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https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/1986 GitOrigin-RevId: 2f94613a7f6afe89738aee0fc5fba0ab6b19c8da
818 lines
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818 lines
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module Hasura.GraphQL.RemoteServer
( fetchRemoteSchema
, IntrospectionResult
, execRemoteGQ
, identityCustomizer
, customizeIntrospectionResult
-- The following exports are needed for unit tests
, introspectionResultToJSON
, parseIntrospectionResult
, getCustomizer
, validateSchemaCustomizationsDistinct
) where
import Hasura.Prelude
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as J
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.Environment as Env
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.HashSet as Set
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Hasura.Tracing as Tracing
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Parser as G
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax as G
import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax as TH
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as HTTP
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as N
import qualified Network.Wreq as Wreq
import Control.Arrow.Extended (left)
import Control.Exception (try)
import Control.Lens ((^.))
import Control.Monad.Unique
import Data.Aeson ((.:), (.:?), (.=))
import Data.FileEmbed (makeRelativeToProject)
import Data.List.Extended (duplicates)
import Data.Text.Extended (dquoteList, toTxt, (<<>))
import Data.Tuple (swap)
import Network.URI (URI)
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Monad as P
import Hasura.Base.Error
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Collect ()
-- Needed for GHCi and HLS due to TH in cyclically dependent modules (see https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/issues/1012)
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Remote (buildRemoteParser)
import Hasura.GraphQL.Transport.HTTP.Protocol
import Hasura.HTTP
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Headers (makeHeadersFromConf)
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.Server.Utils
import Hasura.Server.Version (HasVersion)
import Hasura.Session
introspectionQuery :: GQLReqOutgoing
introspectionQuery =
fp <- makeRelativeToProject "src-rsr/introspection.json"
TH.qAddDependentFile fp
eitherResult <- TH.runIO $ J.eitherDecodeFileStrict fp
either fail TH.lift $ do
r@GQLReq{..} <- eitherResult
op <- left show $ getSingleOperation r
pure GQLReq{_grQuery = op, ..}
:: forall m
. MonadError QErr m
=> RemoteSchemaCustomizer
-> RemoteSchemaIntrospection
-> m ()
validateSchemaCustomizations remoteSchemaCustomizer remoteSchemaIntrospection = do
validateSchemaCustomizationsConsistent remoteSchemaCustomizer remoteSchemaIntrospection
validateSchemaCustomizationsDistinct remoteSchemaCustomizer remoteSchemaIntrospection
:: forall m
. MonadError QErr m
=> RemoteSchemaCustomizer
-> RemoteSchemaIntrospection
-> m ()
validateSchemaCustomizationsConsistent remoteSchemaCustomizer (RemoteSchemaIntrospection typeDefinitions) = do
traverse_ validateInterfaceFields typeDefinitions
customizeFieldName = remoteSchemaCustomizeFieldName remoteSchemaCustomizer
validateInterfaceFields :: G.TypeDefinition [G.Name] a -> m ()
validateInterfaceFields = \case
G.TypeDefinitionInterface G.InterfaceTypeDefinition{..} ->
for_ _itdPossibleTypes $ \typeName ->
for_ _itdFieldsDefinition $ \G.FieldDefinition{..} -> do
let interfaceCustomizedFieldName = customizeFieldName _itdName _fldName
typeCustomizedFieldName = customizeFieldName typeName _fldName
when (interfaceCustomizedFieldName /= typeCustomizedFieldName) $
$ "Remote schema customization inconsistency: field name mapping for field "
<> _fldName <<> " of interface " <> _itdName
<<> " is inconsistent with mapping for type " <> typeName
<<> ". Interface field name maps to " <> interfaceCustomizedFieldName
<<> ". Type field name maps to " <> typeCustomizedFieldName <<> "."
_ -> pure ()
:: forall m
. MonadError QErr m
=> RemoteSchemaCustomizer
-> RemoteSchemaIntrospection
-> m ()
validateSchemaCustomizationsDistinct remoteSchemaCustomizer (RemoteSchemaIntrospection typeDefinitions) = do
traverse_ validateFieldMappingsAreDistinct typeDefinitions
customizeTypeName = remoteSchemaCustomizeTypeName remoteSchemaCustomizer
customizeFieldName = remoteSchemaCustomizeFieldName remoteSchemaCustomizer
validateTypeMappingsAreDistinct :: m ()
validateTypeMappingsAreDistinct = do
let dups = duplicates $ (customizeTypeName . typeDefinitionName) <$> typeDefinitions
unless (Set.null dups) $
throwRemoteSchema $
"Type name mappings are not distinct; the following types appear more than once: " <>
dquoteList dups
validateFieldMappingsAreDistinct :: G.TypeDefinition a b -> m ()
validateFieldMappingsAreDistinct = \case
G.TypeDefinitionInterface G.InterfaceTypeDefinition{..} -> do
let dups = duplicates $ (customizeFieldName _itdName . G._fldName) <$> _itdFieldsDefinition
unless (Set.null dups) $
throwRemoteSchema $
"Field name mappings for interface type " <> _itdName <<>
" are not distinct; the following fields appear more than once: " <>
dquoteList dups
G.TypeDefinitionObject G.ObjectTypeDefinition{..} -> do
let dups = duplicates $ (customizeFieldName _otdName . G._fldName) <$> _otdFieldsDefinition
unless (Set.null dups) $
throwRemoteSchema $
"Field name mappings for object type " <> _otdName <<>
" are not distinct; the following fields appear more than once: " <>
dquoteList dups
_ -> pure ()
-- | Make an introspection query to the remote graphql server for the data we
-- need to present and stitch the remote schema. This powers add_remote_schema,
-- and also is called by schema cache rebuilding code in "Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Cache".
