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392 lines
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module Hasura.Backends.Postgres.DDL.Table
( createTableEventTrigger
, buildEventTriggerInfo
, updateColumnInEventTrigger
, fetchAndValidateEnumValues
, delTriggerQ
, mkAllTriggersQ
, getHeaderInfosFromConf
import Hasura.Prelude
import qualified Data.Environment as Env
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import qualified Data.Sequence.NonEmpty as NESeq
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax as G
import qualified Text.Shakespeare.Text as ST
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl)
import Control.Monad.Validate
import Data.FileEmbed (makeRelativeToProject)
import Data.List (delete)
import Data.Text.Extended
import qualified Hasura.SQL.AnyBackend as AB
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.Connection
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.SQL.DML
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.SQL.Types
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Headers
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Column
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Common
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Error
import Hasura.RQL.Types.EventTrigger
import Hasura.RQL.Types.SchemaCache
import Hasura.RQL.Types.SchemaCacheTypes
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Table
import Hasura.SQL.Backend (BackendType (Postgres))
import Hasura.SQL.Types
import Hasura.Server.Types
import Hasura.Server.Utils
-- | Create the table event trigger in the database in a @'/v1/query' API
-- transaction as soon as after @'runCreateEventTriggerQuery' is called and
-- in building schema cache.
:: (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m)
=> ServerConfigCtx
-> PGSourceConfig
-> QualifiedTable
-> [ColumnInfo 'Postgres]
-> TriggerName
-> TriggerOpsDef
-> m (Either QErr ())
createTableEventTrigger serverConfigCtx sourceConfig table columns triggerName opsDefinition = runPgSourceWriteTx sourceConfig $ do
-- Clean all existing triggers
liftTx $ delTriggerQ triggerName -- executes DROP IF EXISTS.. sql
-- Create the given triggers
flip runReaderT serverConfigCtx $
mkAllTriggersQ triggerName table columns opsDefinition
delTriggerQ :: TriggerName -> Q.TxE QErr ()
delTriggerQ trn =
mapM_ (\op -> Q.unitQE
(Q.fromText $ getDropFuncSql op) () False) [INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE]
getDropFuncSql :: Ops -> T.Text
getDropFuncSql op =
<> " hdb_catalog." <> pgIdenTrigger op trn <> "()"
-- pgIdenTrigger is a method used to construct the name of the pg function
-- used for event triggers which are present in the hdb_catalog schema.
pgIdenTrigger:: Ops -> TriggerName -> Text
pgIdenTrigger op trn = pgFmtIdentifier . qualifyTriggerName op $ triggerNameToTxt trn
qualifyTriggerName op' trn' = "notify_hasura_" <> trn' <> "_" <> tshow op'
:: (MonadTx m, MonadReader ServerConfigCtx m)
=> TriggerName
-> QualifiedTable
-> [ColumnInfo 'Postgres]
-> TriggerOpsDef
-> m ()
mkAllTriggersQ trn qt allCols fullspec = do
onJust (tdInsert fullspec) (mkTriggerQ trn qt allCols INSERT)
onJust (tdUpdate fullspec) (mkTriggerQ trn qt allCols UPDATE)
onJust (tdDelete fullspec) (mkTriggerQ trn qt allCols DELETE)
