mirror of
synced 2024-12-17 12:31:52 +03:00
* server: allocation limits * Move most of the allocation limits work into Pro Co-authored-by: Brandon Simmons <brandon@hasura.io> * code review changes * fix build Co-authored-by: Brandon Simmons <brandon@hasura.io> GitOrigin-RevId: 035f15def48f4a0376cb2701eff9982c43a78e2d
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757 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Hasura.App where
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar (TVar, readTVarIO)
import Control.Exception (bracket_, throwIO)
import Control.Monad.Base
import Control.Monad.Catch (Exception, MonadCatch, MonadMask,
MonadThrow, onException)
import Control.Monad.Morph (hoist)
import Control.Monad.Stateless
import Control.Monad.STM (atomically)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl (..))
import Control.Monad.Unique
import Data.Aeson ((.=))
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime)
import GHC.AssertNF
import GHC.Stats
import Options.Applicative
import System.Environment (getEnvironment)
import System.Mem (performMajorGC)
import qualified Control.Concurrent.Async.Lifted.Safe as LA
import qualified Control.Concurrent.Extended as C
import qualified Control.Immortal as Immortal
import qualified Data.Aeson as A
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BLC
import qualified Data.Environment as Env
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Time.Clock as Clock
import qualified Data.Yaml as Y
import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as HTTP
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client.TLS as HTTP
import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp as Warp
import qualified System.Log.FastLogger as FL
import qualified Text.Mustache.Compile as M
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.Connection
import Hasura.EncJSON
import Hasura.Eventing.Common
import Hasura.Eventing.EventTrigger
import Hasura.Eventing.ScheduledTrigger
import Hasura.GraphQL.Execute (MonadGQLExecutionCheck (..),
import Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.Action (asyncActionsProcessor)
import Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.Query (MonadQueryInstrumentation (..),
import Hasura.GraphQL.Logging (MonadQueryLog (..), QueryLog (..))
import Hasura.GraphQL.Transport.HTTP (MonadExecuteQuery (..))
import Hasura.GraphQL.Transport.HTTP.Protocol (toParsed)
import Hasura.Logging
import Hasura.Metadata.Class
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Cache
import Hasura.RQL.Types
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Run
import Hasura.Server.API.Query (requiresAdmin, runQueryM)
import Hasura.Server.App
import Hasura.Server.Auth
import Hasura.Server.CheckUpdates (checkForUpdates)
import Hasura.Server.Init
import Hasura.Server.Logging
import Hasura.Server.Migrate (migrateCatalog)
import Hasura.Server.SchemaUpdate
import Hasura.Server.Telemetry
import Hasura.Server.Types
import Hasura.Server.Version
import Hasura.Session
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.LiveQuery.Poll as EL
import qualified Hasura.GraphQL.Transport.WebSocket.Server as WS
import qualified Hasura.Tracing as Tracing
import qualified System.Metrics as EKG
import qualified System.Metrics.Gauge as EKG.Gauge
data ExitCode
= InvalidEnvironmentVariableOptionsError
| InvalidDatabaseConnectionParamsError
| MetadataCatalogFetchingError
| AuthConfigurationError
| EventSubSystemError
| EventEnvironmentVariableError
| MetadataExportError
| MetadataCleanError
| DatabaseMigrationError