:: forall m
. (HasVersion, MonadIO m, MonadUnique m, MonadError QErr m, Tracing.MonadTrace m)
=> Env.Environment
-> HTTP.Manager
-> RemoteSchemaName
-> ValidatedRemoteSchemaDef
-> m RemoteSchemaCtx
fetchRemoteSchema env manager _rscName rsDef@ValidatedRemoteSchemaDef{..} = do
(_, _, rscRawIntrospectionResultDirty) <-
execRemoteGQ env manager adminUserInfo [] rsDef introspectionQuery
-- Parse the JSON into flat GraphQL type AST
FromIntrospection _rscIntroOriginal <-
J.eitherDecode rscRawIntrospectionResultDirty `onLeft` (throwRemoteSchema . T.pack)
-- possibly transform type names from the remote schema, per the user's 'RemoteSchemaDef'
let rsCustomizer = getCustomizer (addDefaultRoots _rscIntroOriginal) _vrsdCustomization
validateSchemaCustomizations rsCustomizer (irDoc _rscIntroOriginal)
let customizedIntro = customizeIntrospectionResult rsCustomizer _rscIntroOriginal
_rscRawIntrospectionResult = J.encode $ FromIntrospection customizedIntro
let _rscInfo = RemoteSchemaInfo{..}
-- Check that the parsed GraphQL type info is valid by running the schema generation
(piQuery, piMutation, piSubscription) <-
P.runSchemaT @m @(P.ParseT Identity) $ buildRemoteParser _rscIntroOriginal _rscInfo
-- The 'rawIntrospectionResult' contains the 'Bytestring' response of
-- the introspection result of the remote server. We store this in the
-- 'RemoteSchemaCtx' because we can use this when the 'introspect_remote_schema'
-- is called by simple encoding the result to JSON.
return RemoteSchemaCtx
{ _rscPermissions = mempty
, _rscParsed = ParsedIntrospection{..}
, ..}
-- If there is no explicit mutation or subscription root type we need to check for
-- objects type definitions with the default names "Mutation" and "Subscription".
-- If found, we add the default roots explicitly to the IntrospectionResult.
-- This simplifies the customization code.
addDefaultRoots :: IntrospectionResult -> IntrospectionResult
addDefaultRoots IntrospectionResult {..} =
{ irMutationRoot = getRootTypeName $$(G.litName "Mutation") irMutationRoot
, irSubscriptionRoot = getRootTypeName $$(G.litName "Subscription") irSubscriptionRoot
, ..
getRootTypeName defaultName providedName =
providedName <|> (defaultName <$ lookupObject irDoc defaultName)
-- | Parsing the introspection query result. We use this newtype wrapper to
-- avoid orphan instances and parse JSON in the way that we need for GraphQL
-- introspection results.
newtype FromIntrospection a
= FromIntrospection { fromIntrospection :: a }
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Functor)
-- | Include a map from type name to kind. This allows us to pass
-- extra type information required to convert our schema
-- back into JSON.
