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{-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-}
module Hasura.Backends.Postgres.Translate.BoolExp
( toSQLBoolExp
, getBoolExpDeps
, annBoolExp
) where
import Hasura.Prelude
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M
import Data.Monoid
import qualified Hasura.Backends.Postgres.SQL.DML as S
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.SQL.Types hiding (TableName)
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.SQL.Types
-- This convoluted expression instead of col = val
-- to handle the case of col : null
equalsBoolExpBuilder :: SQLExpression 'Postgres -> SQLExpression 'Postgres -> S.BoolExp
equalsBoolExpBuilder qualColExp rhsExp =
S.BEBin S.OrOp (S.BECompare S.SEQ qualColExp rhsExp)
(S.BEBin S.AndOp
(S.BENull qualColExp)
(S.BENull rhsExp))
notEqualsBoolExpBuilder :: SQLExpression 'Postgres -> SQLExpression 'Postgres -> S.BoolExp
notEqualsBoolExpBuilder qualColExp rhsExp =
S.BEBin S.OrOp (S.BECompare S.SNE qualColExp rhsExp)
(S.BEBin S.AndOp
(S.BENotNull qualColExp)
(S.BENull rhsExp))
:: (QErrM m, TableCoreInfoRM b m, BackendMetadata b)
=> ValueParser b m v
-> FieldInfoMap (FieldInfo b)
-> GBoolExp b ColExp
-> m (AnnBoolExp b v)
annBoolExp rhsParser fim boolExp =
case boolExp of
BoolAnd exps -> BoolAnd <$> procExps exps
BoolOr exps -> BoolOr <$> procExps exps
BoolNot e -> BoolNot <$> annBoolExp rhsParser fim e
BoolExists (GExists refqt whereExp) ->
withPathK "_exists" $ do
refFields <- withPathK "_table" $ askFieldInfoMapSource refqt
annWhereExp <- withPathK "_where" $
annBoolExp rhsParser refFields whereExp
return $ BoolExists $ GExists refqt annWhereExp
BoolFld fld -> BoolFld <$> annColExp rhsParser fim fld
procExps = mapM (annBoolExp rhsParser fim)
:: (QErrM m, TableCoreInfoRM b m, BackendMetadata b)
=> ValueParser b m v
-> FieldInfoMap (FieldInfo b)
-> ColExp
-> m (AnnBoolExpFld b v)
annColExp rhsParser colInfoMap (ColExp fieldName colVal) = do
colInfo <- askFieldInfo colInfoMap fieldName
case colInfo of
FIColumn pgi -> AVCol pgi <$> parseBoolExpOperations rhsParser colInfoMap pgi colVal
FIRelationship relInfo -> do
relBoolExp <- decodeValue colVal
relFieldInfoMap <- askFieldInfoMapSource $ riRTable relInfo
annRelBoolExp <- annBoolExp rhsParser relFieldInfoMap $
unBoolExp relBoolExp
return $ AVRel relInfo annRelBoolExp
FIComputedField _ ->
throw400 UnexpectedPayload "Computed columns can not be part of the where clause"
-- TODO Rakesh (from master)
FIRemoteRelationship{} ->
throw400 UnexpectedPayload "remote field unsupported"
:: S.Qual -> AnnBoolExpSQL 'Postgres -> S.BoolExp
toSQLBoolExp tq e =
evalState (convBoolRhs' tq e) 0
:: S.Qual -> AnnBoolExpSQL 'Postgres -> State Word64 S.BoolExp
convBoolRhs' tq =
foldBoolExp (convColRhs tq)
:: S.Qual -> AnnBoolExpFldSQL 'Postgres -> State Word64 S.BoolExp
convColRhs tableQual = \case
AVCol colInfo opExps -> do
let colFld = fromCol @'Postgres $ pgiColumn colInfo
bExps = map (mkFieldCompExp tableQual colFld) opExps
return $ foldr (S.BEBin S.AndOp) (S.BELit True) bExps
AVRel (RelInfo _ _ colMapping relTN _ _ _) nesAnn -> do
