV2QueryApi q hc = lift $ authorizeV2QueryApi q hc
instance (MonadMetadataApiAuthorization m) => MonadMetadataApiAuthorization (ExceptT e m) where
authorizeV1QueryApi q hc = lift $ authorizeV1QueryApi q hc
authorizeV1MetadataApi q hc = lift $ authorizeV1MetadataApi q hc
authorizeV2QueryApi q hc = lift $ authorizeV2QueryApi q hc
instance (MonadMetadataApiAuthorization m) => MonadMetadataApiAuthorization (Tracing.TraceT m) where
authorizeV1QueryApi q hc = lift $ authorizeV1QueryApi q hc
authorizeV1MetadataApi q hc = lift $ authorizeV1MetadataApi q hc
authorizeV2QueryApi q hc = lift $ authorizeV2QueryApi q hc
-- | The config API (/v1alpha1/config) handler
class (Monad m) => MonadConfigApiHandler m where
runConfigApiHandler ::
AppStateRef impl ->
Spock.SpockCtxT () m ()
mkSpockAction ::
forall m a impl.
( MonadIO m,
MonadBaseControl IO m,
HasAppEnv m,
FromJSON a,
UserAuthentication m,
HttpLog m,
HasResourceLimits m,
MonadTrace m
) =>
AppStateRef impl ->
-- | `QErr` JSON encoder function
(Bool -> QErr -> Encoding) ->
-- | `QErr` modifier
(QErr -> QErr) ->
APIHandler m a ->
Spock.ActionT m ()
mkSpockAction appStateRef qErrEncoder qErrModifier apiHandler = do
AppEnv {..} <- lift askAppEnv
AppContext {..} <- liftIO $ getAppContext appStateRef
req <- Spock.request
let origHeaders = Wai.requestHeaders req
ipAddress = Wai.getSourceFromFallback req
pathInfo = Wai.rawPathInfo req
-- Bytes are actually read from the socket here. Time this.
(ioWaitTime, reqBody) <- withElapsedTime $ liftIO $ Wai.strictRequestBody req
(requestId, headers) <- getRequestId origHeaders
tracingCtx <- liftIO do
-- B3 TraceIds can have a length of either 64 bits (16 hex chars) or 128 bits
-- (32 hex chars). For 64-bit TraceIds, we pad them with zeros on the left to
-- make them 128 bits long.
let traceIdMaybe =
lookup "X-B3-TraceId" headers >>= \rawTraceId ->
| Char8.length rawTraceId == 32 ->
Tracing.traceIdFromHex rawTraceId
| Char8.length rawTraceId == 16 ->
Tracing.traceIdFromHex $ Char8.replicate 16 '0' <> rawTraceId
| otherwise ->
case traceIdMaybe of
Just traceId -> do
freshSpanId <- Tracing.randomSpanId
let parentSpanId = Tracing.spanIdFromHex =<< lookup "X-B3-SpanId" headers
samplingState = Tracing.samplingStateFromHeader $ lookup "X-B3-Sampled" headers
pure $ Tracing.TraceContext traceId freshSpanId parentSpanId samplingState
Nothing -> do
freshTraceId <- Tracing.randomTraceId
freshSpanId <- Tracing.randomSpanId
let samplingState = Tracing.samplingStateFromHeader $ lookup "X-B3-Sampled" headers
pure $ Tracing.TraceContext freshTraceId freshSpanId Nothing samplingState
let runTrace ::
forall m1 a1.
(MonadTrace m1) =>
m1 a1 ->
m1 a1
runTrace =
Tracing.newTraceWith tracingCtx appEnvTraceSamplingPolicy (fromString (B8.unpack pathInfo))
let getInfo parsedRequest = do
authenticationResp <- lift (resolveUserInfo (_lsLogger appEnvLoggers) appEnvManager headers acAuthMode parsedRequest)
authInfo <- onLeft authenticationResp (logErrorAndResp Nothing requestId req (reqBody, Nothing) False origHeaders (ExtraUserInfo Nothing) . qErrModifier)
let (userInfo, _, authHeaders, extraUserInfo) = authInfo
appContext <- liftIO $ getAppContext appStateRef
(schemaCache, schemaCacheVer) <- liftIO $ getRebuildableSchemaCacheWithVersion appStateRef
( userInfo,
HandlerCtx appContext schemaCache schemaCacheVer userInfo headers requestId ipAddress appEnvLicenseKeyCache,
shouldIncludeInternal (_uiRole userInfo) acResponseInternalErrorsConfig,
hoist runTrace do
-- Add the request ID to the tracing metadata so that we
-- can correlate requests and traces
lift $ Tracing.attachMetadata [("request_id", unRequestId requestId)]
(serviceTime, (result, userInfo, authHeaders, includeInternal, queryJSON, extraUserInfo)) <- withElapsedTime $ case apiHandler of
-- in the case of a simple get/post we don't have to send the webhook anything
AHGet handler -> do
(userInfo, authHeaders, handlerState, includeInternal, extraUserInfo) <- getInfo Nothing
res <- lift $ runHandler (_lsLogger appEnvLoggers) handlerState handler
pure (res, userInfo, authHeaders, includeInternal, Nothing, extraUserInfo)
AHPost handler -> do
(userInfo, authHeaders, handlerState, includeInternal, extraUserInfo) <- getInfo Nothing
(queryJSON, parsedReq) <-
runExcept (parseBody reqBody) `onLeft` \e -> do
logErrorAndResp (Just userInfo) requestId req (reqBody, Nothing) includeInternal origHeaders extraUserInfo (qErrModifier e)
res <- lift $ runHandler (_lsLogger appEnvLoggers) handlerState $ handler parsedReq
pure (res, userInfo, authHeaders, includeInternal, Just queryJSON, extraUserInfo)
-- in this case we parse the request _first_ and then send the request to the webhook for auth
AHGraphQLRequest handler -> do
(queryJSON, parsedReq) <-
runExcept (parseBody reqBody) `onLeft` \e -> do
-- if the request fails to parse, call the webhook without a request body
-- TODO should we signal this to the webhook somehow?