data WithKinds a
= WithKinds !(HashMap G.Name Text) !a
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Functor)
pErr :: (MonadFail m) => Text -> m a
pErr = fail . T.unpack
kindErr :: (MonadFail m) => Text -> Text -> m a
kindErr gKind eKind = pErr $ "Invalid `kind: " <> gKind <> "` in " <> eKind
instance J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection G.Description) where
parseJSON = fmap (FromIntrospection . G.Description) . J.parseJSON
instance J.ToJSON (FromIntrospection G.Description) where
toJSON = J.toJSON . G.unDescription . fromIntrospection
instance J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection G.ScalarTypeDefinition) where
parseJSON = J.withObject "ScalarTypeDefinition" $ \o -> do
kind <- o .: "kind"
name <- o .: "name"
desc <- o .:? "description"
when (kind /= "SCALAR") $ kindErr kind "scalar"
let desc' = fmap fromIntrospection desc
r = G.ScalarTypeDefinition desc' name []
return $ FromIntrospection r
instance J.ToJSON (FromIntrospection G.ScalarTypeDefinition) where
toJSON (FromIntrospection G.ScalarTypeDefinition {..}) = objectWithoutNullValues
[ "kind" .= J.String "SCALAR"
, "name" .= _stdName
, "description" .= fmap FromIntrospection _stdDescription
instance J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection (G.ObjectTypeDefinition G.InputValueDefinition)) where
parseJSON = J.withObject "ObjectTypeDefinition" $ \o -> do
kind <- o .: "kind"
name <- o .: "name"
desc <- o .:? "description"
fields <- o .:? "fields"
interfaces :: Maybe [FromIntrospection (G.InterfaceTypeDefinition [G.Name] G.InputValueDefinition)] <- o .:? "interfaces"
when (kind /= "OBJECT") $ kindErr kind "object"
let implIfaces = map G._itdName $ maybe [] (fmap fromIntrospection) interfaces
flds = maybe [] (fmap fromIntrospection) fields
desc' = fmap fromIntrospection desc
r = G.ObjectTypeDefinition desc' name implIfaces [] flds
return $ FromIntrospection r
instance J.ToJSON (WithKinds (G.ObjectTypeDefinition G.InputValueDefinition)) where
toJSON (WithKinds kinds G.ObjectTypeDefinition {..}) = objectWithoutNullValues
[ "kind" .= J.String "OBJECT"
, "name" .= _otdName
, "description" .= fmap FromIntrospection _otdDescription
, "fields" .= fmap (WithKinds kinds) _otdFieldsDefinition
, "interfaces" .= fmap (WithKinds kinds . toInterfaceTypeDefinition) _otdImplementsInterfaces
toInterfaceTypeDefinition :: G.Name -> G.InterfaceTypeDefinition [G.Name] G.InputValueDefinition
toInterfaceTypeDefinition name = G.InterfaceTypeDefinition Nothing name [] [] []
instance (J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection a)) => J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection (G.FieldDefinition a)) where
parseJSON = J.withObject "FieldDefinition" $ \o -> do
name <- o .: "name"
desc <- o .:? "description"
args <- o .: "args"
_type <- o .: "type"
let desc' = fmap fromIntrospection desc
r = G.FieldDefinition desc' name (fmap fromIntrospection args)
(fromIntrospection _type) []
return $ FromIntrospection r
instance J.ToJSON (WithKinds a) => J.ToJSON (WithKinds (G.FieldDefinition a)) where
toJSON (WithKinds kinds G.FieldDefinition {..}) = objectWithoutNullValues
[ "name" .= _fldName
, "description" .= fmap FromIntrospection _fldDescription
, "args" .= fmap (WithKinds kinds) _fldArgumentsDefinition
