mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 21:41:44 +03:00
## Description This PR removes `RQL.Types`, which was now only re-exporting a bunch of unrelated modules. PR-URL: https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/4363 GitOrigin-RevId: 894f29a19bff70b3dad8abc5d9858434d5065417
604 lines
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604 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
-- | This is taken from wai-logger and customised for our use
module Hasura.Server.Logging
( StartupLog (..),
PGLog (..),
RequestMode (..),
HttpInfoLog (..),
OperationLog (..),
HttpLogContext (..),
WebHookLog (..),
HttpLog (..),
GQLBatchQueryOperationLog (..),
GQLQueryOperationSuccessLog (..),
GQLQueryOperationErrorLog (..),
MetadataLog (..),
EnvVarsMovedToMetadata (..),
DeprecatedEnvVars (..),
CommonHttpLogMetadata (..),
MetadataQueryLoggingMode (..),
LoggingSettings (..),
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.TH
import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as BL
import Data.Environment qualified as Env
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HM
import Data.HashSet qualified as Set
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NE
import Data.TByteString qualified as TBS
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Text.Extended
import Hasura.Base.Error
import Hasura.GraphQL.ParameterizedQueryHash
import Hasura.GraphQL.Transport.HTTP.Protocol qualified as GH
import Hasura.HTTP
import Hasura.Logging
import Hasura.Metadata.Class
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Common
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Metadata.Object
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Source
import Hasura.Server.Compression
import Hasura.Server.Types
import Hasura.Server.Utils
( DeprecatedEnvVars (..),
EnvVarsMovedToMetadata (..),
import Hasura.Session
import Hasura.Tracing (TraceT)
import Network.HTTP.Types qualified as HTTP
import Network.Wai.Extended qualified as Wai
data StartupLog = StartupLog
{ slLogLevel :: !LogLevel,
slKind :: !Text,
slInfo :: !Value
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance ToJSON StartupLog where
toJSON (StartupLog _ k info) =
[ "kind" .= k,
"info" .= info
instance ToEngineLog StartupLog Hasura where
toEngineLog startupLog =
(slLogLevel startupLog, ELTStartup, toJSON startupLog)
data PGLog = PGLog
{ plLogLevel :: !LogLevel,
plMessage :: !Text
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance ToJSON PGLog where
toJSON (PGLog _ msg) =
object ["message" .= msg]
instance ToEngineLog PGLog Hasura where
toEngineLog pgLog =
(plLogLevel pgLog, ELTInternal ILTPgClient, toJSON pgLog)
data MetadataLog = MetadataLog
{ mlLogLevel :: !LogLevel,
mlMessage :: !Text,
mlInfo :: !Value
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance ToJSON MetadataLog where
toJSON (MetadataLog _ msg infoVal) =
[ "message" .= msg,
"info" .= infoVal
instance ToEngineLog MetadataLog Hasura where
toEngineLog ml =
(mlLogLevel ml, ELTInternal ILTMetadata, toJSON ml)
mkInconsMetadataLog :: [InconsistentMetadata] -> MetadataLog
mkInconsMetadataLog objs =
MetadataLog LevelWarn "Inconsistent Metadata!" $
object ["objects" .= objs]
data WebHookLog = WebHookLog
{ whlLogLevel :: !LogLevel,
whlStatusCode :: !(Maybe HTTP.Status),
whlUrl :: !Text,
whlMethod :: !HTTP.StdMethod,
whlError :: !(Maybe HttpException),
whlResponse :: !(Maybe Text),
whlMessage :: !(Maybe Text)
deriving (Show)
instance ToEngineLog WebHookLog Hasura where
toEngineLog webHookLog =
(whlLogLevel webHookLog, ELTWebhookLog, toJSON webHookLog)
instance ToJSON WebHookLog where
toJSON whl =
[ "status_code" .= (HTTP.statusCode <$> whlStatusCode whl),
"url" .= whlUrl whl,
"method" .= show (whlMethod whl),
"http_error" .= whlError whl,
"response" .= whlResponse whl,
"message" .= whlMessage whl
-- | GQLQueryOperationSuccessLog captures all the data required to construct
-- an HTTP success log.
