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synced 2024-12-17 04:24:35 +03:00
Co-authored-by: Colby Thomas <coloradocolby@gmail.com> GITHUB_PR_NUMBER: 6311 GITHUB_PR_URL: https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine/pull/6311 Co-authored-by: Colby Thomas <coloradocolby@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Vamshi Surabhi <0x777@users.noreply.github.com> GitOrigin-RevId: 946665878fb9199d067ad1bd981de9525e86a0ae
352 lines
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352 lines
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module Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.Insert
( traverseAnnInsert
, convertToSQLTransaction
) where
import Hasura.Prelude
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Data.Environment as Env
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q
import Data.Text.Extended
import qualified Hasura.Backends.Postgres.Execute.Mutation as PGE
import qualified Hasura.Backends.Postgres.Execute.RemoteJoin as PGE
import qualified Hasura.Backends.Postgres.SQL.DML as PG
import qualified Hasura.Backends.Postgres.Translate.BoolExp as PGT
import qualified Hasura.Backends.Postgres.Translate.Insert as PGT
import qualified Hasura.Backends.Postgres.Translate.Mutation as PGT
import qualified Hasura.Backends.Postgres.Translate.Returning as PGT
import qualified Hasura.RQL.IR.Insert as IR
import qualified Hasura.RQL.IR.Returning as IR
import qualified Hasura.Tracing as Tracing
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.Connection
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.SQL.Types
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.SQL.Value
import Hasura.EncJSON
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.Server.Version (HasVersion)
:: (Applicative f)
=> (a -> f b)
-> IR.AnnInsert backend a
-> f (IR.AnnInsert backend b)
traverseAnnInsert f (IR.AnnInsert fieldName isSingle (annIns, mutationOutput)) =
IR.AnnInsert fieldName isSingle
<$> ( (,)
<$> traverseMulti annIns
<*> IR.traverseMutationOutput f mutationOutput
traverseMulti (IR.AnnIns objs tableName conflictClause checkCond columns defaultValues) = IR.AnnIns
<$> traverse traverseObject objs
<*> pure tableName
<*> traverse (traverse f) conflictClause
<*> ( (,)
<$> traverseAnnBoolExp f (fst checkCond)
<*> traverse (traverseAnnBoolExp f) (snd checkCond)
<*> pure columns
<*> traverse f defaultValues
traverseSingle (IR.AnnIns obj tableName conflictClause checkCond columns defaultValues) = IR.AnnIns
<$> traverseObject obj
<*> pure tableName
<*> traverse (traverse f) conflictClause
<*> ( (,)
<$> traverseAnnBoolExp f (fst checkCond)
<*> traverse (traverseAnnBoolExp f) (snd checkCond)
<*> pure columns
<*> traverse f defaultValues
traverseObject (IR.AnnInsObj columns objRels arrRels) = IR.AnnInsObj
<$> traverse (traverse f) columns
<*> traverse (traverseRel traverseSingle) objRels
<*> traverse (traverseRel traverseMulti) arrRels
traverseRel z (IR.RelIns object relInfo) = IR.RelIns <$> z object <*> pure relInfo
:: (HasVersion, MonadTx m, MonadIO m, Tracing.MonadTrace m)
=> Env.Environment
-> IR.AnnInsert 'Postgres PG.SQLExp
-> PGE.MutationRemoteJoinCtx
-> Seq.Seq Q.PrepArg
-> Bool