, "type" .= WithKinds kinds _fldType
instance J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection G.GType) where
parseJSON = J.withObject "GType" $ \o -> do
kind <- o .: "kind"
mName <- o .:? "name"
mType <- o .:? "ofType"
r <- case (kind, mName, mType) of
("NON_NULL", _, Just typ) -> return $ mkNotNull (fromIntrospection typ)
("NON_NULL", _, Nothing) -> pErr "NON_NULL should have `ofType`"
("LIST", _, Just typ) ->
return $ G.TypeList (G.Nullability True) (fromIntrospection typ)
("LIST", _, Nothing) -> pErr "LIST should have `ofType`"
(_, Just name, _) -> return $ G.TypeNamed (G.Nullability True) name
_ -> pErr $ "kind: " <> kind <> " should have name"
return $ FromIntrospection r
mkNotNull typ = case typ of
G.TypeList _ ty -> G.TypeList (G.Nullability False) ty
G.TypeNamed _ n -> G.TypeNamed (G.Nullability False) n
instance J.ToJSON (WithKinds G.GType) where
toJSON (WithKinds kinds gtype) = objectWithoutNullValues $ case gtype of
G.TypeNamed (G.Nullability True) name ->
[ "kind" .= Map.lookup name kinds
, "name" .= name
G.TypeNamed (G.Nullability False) name ->
[ "kind" .= J.String "NON_NULL"
, "ofType" .= WithKinds kinds (G.TypeNamed (G.Nullability True) name)
G.TypeList (G.Nullability True) ty ->
[ "kind" .= J.String "LIST"
, "ofType" .= WithKinds kinds ty
G.TypeList (G.Nullability False) ty ->
[ "kind" .= J.String "NON_NULL"
, "ofType" .= WithKinds kinds (G.TypeList (G.Nullability True) ty)
instance J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection G.InputValueDefinition) where
parseJSON = J.withObject "InputValueDefinition" $ \o -> do
name <- o .: "name"
desc <- o .:? "description"
_type <- o .: "type"
defVal <- o .:? "defaultValue"
let desc' = fmap fromIntrospection desc
let defVal' = fmap fromIntrospection defVal
r = G.InputValueDefinition desc' name (fromIntrospection _type) defVal' []
return $ FromIntrospection r
instance J.ToJSON (WithKinds G.InputValueDefinition) where
toJSON (WithKinds kinds G.InputValueDefinition {..}) = objectWithoutNullValues
[ "name" .= _ivdName
, "description" .= fmap FromIntrospection _ivdDescription
, "type" .= WithKinds kinds _ivdType
, "defaultValue" .= fmap FromIntrospection _ivdDefaultValue
instance J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection (G.Value Void)) where
parseJSON = J.withText "Value Void" $ \t ->
let parseValueConst = G.runParser G.value
in FromIntrospection <$> onLeft (parseValueConst t) (fail . T.unpack)
instance J.ToJSON (FromIntrospection (G.Value Void)) where
toJSON = J.String . toTxt . fromIntrospection
instance J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection (G.InterfaceTypeDefinition [G.Name] G.InputValueDefinition)) where
parseJSON = J.withObject "InterfaceTypeDefinition" $ \o -> do
kind <- o .: "kind"
name <- o .: "name"
desc <- o .:? "description"
fields <- o .:? "fields"
possibleTypes :: Maybe [FromIntrospection (G.ObjectTypeDefinition G.InputValueDefinition)] <- o .:? "possibleTypes"
let flds = maybe [] (fmap fromIntrospection) fields
desc' = fmap fromIntrospection desc
possTps = map G._otdName $ maybe [] (fmap fromIntrospection) possibleTypes
when (kind /= "INTERFACE") $ kindErr kind "interface"
-- TODO (non PDV) track which interfaces implement which other interfaces, after a
-- GraphQL spec > Jun 2018 is released.