data GQLQueryOperationSuccessLog = GQLQueryOperationSuccessLog
{ gqolQuery :: !GH.GQLReqUnparsed,
gqolQueryExecutionTime :: !DiffTime,
gqolResponseSize :: !Int64,
gqolRequestSize :: !Int64,
gqolParameterizedQueryHash :: !ParameterizedQueryHash
deriving (Show, Eq)
$(deriveToJSON hasuraJSON {omitNothingFields = True} ''GQLQueryOperationSuccessLog)
-- | GQLQueryOperationErrorLog captures the request along with the error message
data GQLQueryOperationErrorLog = GQLQueryOperationErrorLog
{ gqelQuery :: !GH.GQLReqUnparsed,
gqelError :: !QErr
deriving (Show, Eq)
$(deriveToJSON hasuraJSON ''GQLQueryOperationErrorLog)
data GQLBatchQueryOperationLog
= GQLQueryOperationSuccess !GQLQueryOperationSuccessLog
| GQLQueryOperationError !GQLQueryOperationErrorLog
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance ToJSON GQLBatchQueryOperationLog where
toJSON = \case
GQLQueryOperationSuccess successLog -> toJSON successLog
GQLQueryOperationError errorLog -> toJSON errorLog
-- | whether a request is executed in batched mode or not
data RequestMode
= -- | this request is batched
| -- | this is a single request
| -- | this request is of a kind for which batching is not done or does not make sense
| -- | the execution of this request failed
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance ToJSON RequestMode where
toJSON = \case
RequestModeBatched -> "batched"
RequestModeSingle -> "single"
RequestModeNonBatchable -> "non-graphql"
RequestModeError -> "error"
data CommonHttpLogMetadata = CommonHttpLogMetadata
{ _chlmRequestMode :: !RequestMode,
_chlmBatchOperationLog :: !(Maybe (GH.GQLBatchedReqs GQLBatchQueryOperationLog))
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | The http-log metadata attached to HTTP requests running in the monad 'm', split into a
-- common portion that is present regardless of 'm', and a monad-specific one defined in the
-- 'HttpLog' instance.
-- This allows us to not have to duplicate the code that generates the common part of the metadata
-- across OSS and Pro, so that instances only have to implement the part of it unique to them.
type HttpLogMetadata m = (CommonHttpLogMetadata, ExtraHttpLogMetadata m)
buildHttpLogMetadata ::
forall m.
HttpLog m =>
ParameterizedQueryHashList ->
RequestMode ->
Maybe (GH.GQLBatchedReqs GQLBatchQueryOperationLog) ->
HttpLogMetadata m
buildHttpLogMetadata paramQueryHashList requestMode batchQueryOperationLog =
(CommonHttpLogMetadata requestMode batchQueryOperationLog, buildExtraHttpLogMetadata @m paramQueryHashList)
-- | synonym for clarity, writing `emptyHttpLogMetadata @m` instead of `def @(HttpLogMetadata m)`
emptyHttpLogMetadata :: forall m. HttpLog m => HttpLogMetadata m
emptyHttpLogMetadata = (CommonHttpLogMetadata RequestModeNonBatchable Nothing, emptyExtraHttpLogMetadata @m)
-- See Note [Disable query printing for metadata queries]
data MetadataQueryLoggingMode = MetadataQueryLoggingEnabled | MetadataQueryLoggingDisabled
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance FromJSON MetadataQueryLoggingMode where
parseJSON =
withBool "MetadataQueryLoggingMode" $
pure . bool MetadataQueryLoggingDisabled MetadataQueryLoggingEnabled
instance ToJSON MetadataQueryLoggingMode where
toJSON = \case
MetadataQueryLoggingEnabled -> Bool True
MetadataQueryLoggingDisabled -> Bool False
-- | Setting used to control the information in logs
data LoggingSettings = LoggingSettings
{ -- | this is only required for the short-term fix in https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/issues/1770
-- See Note [Disable query printing when query-log is disabled]
_lsEnabledLogTypes :: HashSet (EngineLogType Hasura),
-- See Note [Disable query printing for metadata queries]
_lsMetadataQueryLoggingMode :: MetadataQueryLoggingMode
deriving (Show, Eq)
{- Note [Disable query printing when query-log is disabled]
As a temporary hack (as per https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/issues/1770),
we want to print the graphql query string in `http-log` or `websocket-log` only
when `query-log` is enabled.
{- Note [Disable query printing for metadata queries]
The 'olQuery' in the 'OperationLog' logs the actual query that is sent over HTTP.
This can lead to security issues, since the request sent in metadata queries may
include sensitive information such as DB URLS. Thus it is important that we hide
these sensitive information for the metadata URL.
