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synced 2024-12-17 20:41:49 +03:00
PR-URL: https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/2603 GitOrigin-RevId: 32b3133f0bb1a9bf50e4db492bab1eabf5a9430c
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186 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Hasura.Server.OpenAPI (serveJSON) where
import Control.Lens
import Data.Aeson (Value, toJSON)
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as M
import Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd qualified as MI
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as LNE
import Data.OpenApi
import Data.OpenApi.Declare
import Data.Set.Internal qualified as S
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Text.NonEmpty qualified as TNE
import Hasura.Prelude hiding (get, put)
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Endpoint
import Hasura.RQL.Types.QueryCollection
import Hasura.RQL.Types.SchemaCache
import Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax qualified as G
data EndpointData = EndpointData
{ _edUrl :: String,
_edMethod :: [Text],
_edVarList :: [Referenced Param],
_edDescription :: Text, -- contains API comments and graphql query
_edName :: Text
getVarList :: EndpointMetadata GQLQueryWithText -> [G.VariableDefinition]
getVarList e = vars =<< varLists
varLists = G.getExecutableDefinitions . unGQLQuery . getGQLQuery . _edQuery . _ceDefinition $ e
vars x = case x of
G.ExecutableDefinitionOperation (G.OperationDefinitionTyped (G.TypedOperationDefinition _ _ vds _ _)) -> vds
_ -> []
getVariableDefinitions :: EndpointMetadata GQLQueryWithText -> [Referenced Param]
getVariableDefinitions d = fmap varDetails varList
pathVars = map T.tail $ lefts $ splitPath Left Right (_ceUrl d) -- NOTE: URL Variable name ':' prefix is removed for `elem` lookup.
varList = getVarList d
varDetails a =
let vName = (G.unName . G._vdName $ a)
in Inline $
(if vName `elem` pathVars then ParamPath else ParamQuery)
(getDefaultVar a)
( case G._vdType a of
G.TypeNamed _ na -> case G.unName na of
"Int" -> Just OpenApiInteger
"String" -> Just OpenApiString
"json" -> Just OpenApiObject
_ -> Nothing
G.TypeList _ _ -> Nothing
getGQLQueryFromTrie :: EndpointMetadata GQLQueryWithText -> Text
getGQLQueryFromTrie = getGQLQueryText . _edQuery . _ceDefinition
mkParam :: Text -> Maybe Text -> Maybe Bool -> ParamLocation -> Maybe Bool -> Maybe Value -> Maybe OpenApiType -> Param
mkParam nameP desc req loc allowEmpty def varType =
& name .~ nameP
& description .~ desc
& required .~ req
& in_ .~ loc
& allowEmptyValue .~ allowEmpty
& schema
?~ Inline
( mempty
& default_ .~ def
& type_ .~ varType
getDefaultVar :: G.VariableDefinition -> Maybe Value
getDefaultVar var = case G._vdDefaultValue var of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just va -> case va of
G.VNull -> Nothing
G.VInt n -> Just $ toJSON n
G.VFloat sci -> Just $ toJSON sci
G.VString txt -> Just $ toJSON txt
G.VBoolean b -> Just $ toJSON b
G.VEnum ev -> Just $ toJSON ev
_ -> Nothing
getComment :: EndpointMetadata GQLQueryWithText -> Text
getComment d = comment
gql = getGQLQueryFromTrie d
comment = case _ceComment d of
(Just c) -> c <> "\n***\nThe GraphQl query for this endpoint is:\n``` graphql\n" <> gql <> "\n```"
Nothing -> "***\nThe GraphQl query for this endpoint is:\n``` graphql\n" <> gql <> "\n```"
getURL :: EndpointMetadata GQLQueryWithText -> Text
getURL d =
-- The url will be of the format <Endpoint>/:<Var1>/:<Var2> ... always, so we can
-- split and take the first element (it should never fail)
<> fst (T.breakOn "/" (TNE.unNonEmptyText . unEndpointUrl . _ceUrl $ d))
<> foldl
( \b a -> b <> "/{" <> a <> "}"
(map T.tail $ lefts $ splitPath Left Right (_ceUrl d))
extractEndpointInfo :: EndpointMethod -> EndpointMetadata GQLQueryWithText -> EndpointData
extractEndpointInfo method d =
let _edUrl = T.unpack . getURL $ d
_edVarList = getVariableDefinitions d
_edDescription = getComment d
_edName = TNE.unNonEmptyText $ unEndpointName $ _ceName d
in EndpointData
{ _edMethod = [unEndpointMethod method], -- NOTE: Methods are grouped with into matching endpoints - Name used for grouping.
getEndpointsData :: SchemaCache -> [EndpointData]
getEndpointsData sc = map squashEndpointGroup endpointsGrouped
endpointTrie = scEndpoints sc
methodMaps = leaves endpointTrie
endpointsWithMethods = concatMap (\(m, s) -> map (m,) (S.toList s)) $ concatMap (M.toList . _unMultiMap) methodMaps
endpointsWithInfo = map (uncurry extractEndpointInfo) endpointsWithMethods
endpointsGrouped = LNE.groupBy (\a b -> _edName a == _edName b) endpointsWithInfo
squashEndpointGroup :: NonEmpty EndpointData -> EndpointData
squashEndpointGroup g = (LNE.head g) {_edMethod = concatMap _edMethod g}
serveJSON :: SchemaCache -> OpenApi
serveJSON sc = spec & components . schemas .~ defs
(defs, spec) = runDeclare (declareOpenApiSpec sc) mempty
declareOpenApiSpec :: SchemaCache -> Declare (Definitions Schema) OpenApi
declareOpenApiSpec sc = do
let mkOperation :: EndpointData -> Operation
mkOperation ed =
& description ?~ _edDescription ed
& summary ?~ _edName ed
& parameters .~ (Inline xHasuraAS : _edVarList ed)
getOPName :: EndpointData -> Text -> Maybe Operation
getOPName ed methodType =
if methodType `elem` _edMethod ed
then Just $ mkOperation ed
else Nothing
xHasuraAS :: Param
xHasuraAS =
(Just "Your x-hasura-admin-secret will be used for authentication of the API request.")
(Just OpenApiString)
generatePathItem :: EndpointData -> PathItem
generatePathItem ed =
& get .~ getOPName ed "GET"
& post .~ getOPName ed "POST"
& put .~ getOPName ed "PUT"
& delete .~ getOPName ed "DELETE"
& patch .~ getOPName ed "PATCH"
endpointLst = getEndpointsData sc
mkOpenAPISchema :: [EndpointData] -> InsOrdHashMap FilePath PathItem
mkOpenAPISchema edLst = foldl (\hm ed -> MI.insertWith (<>) (_edUrl ed) (generatePathItem ed) hm) mempty edLst
openAPIPaths = mkOpenAPISchema endpointLst
return $
& paths .~ openAPIPaths
& info . title .~ "Rest Endpoints"
& info . description ?~ "These OpenAPI specifications are automatically generated by Hasura."