| ExecuteProcessError
| DowngradeProcessError
| UnexpectedHasuraError
| ExitFailureError Int
deriving Show
data ExitException
= ExitException
{ eeCode :: !ExitCode
, eeMessage :: !BC.ByteString
} deriving (Show)
instance Exception ExitException
printErrExit :: (MonadIO m) => forall a . ExitCode -> String -> m a
printErrExit reason = liftIO . throwIO . ExitException reason . BC.pack
printErrJExit :: (A.ToJSON a, MonadIO m) => forall b . ExitCode -> a -> m b
printErrJExit reason = liftIO . throwIO . ExitException reason . BLC.toStrict . A.encode
parseHGECommand :: EnabledLogTypes impl => Parser (RawHGECommand impl)
parseHGECommand =
( command "serve" (info (helper <*> (HCServe <$> serveOptionsParser))
( progDesc "Start the GraphQL Engine Server"
<> footerDoc (Just serveCmdFooter)
<> command "export" (info (pure HCExport)
( progDesc "Export graphql-engine's metadata to stdout" ))
<> command "clean" (info (pure HCClean)
( progDesc "Clean graphql-engine's metadata to start afresh" ))
<> command "execute" (info (pure HCExecute)
( progDesc "Execute a query" ))
<> command "downgrade" (info (HCDowngrade <$> downgradeOptionsParser)
(progDesc "Downgrade the GraphQL Engine schema to the specified version"))
<> command "version" (info (pure HCVersion)
(progDesc "Prints the version of GraphQL Engine"))
parseArgs :: EnabledLogTypes impl => IO (HGEOptions impl)
parseArgs = do
rawHGEOpts <- execParser opts
env <- getEnvironment
let eitherOpts = runWithEnv env $ mkHGEOptions rawHGEOpts
onLeft eitherOpts $ printErrExit InvalidEnvironmentVariableOptionsError
opts = info (helper <*> hgeOpts)
( fullDesc <>
header "Hasura GraphQL Engine: Realtime GraphQL API over Postgres with access control" <>
footerDoc (Just mainCmdFooter)
hgeOpts = HGEOptionsG <$> parseRawConnInfo <*> parseHGECommand
printJSON :: (A.ToJSON a, MonadIO m) => a -> m ()
printJSON = liftIO . BLC.putStrLn . A.encode
printYaml :: (A.ToJSON a, MonadIO m) => a -> m ()
printYaml = liftIO . BC.putStrLn . Y.encode
mkPGLogger :: Logger Hasura -> Q.PGLogger
mkPGLogger (Logger logger) (Q.PLERetryMsg msg) =
logger $ PGLog LevelWarn msg
-- | Context required for all graphql-engine CLI commands
data GlobalCtx
= GlobalCtx
{ _gcHttpManager :: !HTTP.Manager
, _gcConnInfo :: !Q.ConnInfo
:: (MonadIO m) => RawConnInfo -> m GlobalCtx
initGlobalCtx rawConnInfo = do
_gcHttpManager <- liftIO $ HTTP.newManager HTTP.tlsManagerSettings
_gcConnInfo <- liftIO $ onLeft (mkConnInfo rawConnInfo) $
printErrExit InvalidDatabaseConnectionParamsError . ("Fatal Error : " <>)
pure GlobalCtx{..}
-- | Context required for the 'serve' CLI command.
data ServeCtx
= ServeCtx
{ _scHttpManager :: !HTTP.Manager
, _scInstanceId :: !InstanceId
, _scLoggers :: !Loggers
, _scConnInfo :: !Q.ConnInfo
, _scPgPool :: !Q.PGPool
, _scShutdownLatch :: !ShutdownLatch
, _scSchemaCache :: !(RebuildableSchemaCache Run)
, _scSchemaSyncCtx :: !SchemaSyncCtx
-- | Collection of the LoggerCtx, the regular Logger and the PGLogger
-- TODO (from master): better naming?
data Loggers
= Loggers
{ _lsLoggerCtx :: !(LoggerCtx Hasura)
, _lsLogger :: !(Logger Hasura)
, _lsPgLogger :: !Q.PGLogger
-- | An application with Postgres database as a metadata storage
newtype PGMetadataStorageApp a
= PGMetadataStorageApp {runPGMetadataStorageApp :: Q.PGPool -> IO a}
deriving ( Functor, Applicative, Monad
, MonadIO, MonadBase IO, MonadBaseControl IO
, MonadCatch, MonadThrow, MonadMask
, MonadUnique, MonadReader Q.PGPool
) via (ReaderT Q.PGPool IO)
-- | Initializes or migrates the catalog and returns the context required to start the server.