As a temporary hotfix (ref: https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/issues/3937),
If the URL path of HTTP requests is for a metadata operation and the
HASURA_GRAPHQL_ENABLE_METADATA_QUERY_LOGGING envirnoment variables is not set, then
we disable the 'query' field in HTTP logs.
class Monad m => HttpLog m where
-- | Extra http-log metadata that we attach when operating in 'm'.
type ExtraHttpLogMetadata m
emptyExtraHttpLogMetadata :: ExtraHttpLogMetadata m
buildExtraHttpLogMetadata :: ParameterizedQueryHashList -> ExtraHttpLogMetadata m
logHttpError ::
-- | the logger
Logger Hasura ->
-- | setting used to control the information in logs
LoggingSettings ->
-- | user info may or may not be present (error can happen during user resolution)
Maybe UserInfo ->
-- | request id of the request
RequestId ->
-- | the Wai.Request object
Wai.Request ->
-- | the request body and parsed request
(BL.ByteString, Maybe Value) ->
-- | the error
QErr ->
-- | list of request headers
[HTTP.Header] ->
m ()
logHttpSuccess ::
-- | the logger
Logger Hasura ->
-- | setting used to control the information in logs
LoggingSettings ->
-- | user info may or may not be present (error can happen during user resolution)
Maybe UserInfo ->
-- | request id of the request
RequestId ->
-- | the Wai.Request object
Wai.Request ->
-- | the request body and parsed request
(BL.ByteString, Maybe Value) ->
-- | the response bytes
BL.ByteString ->
-- | the compressed response bytes
-- ^ TODO (from master): make the above two type represented
BL.ByteString ->
-- | IO/network wait time and service time (respectively) for this request, if available.
Maybe (DiffTime, DiffTime) ->
-- | possible compression type
Maybe CompressionType ->
-- | list of request headers
[HTTP.Header] ->
HttpLogMetadata m ->
m ()
instance HttpLog m => HttpLog (TraceT m) where
type ExtraHttpLogMetadata (TraceT m) = ExtraHttpLogMetadata m
buildExtraHttpLogMetadata a = buildExtraHttpLogMetadata @m a
emptyExtraHttpLogMetadata = emptyExtraHttpLogMetadata @m
logHttpError a b c d e f g h = lift $ logHttpError a b c d e f g h
logHttpSuccess a b c d e f g h i j k l = lift $ logHttpSuccess a b c d e f g h i j k l
instance HttpLog m => HttpLog (ReaderT r m) where
type ExtraHttpLogMetadata (ReaderT r m) = ExtraHttpLogMetadata m
buildExtraHttpLogMetadata a = buildExtraHttpLogMetadata @m a
emptyExtraHttpLogMetadata = emptyExtraHttpLogMetadata @m
logHttpError a b c d e f g h = lift $ logHttpError a b c d e f g h
logHttpSuccess a b c d e f g h i j k l = lift $ logHttpSuccess a b c d e f g h i j k l
instance HttpLog m => HttpLog (MetadataStorageT m) where
type ExtraHttpLogMetadata (MetadataStorageT m) = ExtraHttpLogMetadata m
buildExtraHttpLogMetadata a = buildExtraHttpLogMetadata @m a
emptyExtraHttpLogMetadata = emptyExtraHttpLogMetadata @m
logHttpError a b c d e f g h = lift $ logHttpError a b c d e f g h
logHttpSuccess a b c d e f g h i j k l = lift $ logHttpSuccess a b c d e f g h i j k l
-- | Log information about the HTTP request
data HttpInfoLog = HttpInfoLog
{ hlStatus :: !HTTP.Status,
hlMethod :: !Text,
hlSource :: !Wai.IpAddress,
hlPath :: !Text,
hlHttpVersion :: !HTTP.HttpVersion,
hlCompression :: !(Maybe CompressionType),
-- | all the request headers
hlHeaders :: ![HTTP.Header]
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance ToJSON HttpInfoLog where
toJSON (HttpInfoLog st met src path hv compressTypeM _) =
[ "status" .= HTTP.statusCode st,
"method" .= met,
"ip" .= Wai.showIPAddress src,
"url" .= path,
"http_version" .= show hv,
"content_encoding" .= (compressionTypeToTxt <$> compressTypeM)
-- | Information about a GraphQL/Hasura metadata operation over HTTP
data OperationLog = OperationLog
{ olRequestId :: !RequestId,
olUserVars :: !(Maybe SessionVariables),
olResponseSize :: !(Maybe Int64),
-- | Request IO wait time, i.e. time spent reading the full request from the socket.