-- Convert the where clause on the relationship
curVarNum <- get
put $ curVarNum + 1
let newIdentifier = Identifier $ "_be_" <> tshow curVarNum <> "_"
<> snakeCaseQualifiedObject relTN
newIdenQ = S.QualifiedIdentifier newIdentifier Nothing
annRelBoolExp <- convBoolRhs' newIdenQ nesAnn
let backCompExp = foldr (S.BEBin S.AndOp) (S.BELit True) $
flip map (M.toList colMapping) $ \(lCol, rCol) ->
S.BECompare S.SEQ
(mkQCol (S.QualifiedIdentifier newIdentifier Nothing) rCol)
(mkQCol tableQual lCol)
innerBoolExp = S.BEBin S.AndOp backCompExp annRelBoolExp
return $ S.mkExists (S.FISimple relTN $ Just $ S.Alias newIdentifier) innerBoolExp
mkQCol q = S.SEQIdentifier . S.QIdentifier q . toIdentifier
foldExists :: GExists 'Postgres (AnnBoolExpFldSQL 'Postgres) -> State Word64 S.BoolExp
foldExists (GExists qt wh) = do
whereExp <- foldBoolExp (convColRhs (S.QualTable qt)) wh
return $ S.mkExists (S.FISimple qt Nothing) whereExp
:: (AnnBoolExpFldSQL 'Postgres -> State Word64 S.BoolExp)
-> AnnBoolExpSQL 'Postgres
-> State Word64 S.BoolExp
foldBoolExp f = \case
BoolAnd bes -> do
sqlBExps <- mapM (foldBoolExp f) bes
return $ foldr (S.BEBin S.AndOp) (S.BELit True) sqlBExps
BoolOr bes -> do
sqlBExps <- mapM (foldBoolExp f) bes
return $ foldr (S.BEBin S.OrOp) (S.BELit False) sqlBExps
BoolNot notExp -> S.BENot <$> foldBoolExp f notExp
BoolExists existsExp -> foldExists existsExp
BoolFld ce -> f ce
:: S.Qual -> FieldName -> OpExpG 'Postgres (SQLExpression 'Postgres) -> S.BoolExp
mkFieldCompExp qual lhsField = mkCompExp (mkQField lhsField)
mkQCol = S.SEQIdentifier . S.QIdentifier qual . toIdentifier
mkQField = S.SEQIdentifier . S.QIdentifier qual . Identifier . getFieldNameTxt
mkCompExp :: SQLExpression 'Postgres -> OpExpG 'Postgres (SQLExpression 'Postgres) -> S.BoolExp
mkCompExp lhs = \case
ACast casts -> mkCastsExp casts
AEQ False val -> equalsBoolExpBuilder lhs val
AEQ True val -> S.BECompare S.SEQ lhs val
ANE False val -> notEqualsBoolExpBuilder lhs val
ANE True val -> S.BECompare S.SNE lhs val
AIN val -> S.BECompareAny S.SEQ lhs val
ANIN val -> S.BENot $ S.BECompareAny S.SEQ lhs val
AGT val -> S.BECompare S.SGT lhs val
ALT val -> S.BECompare S.SLT lhs val
AGTE val -> S.BECompare S.SGTE lhs val
ALTE val -> S.BECompare S.SLTE lhs val
ALIKE val -> S.BECompare S.SLIKE lhs val
ANLIKE val -> S.BECompare S.SNLIKE lhs val
AILIKE _ val -> S.BECompare S.SILIKE lhs val
ANILIKE _ val -> S.BECompare S.SNILIKE lhs val
ASIMILAR val -> S.BECompare S.SSIMILAR lhs val
ANSIMILAR val -> S.BECompare S.SNSIMILAR lhs val
AREGEX val -> S.BECompare S.SREGEX lhs val
AIREGEX val -> S.BECompare S.SIREGEX lhs val
ANREGEX val -> S.BECompare S.SNREGEX lhs val
ANIREGEX val -> S.BECompare S.SNIREGEX lhs val
AContains val -> S.BECompare S.SContains lhs val
AContainedIn val -> S.BECompare S.SContainedIn lhs val
AHasKey val -> S.BECompare S.SHasKey lhs val
AHasKeysAny val -> S.BECompare S.SHasKeysAny lhs val
AHasKeysAll val -> S.BECompare S.SHasKeysAll lhs val
AAncestor val -> S.BECompare S.SContains lhs val
AAncestorAny val -> S.BECompare S.SContains lhs val