(userInfo, _, _, _, extraUserInfo) <- getInfo Nothing
logErrorAndResp (Just userInfo) requestId req (reqBody, Nothing) False origHeaders extraUserInfo (qErrModifier e)
(userInfo, authHeaders, handlerState, includeInternal, extraUserInfo) <- getInfo (Just parsedReq)
res <- lift $ runHandler (_lsLogger appEnvLoggers) handlerState $ handler parsedReq
pure (res, userInfo, authHeaders, includeInternal, Just queryJSON, extraUserInfo)
-- https://opentelemetry.io/docs/reference/specification/trace/semantic_conventions/span-general/#general-identity-attributes
lift $ Tracing.attachMetadata [("enduser.role", roleNameToTxt $ _uiRole userInfo)]
-- apply the error modifier
let modResult = fmapL qErrModifier result
-- log and return result
case modResult of
Left err ->
logErrorAndResp (Just userInfo) requestId req (reqBody, queryJSON) includeInternal headers extraUserInfo err
Right (httpLogGraphQLInfo, res) -> do
let httpLogMetadata = buildHttpLogMetadata @m httpLogGraphQLInfo extraUserInfo
logSuccessAndResp (Just userInfo) requestId req (reqBody, queryJSON) res (Just (ioWaitTime, serviceTime)) origHeaders authHeaders httpLogMetadata
logErrorAndResp ::
forall any ctx.
Maybe UserInfo ->
RequestId ->
Wai.Request ->
(BL.ByteString, Maybe Value) ->
Bool ->
[HTTP.Header] ->
ExtraUserInfo ->
QErr ->
Spock.ActionCtxT ctx m any
logErrorAndResp userInfo reqId waiReq req includeInternal headers extraUserInfo qErr = do
AppEnv {..} <- lift askAppEnv
let httpLogMetadata = buildHttpLogMetadata @m emptyHttpLogGraphQLInfo extraUserInfo
jsonResponse = J.encodingToLazyByteString $ qErrEncoder includeInternal qErr
contentLength = ("Content-Length", B8.toStrict $ BB.toLazyByteString $ BB.int64Dec $ BL.length jsonResponse)
allHeaders = [contentLength, jsonHeader]
-- https://opentelemetry.io/docs/reference/specification/trace/semantic_conventions/http/#common-attributes
lift $ Tracing.attachMetadata [("http.response_content_length", bsToTxt $ snd contentLength)]
lift $ logHttpError (_lsLogger appEnvLoggers) appEnvLoggingSettings userInfo reqId waiReq req qErr headers httpLogMetadata
mapM_ setHeader allHeaders
Spock.setStatus $ qeStatus qErr
Spock.lazyBytes jsonResponse
logSuccessAndResp userInfo reqId waiReq req result qTime reqHeaders authHdrs httpLoggingMetadata = do
AppEnv {..} <- lift askAppEnv
let (respBytes, respHeaders) = case result of
JSONResp (HttpResponse encJson h) -> (encJToLBS encJson, pure jsonHeader <> h)
RawResp (HttpResponse rawBytes h) -> (rawBytes, h)
(compressedResp, encodingType) = compressResponse (Wai.requestHeaders waiReq) respBytes
encodingHeader = maybeToList (contentEncodingHeader <$> encodingType)
reqIdHeader = (requestIdHeader, txtToBs $ unRequestId reqId)
contentLength = ("Content-Length", B8.toStrict $ BB.toLazyByteString $ BB.int64Dec $ BL.length compressedResp)
allRespHeaders = [reqIdHeader, contentLength] <> encodingHeader <> respHeaders <> authHdrs
-- https://opentelemetry.io/docs/reference/specification/trace/semantic_conventions/http/#common-attributes
lift $ Tracing.attachMetadata [("http.response_content_length", bsToTxt $ snd contentLength)]
lift $ logHttpSuccess (_lsLogger appEnvLoggers) appEnvLoggingSettings userInfo reqId waiReq req respBytes compressedResp qTime encodingType reqHeaders httpLoggingMetadata
mapM_ setHeader allRespHeaders
Spock.lazyBytes compressedResp
v1QueryHandler ::
( MonadIO m,