:: (HasVersion, MonadIO m, MonadCatch m)
=> Env.Environment
-> GlobalCtx
-> ServeOptions Hasura
-> m ServeCtx
initialiseServeCtx env GlobalCtx{..} so@ServeOptions{..} = do
instanceId <- liftIO generateInstanceId
latch <- liftIO newShutdownLatch
loggers@(Loggers loggerCtx logger pgLogger) <- mkLoggers soEnabledLogTypes soLogLevel
-- log serve options
unLogger logger $ serveOptsToLog so
-- log postgres connection info
unLogger logger $ connInfoToLog _gcConnInfo
pool <- liftIO $ Q.initPGPool _gcConnInfo soConnParams pgLogger
let sqlGenCtx = SQLGenCtx soStringifyNum
-- Start a background thread for listening schema sync events from other server instances,
-- just before building @'RebuildableSchemaCache' (happens in @'migrateCatalogSchema' function).
-- See Note [Schema Cache Sync]
(schemaSyncListenerThread, schemaSyncEventRef) <- startSchemaSyncListenerThread pool logger instanceId
(rebuildableSchemaCache, cacheInitStartTime) <-
flip onException (flushLogger loggerCtx) $ migrateCatalogSchema env logger pool _gcHttpManager sqlGenCtx
let schemaSyncCtx = SchemaSyncCtx schemaSyncListenerThread schemaSyncEventRef cacheInitStartTime
initCtx = ServeCtx _gcHttpManager instanceId loggers _gcConnInfo pool latch
rebuildableSchemaCache schemaSyncCtx
pure initCtx
:: (MonadIO m)
=> HashSet (EngineLogType Hasura) -> LogLevel -> m Loggers
mkLoggers enabledLogs logLevel = do
loggerCtx <- liftIO $ mkLoggerCtx (defaultLoggerSettings True logLevel) enabledLogs
let logger = mkLogger loggerCtx
pgLogger = mkPGLogger logger
return $ Loggers loggerCtx logger pgLogger
-- | helper function to initialize or migrate the @hdb_catalog@ schema (used by pro as well)
:: (HasVersion, MonadIO m)
=> Env.Environment -> Logger Hasura -> Q.PGPool -> HTTP.Manager -> SQLGenCtx
-> m (RebuildableSchemaCache Run, UTCTime)
migrateCatalogSchema env logger pool httpManager sqlGenCtx = do
let pgExecCtx = mkPGExecCtx Q.Serializable pool
adminRunCtx = RunCtx adminUserInfo httpManager sqlGenCtx
currentTime <- liftIO Clock.getCurrentTime
initialiseResult <- runExceptT $
peelRun adminRunCtx pgExecCtx Q.ReadWrite Nothing $
migrateCatalog env currentTime
(migrationResult, schemaCache) <-
initialiseResult `onLeft` \err -> do
unLogger logger StartupLog
{ slLogLevel = LevelError
, slKind = "catalog_migrate"
, slInfo = A.toJSON err
liftIO (printErrExit DatabaseMigrationError (BLC.unpack $ A.encode err))
unLogger logger migrationResult
pure (schemaCache, currentTime)
-- | Run a transaction and if an error is encountered, log the error and abort the program
runTxIO :: Q.PGPool -> Q.TxMode -> Q.TxE QErr a -> IO a
runTxIO pool isoLevel tx = do
eVal <- liftIO $ runExceptT $ Q.runTx pool isoLevel tx
onLeft eVal (printErrJExit DatabaseMigrationError)
-- | A latch for the graceful shutdown of a server process.
newtype ShutdownLatch = ShutdownLatch { unShutdownLatch :: C.MVar () }
newShutdownLatch :: IO ShutdownLatch
newShutdownLatch = fmap ShutdownLatch C.newEmptyMVar
-- | Block the current thread, waiting on the latch.
waitForShutdown :: ShutdownLatch -> IO ()
waitForShutdown = C.takeMVar . unShutdownLatch
-- | Initiate a graceful shutdown of the server associated with the provided
-- latch.