data OpVar = OLD | NEW deriving (Show)
toJSONableExp :: Bool -> ColumnType 'Postgres -> Bool -> SQLExp -> SQLExp
toJSONableExp strfyNum colTy asText expn
| asText || (isScalarColumnWhere isBigNum colTy && strfyNum) =
expn `SETyAnn` textTypeAnn
| isScalarColumnWhere isGeoType colTy =
[ expn
, SEUnsafe "15" -- max decimal digits
, SEUnsafe "4" -- to print out crs
] Nothing
`SETyAnn` jsonTypeAnn
| otherwise = expn
:: (MonadTx m, MonadReader ServerConfigCtx m)
=> TriggerName
-> QualifiedTable
-> [ColumnInfo 'Postgres]
-> Ops
-> SubscribeOpSpec
-> m ()
mkTriggerQ trn qt@(QualifiedObject schema table) allCols op (SubscribeOpSpec columns payload) = do
strfyNum <- stringifyNum . _sccSQLGenCtx <$> ask
liftTx $ Q.multiQE defaultTxErrorHandler $ Q.fromText . TL.toStrict $
let payloadColumns = fromMaybe SubCStar payload
mkQId opVar colInfo = toJSONableExp strfyNum (pgiType colInfo) False $
SEQIdentifier $ QIdentifier (opToQual opVar) $ toIdentifier $ pgiColumn colInfo
getRowExpression opVar = case payloadColumns of
SubCStar -> applyRowToJson' $ SEUnsafe $ tshow opVar
SubCArray cols -> applyRowToJson' $
mkRowExp $ map (toExtr . mkQId opVar) $
getColInfos cols allCols
renderRow opVar = case columns of
SubCStar -> applyRow $ SEUnsafe $ tshow opVar
SubCArray cols -> applyRow $
mkRowExp $ map (toExtr . mkQId opVar) $
getColInfos cols allCols
oldDataExp = case op of
UPDATE -> getRowExpression OLD
DELETE -> getRowExpression OLD
newDataExp = case op of
INSERT -> getRowExpression NEW
UPDATE -> getRowExpression NEW
name = triggerNameToTxt trn
qualifiedTriggerName = pgIdenTrigger op trn
qualifiedTable = toSQLTxt qt
schemaName = pgFmtLit $ getSchemaTxt schema
tableName = pgFmtLit $ getTableTxt table
operation = tshow op
oldRow = toSQLTxt $ renderRow OLD
newRow = toSQLTxt $ renderRow NEW
oldPayloadExpression = toSQLTxt oldDataExp
newPayloadExpression = toSQLTxt newDataExp
in $(makeRelativeToProject "src-rsr/trigger.sql.shakespeare" >>= ST.stextFile )
applyRowToJson' e = SEFnApp "row_to_json" [e] Nothing
applyRow e = SEFnApp "row" [e] Nothing
toExtr = flip Extractor Nothing
opToQual = QualVar . tshow
:: QErrM m
=> Env.Environment
-> SourceName
-> QualifiedTable
-> EventTriggerConf
-> m (EventTriggerInfo, [SchemaDependency])
buildEventTriggerInfo env source qt (EventTriggerConf name def webhook webhookFromEnv rconf mheaders) = do
webhookConf <- case (webhook, webhookFromEnv) of
(Just w, Nothing) -> return $ WCValue w
(Nothing, Just wEnv) -> return $ WCEnv wEnv
_ -> throw500 "expected webhook or webhook_from_env"
let headerConfs = fromMaybe [] mheaders
webhookInfo <- getWebhookInfoFromConf env webhookConf
headerInfos <- getHeaderInfosFromConf env headerConfs
let eTrigInfo = EventTriggerInfo name def rconf webhookInfo headerInfos
tabDep = SchemaDependency
(SOSourceObj source
$ AB.mkAnyBackend
$ SOITable qt)
pure (eTrigInfo, tabDep:getTrigDefDeps source qt def)
getTrigDefDeps :: SourceName -> QualifiedTable -> TriggerOpsDef -> [SchemaDependency]
getTrigDefDeps source qt (TriggerOpsDef mIns mUpd mDel _) =
mconcat $ catMaybes [ subsOpSpecDeps <$> mIns
, subsOpSpecDeps <$> mUpd
, subsOpSpecDeps <$> mDel
subsOpSpecDeps :: SubscribeOpSpec -> [SchemaDependency]
subsOpSpecDeps os =
let cols = getColsFromSub $ sosColumns os
