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synced 2024-12-18 04:51:35 +03:00
If returning field contains nested selections then mutation is performed in two steps 1. Mutation is performed with returning columns of any primary key and unique constraints 2. returning fields are queried on rows returned by selecting from table by filtering with column values returned in Step 1. Since mutation takes two courses based on selecting relations in returning field, it is hard to maintain sequence of prepared arguments (PrepArg) generated while resolving returning field. So, we're using txtConverter instead of prepare to resolve mutation fields.
218 lines
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218 lines
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module Hasura.SQL.Value where
import Hasura.SQL.GeoJSON
import Hasura.SQL.Time
import Hasura.SQL.Types
import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q
import qualified Database.PG.Query.PTI as PTI
import qualified Hasura.SQL.DML as S
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Internal
import Data.Int
import Data.Scientific
import Data.Time
import Hasura.Prelude
import qualified Data.Aeson.Text as AE
import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as AT
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.LibPQ as PQ
import qualified PostgreSQL.Binary.Encoding as PE
-- Binary value. Used in prepared sq
data PGColValue
= PGValInteger !Int32
| PGValSmallInt !Int16
| PGValBigInt !Int64
| PGValFloat !Float
| PGValDouble !Double
| PGValNumeric !Scientific
| PGValBoolean !Bool
| PGValChar !Char
| PGValVarchar !T.Text
| PGValText !T.Text
| PGValDate !Day
| PGValTimeStampTZ !UTCTime
| PGValTimeTZ !ZonedTimeOfDay
| PGNull !PGColType
| PGValGeo !GeometryWithCRS
| PGValUnknown !T.Text
deriving (Show, Eq)
txtEncoder :: PGColValue -> S.SQLExp
txtEncoder colVal = case colVal of
PGValInteger i -> S.SELit $ T.pack $ show i
PGValSmallInt i -> S.SELit $ T.pack $ show i
PGValBigInt i -> S.SELit $ T.pack $ show i
PGValFloat f -> S.SELit $ T.pack $ show f
PGValDouble d -> S.SELit $ T.pack $ show d
PGValNumeric sc -> S.SELit $ T.pack $ show sc
PGValBoolean b -> S.SELit $ bool "false" "true" b
PGValChar t -> S.SELit $ T.pack $ show t
PGValVarchar t -> S.SELit t
PGValText t -> S.SELit t
PGValDate d -> S.SELit $ T.pack $ showGregorian d
PGValTimeStampTZ u ->
S.SELit $ T.pack $ formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%FT%T%QZ" u
PGValTimeTZ (ZonedTimeOfDay tod tz) ->
S.SELit $ T.pack (show tod ++ timeZoneOffsetString tz)
PGNull _ ->
S.SEUnsafe "NULL"
PGValJSON (Q.JSON j) -> S.SELit $ TL.toStrict $
AE.encodeToLazyText j
PGValJSONB (Q.JSONB j) -> S.SELit $ TL.toStrict $
AE.encodeToLazyText j
PGValGeo o -> S.SELit $ TL.toStrict $
AE.encodeToLazyText o
PGValUnknown t -> S.SELit t
binEncoder :: PGColValue -> Q.PrepArg
binEncoder colVal = case colVal of
PGValInteger i ->
Q.toPrepVal i
PGValSmallInt i ->
Q.toPrepVal i
PGValBigInt i ->
Q.toPrepVal i
PGValFloat f ->
Q.toPrepVal f
PGValDouble d ->