shutdownGracefully :: ShutdownLatch -> IO ()
shutdownGracefully = flip C.putMVar () . unShutdownLatch
-- | If an exception is encountered , flush the log buffer and
-- rethrow If we do not flush the log buffer on exception, then log lines
-- may be missed
-- See: https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine/issues/4772
flushLogger :: MonadIO m => LoggerCtx impl -> m ()
flushLogger = liftIO . FL.flushLogStr . _lcLoggerSet
data ServerMetrics
= ServerMetrics
{ smWarpThreads :: !EKG.Gauge.Gauge
createServerMetrics :: EKG.Store -> IO ServerMetrics
createServerMetrics store = do
smWarpThreads <- EKG.createGauge "warp_threads" store
pure ServerMetrics { .. }
{- HLINT ignore runHGEServer "Avoid lambda" -}
:: ( HasVersion
, MonadIO m
, MonadMask m
, MonadStateless IO m
, LA.Forall (LA.Pure m)
, UserAuthentication (Tracing.TraceT m)
, HttpLog m
, ConsoleRenderer m
, MetadataApiAuthorization m
, MonadGQLExecutionCheck m
, MonadConfigApiHandler m
, MonadQueryLog m
, WS.MonadWSLog m
, MonadExecuteQuery m
, Tracing.HasReporter m
, MonadQueryInstrumentation m
, HasResourceLimits m
, MonadMetadataStorage (MetadataStorageT m)
=> Env.Environment
-> ServeOptions impl
-> ServeCtx
-> Maybe PGExecCtx
-- ^ An optional specialized pg exection context for executing queries
-- and mutations
-> UTCTime
-- ^ start time
-> IO ()
-- ^ shutdown function
-> Maybe EL.LiveQueryPostPollHook
-> ServerMetrics
-> EKG.Store
-> m ()
runHGEServer env ServeOptions{..} ServeCtx{..} pgExecCtx initTime shutdownApp postPollHook serverMetrics ekgStore = do
-- Comment this to enable expensive assertions from "GHC.AssertNF". These
-- will log lines to STDOUT containing "not in normal form". In the future we
-- could try to integrate this into our tests. For now this is a development
-- tool.
-- NOTE: be sure to compile WITHOUT code coverage, for this to work properly.
liftIO disableAssertNF
let sqlGenCtx = SQLGenCtx soStringifyNum
Loggers loggerCtx logger _ = _scLoggers
SchemaSyncCtx{..} = _scSchemaSyncCtx
authModeRes <- runExceptT $ setupAuthMode soAdminSecret soAuthHook soJwtSecret soUnAuthRole
_scHttpManager logger
authMode <- onLeft authModeRes (printErrExit AuthConfigurationError . T.unpack)
_idleGCThread <- C.forkImmortal "ourIdleGC" logger $ liftIO $
ourIdleGC logger (seconds 0.3) (seconds 10) (seconds 60)
HasuraApp app cacheRef stopWsServer <- flip onException (flushLogger loggerCtx) $
mkWaiApp env
-- log inconsistent schema objects
inconsObjs <- scInconsistentObjs <$> liftIO (getSCFromRef cacheRef)
liftIO $ logInconsObjs logger inconsObjs
-- Start a background thread for processing schema sync event present in the '_sscSyncEventRef'
schemaSyncProcessorThread <- startSchemaSyncProcessorThread sqlGenCtx _scPgPool
logger _scHttpManager _sscSyncEventRef
cacheRef _scInstanceId _sscCacheInitStartTime
maxEvThrds = fromMaybe defaultMaxEventThreads soEventsHttpPoolSize
fetchI = milliseconds $ fromMaybe (Milliseconds defaultFetchInterval) soEventsFetchInterval
logEnvHeaders = soLogHeadersFromEnv
lockedEventsCtx <- liftIO $ atomically initLockedEventsCtx
-- prepare event triggers data
eventEngineCtx <- liftIO $ atomically $ initEventEngineCtx maxEvThrds fetchI
unLogger logger $ mkGenericStrLog LevelInfo "event_triggers" "starting workers"