let r = G.InterfaceTypeDefinition desc' name [] flds possTps
return $ FromIntrospection r
instance J.ToJSON (WithKinds (G.InterfaceTypeDefinition [G.Name] G.InputValueDefinition)) where
toJSON (WithKinds kinds G.InterfaceTypeDefinition {..}) = objectWithoutNullValues
[ "kind" .= J.String "INTERFACE"
, "name" .= _itdName
, "description" .= fmap FromIntrospection _itdDescription
, "fields" .= fmap (WithKinds kinds) _itdFieldsDefinition
, "possibleTypes" .= fmap (WithKinds kinds . toObjectTypeDefinition) _itdPossibleTypes
instance J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection G.UnionTypeDefinition) where
parseJSON = J.withObject "UnionTypeDefinition" $ \o -> do
kind <- o .: "kind"
name <- o .: "name"
desc <- o .:? "description"
possibleTypes :: [FromIntrospection (G.ObjectTypeDefinition G.InputValueDefinition)] <- o .: "possibleTypes"
let possibleTypes' = map G._otdName $ fmap fromIntrospection possibleTypes
desc' = fmap fromIntrospection desc
when (kind /= "UNION") $ kindErr kind "union"
let r = G.UnionTypeDefinition desc' name [] possibleTypes'
return $ FromIntrospection r
instance J.ToJSON (WithKinds G.UnionTypeDefinition) where
toJSON (WithKinds kinds G.UnionTypeDefinition {..}) = objectWithoutNullValues
[ "kind" .= J.String "UNION"
, "name" .= _utdName
, "description" .= fmap FromIntrospection _utdDescription
, "possibleTypes" .= fmap (WithKinds kinds . toObjectTypeDefinition) _utdMemberTypes
instance J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection G.EnumTypeDefinition) where
parseJSON = J.withObject "EnumTypeDefinition" $ \o -> do
kind <- o .: "kind"
name <- o .: "name"
desc <- o .:? "description"
vals <- o .: "enumValues"
when (kind /= "ENUM") $ kindErr kind "enum"
let desc' = fmap fromIntrospection desc
let r = G.EnumTypeDefinition desc' name [] (fmap fromIntrospection vals)
return $ FromIntrospection r
instance J.ToJSON (FromIntrospection G.EnumTypeDefinition) where
toJSON (FromIntrospection G.EnumTypeDefinition {..}) = objectWithoutNullValues
[ "kind" .= J.String "ENUM"
, "name" .= _etdName
, "description" .= fmap FromIntrospection _etdDescription
, "enumValues" .= fmap FromIntrospection _etdValueDefinitions
instance J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection G.EnumValueDefinition) where
parseJSON = J.withObject "EnumValueDefinition" $ \o -> do
name <- o .: "name"
desc <- o .:? "description"
let desc' = fmap fromIntrospection desc
let r = G.EnumValueDefinition desc' name []
return $ FromIntrospection r
instance J.ToJSON (FromIntrospection G.EnumValueDefinition) where
toJSON (FromIntrospection G.EnumValueDefinition {..}) = objectWithoutNullValues
[ "name" .= _evdName
, "description" .= fmap FromIntrospection _evdDescription
instance J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection (G.InputObjectTypeDefinition G.InputValueDefinition)) where
parseJSON = J.withObject "InputObjectTypeDefinition" $ \o -> do
kind <- o .: "kind"
name <- o .: "name"
desc <- o .:? "description"
mInputFields <- o .:? "inputFields"
let inputFields = maybe [] (fmap fromIntrospection) mInputFields
let desc' = fmap fromIntrospection desc
when (kind /= "INPUT_OBJECT") $ kindErr kind "input_object"
let r = G.InputObjectTypeDefinition desc' name [] inputFields
return $ FromIntrospection r
instance J.ToJSON (WithKinds (G.InputObjectTypeDefinition G.InputValueDefinition)) where
toJSON (WithKinds kinds G.InputObjectTypeDefinition {..}) = objectWithoutNullValues
[ "kind" .= J.String "INPUT_OBJECT"
, "name" .= _iotdName
, "description" .= fmap FromIntrospection _iotdDescription
, "inputFields" .= fmap (WithKinds kinds) _iotdValueDefinitions
instance J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection (G.TypeDefinition [G.Name] G.InputValueDefinition)) where
parseJSON = J.withObject "TypeDefinition" $ \o -> do
kind :: Text <- o .: "kind"
r <- case kind of
G.TypeDefinitionScalar . fromIntrospection <$> J.parseJSON (J.Object o)
G.TypeDefinitionObject . fromIntrospection <$> J.parseJSON (J.Object o)
G.TypeDefinitionInterface . fromIntrospection <$> J.parseJSON (J.Object o)
"UNION" ->
G.TypeDefinitionUnion . fromIntrospection <$> J.parseJSON (J.Object o)
"ENUM" ->
G.TypeDefinitionEnum . fromIntrospection <$> J.parseJSON (J.Object o)
G.TypeDefinitionInputObject . fromIntrospection <$> J.parseJSON (J.Object o)
_ -> pErr $ "unknown kind: " <> kind
return $ FromIntrospection r
instance J.ToJSON (WithKinds (G.TypeDefinition [G.Name] G.InputValueDefinition)) where
toJSON (WithKinds kinds typeDefinition) = case typeDefinition of
G.TypeDefinitionScalar scalarTypeDefinition -> J.toJSON $ FromIntrospection scalarTypeDefinition
G.TypeDefinitionObject objectTypeDefinition -> J.toJSON $ WithKinds kinds objectTypeDefinition
