2021-07-29 08:30:10 +00:00

153 lines
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{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Hasura.Backends.BigQuery.Instances.Execute () where
import Hasura.Prelude
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd as OMap
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as LT
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax as G
import qualified Hasura.Backends.BigQuery.Execute as DataLoader
import qualified Hasura.Backends.BigQuery.FromIr as BigQuery
import qualified Hasura.Backends.BigQuery.ToQuery as ToQuery
import qualified Hasura.Backends.BigQuery.Types as BigQuery
import qualified Hasura.Base.Error as E
import qualified Hasura.SQL.AnyBackend as AB
import qualified Hasura.Tracing as Tracing
import Hasura.Backends.BigQuery.Plan
import Hasura.Base.Error
import Hasura.EncJSON
import Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.Backend
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser
import Hasura.QueryTags
import Hasura.RQL.IR
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.Session
instance BackendExecute 'BigQuery where
type PreparedQuery 'BigQuery = Text
type MultiplexedQuery 'BigQuery = Void
type ExecutionMonad 'BigQuery = Tracing.TraceT (ExceptT QErr IO)
mkDBQueryPlan = bqDBQueryPlan
mkDBMutationPlan = bqDBMutationPlan
mkDBSubscriptionPlan _ _ _ _ _ =
throwError $ E.internalError "Cannot currently perform subscriptions on BigQuery sources."
mkDBQueryExplain = bqDBQueryExplain
mkLiveQueryExplain _ =
throwError $ E.internalError "Cannot currently retrieve query execution plans on BigQuery sources."
-- query
:: forall m.
( MonadError E.QErr m
=> UserInfo
-> SourceName
-> SourceConfig 'BigQuery
-> QueryDB 'BigQuery (Const Void) (UnpreparedValue 'BigQuery)
-> QueryTagsComment
-> m (DBStepInfo 'BigQuery)
bqDBQueryPlan userInfo sourceName sourceConfig qrf _queryTag = do
-- TODO (naveen): Append query tags to the query
select <- planNoPlan (BigQuery.bigQuerySourceConfigToFromIrConfig sourceConfig) userInfo qrf
let action = do
result <-
(DataLoader.executeSelect select)
case result of
Left err -> throw500WithDetail "dataLoader error" $ Aeson.toJSON $ show err
Right recordSet -> pure $! recordSetToEncJSON (BigQuery.selectCardinality select) recordSet
pure $ DBStepInfo @'BigQuery sourceName sourceConfig (Just (selectSQLTextForExplain select)) action
-- | Convert the dataloader's 'RecordSet' type to JSON.
recordSetToEncJSON :: BigQuery.Cardinality -> DataLoader.RecordSet -> EncJSON
recordSetToEncJSON cardinality DataLoader.RecordSet {rows} =
case cardinality of
| Just row <- rows V.!? 0 -> encJFromRecord row
| otherwise -> encJFromList (toList (fmap encJFromRecord rows))
BigQuery.Many -> encJFromList (toList (fmap encJFromRecord rows))
encJFromRecord =
encJFromInsOrdHashMap . fmap encJFromOutputValue . OMap.mapKeys coerce
encJFromOutputValue outputValue =
case outputValue of
DataLoader.NullOutputValue -> encJFromJValue Aeson.Null
DataLoader.DecimalOutputValue !i -> encJFromJValue i
DataLoader.BigDecimalOutputValue !i -> encJFromJValue i
DataLoader.FloatOutputValue !i -> encJFromJValue i
DataLoader.TextOutputValue !i -> encJFromJValue i
DataLoader.BytesOutputValue !i -> encJFromJValue i
DataLoader.DateOutputValue !i -> encJFromJValue i
DataLoader.TimestampOutputValue !i -> encJFromJValue i
DataLoader.TimeOutputValue !i -> encJFromJValue i
DataLoader.DatetimeOutputValue !i -> encJFromJValue i
DataLoader.GeographyOutputValue !i -> encJFromJValue i
DataLoader.BoolOutputValue !i -> encJFromJValue i
DataLoader.IntegerOutputValue !i -> encJFromJValue i
DataLoader.ArrayOutputValue !vector ->
encJFromList (toList (fmap encJFromOutputValue vector))
-- Really, the case below shouldn't be happening. But if it
-- does, it's not a problem either. The output will just have
-- a record in it.
DataLoader.RecordOutputValue !record -> encJFromRecord record
-- mutation
:: forall m.
( MonadError E.QErr m
=> UserInfo
-> Bool
-> SourceName
-> SourceConfig 'BigQuery
-> MutationDB 'BigQuery (Const Void) (UnpreparedValue 'BigQuery)
-> QueryTagsComment
-> m (DBStepInfo 'BigQuery)
bqDBMutationPlan _userInfo _stringifyNum _sourceName _sourceConfig _mrf _queryTags =
throw500 "mutations are not supported in BigQuery; this should be unreachable"
-- explain
:: MonadError E.QErr m
=> G.Name
-> UserInfo
-> SourceName
-> SourceConfig 'BigQuery
-> QueryDB 'BigQuery (Const Void) (UnpreparedValue 'BigQuery)
-> m (AB.AnyBackend DBStepInfo)
bqDBQueryExplain fieldName userInfo sourceName sourceConfig qrf = do
select <- planNoPlan (BigQuery.bigQuerySourceConfigToFromIrConfig sourceConfig) userInfo qrf
let textSQL = selectSQLTextForExplain select
$ AB.mkAnyBackend
$ DBStepInfo @'BigQuery sourceName sourceConfig Nothing
$ pure
$ encJFromJValue
$ ExplainPlan
(Just $ textSQL)
(Just $ T.lines $ textSQL)
-- | Get the SQL text for a select, with parameters left as $1, $2, .. holes.
selectSQLTextForExplain :: BigQuery.Select -> Text
selectSQLTextForExplain =
LT.toStrict .
LT.toLazyText . fst . ToQuery.renderBuilderPretty . ToQuery.fromSelect