-> m EncJSON
convertToSQLTransaction env (IR.AnnInsert fieldName isSingle (annIns, mutationOutput)) remoteJoinCtx planVars stringifyNum =
if null $ IR._aiInsObj annIns
then pure $ IR.buildEmptyMutResp mutationOutput
else withPaths ["selectionSet", fieldName, "args", suffix] $
insertMultipleObjects env annIns [] remoteJoinCtx mutationOutput planVars stringifyNum
withPaths p x = foldr ($) x $ withPathK <$> p
suffix = bool "objects" "object" isSingle
:: (HasVersion, MonadTx m, MonadIO m, Tracing.MonadTrace m)
=> Env.Environment
-> IR.MultiObjIns 'Postgres PG.SQLExp
-> [(PGCol, PG.SQLExp)]
-> PGE.MutationRemoteJoinCtx
-> IR.MutationOutput 'Postgres
-> Seq.Seq Q.PrepArg
-> Bool
-> m EncJSON
insertMultipleObjects env multiObjIns additionalColumns remoteJoinCtx mutationOutput planVars stringifyNum =
bool withoutRelsInsert withRelsInsert anyRelsToInsert
IR.AnnIns insObjs table conflictClause checkCondition columnInfos defVals = multiObjIns
allInsObjRels = concatMap IR._aioObjRels insObjs
allInsArrRels = concatMap IR._aioArrRels insObjs
anyRelsToInsert = not $ null allInsArrRels && null allInsObjRels
withoutRelsInsert = do
indexedForM_ (IR._aioColumns <$> insObjs) \column ->
validateInsert (map fst column) [] (map fst additionalColumns)
let columnValues = map (mkSQLRow defVals) $ union additionalColumns . IR._aioColumns <$> insObjs
columnNames = Map.keys defVals
insertQuery = IR.InsertQueryP1
rowCount = tshow . length $ IR._aiInsObj multiObjIns
Tracing.trace ("Insert (" <> rowCount <> ") " <> qualifiedObjectToText table) do
Tracing.attachMetadata [("count", rowCount)]
PGE.execInsertQuery env stringifyNum (Just remoteJoinCtx) (insertQuery, planVars)
withRelsInsert = do
insertRequests <- indexedForM insObjs \obj -> do
let singleObj = IR.AnnIns obj table conflictClause checkCondition columnInfos defVals
insertObject env singleObj additionalColumns remoteJoinCtx planVars stringifyNum
let affectedRows = sum $ map fst insertRequests
columnValues = mapMaybe snd insertRequests
selectExpr <- PGT.mkSelectExpFromColumnValues table columnInfos columnValues
let (mutOutputRJ, remoteJoins) = PGE.getRemoteJoinsMutationOutput mutationOutput
PGE.executeMutationOutputQuery env table columnInfos (Just affectedRows) (PGT.MCSelectValues selectExpr)
mutOutputRJ stringifyNum [] $ (, remoteJoinCtx) <$> remoteJoins
:: forall m
. (HasVersion, MonadTx m, MonadIO m, Tracing.MonadTrace m)
=> Env.Environment
-> IR.SingleObjIns 'Postgres PG.SQLExp
-> [(PGCol, PG.SQLExp)]
-> PGE.MutationRemoteJoinCtx
-> Seq.Seq Q.PrepArg
-> Bool
-> m (Int, Maybe (ColumnValues 'Postgres TxtEncodedPGVal))
insertObject env singleObjIns additionalColumns remoteJoinCtx planVars stringifyNum = Tracing.trace ("Insert " <> qualifiedObjectToText table) do
validateInsert (map fst columns) (map IR._riRelInfo objectRels) (map fst additionalColumns)
-- insert all object relations and fetch this insert dependent column values
objInsRes <- forM beforeInsert $ insertObjRel env planVars remoteJoinCtx stringifyNum
-- prepare final insert columns
let objRelAffRows = sum $ map fst objInsRes
objRelDeterminedCols = concatMap snd objInsRes
finalInsCols = columns <> objRelDeterminedCols <> additionalColumns