G.TypeDefinitionInterface interfaceTypeDefinition -> J.toJSON $ WithKinds kinds interfaceTypeDefinition
G.TypeDefinitionUnion unionTypeDefinition -> J.toJSON $ WithKinds kinds unionTypeDefinition
G.TypeDefinitionEnum enumTypeDefinition -> J.toJSON $ FromIntrospection enumTypeDefinition
G.TypeDefinitionInputObject inputObjectTypeDefinition -> J.toJSON $ WithKinds kinds inputObjectTypeDefinition
instance J.FromJSON (FromIntrospection IntrospectionResult) where
parseJSON = J.withObject "SchemaDocument" $ \o -> do
_data <- o .: "data"
schema <- _data .: "__schema"
-- the list of types
types <- schema .: "types"
-- query root
queryType <- schema .: "queryType"
queryRoot <- queryType .: "name"
-- mutation root
mMutationType <- schema .:? "mutationType"
mutationRoot <- case mMutationType of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just mutType -> do
mutRoot <- mutType .: "name"
return $ Just mutRoot
-- subscription root
mSubsType <- schema .:? "subscriptionType"
subsRoot <- case mSubsType of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just subsType -> do
subRoot <- subsType .: "name"
return $ Just subRoot
let types' =
(fmap . fmap . fmap)
-- presets are only defined for non-admin roles,
-- an admin will not have any presets
-- defined and the admin will be the one,
-- who'll be adding the remote schema,
-- hence presets are set to `Nothing`
(`RemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition` Nothing)
r =
(RemoteSchemaIntrospection (fmap fromIntrospection types'))
queryRoot mutationRoot subsRoot
return $ FromIntrospection r
instance J.ToJSON (FromIntrospection IntrospectionResult) where
toJSON (FromIntrospection IntrospectionResult{..}) = objectWithoutNullValues ["data" .= _data]
_data = objectWithoutNullValues ["__schema" .= schema]
schema = objectWithoutNullValues
[ "types" .= fmap (WithKinds kinds . fmap _rsitdDefinition) types
, "queryType" .= queryType
, "mutationType" .= mutationType
, "subscriptionType" .= subscriptionType
RemoteSchemaIntrospection types = irDoc
kinds = Map.fromList $ types <&> \case
G.TypeDefinitionScalar G.ScalarTypeDefinition{..} -> (_stdName, "SCALAR")
G.TypeDefinitionObject G.ObjectTypeDefinition{..} -> (_otdName, "OBJECT")
G.TypeDefinitionInterface G.InterfaceTypeDefinition{..} -> (_itdName, "INTERFACE")
G.TypeDefinitionUnion G.UnionTypeDefinition{..} -> (_utdName, "UNION")
G.TypeDefinitionEnum G.EnumTypeDefinition{..} -> (_etdName, "ENUM")
G.TypeDefinitionInputObject G.InputObjectTypeDefinition{..} -> (_iotdName, "INPUT_OBJECT")
named :: G.Name -> J.Object
named = ("name" .=)
queryType = named irQueryRoot
mutationType = named <$> irMutationRoot
subscriptionType = named <$> irSubscriptionRoot
parseIntrospectionResult :: J.Value -> J.Parser IntrospectionResult
parseIntrospectionResult value = fromIntrospection <$> J.parseJSON value
introspectionResultToJSON :: IntrospectionResult -> J.Value
introspectionResultToJSON = J.toJSON . FromIntrospection
objectWithoutNullValues :: [J.Pair] -> J.Value
objectWithoutNullValues = J.object . filter notNull
notNull (_, J.Null) = False
notNull _ = True
toObjectTypeDefinition :: G.Name -> G.ObjectTypeDefinition G.InputValueDefinition
toObjectTypeDefinition name = G.ObjectTypeDefinition Nothing name [] [] []
:: ( HasVersion
, MonadIO m
, MonadError QErr m
, Tracing.MonadTrace m
=> Env.Environment
-> HTTP.Manager
-> UserInfo
-> [N.Header]
-> ValidatedRemoteSchemaDef
-> GQLReqOutgoing
-> m (DiffTime, [N.Header], BL.ByteString)
-- ^ Returns the response body and headers, along with the time taken for the
-- HTTP request to complete
execRemoteGQ env manager userInfo reqHdrs rsdef gqlReq@GQLReq{..} = do
let gqlReqUnparsed = renderGQLReqOutgoing gqlReq
when (G._todType _grQuery == G.OperationTypeSubscription) $
throwRemoteSchema "subscription to remote server is not supported"
confHdrs <- makeHeadersFromConf env hdrConf
let clientHdrs = bool [] (mkClientHeadersForward reqHdrs) fwdClientHdrs
-- filter out duplicate headers
-- priority: conf headers > resolved userinfo vars > client headers
hdrMaps = [ Map.fromList confHdrs
, Map.fromList userInfoToHdrs
, Map.fromList clientHdrs
headers = Map.toList $ foldr Map.union Map.empty hdrMaps
finalHeaders = addDefaultHeaders headers
initReqE <- liftIO $ try $ HTTP.parseRequest (show url)
initReq <- onLeft initReqE (throwRemoteSchemaHttp url)
let req = initReq
{ HTTP.method = "POST"
, HTTP.requestHeaders = finalHeaders
, HTTP.requestBody = HTTP.RequestBodyLBS (J.encode gqlReqUnparsed)
, HTTP.responseTimeout = HTTP.responseTimeoutMicro (timeout * 1000000)
Tracing.tracedHttpRequest req \req' -> do
(time, res) <- withElapsedTime $ liftIO $ try $ HTTP.httpLbs req' manager
resp <- onLeft res (throwRemoteSchemaHttp url)
