Rakesh Emmadi 9ef603360c server: generalize schema cache building (#496)
Co-authored-by: Vamshi Surabhi <>
Co-authored-by: Vladimir Ciobanu <>
Co-authored-by: Antoine Leblanc <>
Co-authored-by: Stylish Haskell Bot <>
GitOrigin-RevId: 9d631878037637f3ed2994b5d0525efd978f7b8f
2021-02-14 06:08:46 +00:00

347 lines
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{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
-- A module for postgres execution related types and operations
module Hasura.Backends.Postgres.Connection
( MonadTx(..)
, LazyTxT
, LazyTx
, runLazyTx
, runQueryTx
, withUserInfo
, withTraceContext
, sessionInfoJsonExp
, RespTx
, LazyRespTx
, lazyTxToQTx
, doesSchemaExist
, doesTableExist
, enablePgcryptoExtension
, dropHdbCatalogSchema
, PostgresPoolSettings(..)
, defaultPostgresPoolSettings
, PostgresSourceConnInfo(..)
, PostgresConnConfiguration(..)
, module ET
) where
import Hasura.Prelude
import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q
import qualified Database.PG.Query.Connection as Q
import Control.Monad.Morph (hoist)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl (..))
import Control.Monad.Unique
import Control.Monad.Validate
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Extended
import Data.Aeson.TH
import Network.HTTP.Client.Extended (HasHttpManagerM (..))
import qualified Hasura.Backends.Postgres.SQL.DML as S
import qualified Hasura.Tracing as Tracing
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.Execute.Types as ET
import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.SQL.Types
import Hasura.EncJSON
import Hasura.Incremental (Cacheable (..))
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Common (UrlConf)
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Error
import Hasura.SQL.Types
import Hasura.Session
class (MonadError QErr m) => MonadTx m where
liftTx :: Q.TxE QErr a -> m a
instance (MonadTx m) => MonadTx (StateT s m) where
liftTx = lift . liftTx
instance (MonadTx m) => MonadTx (ReaderT s m) where
liftTx = lift . liftTx
instance (Monoid w, MonadTx m) => MonadTx (WriterT w m) where
liftTx = lift . liftTx
instance (MonadTx m) => MonadTx (ValidateT e m) where
liftTx = lift . liftTx
instance (MonadTx m) => MonadTx (Tracing.TraceT m) where
liftTx = lift . liftTx
-- | Like 'Q.TxE', but defers acquiring a Postgres connection until the first
-- execution of 'liftTx'. If no call to 'liftTx' is ever reached (i.e. a
-- successful result is returned or an error is raised before ever executing a
-- query), no connection is ever acquired.
-- This is useful for certain code paths that only conditionally need database
-- access. For example, although most queries will eventually hit Postgres,
-- introspection queries or queries that exclusively use remote schemas never
-- will; using 'LazyTxT e m' keeps those branches from unnecessarily allocating a
-- connection.
data LazyTxT e m a
= LTErr !e
| LTNoTx !a
| LTTx !(Q.TxET e m a)
deriving (Show, Functor)
-- orphan:
instance Show (Q.TxET e m a) where
show = const "(error \"TxE\")"
lazyTxToQTx :: (Monad m) => LazyTxT e m a -> Q.TxET e m a
lazyTxToQTx = \case
LTErr e -> throwError e
LTNoTx r -> return r
LTTx tx -> tx
:: ( MonadIO m
, MonadBaseControl IO m
=> PGExecCtx
-> Q.TxAccess
-> LazyTxT QErr m a -> ExceptT QErr m a
runLazyTx pgExecCtx txAccess = \case
LTErr e -> throwError e
LTNoTx a -> return a
LTTx tx ->
case txAccess of
Q.ReadOnly -> _pecRunReadOnly pgExecCtx tx
Q.ReadWrite -> _pecRunReadWrite pgExecCtx tx
-- | This runs the given set of statements (Tx) without wrapping them in BEGIN
-- and COMMIT. This should only be used for running a single statement query!