MonadError QErr m,
MonadBaseControl IO m,
MonadMetadataApiAuthorization m,
MonadTrace m,
MonadReader HandlerCtx m,
MonadMetadataStorage m,
MonadResolveSource m,
HasAppEnv m,
HasCacheStaticConfig m,
MonadQueryTags m,
MonadEventLogCleanup m,
ProvidesNetwork m,
MonadGetPolicies m,
UserInfoM m
) =>
((RebuildableSchemaCache -> m (EncJSON, RebuildableSchemaCache)) -> m EncJSON) ->
RQLQuery ->
m (HttpResponse EncJSON)
v1QueryHandler schemaCacheRefUpdater query = do
(liftEitherM . authorizeV1QueryApi query) =<< ask
schemaCache <- asks hcSchemaCache
res <- bool (fst <$> action schemaCache) (schemaCacheRefUpdater action) $ queryModifiesSchemaCache query
return $ HttpResponse res []
action schemaCache = do
appContext <- asks hcAppContext
-- | See Note [Explicitly passing AppStateRef]
v1MetadataHandler ::
( MonadIO m,
MonadError QErr m,
MonadBaseControl IO m,
MonadReader HandlerCtx m,
MonadTrace m,
MonadMetadataStorage m,
MonadResolveSource m,
MonadMetadataApiAuthorization m,
MonadEventLogCleanup m,
HasAppEnv m,
HasCacheStaticConfig m,
HasFeatureFlagChecker m,
ProvidesNetwork m,
MonadGetPolicies m,
UserInfoM m
) =>
((RebuildableSchemaCache -> m (EncJSON, RebuildableSchemaCache)) -> m EncJSON) ->
WS.WebsocketCloseOnMetadataChangeAction ->
RQLMetadata ->
m (HttpResponse EncJSON)
v1MetadataHandler schemaCacheRefUpdater closeWebsocketsOnMetadataChangeAction query = Tracing.newSpan "Metadata" $ do
(liftEitherM . authorizeV1MetadataApi query) =<< ask
appContext <- asks hcAppContext
r <-
schemaCacheRefUpdater $ \schemaCache ->
pure $ HttpResponse r []
v2QueryHandler ::
( MonadIO m,
MonadError QErr m,
MonadBaseControl IO m,
MonadMetadataApiAuthorization m,
MonadTrace m,
MonadReader HandlerCtx m,
MonadMetadataStorage m,
MonadResolveSource m,
HasAppEnv m,
HasCacheStaticConfig m,
MonadQueryTags m,
ProvidesNetwork m,
UserInfoM m
) =>
((RebuildableSchemaCache -> m (EncJSON, RebuildableSchemaCache)) -> m EncJSON) ->
V2Q.RQLQuery ->
m (HttpResponse EncJSON)
v2QueryHandler schemaCacheRefUpdater query = Tracing.newSpan "v2 Query" $ do
schemaCache <- asks hcSchemaCache
(liftEitherM . authorizeV2QueryApi query) =<< ask
res <-
bool (fst <$> dbAction schemaCache) (schemaCacheRefUpdater dbAction)
$ V2Q.queryModifiesSchema query
return $ HttpResponse res []
-- Hit postgres
dbAction schemaCache = do
appContext <- asks hcAppContext
v1Alpha1GQHandler ::
( MonadIO m,
MonadBaseControl IO m,
E.MonadGQLExecutionCheck m,
MonadQueryLog m,
MonadExecutionLog m,
MonadTrace m,
HasAppEnv m,
GH.MonadExecuteQuery m,
MonadError QErr m,
MonadReader HandlerCtx m,
MonadMetadataStorage m,
MonadQueryTags m,
HasResourceLimits m,
ProvidesNetwork m
) =>
E.GraphQLQueryType ->
GH.GQLBatchedReqs (GH.GQLReq GH.GQLQueryText) ->
m (HttpLogGraphQLInfo, HttpResponse EncJSON)
v1Alpha1GQHandler queryType query = do
AppEnv {..} <- askAppEnv
AppContext {..} <- asks hcAppContext
userInfo <- asks hcUser
schemaCache <- lastBuiltSchemaCache <$> asks hcSchemaCache
schemaCacheVer <- asks hcSchemaCacheVersion
reqHeaders <- asks hcReqHeaders
ipAddress <- asks hcSourceIpAddress
requestId <- asks hcRequestId
GH.runGQBatched acEnvironment acSQLGenCtx schemaCache schemaCacheVer acEnableAllowlist appEnvEnableReadOnlyMode appEnvPrometheusMetrics (_lsLogger appEnvLoggers) appEnvLicenseKeyCache requestId acResponseInternalErrorsConfig userInfo ipAddress reqHeaders queryType query
v1GQHandler ::