cte <- mkInsertQ table onConflict finalInsCols defaultValues checkCond
PGE.MutateResp affRows colVals <- liftTx $
PGE.mutateAndFetchCols table allColumns (PGT.MCCheckConstraint cte, planVars) stringifyNum
colValM <- asSingleObject colVals
arrRelAffRows <- bool (withArrRels colValM) (return 0) $ null allAfterInsertRels
let totAffRows = objRelAffRows + affRows + arrRelAffRows
return (totAffRows, colValM)
IR.AnnIns annObj table onConflict checkCond allColumns defaultValues = singleObjIns
IR.AnnInsObj columns objectRels arrayRels = annObj
afterInsert, beforeInsert :: [IR.ObjRelIns 'Postgres PG.SQLExp]
(afterInsert, beforeInsert) =
L.partition ((== AfterParent) . riInsertOrder . IR._riRelInfo) objectRels
allAfterInsertRels :: [IR.ArrRelIns 'Postgres PG.SQLExp]
allAfterInsertRels = arrayRels <> map objToArr afterInsert
afterInsertDepCols :: [ColumnInfo 'Postgres]
afterInsertDepCols = flip getColInfos allColumns $
concatMap (Map.keys . riMapping . IR._riRelInfo) allAfterInsertRels
objToArr :: forall a b. IR.ObjRelIns b a -> IR.ArrRelIns b a
objToArr IR.RelIns {..} = IR.RelIns (singleToMulti _riAnnIns) _riRelInfo
singleToMulti :: forall a b. IR.SingleObjIns b a -> IR.MultiObjIns b a
singleToMulti IR.AnnIns {..} =
:: Maybe (ColumnValues 'Postgres TxtEncodedPGVal)
-> m Int
withArrRels colValM = do
colVal <- onNothing colValM $ throw400 NotSupported cannotInsArrRelErr
afterInsertDepColsWithVal <- fetchFromColVals colVal afterInsertDepCols
arrInsARows <- forM allAfterInsertRels
$ insertArrRel env afterInsertDepColsWithVal remoteJoinCtx planVars stringifyNum
return $ sum arrInsARows
:: [ColumnValues 'Postgres TxtEncodedPGVal]
-> m (Maybe (ColumnValues 'Postgres TxtEncodedPGVal))
asSingleObject = \case
[] -> pure Nothing
[r] -> pure $ Just r
_ -> throw500 "more than one row returned"
cannotInsArrRelErr :: Text
cannotInsArrRelErr =
"cannot proceed to insert array relations since insert to table "
<> table <<> " affects zero rows"
:: (HasVersion, MonadTx m, MonadIO m, Tracing.MonadTrace m)
=> Env.Environment
-> Seq.Seq Q.PrepArg
-> PGE.MutationRemoteJoinCtx
-> Bool
-> IR.ObjRelIns 'Postgres PG.SQLExp
-> m (Int, [(PGCol, PG.SQLExp)])
insertObjRel env planVars remoteJoinCtx stringifyNum objRelIns =
withPathK (relNameToTxt relName) $ do
(affRows, colValM) <- withPathK "data" $ insertObject env singleObjIns [] remoteJoinCtx planVars stringifyNum
colVal <- onNothing colValM $ throw400 NotSupported errMsg
retColsWithVals <- fetchFromColVals colVal rColInfos
let columns = flip mapMaybe (Map.toList mapCols) \(column, target) -> do
value <- lookup target retColsWithVals
Just (column, value)
pure (affRows, columns)
IR.RelIns singleObjIns relInfo = objRelIns
relName = riName relInfo
table = riRTable relInfo
mapCols = riMapping relInfo
allCols = IR._aiTableCols singleObjIns
rCols = Map.elems mapCols
rColInfos = getColInfos rCols allCols
errMsg = "cannot proceed to insert object relation "
<> relName <<> " since insert to table "
<> table <<> " affects zero rows"
:: (HasVersion, MonadTx m, MonadIO m, Tracing.MonadTrace m)
=> Env.Environment
-> [(PGCol, PG.SQLExp)]
-> PGE.MutationRemoteJoinCtx
-> Seq.Seq Q.PrepArg
-> Bool
-> IR.ArrRelIns 'Postgres PG.SQLExp
-> m Int