:: (MonadIO m, MonadError QErr m) => PGExecCtx -> LazyTx QErr a -> m a
runQueryTx pgExecCtx = \case
LTErr e -> throwError e
LTNoTx a -> return a
LTTx tx -> liftEither =<< liftIO (runExceptT $ _pecRunReadNoTx pgExecCtx tx)
type RespTx = Q.TxE QErr EncJSON
type LazyTx e a = LazyTxT e IO a
type LazyRespTx = LazyTx QErr EncJSON
setHeadersTx :: (MonadIO m) => SessionVariables -> Q.TxET QErr m ()
setHeadersTx session = do
Q.unitQE defaultTxErrorHandler setSess () False
setSess = Q.fromText $
"SET LOCAL \"hasura.user\" = " <> toSQLTxt (sessionInfoJsonExp session)
sessionInfoJsonExp :: SessionVariables -> S.SQLExp
sessionInfoJsonExp = S.SELit . encodeToStrictText
withUserInfo :: (MonadIO m) => UserInfo -> LazyTxT QErr m a -> LazyTxT QErr m a
withUserInfo uInfo = \case
LTErr e -> LTErr e
LTNoTx a -> LTNoTx a
LTTx tx ->
let vars = _uiSession uInfo
in LTTx $ setHeadersTx vars >> tx
-- | Inject the trace context as a transaction-local variable,
-- so that it can be picked up by any triggers (including event triggers).
:: (MonadIO m)
=> Tracing.TraceContext
-> LazyTxT QErr m a
-> LazyTxT QErr m a
withTraceContext ctx = \case
LTErr e -> LTErr e
LTNoTx a -> LTNoTx a
LTTx tx ->
let sql = Q.fromText $
"SET LOCAL \"hasura.tracecontext\" = " <>
toSQLTxt (S.SELit . encodeToStrictText . Tracing.injectEventContext $ ctx)
setTraceContext =
Q.unitQE defaultTxErrorHandler sql () False
in LTTx $ setTraceContext >> tx
instance (Monad m) => Applicative (LazyTxT e m) where
pure = LTNoTx
LTErr e <*> _ = LTErr e
LTNoTx f <*> r = fmap f r
LTTx _ <*> LTErr e = LTErr e
LTTx txf <*> LTNoTx a = LTTx $ txf <*> pure a
LTTx txf <*> LTTx tx = LTTx $ txf <*> tx
instance (Monad m) => Monad (LazyTxT e m) where
LTErr e >>= _ = LTErr e
LTNoTx a >>= f = f a
LTTx txa >>= f =
LTTx $ txa >>= lazyTxToQTx . f
instance (Monad m) => MonadError e (LazyTxT e m) where
throwError = LTErr
LTErr e `catchError` f = f e
LTNoTx a `catchError` _ = LTNoTx a
LTTx txe `catchError` f =
LTTx $ txe `catchError` (lazyTxToQTx . f)
instance MonadTrans (LazyTxT e) where
lift = LTTx . lift
instance (Tracing.MonadTrace m) => Tracing.MonadTrace (LazyTxT e m) where
trace t = \case
LTTx (Q.TxET tx) -> LTTx $ Q.TxET $ Tracing.trace t tx
v -> v
currentContext = lift Tracing.currentContext
currentReporter = lift Tracing.currentReporter
attachMetadata = lift . Tracing.attachMetadata
instance UserInfoM m => UserInfoM (LazyTxT e m) where
askUserInfo = lift askUserInfo
instance HasHttpManagerM m => HasHttpManagerM (LazyTxT e m) where
askHttpManager = lift askHttpManager
instance (MonadIO m) => MonadTx (LazyTxT QErr m) where
liftTx = LTTx . (hoist liftIO)
instance (MonadIO m) => MonadTx (Q.TxET QErr m) where
liftTx = hoist liftIO
instance (MonadIO m) => MonadIO (LazyTxT e m) where
liftIO = LTTx . liftIO
instance (MonadIO m) => MonadBase IO (LazyTxT e m) where
liftBase = liftIO
instance (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m) => MonadBaseControl IO (LazyTxT e m) where
type StM (LazyTxT e m) a = StM (Q.TxET e m) a
liftBaseWith f = LTTx $ liftBaseWith \run -> f (run . lazyTxToQTx)
restoreM = LTTx . restoreM
instance (MonadIO m) => MonadUnique (LazyTxT e m) where
newUnique = liftIO newUnique
doesSchemaExist :: MonadTx m => SchemaName -> m Bool
doesSchemaExist schemaName =
liftTx $ (runIdentity . Q.getRow) <$> Q.withQE defaultTxErrorHandler [Q.sql|
( SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.schemata
WHERE schema_name = $1
) |] (Identity schemaName) False
doesTableExist :: MonadTx m => SchemaName -> TableName -> m Bool
doesTableExist schemaName tableName =
liftTx $ (runIdentity . Q.getRow) <$> Q.withQE defaultTxErrorHandler [Q.sql|
( SELECT 1 FROM pg_tables
WHERE schemaname = $1 AND tablename = $2
) |] (schemaName, tableName) False
isExtensionAvailable :: MonadTx m => Text -> m Bool
isExtensionAvailable extensionName =
liftTx $ (runIdentity . Q.getRow) <$> Q.withQE defaultTxErrorHandler [Q.sql|
( SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_available_extensions
WHERE name = $1
) |] (Identity extensionName) False
enablePgcryptoExtension :: forall m. MonadTx m => m ()
enablePgcryptoExtension = do
pgcryptoAvailable <- isExtensionAvailable "pgcrypto"
if pgcryptoAvailable then createPgcryptoExtension
else throw400 Unexpected $
"pgcrypto extension is required, but could not find the extension in the "
<> "PostgreSQL server. Please make sure this extension is available."