( MonadIO m,
MonadBaseControl IO m,
E.MonadGQLExecutionCheck m,
MonadQueryLog m,
MonadExecutionLog m,
MonadTrace m,
HasAppEnv m,
GH.MonadExecuteQuery m,
MonadError QErr m,
MonadReader HandlerCtx m,
MonadMetadataStorage m,
MonadQueryTags m,
HasResourceLimits m,
ProvidesNetwork m
) =>
GH.GQLBatchedReqs (GH.GQLReq GH.GQLQueryText) ->
m (HttpLogGraphQLInfo, HttpResponse EncJSON)
v1GQHandler = v1Alpha1GQHandler E.QueryHasura
v1GQRelayHandler ::
( MonadIO m,
MonadBaseControl IO m,
E.MonadGQLExecutionCheck m,
MonadQueryLog m,
MonadExecutionLog m,
MonadTrace m,
HasAppEnv m,
GH.MonadExecuteQuery m,
MonadError QErr m,
MonadReader HandlerCtx m,
MonadMetadataStorage m,
MonadQueryTags m,
HasResourceLimits m,
ProvidesNetwork m
) =>
GH.GQLBatchedReqs (GH.GQLReq GH.GQLQueryText) ->
m (HttpLogGraphQLInfo, HttpResponse EncJSON)
v1GQRelayHandler = v1Alpha1GQHandler E.QueryRelay
gqlExplainHandler ::
forall m.
( MonadIO m,
MonadBaseControl IO m,
MonadError QErr m,
MonadReader HandlerCtx m,
MonadMetadataStorage m,
MonadQueryTags m,
MonadTrace m
) =>
GE.GQLExplain ->
m (HttpResponse EncJSON)
gqlExplainHandler query = do
schemaCache <- asks hcSchemaCache
reqHeaders <- asks hcReqHeaders
licenseKeyCache <- asks hcLicenseKeyCache
res <- GE.explainGQLQuery (lastBuiltSchemaCache schemaCache) licenseKeyCache reqHeaders query
return $ HttpResponse res []
v1Alpha1PGDumpHandler :: (MonadIO m, MonadError QErr m, MonadReader HandlerCtx m) => PGD.PGDumpReqBody -> m APIResp
v1Alpha1PGDumpHandler b = do
schemaCache <- asks hcSchemaCache
let sources = scSources (lastBuiltSchemaCache schemaCache)
sourceName = PGD.prbSource b
sourceConfig = unsafeSourceConfiguration @('Postgres 'Vanilla) =<< HashMap.lookup sourceName sources
ci <-
fmap _pscConnInfo sourceConfig
`onNothing` throw400 NotFound ("source " <> sourceName <<> " not found")
output <- PGD.execPGDump b ci
return $ RawResp $ HttpResponse output [sqlHeader]
consoleAssetsHandler ::
(MonadIO m, HttpLog m) =>
L.Logger L.Hasura ->
LoggingSettings ->
Text ->
Text ->
Spock.ActionT m ()
consoleAssetsHandler logger loggingSettings dir path = do
req <- Spock.request
let reqHeaders = Wai.requestHeaders req
-- '..' in paths need not be handed as it is resolved in the url by
-- spock's routing. we get the expanded path.
eFileContents <-
$ try @IOException do
unless validFilename $ throwIO $ userError "invalid asset filename"
$ joinPath [T.unpack dir, pathStr]
either (onError reqHeaders) onSuccess eFileContents
pathStr = T.unpack path
validFilename = isRelative pathStr && not (".." `T.isInfixOf` path)
onSuccess c = do
mapM_ setHeader headers
Spock.lazyBytes c
onError :: (MonadIO m, HttpLog m) => [HTTP.Header] -> a -> Spock.ActionT m ()
onError hdrs _ = raiseGenericApiError logger loggingSettings hdrs $ err404 NotFound $ "Couldn't find console asset " <> path
-- set gzip header if the filename ends with .gz
(fileName, encHeader) = case splitExtension (takeFileName pathStr) of
(v, ".gz") -> (T.pack v, [gzipHeader])
_ -> (path, [])
mimeType = defaultMimeLookup fileName
headers = ("Content-Type", mimeType) : encHeader
class (Monad m) => ConsoleRenderer m where
type ConsoleType m :: Type
renderConsole ::
Text ->
AuthMode ->
TelemetryStatus ->
Maybe Text ->
Maybe Text ->
ConsoleType m ->
m (Either String Text)
-- TODO(awjchen): This is a kludge that will be removed when the entitlement service is fully implemented.
