2018-07-20 12:52:46 +05:30

171 lines
4.9 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module Hasura.GraphQL.Resolve.LiveQuery
( LiveQuery(..)
, LiveQueryMap
, newLiveQueryMap
, addLiveQuery
, removeLiveQuery
) where
import qualified Control.Concurrent.Async as A
import qualified Control.Concurrent.STM as STM
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified ListT
import qualified STMContainers.Map as STMMap
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Hasura.GraphQL.Resolve.Context (RespTx)
import Hasura.GraphQL.Transport.HTTP.Protocol
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.Types
data LiveQuery
= LiveQuery
{ _lqUser :: !UserInfo
, _lqRequest :: !GraphQLRequest
} deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
instance Hashable LiveQuery
type OnChange k = GQResp -> IO ()
data LQHandler k
= LQHandler
-- the tx to be executed
{ _lqhRespTx :: !RespTx
-- previous result
, _lqhPrevRes :: !(STM.TVar (Maybe GQResp))
-- the actions that have been run previously
-- we run these if the response changes
, _lqhCurOps :: !(STMMap.Map k (OnChange k))
-- we run these operations regardless
-- and then merge them with current operations
, _lqhNewOps :: !(STMMap.Map k (OnChange k))
type ThreadTM = STM.TMVar (A.Async ())
type LiveQueryMap k = STMMap.Map LiveQuery (LQHandler k, ThreadTM)
newLiveQueryMap :: STM.STM (LiveQueryMap k)
newLiveQueryMap =
type TxRunner = RespTx -> IO (Either QErr BL.ByteString)
:: (Eq k, Hashable k)
=> LiveQueryMap k
-- the query and the associated operation
-> LiveQuery
-> k
-> IO ()
removeLiveQuery lqMap liveQ k = do
-- clean the handler's state
threadRefM <- STM.atomically $ do
lqHandlerM <- STMMap.lookup liveQ lqMap
maybe (return Nothing) cleanLQHandler lqHandlerM
-- cancel the polling thread
onJust threadRefM A.cancel
cleanLQHandler (handler, threadRef) = do
let curOps = _lqhCurOps handler
newOps = _lqhNewOps handler
STMMap.delete k curOps
STMMap.delete k newOps
cancelPollThread <- (&&)
<$> STMMap.null curOps
<*> STMMap.null newOps
-- if this happens to be the last operation, take the
-- ref for the polling thread to cancel it
if cancelPollThread then do
STMMap.delete liveQ lqMap
Just <$> STM.takeTMVar threadRef
else return Nothing
onJust :: (Monad m) => Maybe a -> (a -> m ()) -> m ()
onJust m action = maybe (return ()) action m
:: (Eq k, Hashable k)
=> TxRunner
-> LiveQueryMap k
-- the query
-> LiveQuery
-- the transaction associated with this query
-> RespTx
-- a unique operation id
-> k
-- the action to be executed when result changes
-> OnChange k
-> IO ()
addLiveQuery txRunner lqMap liveQ respTx k onResultAction= do
-- a handler is returned only when it is newly created
handlerM <- STM.atomically $ do
lqHandlerM <- STMMap.lookup liveQ lqMap
maybe newHandler addToExistingHandler lqHandlerM
-- we can then attach a polling thread if it is new
-- the livequery can only be cancelled after putTMVar
onJust handlerM $ \(handler, pollerThreadTM) -> do
threadRef <- A.async $ forever $ do
pollQuery txRunner handler
threadDelay $ 1 * 1000 * 1000
STM.atomically $ STM.putTMVar pollerThreadTM threadRef
addToExistingHandler (handler, _) = do
STMMap.insert onResultAction k $ _lqhNewOps handler
return Nothing
newHandler = do
handler <- LQHandler
<$> return respTx
<*> STM.newTVar Nothing
STMMap.insert onResultAction k $ _lqhNewOps handler
asyncRefTM <- STM.newEmptyTMVar
STMMap.insert (handler, asyncRefTM) liveQ lqMap
return $ Just (handler, asyncRefTM)
:: (Eq k, Hashable k)
=> TxRunner
-> LQHandler k
-> IO ()
pollQuery runTx (LQHandler respTx respTV curOpsTV newOpsTV) = do
res <- runTx respTx
let resp = case res of
Left e -> GQExecError [encodeGQErr False e]
Right bs -> GQSuccess bs
-- extract the current and new operations
(curOps, newOps) <- STM.atomically $ do
curOpsL <- ListT.toList $ curOpsTV
newOpsL <- ListT.toList $ newOpsTV
forM_ newOpsL $ \(k, action) -> STMMap.insert action k curOpsTV
STMMap.deleteAll newOpsTV
return (curOpsL, newOpsL)
runOperations resp newOps
-- write to the current websockets if needed
prevRespM <- STM.readTVarIO respTV
when (isExecError resp || Just resp /= prevRespM) $ do
runOperations resp curOps
STM.atomically $ STM.writeTVar respTV $ Just resp
runOperation resp action = action resp
runOperations resp =
void . A.mapConcurrently (runOperation resp . snd)