createPgcryptoExtension :: m ()
createPgcryptoExtension =
liftTx $ Q.unitQE needsPGCryptoError
needsPGCryptoError e@(Q.PGTxErr _ _ _ err) =
case err of
Q.PGIUnexpected _ -> requiredError
Q.PGIStatement pgErr -> case Q.edStatusCode pgErr of
Just "42501" -> err500 PostgresError permissionsMessage
_ -> requiredError
requiredError =
(err500 PostgresError requiredMessage) { qeInternal = Just $ toJSON e }
requiredMessage =
"pgcrypto extension is required, but it could not be created;"
<> " encountered unknown postgres error"
permissionsMessage =
"pgcrypto extension is required, but the current user doesnt have permission to"
<> " create it. Please grant superuser permission, or setup the initial schema via"
<> ""
dropHdbCatalogSchema :: (MonadTx m) => m ()
dropHdbCatalogSchema = liftTx $ Q.catchE defaultTxErrorHandler $
-- This is where
-- 1. Metadata storage:- Metadata and its stateful information stored
-- 2. Postgres source:- Table event trigger related stuff & insert permission check function stored
Q.unitQ "DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS hdb_catalog CASCADE" () False
data PostgresPoolSettings
= PostgresPoolSettings
{ _ppsMaxConnections :: !Int
, _ppsIdleTimeout :: !Int
, _ppsRetries :: !Int
} deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
instance Cacheable PostgresPoolSettings
instance Hashable PostgresPoolSettings
instance NFData PostgresPoolSettings
$(deriveToJSON hasuraJSON ''PostgresPoolSettings)
instance FromJSON PostgresPoolSettings where
parseJSON = withObject "Object" $ \o ->
<$> o .:? "max_connections" .!= _ppsMaxConnections defaultPostgresPoolSettings
<*> o .:? "idle_timeout" .!= _ppsIdleTimeout defaultPostgresPoolSettings
<*> o .:? "retries" .!= _ppsRetries defaultPostgresPoolSettings
instance Arbitrary PostgresPoolSettings where
arbitrary = genericArbitrary
defaultPostgresPoolSettings :: PostgresPoolSettings
defaultPostgresPoolSettings =
{ _ppsMaxConnections = 50
, _ppsIdleTimeout = 180
, _ppsRetries = 1
data PostgresSourceConnInfo
= PostgresSourceConnInfo
{ _psciDatabaseUrl :: !UrlConf
, _psciPoolSettings :: !PostgresPoolSettings
} deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
instance Cacheable PostgresSourceConnInfo
instance Hashable PostgresSourceConnInfo
instance NFData PostgresSourceConnInfo
$(deriveToJSON hasuraJSON ''PostgresSourceConnInfo)
instance FromJSON PostgresSourceConnInfo where
parseJSON = withObject "Object" $ \o ->
<$> o .: "database_url"
<*> o .:? "pool_settings" .!= defaultPostgresPoolSettings
instance Arbitrary PostgresSourceConnInfo where
arbitrary = genericArbitrary
instance Arbitrary (NonEmpty PostgresSourceConnInfo) where
arbitrary = genericArbitrary
data PostgresConnConfiguration
= PostgresConnConfiguration
{ _pccConnectionInfo :: !PostgresSourceConnInfo
, _pccReadReplicas :: !(Maybe (NonEmpty PostgresSourceConnInfo))
} deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
instance Cacheable PostgresConnConfiguration
instance Hashable PostgresConnConfiguration
instance NFData PostgresConnConfiguration
$(deriveJSON hasuraJSON{omitNothingFields = True} ''PostgresConnConfiguration)
instance Arbitrary PostgresConnConfiguration where
arbitrary = genericArbitrary