colDeps = flip map cols $ \col ->
(SOSourceObj source
$ AB.mkAnyBackend
$ SOITableObj qt (TOCol col))
payload = maybe [] getColsFromSub (sosPayload os)
payloadDeps = flip map payload $ \col ->
(SOSourceObj source
$ AB.mkAnyBackend
$ SOITableObj qt (TOCol col))
in colDeps <> payloadDeps
getColsFromSub sc = case sc of
SubCStar -> []
SubCArray pgcols -> pgcols
:: QErrM m
=> Env.Environment
-> [HeaderConf]
-> m [EventHeaderInfo]
getHeaderInfosFromConf env = mapM getHeader
getHeader :: QErrM m => HeaderConf -> m EventHeaderInfo
getHeader hconf = case hconf of
(HeaderConf _ (HVValue val)) -> return $ EventHeaderInfo hconf val
(HeaderConf _ (HVEnv val)) -> do
envVal <- getEnv env val
return $ EventHeaderInfo hconf envVal
:: QErrM m
=> Env.Environment
-> WebhookConf
-> m WebhookConfInfo
getWebhookInfoFromConf env wc = case wc of
WCValue w -> do
resolvedWebhook <- resolveWebhook env w
return $ WebhookConfInfo wc $ unResolvedWebhook resolvedWebhook
WCEnv we -> do
envVal <- getEnv env we
return $ WebhookConfInfo wc envVal
:: QualifiedTable
-> PGCol
-> PGCol
-> QualifiedTable
-> EventTriggerConf -> EventTriggerConf
updateColumnInEventTrigger table oCol nCol refTable = rewriteEventTriggerConf
rewriteSubsCols = \case
SubCStar -> SubCStar
SubCArray cols -> SubCArray $ map getNewCol cols
rewriteOpSpec (SubscribeOpSpec cols payload) =
(rewriteSubsCols cols)
(rewriteSubsCols <$> payload)
rewriteTrigOpsDef (TriggerOpsDef ins upd del man) =
(rewriteOpSpec <$> ins)
(rewriteOpSpec <$> upd)
(rewriteOpSpec <$> del)
rewriteEventTriggerConf etc =
etc { etcDefinition =
rewriteTrigOpsDef $ etcDefinition etc
getNewCol col =
if table == refTable && oCol == col then nCol else col
data EnumTableIntegrityError
= EnumTablePostgresError !Text
| EnumTableMissingPrimaryKey
| EnumTableMultiColumnPrimaryKey ![PGCol]
| EnumTableNonTextualPrimaryKey !(RawColumnInfo 'Postgres)
| EnumTableNoEnumValues
| EnumTableInvalidEnumValueNames !(NE.NonEmpty Text)
| EnumTableNonTextualCommentColumn !(RawColumnInfo 'Postgres)
| EnumTableTooManyColumns ![PGCol]
:: (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m)
=> PGSourceConfig
-> QualifiedTable
-> Maybe (PrimaryKey 'Postgres (RawColumnInfo 'Postgres))
-> [RawColumnInfo 'Postgres]
-> m (Either QErr EnumValues)
fetchAndValidateEnumValues pgSourceConfig tableName maybePrimaryKey columnInfos = runExceptT $
either (throw400 ConstraintViolation . showErrors) pure =<< runValidateT fetchAndValidate
:: (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadValidate [EnumTableIntegrityError] m)
=> m EnumValues
fetchAndValidate = do
maybePrimaryKeyColumn <- tolerate validatePrimaryKey
maybeCommentColumn <- validateColumns maybePrimaryKeyColumn
case maybePrimaryKeyColumn of
Nothing -> refute mempty
Just primaryKeyColumn -> do
result <- runPgSourceReadTx pgSourceConfig $ runValidateT $
fetchEnumValuesFromDb tableName primaryKeyColumn maybeCommentColumn
case result of
Left e -> (refute . pure . EnumTablePostgresError . qeError) e
Right (Left vErrs) -> refute vErrs
Right (Right r) -> pure r
validatePrimaryKey = case maybePrimaryKey of
Nothing -> refute [EnumTableMissingPrimaryKey]
Just primaryKey -> case _pkColumns primaryKey of
column NESeq.:<|| Seq.Empty -> case prciType column of
PGText -> pure column
_ -> refute [EnumTableNonTextualPrimaryKey column]