pure (time, mkSetCookieHeaders resp, resp ^. Wreq.responseBody)
ValidatedRemoteSchemaDef url hdrConf fwdClientHdrs timeout _mPrefix = rsdef
userInfoToHdrs = sessionVariablesToHeaders $ _uiSession userInfo
identityCustomizer :: RemoteSchemaCustomizer
identityCustomizer = RemoteSchemaCustomizer Nothing mempty mempty mempty mempty
typeDefinitionName :: G.TypeDefinition a b -> G.Name
typeDefinitionName = \case
G.TypeDefinitionScalar G.ScalarTypeDefinition{..} -> _stdName
G.TypeDefinitionObject G.ObjectTypeDefinition{..} -> _otdName
G.TypeDefinitionInterface G.InterfaceTypeDefinition{..} -> _itdName
G.TypeDefinitionUnion G.UnionTypeDefinition{..} -> _utdName
G.TypeDefinitionEnum G.EnumTypeDefinition{..} -> _etdName
G.TypeDefinitionInputObject G.InputObjectTypeDefinition{..} -> _iotdName
getCustomizer :: IntrospectionResult -> Maybe RemoteSchemaCustomization -> RemoteSchemaCustomizer
getCustomizer _ Nothing = identityCustomizer
getCustomizer IntrospectionResult{..} (Just RemoteSchemaCustomization{..}) = RemoteSchemaCustomizer{..}
mapMap f = Map.fromList . map f . Map.toList
invertMap = mapMap swap -- key collisions are checked for later in validateSchemaCustomizations
rootTypeNames = if isNothing _rscRootFieldsNamespace
then catMaybes [Just irQueryRoot, irMutationRoot, irSubscriptionRoot]
else []
-- root type names should not be prefixed or suffixed unless
-- there is a custom root namespace field
scalarTypeNames = [intScalar, floatScalar, stringScalar, boolScalar, idScalar]
protectedTypeNames = scalarTypeNames ++ rootTypeNames
nameFilter name = not $ "__" `T.isPrefixOf` G.unName name || name `elem` protectedTypeNames
mkPrefixSuffixMap :: Maybe G.Name -> Maybe G.Name -> [G.Name] -> HashMap G.Name G.Name
mkPrefixSuffixMap mPrefix mSuffix names = Map.fromList $ case (mPrefix, mSuffix) of
(Nothing, Nothing) -> []
(Just prefix, Nothing) -> map (\name -> (name, prefix <> name)) names
(Nothing, Just suffix) -> map (\name -> (name, name <> suffix)) names
(Just prefix, Just suffix) -> map (\name -> (name, prefix <> name <> suffix)) names
RemoteSchemaIntrospection typeDefinitions = irDoc
typesToRename = filter nameFilter $ typeDefinitionName <$> typeDefinitions
typeRenameMap =
case _rscTypeNames of
Nothing -> Map.empty
Just RemoteTypeCustomization{..} ->
_rtcMapping <> mkPrefixSuffixMap _rtcPrefix _rtcSuffix typesToRename
typeFieldMap :: HashMap G.Name [G.Name] -- typeName -> fieldNames
typeFieldMap = Map.fromList $ typeDefinitions >>= \case
G.TypeDefinitionObject G.ObjectTypeDefinition{..} -> pure (_otdName, G._fldName <$> _otdFieldsDefinition)
G.TypeDefinitionInterface G.InterfaceTypeDefinition{..} -> pure (_itdName, G._fldName <$> _itdFieldsDefinition)
_ -> []
mkFieldRenameMap RemoteFieldCustomization{..} fieldNames =
_rfcMapping <> mkPrefixSuffixMap _rfcPrefix _rfcSuffix fieldNames
fieldRenameMap =
case _rscFieldNames of
Nothing -> Map.empty
Just fieldNameCustomizations ->
let customizationMap = Map.fromList $ map (\rfc -> (_rfcParentType rfc, rfc)) fieldNameCustomizations
in Map.intersectionWith mkFieldRenameMap customizationMap typeFieldMap
mapLookup :: (Eq a, Hashable a) => HashMap a a -> a -> a
mapLookup m a = fromMaybe a $ Map.lookup a m
_rscNamespaceFieldName = _rscRootFieldsNamespace
_rscCustomizeTypeName = typeRenameMap
_rscCustomizeFieldName = fieldRenameMap
_rscDecustomizeTypeName = invertMap typeRenameMap
_rscDecustomizeFieldName = mapMap (mapLookup typeRenameMap *** invertMap) fieldRenameMap
customizeIntrospectionResult :: RemoteSchemaCustomizer -> IntrospectionResult -> IntrospectionResult
customizeIntrospectionResult remoteSchemaCustomizer IntrospectionResult{..} = IntrospectionResult
{ irDoc = customizeRemoteSchemaIntrospection irDoc
, irQueryRoot = customizedQueryRoot
, irMutationRoot = customizedMutationRoot
, irSubscriptionRoot = customizedSubscriptionRoot
namespaceField = _rscNamespaceFieldName remoteSchemaCustomizer
customizeTypeName = remoteSchemaCustomizeTypeName remoteSchemaCustomizer
customizeFieldName = remoteSchemaCustomizeFieldName remoteSchemaCustomizer
-- Create customized root type names by appending "Query", "Mutation" or "Subscription" to the custom namespace field name
customizeRootTypeName suffix = maybe id (const . (<> suffix)) namespaceField
customizedQueryRoot = customizeRootTypeName $$(G.litName "Query") irQueryRoot
customizedMutationRoot = customizeRootTypeName $$(G.litName "Mutation") <$> irMutationRoot
customizedSubscriptionRoot = customizeRootTypeName $$(G.litName "Subscription") <$> irSubscriptionRoot
-- Create object type definitions for each of the custom namespace root types.
-- Each object type has a single field where the field name is
-- the custom namespace and the type is the original root type.