insertArrRel env resCols remoteJoinCtx planVars stringifyNum arrRelIns =
withPathK (relNameToTxt $ riName relInfo) $ do
let additionalColumns = flip mapMaybe resCols \(column, value) -> do
target <- Map.lookup column mapping
Just (target, value)
resBS <- withPathK "data" $
insertMultipleObjects env multiObjIns additionalColumns remoteJoinCtx mutOutput planVars stringifyNum
resObj <- decodeEncJSON resBS
onNothing (Map.lookup ("affected_rows" :: Text) resObj) $
throw500 "affected_rows not returned in array rel insert"
IR.RelIns multiObjIns relInfo = arrRelIns
mapping = riMapping relInfo
mutOutput = IR.MOutMultirowFields [("affected_rows", IR.MCount)]
-- | validate an insert object based on insert columns,
-- | insert object relations and additional columns from parent
:: (MonadError QErr m)
=> [PGCol] -- ^ inserting columns
-> [RelInfo 'Postgres] -- ^ object relation inserts
-> [PGCol] -- ^ additional fields from parent
-> m ()
validateInsert insCols objRels addCols = do
-- validate insertCols
unless (null insConflictCols) $ throw400 ValidationFailed $
"cannot insert " <> showPGCols insConflictCols
<> " columns as their values are already being determined by parent insert"
forM_ objRels $ \relInfo -> do
let lCols = Map.keys $ riMapping relInfo
relName = riName relInfo
relNameTxt = relNameToTxt relName
lColConflicts = lCols `intersect` (addCols <> insCols)
withPathK relNameTxt $ unless (null lColConflicts) $ throw400 ValidationFailed $
"cannot insert object relationship " <> relName
<<> " as " <> showPGCols lColConflicts
<> " column values are already determined"
insConflictCols = insCols `intersect` addCols
:: MonadError QErr m
=> QualifiedTable
-> Maybe (IR.ConflictClauseP1 'Postgres PG.SQLExp)
-> [(PGCol, PG.SQLExp)]
-> Map.HashMap PGCol PG.SQLExp
-> (AnnBoolExpSQL 'Postgres, Maybe (AnnBoolExpSQL 'Postgres))
-> m PG.CTE
mkInsertQ table onConflictM insCols defVals (insCheck, updCheck) = do
let sqlConflict = PGT.toSQLConflict table <$> onConflictM
sqlExps = mkSQLRow defVals insCols
valueExp = PG.ValuesExp [PG.TupleExp sqlExps]
tableCols = Map.keys defVals
sqlInsert =
PG.SQLInsert table tableCols valueExp sqlConflict
. Just
$ PG.RetExp
[ PG.selectStar
, PGT.insertOrUpdateCheckExpr table onConflictM
(PGT.toSQLBoolExp (PG.QualTable table) insCheck)
(fmap (PGT.toSQLBoolExp (PG.QualTable table)) updCheck)
pure $ PG.CTEInsert sqlInsert
:: MonadError QErr m
=> ColumnValues 'Postgres TxtEncodedPGVal
-> [ColumnInfo 'Postgres]
-> m [(PGCol, PG.SQLExp)]
fetchFromColVals colVal reqCols =
forM reqCols $ \ci -> do
let valM = Map.lookup (pgiColumn ci) colVal
val <- onNothing valM $ throw500 $ "column "
<> pgiColumn ci <<> " not found in given colVal"
let pgColVal = case val of
TENull -> PG.SENull
TELit t -> PG.SELit t
return (pgiColumn ci, pgColVal)
mkSQLRow :: Map.HashMap PGCol PG.SQLExp -> [(PGCol, PG.SQLExp)] -> [PG.SQLExp]
mkSQLRow defVals withPGCol = map snd $
flip map (Map.toList defVals) $
\(col, defVal) -> (col,) $ fromMaybe defVal $ Map.lookup col withPGColMap
withPGColMap = Map.fromList withPGCol
decodeEncJSON :: (J.FromJSON a, QErrM m) => EncJSON -> m a
decodeEncJSON =
either (throw500 . T.pack) decodeValue .
J.eitherDecode . encJToLBS