data CEConsoleType
= OSSConsole
| ProLiteConsole
ceConsoleTypeIdentifier :: CEConsoleType -> String
ceConsoleTypeIdentifier = \case
OSSConsole -> "oss"
ProLiteConsole -> "pro-lite"
instance (ConsoleRenderer m) => ConsoleRenderer (Tracing.TraceT m) where
type ConsoleType (Tracing.TraceT m) = ConsoleType m
renderConsole a b c d e f = lift $ renderConsole a b c d e f
-- Type class to get any extra [Pair] for the version API
class (Monad m) => MonadVersionAPIWithExtraData m where
getExtraDataForVersionAPI :: m [J.Pair]
renderHtmlTemplate :: M.Template -> Value -> Either String Text
renderHtmlTemplate template jVal =
bool (Left errMsg) (Right res) $ null errs
errMsg = "template rendering failed: " ++ show errs
(errs, res) = M.checkedSubstitute template jVal
-- | Default implementation of the 'MonadConfigApiHandler'
configApiGetHandler ::
forall m impl.
( MonadIO m,
MonadBaseControl IO m,
HasAppEnv m,
UserAuthentication m,
HttpLog m,
HasResourceLimits m,
MonadTrace m
) =>
AppStateRef impl ->
Spock.SpockCtxT () m ()
configApiGetHandler appStateRef = do
Spock.get "v1alpha1/config"
$ onlyWhenApiEnabled isConfigEnabled appStateRef
$ do
AppEnv {..} <- lift askAppEnv
AppContext {..} <- liftIO $ getAppContext appStateRef
featureFlagSettings <-
(\(ff, desc) -> (ff,desc,) <$> liftIO (runCheckFeatureFlag appEnvCheckFeatureFlag ff))
(listKnownFeatureFlags appEnvCheckFeatureFlag)
mkSpockAction appStateRef encodeQErr id
$ mkGetHandler
$ do
let res =
return (emptyHttpLogGraphQLInfo, JSONResp $ HttpResponse (encJFromJValue res) [])
data HasuraApp = HasuraApp
{ _hapApplication :: !Wai.Application,
_hapAsyncActionSubscriptionState :: !ES.AsyncActionSubscriptionState,
_hapShutdownWsServer :: !(IO ())
mkWaiApp ::
forall m impl.
( MonadIO m,
MonadFix m,
MonadStateless IO m,
LA.Forall (LA.Pure m),
ConsoleRenderer m,
MonadVersionAPIWithExtraData m,
HttpLog m,
HasAppEnv m,
HasCacheStaticConfig m,
HasFeatureFlagChecker m,
UserAuthentication m,
MonadMetadataApiAuthorization m,
E.MonadGQLExecutionCheck m,
MonadConfigApiHandler m,
MonadQueryLog m,
MonadExecutionLog m,
WS.MonadWSLog m,
MonadTrace m,
GH.MonadExecuteQuery m,
HasResourceLimits m,
MonadMetadataStorage m,
MonadResolveSource m,
MonadQueryTags m,
MonadEventLogCleanup m,
ProvidesNetwork m,
MonadGetPolicies m
) =>
(AppStateRef impl -> Spock.SpockT m ()) ->
AppStateRef impl ->
ConsoleType m ->
EKG.Store EKG.EmptyMetrics ->
WS.WSServerEnv impl ->
m HasuraApp
mkWaiApp setupHook appStateRef consoleType ekgStore wsServerEnv = do
appEnv@AppEnv {..} <- askAppEnv
spockApp <- liftWithStateless $ \lowerIO ->
$ Spock.spockT lowerIO
$ httpApp setupHook appStateRef appEnv consoleType ekgStore
$ WS.mkCloseWebsocketsOnMetadataChangeAction (WS._wseServer wsServerEnv)
let wsServerApp = WS.createWSServerApp (_lsEnabledLogTypes appEnvLoggingSettings) wsServerEnv appEnvWebSocketConnectionInitTimeout appEnvLicenseKeyCache
stopWSServer = WS.stopWSServerApp wsServerEnv
waiApp <- liftWithStateless $ \lowerIO ->
pure $ WSC.websocketsOr appEnvConnectionOptions (\ip conn -> lowerIO $ wsServerApp ip conn) spockApp
pure $ HasuraApp waiApp (ES._ssAsyncActions appEnvSubscriptionState) stopWSServer
httpApp ::
forall m impl.