olRequestReadTime :: !(Maybe Seconds),
-- | Service time, not including request IO wait time.
olQueryExecutionTime :: !(Maybe Seconds),
olQuery :: !(Maybe Value),
olRawQuery :: !(Maybe Text),
olError :: !(Maybe QErr),
olRequestMode :: !RequestMode
deriving (Show, Eq)
$(deriveToJSON hasuraJSON {omitNothingFields = True} ''OperationLog)
-- | @BatchOperationSuccessLog@ contains the information required for a single
-- successful operation in a batch request for OSS. This type is a subset of the @GQLQueryOperationSuccessLog@
data BatchOperationSuccessLog = BatchOperationSuccessLog
{ bolQuery :: !(Maybe Value),
bolResponseSize :: !Int64,
bolQueryExecutionTime :: !Seconds
deriving (Show, Eq)
$(deriveToJSON hasuraJSON {omitNothingFields = True} ''BatchOperationSuccessLog)
-- | @BatchOperationSuccessLog@ contains the information required for a single
-- erroneous operation in a batch request for OSS. This type is a subset of the @GQLQueryOperationErrorLog@
data BatchOperationErrorLog = BatchOperationErrorLog
{ belQuery :: !(Maybe Value),
belError :: !QErr
deriving (Show, Eq)
$(deriveToJSON hasuraJSON {omitNothingFields = True} ''BatchOperationErrorLog)
data BatchOperationLog
= BatchOperationSuccess !BatchOperationSuccessLog
| BatchOperationError !BatchOperationErrorLog
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance ToJSON BatchOperationLog where
toJSON = \case
BatchOperationSuccess successLog -> toJSON successLog
BatchOperationError errorLog -> toJSON errorLog
data HttpLogContext = HttpLogContext
{ hlcHttpInfo :: !HttpInfoLog,
hlcOperation :: !OperationLog,
hlcRequestId :: !RequestId,
hlcBatchedOperations :: !(Maybe (NE.NonEmpty BatchOperationLog))
deriving (Show, Eq)
$(deriveToJSON hasuraJSON {omitNothingFields = True} ''HttpLogContext)
-- | Check if the 'query' field should be included in the http-log
isQueryIncludedInLogs :: Text -> LoggingSettings -> Bool
isQueryIncludedInLogs urlPath LoggingSettings {..}
-- See Note [Disable query printing for metadata queries]
| isQueryLogEnabled && isMetadataRequest = _lsMetadataQueryLoggingMode == MetadataQueryLoggingEnabled
-- See Note [Disable query printing when query-log is disabled]
| isQueryLogEnabled = True
| otherwise = False
isQueryLogEnabled = Set.member ELTQueryLog _lsEnabledLogTypes
metadataUrlPaths = ["/v1/metadata", "/v1/query"]
isMetadataRequest = urlPath `elem` metadataUrlPaths
mkHttpAccessLogContext ::
-- | Maybe because it may not have been resolved
Maybe UserInfo ->
LoggingSettings ->
RequestId ->
Wai.Request ->
(BL.ByteString, Maybe Value) ->
BL.ByteString ->
Maybe (DiffTime, DiffTime) ->
Maybe CompressionType ->
[HTTP.Header] ->
RequestMode ->
Maybe (GH.GQLBatchedReqs GQLBatchQueryOperationLog) ->
mkHttpAccessLogContext userInfoM loggingSettings reqId req (_, parsedReq) res mTiming compressTypeM headers batching queryLogMetadata =
let http =
{ hlStatus = status,
hlMethod = bsToTxt $ Wai.requestMethod req,
hlSource = Wai.getSourceFromFallback req,
hlPath = bsToTxt $ Wai.rawPathInfo req,
hlHttpVersion = Wai.httpVersion req,
hlCompression = compressTypeM,
hlHeaders = headers
op =
{ olRequestId = reqId,
olUserVars = _uiSession <$> userInfoM,
olResponseSize = respSize,
olRequestReadTime = Seconds . fst <$> mTiming,
olQueryExecutionTime = Seconds . snd <$> mTiming,
olRequestMode = batching,
olQuery = if (isQueryIncludedInLogs (hlPath http) loggingSettings) then parsedReq else Nothing,
olRawQuery = Nothing,
olError = Nothing
batchOpLog =
>>= ( \case
GH.GQLSingleRequest _ -> Nothing -- This case is aleady handled in the `OperationLog`
GH.GQLBatchedReqs opLogs ->