eventQueueThread <- C.forkImmortal "processEventQueue" logger $
processEventQueue logger logEnvHeaders
_scHttpManager _scPgPool (getSCFromRef cacheRef) eventEngineCtx lockedEventsCtx
-- start a backgroud thread to handle async actions
asyncActionsThread <- C.forkImmortal "asyncActionsProcessor" logger $
asyncActionsProcessor env logger (_scrCache cacheRef) _scPgPool _scHttpManager
-- start a background thread to create new cron events
cronEventsThread <- C.forkImmortal "runCronEventsGenerator" logger $
runCronEventsGenerator logger (getSCFromRef cacheRef)
-- prepare scheduled triggers
prepareScheduledEvents logger
-- start a background thread to deliver the scheduled events
scheduledEventsThread <- C.forkImmortal "processScheduledTriggers" logger $
processScheduledTriggers env logger logEnvHeaders _scHttpManager (getSCFromRef cacheRef) lockedEventsCtx
-- start a background thread to check for updates
updateThread <- C.forkImmortal "checkForUpdates" logger $ liftIO $
checkForUpdates loggerCtx _scHttpManager
-- start a background thread for telemetry
telemetryThread <- if soEnableTelemetry
then do
unLogger logger $ mkGenericStrLog LevelInfo "telemetry" telemetryNotice
(dbId, pgVersion) <- liftIO $ runTxIO _scPgPool (Q.ReadCommitted, Nothing) $
(,) <$> getDbId <*> getPgVersion
telemetryThread <- C.forkImmortal "runTelemetry" logger $ liftIO $
runTelemetry logger _scHttpManager (getSCFromRef cacheRef) dbId _scInstanceId pgVersion
return $ Just telemetryThread
else return Nothing
-- all the immortal threads are collected so that they can be stopped when gracefully shutting down
let immortalThreads = [ _sscListenerThreadId
, schemaSyncProcessorThread
, updateThread
, asyncActionsThread
, eventQueueThread
, scheduledEventsThread
, cronEventsThread
] <> onNothing telemetryThread []
finishTime <- liftIO Clock.getCurrentTime
let apiInitTime = realToFrac $ Clock.diffUTCTime finishTime initTime
unLogger logger $
mkGenericLog LevelInfo "server" $ StartupTimeInfo "starting API server" apiInitTime
shutdownHandler' <- liftWithStateless $ \lowerIO ->
pure $ shutdownHandler _scLoggers immortalThreads stopWsServer lockedEventsCtx _scPgPool $
\a b -> hoist lowerIO $ unlockScheduledEvents a b
-- Install a variant of forkIOWithUnmask which tracks Warp threads using an EKG metric
let setForkIOWithMetrics :: Warp.Settings -> Warp.Settings
setForkIOWithMetrics = Warp.setFork \f -> do
void $ C.forkIOWithUnmask (\unmask ->
(EKG.Gauge.inc $ smWarpThreads serverMetrics)
(EKG.Gauge.dec $ smWarpThreads serverMetrics)
(f unmask))
let warpSettings = Warp.setPort soPort
. Warp.setHost soHost
. Warp.setGracefulShutdownTimeout (Just 30) -- 30s graceful shutdown
. Warp.setInstallShutdownHandler shutdownHandler'
. setForkIOWithMetrics
$ Warp.defaultSettings
liftIO $ Warp.runSettings warpSettings app
-- | prepareScheduledEvents is a function to unlock all the scheduled trigger
-- events that are locked and unprocessed, which is called while hasura is
-- started.
-- Locked and unprocessed events can occur in 2 ways
-- 1.
-- Hasura's shutdown was not graceful in which all the fetched
-- events will remain locked and unprocessed(TODO: clean shutdown)
-- state.
-- 2.
-- There is another hasura instance which is processing events and
-- it will lock events to process them.