columns -> refute [EnumTableMultiColumnPrimaryKey $ map prciName (toList columns)]
validateColumns primaryKeyColumn = do
let nonPrimaryKeyColumns = maybe columnInfos (`delete` columnInfos) primaryKeyColumn
case nonPrimaryKeyColumns of
[] -> pure Nothing
[column] -> case prciType column of
PGText -> pure $ Just column
_ -> dispute [EnumTableNonTextualCommentColumn column] $> Nothing
columns -> dispute [EnumTableTooManyColumns $ map prciName columns] $> Nothing
showErrors :: [EnumTableIntegrityError] -> Text
showErrors allErrors =
"the table " <> tableName <<> " cannot be used as an enum " <> reasonsMessage
reasonsMessage = makeReasonMessage allErrors showOne
showOne :: EnumTableIntegrityError -> Text
showOne = \case
EnumTablePostgresError err -> "postgres error: " <> err
EnumTableMissingPrimaryKey -> "the table must have a primary key"
EnumTableMultiColumnPrimaryKey cols ->
"the table’s primary key must not span multiple columns ("
<> commaSeparated (sort cols) <> ")"
EnumTableNonTextualPrimaryKey colInfo -> typeMismatch "primary key" colInfo PGText
EnumTableNoEnumValues -> "the table must have at least one row"
EnumTableInvalidEnumValueNames values ->
let pluralString = " are not valid GraphQL enum value names"
valuesString = case NE.reverse (NE.sort values) of
value NE.:| [] -> "value " <> value <<> " is not a valid GraphQL enum value name"
value2 NE.:| [value1] -> "values " <> value1 <<> " and " <> value2 <<> pluralString
lastValue NE.:| otherValues ->
"values " <> commaSeparated (reverse otherValues) <> ", and "
<> lastValue <<> pluralString
in "the " <> valuesString
EnumTableNonTextualCommentColumn colInfo -> typeMismatch "comment column" colInfo PGText
EnumTableTooManyColumns cols ->
"the table must have exactly one primary key and optionally one comment column, not "
<> tshow (length cols) <> " columns ("
<> commaSeparated (sort cols) <> ")"
typeMismatch description colInfo expected =
"the table’s " <> description <> " (" <> prciName colInfo <<> ") must have type "
<> expected <<> ", not type " <>> prciType colInfo
:: (MonadTx m, MonadValidate [EnumTableIntegrityError] m)
=> QualifiedTable
-> RawColumnInfo 'Postgres
-> Maybe (RawColumnInfo 'Postgres)
-> m EnumValues
fetchEnumValuesFromDb tableName primaryKeyColumn maybeCommentColumn = do
let nullExtr = Extractor SENull Nothing
commentExtr = maybe nullExtr (mkExtr . prciName) maybeCommentColumn
query = Q.fromBuilder $ toSQL mkSelect
{ selFrom = Just $ mkSimpleFromExp tableName
, selExtr = [mkExtr (prciName primaryKeyColumn), commentExtr] }
rawEnumValues <- liftTx $ Q.withQE defaultTxErrorHandler query () True
when (null rawEnumValues) $ dispute [EnumTableNoEnumValues]
let enumValues = flip map rawEnumValues $
\(enumValueText, comment) ->
case mkValidEnumValueName enumValueText of
Nothing -> Left enumValueText
Just enumValue -> Right (EnumValue enumValue, EnumValueInfo comment)
badNames = lefts enumValues
validEnums = rights enumValues
case NE.nonEmpty badNames of
Just someBadNames -> refute [EnumTableInvalidEnumValueNames someBadNames]
Nothing -> pure $ Map.fromList validEnums
-- https://graphql.github.io/graphql-spec/June2018/#EnumValue
mkValidEnumValueName name =
if name `elem` ["true", "false", "null"] then Nothing
else G.mkName name