ADescendant val -> S.BECompare S.SContainedIn lhs val
ADescendantAny val -> S.BECompare S.SContainedIn lhs val
AMatches val -> S.BECompare S.SREGEX lhs val
AMatchesAny val -> S.BECompare S.SHasKey lhs val
AMatchesFulltext val -> S.BECompare S.SMatchesFulltext lhs val
ASTContains val -> mkGeomOpBe "ST_Contains" val
ASTCrosses val -> mkGeomOpBe "ST_Crosses" val
ASTEquals val -> mkGeomOpBe "ST_Equals" val
ASTIntersects val -> mkGeomOpBe "ST_Intersects" val
ASTOverlaps val -> mkGeomOpBe "ST_Overlaps" val
ASTTouches val -> mkGeomOpBe "ST_Touches" val
ASTWithin val -> mkGeomOpBe "ST_Within" val
ASTDWithinGeom (DWithinGeomOp r val) ->
applySQLFn "ST_DWithin" [lhs, val, r]
ASTDWithinGeog (DWithinGeogOp r val sph) ->
applySQLFn "ST_DWithin" [lhs, val, r, sph]
ASTIntersectsRast val ->
applySTIntersects [lhs, val]
ASTIntersectsNbandGeom (STIntersectsNbandGeommin nband geommin) ->
applySTIntersects [lhs, nband, geommin]
ASTIntersectsGeomNband (STIntersectsGeomminNband geommin mNband)->
applySTIntersects [lhs, geommin, withSQLNull mNband]
ANISNULL -> S.BENull lhs
CEQ rhsCol -> S.BECompare S.SEQ lhs $ mkQCol rhsCol
CNE rhsCol -> S.BECompare S.SNE lhs $ mkQCol rhsCol
CGT rhsCol -> S.BECompare S.SGT lhs $ mkQCol rhsCol
CLT rhsCol -> S.BECompare S.SLT lhs $ mkQCol rhsCol
CGTE rhsCol -> S.BECompare S.SGTE lhs $ mkQCol rhsCol
CLTE rhsCol -> S.BECompare S.SLTE lhs $ mkQCol rhsCol
mkGeomOpBe fn v = applySQLFn fn [lhs, v]
applySQLFn f exps = S.BEExp $ S.SEFnApp f exps Nothing
applySTIntersects = applySQLFn "ST_Intersects"
withSQLNull = fromMaybe S.SENull
mkCastsExp casts =
sqlAll . flip map (M.toList casts) $ \(targetType, operations) ->
let targetAnn = S.mkTypeAnn $ CollectableTypeScalar targetType
in sqlAll $ map (mkCompExp (S.SETyAnn lhs targetAnn)) operations
sqlAll = foldr (S.BEBin S.AndOp) (S.BELit True)
hasStaticExp :: OpExpG backend (PartialSQLExp backend) -> Bool
hasStaticExp = getAny . foldMap (coerce isStaticValue)
:: forall b
. (Backend b)
=> SourceName -> TableName b -> AnnBoolExpFldPartialSQL b -> [SchemaDependency]
getColExpDeps source tn = \case
AVCol colInfo opExps ->
let cn = pgiColumn colInfo
colDepReason = bool DRSessionVariable DROnType $ any hasStaticExp opExps
colDep = mkColDep colDepReason source tn cn
depColsInOpExp = mapMaybe opExpDepCol opExps
colDepsInOpExp = map (mkColDep DROnType source tn) depColsInOpExp
in colDep:colDepsInOpExp
AVRel relInfo relBoolExp ->
let rn = riName relInfo
relTN = riRTable relInfo
pd = SchemaDependency (SOSourceObj @b source $ SOITableObj tn (TORel rn)) DROnType
in pd : getBoolExpDeps source relTN relBoolExp
:: forall b
. (Backend b)
=> SourceName -> TableName b -> AnnBoolExpPartialSQL b -> [SchemaDependency]
getBoolExpDeps source tn = \case
BoolAnd exps -> procExps exps
BoolOr exps -> procExps exps
BoolNot e -> getBoolExpDeps source tn e
BoolExists (GExists refqt whereExp) ->
let tableDep = SchemaDependency (SOSourceObj @b source $ SOITable refqt) DRRemoteTable
in tableDep:getBoolExpDeps source refqt whereExp
BoolFld fld -> getColExpDeps source tn fld
procExps = concatMap (getBoolExpDeps source tn)