( MonadIO m,
MonadFix m,
MonadBaseControl IO m,
ConsoleRenderer m,
MonadVersionAPIWithExtraData m,
HttpLog m,
HasAppEnv m,
HasCacheStaticConfig m,
HasFeatureFlagChecker m,
UserAuthentication m,
MonadMetadataApiAuthorization m,
E.MonadGQLExecutionCheck m,
MonadConfigApiHandler m,
MonadQueryLog m,
MonadExecutionLog m,
MonadTrace m,
GH.MonadExecuteQuery m,
MonadMetadataStorage m,
HasResourceLimits m,
MonadResolveSource m,
MonadQueryTags m,
MonadEventLogCleanup m,
ProvidesNetwork m,
MonadGetPolicies m
) =>
(AppStateRef impl -> Spock.SpockT m ()) ->
AppStateRef impl ->
AppEnv ->
ConsoleType m ->
EKG.Store EKG.EmptyMetrics ->
WS.WebsocketCloseOnMetadataChangeAction ->
Spock.SpockT m ()
httpApp setupHook appStateRef AppEnv {..} consoleType ekgStore closeWebsocketsOnMetadataChangeAction = do
-- Additional spock action to run
setupHook appStateRef
-- cors middleware
$ corsMiddleware (acCorsPolicy <$> getAppContext appStateRef)
-- API Console and Root Dir
-- Local console assets for server and CLI consoles
-- Health check endpoint with logs
let healthzAction = do
let errorMsg = "ERROR"
isStrict <- fromMaybe False <$> Spock.param "strict"
lift checkMetadataStorageHealth >>= \case
Left err -> do
-- error running the health check
logError err
Spock.setStatus HTTP.status500 >> Spock.text errorMsg
Right _ -> do
-- metadata storage is healthy
sc <- liftIO $ getSchemaCache appStateRef
let isInconsistent = not $ null $ scInconsistentObjs sc
inconsistenciesMessage = "inconsistent objects in schema"
(status, responseText) <-
| (isInconsistent && isStrict) -> do
-- Inconsistencies exist and strict mode enabled. Report inconsistencies as ERROR with status 500.
let message = "ERROR: " <> inconsistenciesMessage
logError $ err500 InvalidConfiguration message
pure (HTTP.status500, message)
| (isInconsistent && not isStrict) -> do
-- Inconsistencies exist and strict mode disabled. Warn inconsistencies with status 200.
let message = "WARN: " <> inconsistenciesMessage
logSuccess $ LT.fromStrict message
pure (HTTP.status200, message)
| otherwise -> do
-- No inconsistencies in schema cache, report OK
let message = "OK"
logSuccess $ LT.fromStrict message
pure (HTTP.status200, message)
Spock.setStatus status >> Spock.text responseText
Spock.get "healthz" healthzAction
-- This is an alternative to `healthz` (See issue #6958)
Spock.get "hasura/healthz" healthzAction
Spock.get "v1/version" $ do
logSuccess $ "version: " <> convertText currentVersion
extraData <- lift $ getExtraDataForVersionAPI
setHeader jsonHeader
Spock.lazyBytes $ encode $ object $ ["version" .= currentVersion] <> extraData
let customEndpointHandler ::
RestRequest Spock.SpockMethod ->
Handler m (HttpLogGraphQLInfo, APIResp)
customEndpointHandler restReq = do
AppContext {..} <- liftIO $ getAppContext appStateRef
endpoints <- liftIO $ scEndpoints <$> getSchemaCache appStateRef
schemaCache <- lastBuiltSchemaCache <$> asks hcSchemaCache
schemaCacheVer <- asks hcSchemaCacheVersion
requestId <- asks hcRequestId
userInfo <- asks hcUser
reqHeaders <- asks hcReqHeaders
ipAddress <- asks hcSourceIpAddress
req <-
restReq & traverse \case
Spock.MethodStandard (Spock.HttpMethod m) -> case m of
Spock.GET -> pure EP.GET
Spock.POST -> pure EP.POST
Spock.PUT -> pure EP.PUT
Spock.DELETE -> pure EP.DELETE
Spock.PATCH -> pure EP.PATCH
other -> throw400 BadRequest $ "Method " <> tshow other <> " not supported."
_ -> throw400 BadRequest $ "Nonstandard method not allowed for REST endpoints"
fmap JSONResp <$> runCustomEndpoint acEnvironment acSQLGenCtx schemaCache schemaCacheVer acEnableAllowlist appEnvEnableReadOnlyMode appEnvPrometheusMetrics (_lsLogger appEnvLoggers) appEnvLicenseKeyCache requestId userInfo reqHeaders ipAddress req endpoints
-- See Issue #291 for discussion around restified feature
Spock.hookRouteAll ("api" <//> "rest" <//> Spock.wildcard) $ \wildcard -> do
queryParams <- Spock.params
body <- Spock.body
method <- Spock.reqMethod
-- This is where we decode the json encoded body args. They
-- are treated as if they came from query arguments, but allow
-- us to pass non-scalar values.
let bodyParams = case J.decodeStrict body of
Just (J.Object o) -> map (first K.toText) $ KM.toList o
_ -> []
allParams = fmap Left <$> queryParams <|> fmap Right <$> bodyParams
spockAction encodeQErr id $ do
-- TODO: Are we actually able to use mkGetHandler in this situation? POST handler seems to do some work that we might want to avoid.