-- So, unlocking all the locked events might re-deliver an event(due to #2).
prepareScheduledEvents (Logger logger) = do
liftIO $ logger $ mkGenericStrLog LevelInfo "scheduled_triggers" "preparing data"
res <- runMetadataStorageT unlockAllLockedScheduledEvents
onLeft res $ printErrJExit EventSubSystemError
-- | shutdownEvents will be triggered when a graceful shutdown has been inititiated, it will
-- get the locked events from the event engine context and the scheduled event engine context
-- then it will unlock all those events.
-- It may happen that an event may be processed more than one time, an event that has been already
-- processed but not been marked as delivered in the db will be unlocked by `shutdownEvents`
-- and will be processed when the events are proccessed next time.
:: Q.PGPool
-> (ScheduledEventType -> [ScheduledEventId] -> MetadataStorageT IO Int)
-> Logger Hasura
-> LockedEventsCtx
-> IO ()
shutdownEvents pool unlockScheduledEvents' hasuraLogger@(Logger logger) LockedEventsCtx {..} = do
liftIO $ logger $ mkGenericStrLog LevelInfo "event_triggers" "unlocking events that are locked by the HGE"
let unlockEvents' =
liftEitherM . liftIO . runTx pool (Q.ReadCommitted, Nothing) . unlockEvents
unlockEventsForShutdown hasuraLogger "event_triggers" "" unlockEvents' leEvents
liftIO $ logger $ mkGenericStrLog LevelInfo "scheduled_triggers" "unlocking scheduled events that are locked by the HGE"
unlockEventsForShutdown hasuraLogger "scheduled_triggers" "cron events" (unlockScheduledEvents' Cron) leCronEvents
unlockEventsForShutdown hasuraLogger "scheduled_triggers" "scheduled events" (unlockScheduledEvents' OneOff) leOneOffEvents
:: Logger Hasura
-> Text -- ^ trigger type
-> Text -- ^ event type
-> ([eventId] -> MetadataStorageT IO Int)
-> TVar (Set.Set eventId)
-> IO ()
unlockEventsForShutdown (Logger logger) triggerType eventType doUnlock lockedIdsVar = do
lockedIds <- readTVarIO lockedIdsVar
unless (Set.null lockedIds) $ do
result <- runMetadataStorageT $ doUnlock $ toList lockedIds
case result of
Left err -> logger $ mkGenericStrLog LevelWarn triggerType $
"Error while unlocking " ++ T.unpack eventType ++ " events: " ++ show err
Right count -> logger $ mkGenericStrLog LevelInfo triggerType $
show count ++ " " ++ T.unpack eventType ++ " events successfully unlocked"
runTx :: Q.PGPool -> Q.TxMode -> Q.TxE QErr a -> IO (Either QErr a)
runTx pool txLevel tx =
liftIO $ runExceptT $ Q.runTx pool txLevel tx
-- | Waits for the shutdown latch 'MVar' to be filled, and then
-- shuts down the server and associated resources.
-- Structuring things this way lets us decide elsewhere exactly how
-- we want to control shutdown.
:: Loggers
-> [Immortal.Thread]
-> IO ()
-- ^ the stop websocket server function
-> LockedEventsCtx
-> Q.PGPool
-> (ScheduledEventType -> [ScheduledEventId] -> MetadataStorageT IO Int)
-> IO ()
-- ^ the closeSocket callback
-> IO ()
shutdownHandler (Loggers loggerCtx (Logger logger) _) immortalThreads stopWsServer leCtx pool unlockScheduledEvents' closeSocket =
LA.link =<< LA.async do
waitForShutdown _scShutdownLatch
logger $ mkGenericStrLog LevelInfo "server" "gracefully shutting down server"
shutdownEvents pool unlockScheduledEvents' (Logger logger) leCtx
-- kill all the background immortal threads
logger $ mkGenericStrLog LevelInfo "server" "killing all background immortal threads"
forM_ immortalThreads $ \thread -> do
logger $ mkGenericStrLog LevelInfo "server" $ "killing thread: " <> show (Immortal.threadId thread)
Immortal.stop thread
cleanLoggerCtx loggerCtx
-- | The RTS's idle GC doesn't work for us:
-- - when `-I` is too low it may fire continuously causing scary high CPU
-- when idle among other issues (see #2565)
-- - when we set it higher it won't run at all leading to memory being
-- retained when idle (especially noticeable when users are benchmarking and
-- see memory stay high after finishing). In the theoretical worst case
-- there is such low haskell heap pressure that we never run finalizers to
-- free the foreign data from e.g. libpq.