NE.nonEmpty $
( \case
GQLQueryOperationSuccess (GQLQueryOperationSuccessLog {..}) ->
BatchOperationSuccess $
(if (isQueryIncludedInLogs (hlPath http) loggingSettings) then parsedReq else Nothing)
(convertDuration gqolQueryExecutionTime)
GQLQueryOperationError (GQLQueryOperationErrorLog {..}) ->
BatchOperationError $
(if (isQueryIncludedInLogs (hlPath http) loggingSettings) then parsedReq else Nothing)
in HttpLogContext http op reqId batchOpLog
status = HTTP.status200
respSize = Just $ BL.length res
mkHttpErrorLogContext ::
-- | Maybe because it may not have been resolved
Maybe UserInfo ->
LoggingSettings ->
RequestId ->
Wai.Request ->
(BL.ByteString, Maybe Value) ->
QErr ->
Maybe (DiffTime, DiffTime) ->
Maybe CompressionType ->
[HTTP.Header] ->
mkHttpErrorLogContext userInfoM loggingSettings reqId waiReq (reqBody, parsedReq) err mTiming compressTypeM headers =
let http =
{ hlStatus = qeStatus err,
hlMethod = bsToTxt $ Wai.requestMethod waiReq,
hlSource = Wai.getSourceFromFallback waiReq,
hlPath = bsToTxt $ Wai.rawPathInfo waiReq,
hlHttpVersion = Wai.httpVersion waiReq,
hlCompression = compressTypeM,
hlHeaders = headers
op =
{ olRequestId = reqId,
olUserVars = _uiSession <$> userInfoM,
olResponseSize = Just $ BL.length $ encode err,
olRequestReadTime = Seconds . fst <$> mTiming,
olQueryExecutionTime = Seconds . snd <$> mTiming,
olQuery = if (isQueryIncludedInLogs (hlPath http) loggingSettings) then parsedReq else Nothing,
-- if parsedReq is Nothing, add the raw query
olRawQuery = maybe (reqToLog $ Just $ bsToTxt $ BL.toStrict reqBody) (const Nothing) parsedReq,
olError = Just err,
olRequestMode = RequestModeError
reqToLog :: Maybe a -> Maybe a
reqToLog req = if (isQueryIncludedInLogs (hlPath http) loggingSettings) then req else Nothing
in HttpLogContext http op reqId Nothing -- Batched operation logs are always reported in logHttpSuccess even if there are errors
data HttpLogLine = HttpLogLine
{ _hlLogLevel :: !LogLevel,
_hlLogLine :: !HttpLogContext
instance ToEngineLog HttpLogLine Hasura where
toEngineLog (HttpLogLine logLevel logLine) =
(logLevel, ELTHttpLog, toJSON logLine)
mkHttpLog :: HttpLogContext -> HttpLogLine
mkHttpLog httpLogCtx =
let isError = isJust $ olError $ hlcOperation httpLogCtx
logLevel = bool LevelInfo LevelError isError
in HttpLogLine logLevel httpLogCtx
-- | Log warning messages for deprecated environment variables
logDeprecatedEnvVars ::
Logger Hasura ->
Env.Environment ->
SourceCache ->
IO ()
logDeprecatedEnvVars logger env sources = do
let toText envVars = commaSeparated envVars
-- The environment variables that have been initialized by user
envVarsInitialized = fmap fst (Env.toList env)
checkDeprecatedEnvVars envs = T.pack <$> envVarsInitialized `intersect` envs
-- When a source named 'default' is present, it means that it is a migrated v2
-- hasura project. In such cases log those environment variables that are moved
-- to the metadata
onJust (HM.lookup SNDefault sources) $ \_defSource -> do
let deprecated = checkDeprecatedEnvVars (unEnvVarsMovedToMetadata envVarsMovedToMetadata)
unless (null deprecated) $
unLogger logger $
UnstructuredLog LevelWarn $
TBS.fromText $
"The following environment variables are deprecated and moved to metadata: "
<> toText deprecated
-- Log when completely deprecated environment variables are present
let deprecated = checkDeprecatedEnvVars (unDeprecatedEnvVars deprecatedEnvVars)
unless (null deprecated) $
unLogger logger $
UnstructuredLog LevelWarn $
TBS.fromText $
"The following environment variables are deprecated: "
<> toText deprecated