mkGetHandler $ customEndpointHandler (RestRequest wildcard method allParams)
-- Note: we create a schema cache updater function, to restrict the access
-- to 'AppStateRef' inside the request handlers
let schemaCacheUpdater = withSchemaCacheReadUpdate appStateRef logger Nothing
Spock.post "v1/graphql/explain" $ do
onlyWhenApiEnabled isMetadataEnabled appStateRef gqlExplainAction
Spock.post "v1alpha1/graphql/explain" $ do
onlyWhenApiEnabled isMetadataEnabled appStateRef gqlExplainAction
Spock.post "v1/query" $ do
onlyWhenApiEnabled isMetadataEnabled appStateRef
$ spockAction encodeQErr id
$ do
mkPostHandler $ fmap (emptyHttpLogGraphQLInfo,) <$> mkAPIRespHandler (v1QueryHandler schemaCacheUpdater)
Spock.post "v1/metadata" $ do
onlyWhenApiEnabled isMetadataEnabled appStateRef
$ spockAction encodeQErr id
$ mkPostHandler
$ fmap (emptyHttpLogGraphQLInfo,)
<$> mkAPIRespHandler (v1MetadataHandler schemaCacheUpdater closeWebsocketsOnMetadataChangeAction)
Spock.post "v2/query" $ do
onlyWhenApiEnabled isMetadataEnabled appStateRef
$ spockAction encodeQErr id
$ mkPostHandler
$ fmap (emptyHttpLogGraphQLInfo,)
<$> mkAPIRespHandler (v2QueryHandler schemaCacheUpdater)
Spock.post "v1alpha1/pg_dump" $ do
onlyWhenApiEnabled isPGDumpEnabled appStateRef
$ spockAction encodeQErr id
$ mkPostHandler
$ fmap (emptyHttpLogGraphQLInfo,)
<$> v1Alpha1PGDumpHandler
runConfigApiHandler appStateRef
Spock.post "v1alpha1/graphql" $ do
onlyWhenApiEnabled isGraphQLEnabled appStateRef
$ spockAction GH.encodeGQErr id
$ mkGQLRequestHandler
$ mkGQLAPIRespHandler
$ v1Alpha1GQHandler E.QueryHasura
Spock.post "v1/graphql" $ do
onlyWhenApiEnabled isGraphQLEnabled appStateRef
$ spockAction GH.encodeGQErr allMod200
$ mkGQLRequestHandler
$ mkGQLAPIRespHandler
$ v1GQHandler
Spock.post "v1beta1/relay" $ do
onlyWhenApiEnabled isGraphQLEnabled appStateRef
$ spockAction GH.encodeGQErr allMod200
$ mkGQLRequestHandler
$ mkGQLAPIRespHandler
$ v1GQRelayHandler
-- This exposes some simple RTS stats when we run with `+RTS -T`. We want
-- this to be available even when developer APIs are not compiled in, to
-- support benchmarking.
-- See: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/base/docs/GHC-Stats.html
exposeRtsStats <- liftIO RTS.getRTSStatsEnabled
when exposeRtsStats $ do
Spock.get "dev/rts_stats" $ do
-- This ensures the live_bytes and other counters from GCDetails are fresh:
liftIO performMajorGC
stats <- liftIO RTS.getRTSStats
Spock.json stats
Spock.get "dev/ekg" $ do
onlyWhenApiEnabled isDeveloperAPIEnabled appStateRef
$ spockAction encodeQErr id
$ mkGetHandler
$ do
respJ <- liftIO $ EKG.sampleAll ekgStore
return (emptyHttpLogGraphQLInfo, JSONResp $ HttpResponse (encJFromJValue $ EKG.sampleToJson respJ) [])
-- This deprecated endpoint used to show the query plan cache pre-PDV.
-- Eventually this endpoint can be removed.
Spock.get "dev/plan_cache" $ do
onlyWhenApiEnabled isDeveloperAPIEnabled appStateRef
$ spockAction encodeQErr id
$ mkGetHandler
$ do
return (emptyHttpLogGraphQLInfo, JSONResp $ HttpResponse (encJFromJValue J.Null) [])
Spock.get "dev/subscriptions" $ do
onlyWhenApiEnabled isDeveloperAPIEnabled appStateRef
$ spockAction encodeQErr id
$ mkGetHandler
$ do
appCtx <- liftIO $ getAppContext appStateRef
respJ <- liftIO $ ES.dumpSubscriptionsState False (acLiveQueryOptions appCtx) (acStreamQueryOptions appCtx) appEnvSubscriptionState
return (emptyHttpLogGraphQLInfo, JSONResp $ HttpResponse (encJFromJValue respJ) [])
Spock.get "dev/subscriptions/extended" $ do
onlyWhenApiEnabled isDeveloperAPIEnabled appStateRef
$ spockAction encodeQErr id
$ mkGetHandler
$ do
appCtx <- liftIO $ getAppContext appStateRef
respJ <- liftIO $ ES.dumpSubscriptionsState True (acLiveQueryOptions appCtx) (acStreamQueryOptions appCtx) appEnvSubscriptionState
return (emptyHttpLogGraphQLInfo, JSONResp $ HttpResponse (encJFromJValue respJ) [])
Spock.get "dev/dataconnector/schema" $ do