-- - as of GHC 8.10.2 we have access to `-Iw`, but those two knobs still
-- don’t give us a guarantee that a major GC will always run at some
-- minumum frequency (e.g. for finalizers)
-- ...so we hack together our own using GHC.Stats, which should have
-- insignificant runtime overhead.
:: Logger Hasura
-> DiffTime -- ^ Run a major GC when we've been "idle" for idleInterval
-> DiffTime -- ^ ...as long as it has been > minGCInterval time since the last major GC
-> DiffTime -- ^ Additionally, if it has been > maxNoGCInterval time, force a GC regardless.
-> IO void
ourIdleGC (Logger logger) idleInterval minGCInterval maxNoGCInterval =
startTimer >>= go 0 0
go gcs_prev major_gcs_prev timerSinceLastMajorGC = do
timeSinceLastGC <- timerSinceLastMajorGC
when (timeSinceLastGC < minGCInterval) $ do
-- no need to check idle until we've passed the minGCInterval:
C.sleep (minGCInterval - timeSinceLastGC)
RTSStats{gcs, major_gcs} <- getRTSStats
-- We use minor GCs as a proxy for "activity", which seems to work
-- well-enough (in tests it stays stable for a few seconds when we're
-- logically "idle" and otherwise increments quickly)
let areIdle = gcs == gcs_prev
areOverdue = timeSinceLastGC > maxNoGCInterval
-- a major GC was run since last iteration (cool!), reset timer:
if | major_gcs > major_gcs_prev -> do
startTimer >>= go gcs major_gcs
-- we are idle and its a good time to do a GC, or we're overdue and must run a GC:
| areIdle || areOverdue -> do
when (areOverdue && not areIdle) $
logger $ UnstructuredLog LevelWarn $
"Overdue for a major GC: forcing one even though we don't appear to be idle"
startTimer >>= go (gcs+1) (major_gcs+1)
-- else keep the timer running, waiting for us to go idle:
| otherwise -> do
C.sleep idleInterval
go gcs major_gcs timerSinceLastMajorGC
:: (MonadIO m)
=> Q.PGPool
-> SQLGenCtx
-> HTTP.Manager
-> Run a
-> m (Either QErr a)
runAsAdmin pool sqlGenCtx httpManager m = do
let runCtx = RunCtx adminUserInfo httpManager sqlGenCtx
pgCtx = mkPGExecCtx Q.Serializable pool
runExceptT $ peelRun runCtx pgCtx Q.ReadWrite Nothing m
:: ( HasVersion
, CacheRWM m
, MonadTx m
, MonadIO m
, MonadUnique m
, HasHttpManager m
, HasSQLGenCtx m
, UserInfoM m
, HasSystemDefined m
, Tracing.MonadTrace m
=> Env.Environment
-> BLC.ByteString
-> m BLC.ByteString
execQuery env queryBs = do
query <- case A.decode queryBs of
Just jVal -> decodeValue jVal
Nothing -> throw400 InvalidJSON "invalid json"
encJToLBS <$> runQueryM env query
instance Tracing.HasReporter PGMetadataStorageApp
instance MonadQueryInstrumentation PGMetadataStorageApp where
askInstrumentQuery _ = pure (id, noProfile)
instance HasResourceLimits PGMetadataStorageApp where
askResourceLimits = pure (ResourceLimits id)
instance HttpLog PGMetadataStorageApp where
logHttpError logger userInfoM reqId waiReq req qErr headers =
unLogger logger $ mkHttpLog $
mkHttpErrorLogContext userInfoM reqId waiReq req qErr Nothing Nothing headers
logHttpSuccess logger userInfoM reqId waiReq _reqBody _response compressedResponse qTime cType headers =
unLogger logger $ mkHttpLog $
mkHttpAccessLogContext userInfoM reqId waiReq compressedResponse qTime cType headers
instance MonadExecuteQuery PGMetadataStorageApp where