namespaceRootTypeDefinitions = case namespaceField of
Nothing -> []
Just namespaceFieldName ->
let mkNamespaceTypeDef originalRootTypeName customizedRootTypeName =
G.TypeDefinitionObject $ G.ObjectTypeDefinition (Just "custom namespace root type") customizedRootTypeName [] []
[G.FieldDefinition (Just "custom namespace field") namespaceFieldName []
(G.TypeNamed (G.Nullability True) $ customizeTypeName originalRootTypeName) []]
in catMaybes
[ pure $ mkNamespaceTypeDef irQueryRoot customizedQueryRoot
, mkNamespaceTypeDef <$> irMutationRoot <*> customizedMutationRoot
, mkNamespaceTypeDef <$> irSubscriptionRoot <*> customizedSubscriptionRoot
customizeRemoteSchemaIntrospection :: RemoteSchemaIntrospection -> RemoteSchemaIntrospection
customizeRemoteSchemaIntrospection (RemoteSchemaIntrospection typeDefinitions) =
RemoteSchemaIntrospection $ namespaceRootTypeDefinitions ++ customizeTypeDefinitions typeDefinitions
customizeTypeDefinitions =
if hasTypeOrFieldCustomizations remoteSchemaCustomizer
then fmap customizeTypeDefinition
else id -- no need to traverse the schema if there are no type or field name customizations
customizeTypeDefinition :: G.TypeDefinition [G.Name] RemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition -> G.TypeDefinition [G.Name] RemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition
customizeTypeDefinition = \case
G.TypeDefinitionScalar scalarTypeDefinition -> G.TypeDefinitionScalar $ customizeScalarTypeDefinition scalarTypeDefinition
G.TypeDefinitionObject objectTypeDefinition -> G.TypeDefinitionObject $ customizeObjectTypeDefinition objectTypeDefinition
G.TypeDefinitionInterface interfaceTypeDefinition -> G.TypeDefinitionInterface $ customizeInterfaceTypeDefinition interfaceTypeDefinition
G.TypeDefinitionUnion unionTypeDefinition -> G.TypeDefinitionUnion $ customizeUnionTypeDefinition unionTypeDefinition
G.TypeDefinitionEnum enumTypeDefinition -> G.TypeDefinitionEnum $ customizeEnumTypeDefinition enumTypeDefinition
G.TypeDefinitionInputObject inputObjectTypeDefinition -> G.TypeDefinitionInputObject $ customizeInputObjectTypeDefinition inputObjectTypeDefinition
customizeScalarTypeDefinition :: G.ScalarTypeDefinition -> G.ScalarTypeDefinition
customizeScalarTypeDefinition G.ScalarTypeDefinition{..} =
G.ScalarTypeDefinition { _stdName = customizeTypeName _stdName, ..}
customizeObjectTypeDefinition :: G.ObjectTypeDefinition RemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition -> G.ObjectTypeDefinition RemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition
customizeObjectTypeDefinition G.ObjectTypeDefinition{..} =
{ _otdName = customizeTypeName _otdName
, _otdImplementsInterfaces = customizeTypeName <$> _otdImplementsInterfaces
, _otdFieldsDefinition = customizeFieldDefinition (customizeFieldName _otdName) <$> _otdFieldsDefinition
, ..
customizeType :: G.GType -> G.GType
customizeType = \case
G.TypeNamed nullability name -> G.TypeNamed nullability $ customizeTypeName name
G.TypeList nullability gtype -> G.TypeList nullability $ customizeType gtype
customizeFieldDefinition :: (G.Name -> G.Name) -> G.FieldDefinition RemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition -> G.FieldDefinition RemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition
customizeFieldDefinition customizeFieldName' G.FieldDefinition{..} =
{ _fldName = customizeFieldName' _fldName
, _fldType = customizeType _fldType
, _fldArgumentsDefinition = customizeRemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition <$> _fldArgumentsDefinition
, ..
customizeRemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition :: RemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition -> RemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition
customizeRemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition RemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition{..} =
{ _rsitdDefinition = customizeInputValueDefinition _rsitdDefinition
, ..
customizeInputValueDefinition :: G.InputValueDefinition -> G.InputValueDefinition
customizeInputValueDefinition G.InputValueDefinition{..} =
{ _ivdType = customizeType _ivdType
, ..
customizeInterfaceTypeDefinition :: G.InterfaceTypeDefinition [G.Name] RemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition -> G.InterfaceTypeDefinition [G.Name] RemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition
customizeInterfaceTypeDefinition G.InterfaceTypeDefinition{..} =
{ _itdName = customizeTypeName _itdName
, _itdFieldsDefinition = customizeFieldDefinition (customizeFieldName _itdName) <$> _itdFieldsDefinition
, _itdPossibleTypes = customizeTypeName <$> _itdPossibleTypes
, ..
customizeUnionTypeDefinition :: G.UnionTypeDefinition -> G.UnionTypeDefinition
customizeUnionTypeDefinition G.UnionTypeDefinition{..} =
{ _utdName = customizeTypeName _utdName
, _utdMemberTypes = customizeTypeName <$> _utdMemberTypes
, ..
customizeEnumTypeDefinition :: G.EnumTypeDefinition -> G.EnumTypeDefinition
customizeEnumTypeDefinition G.EnumTypeDefinition{..} =
G.EnumTypeDefinition { _etdName = customizeTypeName _etdName, ..}
customizeInputObjectTypeDefinition :: G.InputObjectTypeDefinition RemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition -> G.InputObjectTypeDefinition RemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition
customizeInputObjectTypeDefinition G.InputObjectTypeDefinition{..} =
{ _iotdName = customizeTypeName _iotdName
, _iotdValueDefinitions = customizeRemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition <$> _iotdValueDefinitions
, ..
:: QErrM m
=> Text -> m a
throwRemoteSchema = throw400 RemoteSchemaError
:: (QErrM m, J.ToJSON a)
=> Text -> a -> m b
throwRemoteSchemaWithInternal msg v =
let err = err400 RemoteSchemaError msg
in throwError err{qeInternal = Just $ J.toJSON v}
:: QErrM m
=> URI -> HTTP.HttpException -> m a
throwRemoteSchemaHttp url =
throwRemoteSchemaWithInternal (T.pack httpExceptMsg) . httpExceptToJSON
httpExceptMsg =
"HTTP exception occurred while sending the request to " <> show url