onlyWhenApiEnabled isDeveloperAPIEnabled appStateRef
$ spockAction encodeQErr id
$ mkGetHandler
$ do
return (emptyHttpLogGraphQLInfo, JSONResp $ HttpResponse (encJFromJValue openApiSchema) [])
Spock.get "api/swagger/json"
$ spockAction encodeQErr id
$ mkGetHandler
$ do
sc <- liftIO $ getSchemaCache appStateRef
json <- buildOpenAPI sc
return (emptyHttpLogGraphQLInfo, JSONResp $ HttpResponse (encJFromJValue json) [])
forM_ [Spock.GET, Spock.POST] $ \m -> Spock.hookAny m $ \_ -> do
req <- Spock.request
let headers = Wai.requestHeaders req
qErr = err404 NotFound "resource does not exist"
raiseGenericApiError logger appEnvLoggingSettings headers qErr
logger = _lsLogger appEnvLoggers
logSuccess msg = do
req <- Spock.request
reqBody <- liftIO $ Wai.strictRequestBody req
let headers = Wai.requestHeaders req
blMsg = TL.encodeUtf8 msg
(reqId, _newHeaders) <- getRequestId headers
lift $ logHttpSuccess logger appEnvLoggingSettings Nothing reqId req (reqBody, Nothing) blMsg blMsg Nothing Nothing headers (emptyHttpLogMetadata @m)
logError err = do
req <- Spock.request
reqBody <- liftIO $ Wai.strictRequestBody req
let headers = Wai.requestHeaders req
(reqId, _newHeaders) <- getRequestId headers
lift $ logHttpError logger appEnvLoggingSettings Nothing reqId req (reqBody, Nothing) err headers (emptyHttpLogMetadata @m)
spockAction ::
forall a.
(FromJSON a) =>
(Bool -> QErr -> Encoding) ->
(QErr -> QErr) ->
APIHandler m a ->
Spock.ActionT m ()
spockAction qErrEncoder qErrModifier apiHandler = mkSpockAction appStateRef qErrEncoder qErrModifier apiHandler
-- all graphql errors should be of type 200
allMod200 qe = qe {qeStatus = HTTP.status200}
gqlExplainAction = do
spockAction encodeQErr id
$ mkPostHandler
$ fmap (emptyHttpLogGraphQLInfo,)
<$> mkAPIRespHandler gqlExplainHandler
serveApiConsole = do
-- redirect / to /console
Spock.get Spock.root $ do
onlyWhenApiEnabled (\appCtx -> isConsoleEnabled (acConsoleStatus appCtx) && isMetadataEnabled appCtx) appStateRef
$ Spock.redirect "console"
-- serve console html
Spock.get ("console" <//> Spock.wildcard) $ \path -> do
onlyWhenApiEnabled (\appCtx -> isConsoleEnabled (acConsoleStatus appCtx) && isMetadataEnabled appCtx) appStateRef $ do
AppContext {..} <- liftIO $ getAppContext appStateRef
req <- Spock.request
let headers = Wai.requestHeaders req
consoleHtml <- lift $ renderConsole path acAuthMode acEnableTelemetry appEnvConsoleAssetsDir appEnvConsoleSentryDsn consoleType
either (raiseGenericApiError logger appEnvLoggingSettings headers . internalError . T.pack) Spock.html consoleHtml
serveApiConsoleAssets = do
-- serve static files if consoleAssetsDir is set
for_ appEnvConsoleAssetsDir $ \dir ->
Spock.get ("console/assets" <//> Spock.wildcard) $ \path -> do
consoleAssetsHandler logger appEnvLoggingSettings dir path
-- an endpoint can be switched ON/OFF dynamically, hence serve the endpoint only
-- when it is enabled else throw HTTP Error 404
onlyWhenApiEnabled ::
(MonadIO m) =>
(AppContext -> Bool) ->
AppStateRef impl ->
Spock.ActionCtxT ctx m b ->
Spock.ActionCtxT ctx m b
onlyWhenApiEnabled isEnabled appStateRef endpointAction = do
appContext <- liftIO $ getAppContext appStateRef
if (isEnabled appContext)
then do endpointAction
else do
let qErr = err404 NotFound "resource does not exist"
Spock.setStatus $ qeStatus qErr
setHeader jsonHeader
Spock.lazyBytes . J.encodingToLazyByteString $ encodeQErr False qErr
raiseGenericApiError ::
forall m.
(MonadIO m, HttpLog m) =>
L.Logger L.Hasura ->
LoggingSettings ->
[HTTP.Header] ->
QErr ->
Spock.ActionT m ()
raiseGenericApiError logger loggingSetting headers qErr = do
req <- Spock.request
reqBody <- liftIO $ Wai.strictRequestBody req
(reqId, _newHeaders) <- getRequestId $ Wai.requestHeaders req
lift $ logHttpError logger loggingSetting Nothing reqId req (reqBody, Nothing) qErr headers (emptyHttpLogMetadata @m)
setHeader jsonHeader
Spock.setStatus $ qeStatus qErr
Spock.lazyBytes $ encode qErr