cacheLookup _ _ _ = pure ([], Nothing)
cacheStore _ _ = pure ()
instance UserAuthentication (Tracing.TraceT PGMetadataStorageApp) where
resolveUserInfo logger manager headers authMode =
runExceptT $ getUserInfoWithExpTime logger manager headers authMode
instance MetadataApiAuthorization PGMetadataStorageApp where
authorizeMetadataApi query userInfo = do
let currRole = _uiRole userInfo
when (requiresAdmin query && currRole /= adminRoleName) $
withPathK "args" $ throw400 AccessDenied errMsg
errMsg = "restricted access : admin only"
instance ConsoleRenderer PGMetadataStorageApp where
renderConsole path authMode enableTelemetry consoleAssetsDir =
return $ mkConsoleHTML path authMode enableTelemetry consoleAssetsDir
instance MonadGQLExecutionCheck PGMetadataStorageApp where
checkGQLExecution userInfo _ enableAL sc query = runExceptT $ do
req <- toParsed query
checkQueryInAllowlist enableAL userInfo req sc
return req
instance MonadConfigApiHandler PGMetadataStorageApp where
runConfigApiHandler = configApiGetHandler
instance MonadQueryLog PGMetadataStorageApp where
logQueryLog logger query genSqlM reqId =
unLogger logger $ QueryLog query genSqlM reqId
instance WS.MonadWSLog PGMetadataStorageApp where
logWSLog = unLogger
runInSeparateTx :: Q.TxE QErr a -> MetadataStorageT PGMetadataStorageApp a
runInSeparateTx tx = do
pool <- lift ask
liftEitherM $ liftIO $ runExceptT $ Q.runTx pool (Q.RepeatableRead, Nothing) tx
-- | Each of the function in the type class is executed in a totally separate transaction.
-- To learn more about why the instance is derived as following, see Note [Generic MetadataStorageT transformer]
instance MonadMetadataStorage (MetadataStorageT PGMetadataStorageApp) where
getDeprivedCronTriggerStats = runInSeparateTx getDeprivedCronTriggerStatsTx
getScheduledEventsForDelivery = runInSeparateTx getScheduledEventsForDeliveryTx
insertScheduledEvent = runInSeparateTx . insertScheduledEventTx
insertScheduledEventInvocation a b = runInSeparateTx $ insertInvocationTx a b
setScheduledEventOp a b c = runInSeparateTx $ setScheduledEventOpTx a b c
unlockScheduledEvents a b = runInSeparateTx $ unlockScheduledEventsTx a b
unlockAllLockedScheduledEvents = runInSeparateTx unlockAllLockedScheduledEventsTx
--- helper functions ---
mkConsoleHTML :: HasVersion => Text -> AuthMode -> Bool -> Maybe Text -> Either String Text
mkConsoleHTML path authMode enableTelemetry consoleAssetsDir =
renderHtmlTemplate consoleTmplt $
-- variables required to render the template
A.object [ "isAdminSecretSet" .= isAdminSecretSet authMode
, "consolePath" .= consolePath
, "enableTelemetry" .= boolToText enableTelemetry
, "cdnAssets" .= boolToText (isNothing consoleAssetsDir)
, "assetsVersion" .= consoleAssetsVersion
, "serverVersion" .= currentVersion
consolePath = case path of
"" -> "/console"
r -> "/console/" <> r
consoleTmplt = $(M.embedSingleTemplate "src-rsr/console.html")
telemetryNotice :: String
telemetryNotice =
"Help us improve Hasura! The graphql-engine server collects anonymized "
<> "usage stats which allows us to keep improving Hasura at warp speed. "
<> "To read more or opt-out, visit https://hasura.io/docs/1.0/graphql/manual/guides/telemetry.html"