Q.toPrepVal d
PGValNumeric sc ->
Q.toPrepVal sc
PGValBoolean b ->
Q.toPrepVal b
PGValChar t ->
Q.toPrepVal t
PGValVarchar t ->
Q.toPrepVal t
PGValText t ->
Q.toPrepVal t
PGValDate d ->
Q.toPrepVal d
PGValTimeStampTZ u ->
Q.toPrepVal u
PGValTimeTZ (ZonedTimeOfDay t z) ->
Q.toPrepValHelper PTI.timetz PE.timetz_int (t, z)
PGNull ty ->
(pgTypeOid ty, Nothing)
PGValJSON u ->
Q.toPrepVal u
Q.toPrepVal u
PGValGeo o ->
Q.toPrepVal $ TL.toStrict $ AE.encodeToLazyText o
PGValUnknown t ->
(PTI.auto, Just (TE.encodeUtf8 t, PQ.Text))
parsePGValue' :: PGColType
-> Value
-> AT.Parser PGColValue
parsePGValue' ty Null =
return $ PGNull ty
parsePGValue' PGSmallInt val =
PGValSmallInt <$> parseJSON val
parsePGValue' PGInteger val =
PGValInteger <$> parseJSON val
parsePGValue' PGBigInt val =
PGValBigInt <$> parseJSON val
parsePGValue' PGSerial val =
PGValInteger <$> parseJSON val
parsePGValue' PGBigSerial val =
PGValBigInt <$> parseJSON val
parsePGValue' PGFloat val =
PGValFloat <$> parseJSON val
parsePGValue' PGDouble val =
PGValDouble <$> parseJSON val
parsePGValue' PGNumeric val =
PGValNumeric <$> parseJSON val
parsePGValue' PGBoolean val =
PGValBoolean <$> parseJSON val
parsePGValue' PGChar val =
PGValChar <$> parseJSON val
parsePGValue' PGVarchar val =
PGValVarchar <$> parseJSON val
parsePGValue' PGText val =
PGValText <$> parseJSON val
parsePGValue' PGDate val =
PGValDate <$> parseJSON val
parsePGValue' PGTimeStampTZ val =
PGValTimeStampTZ <$> parseJSON val
parsePGValue' PGTimeTZ val =
PGValTimeTZ <$> parseJSON val
parsePGValue' PGJSON val =
PGValJSON . Q.JSON <$> parseJSON val
parsePGValue' PGJSONB val =
PGValJSONB . Q.JSONB <$> parseJSON val
parsePGValue' PGGeometry val =
PGValGeo <$> parseJSON val
parsePGValue' PGGeography val =
PGValGeo <$> parseJSON val
parsePGValue' (PGUnknown _) (String t) =
return $ PGValUnknown t
parsePGValue' (PGUnknown tyName) _ =
fail $ "A string is expected for type : " ++ T.unpack tyName
parsePGValue :: PGColType -> Value -> AT.Parser PGColValue
parsePGValue pct val =
case val of
String t -> parsePGValue' pct val <|> return (PGValUnknown t)
_ -> parsePGValue' pct val
convToBin :: PGColType
-> Value
-> AT.Parser Q.PrepArg
convToBin ty val =
binEncoder <$> parsePGValue ty val
convToTxt :: PGColType
-> Value
-> AT.Parser S.SQLExp
convToTxt ty val =
toTxtValue ty <$> parsePGValue ty val
readEitherTxt :: (Read a) => T.Text -> Either String a
readEitherTxt = readEither . T.unpack
iresToEither :: IResult a -> Either String a
iresToEither (IError _ msg) = Left msg
iresToEither (ISuccess a) = return a
pgValFromJVal :: (FromJSON a) => Value -> Either String a
pgValFromJVal = iresToEither . ifromJSON
withGeoVal :: PGColType -> S.SQLExp -> S.SQLExp
withGeoVal ty v =
bool v applyGeomFromGeoJson isGeoTy
applyGeomFromGeoJson =
S.SEFnApp "ST_GeomFromGeoJSON" [v] Nothing
isGeoTy = case ty of
PGGeometry -> True
PGGeography -> True
_ -> False
toPrepParam :: Int -> PGColType -> S.SQLExp
toPrepParam i ty =
withGeoVal ty $ S.SEPrep i
toTxtValue :: PGColType -> PGColValue -> S.SQLExp
toTxtValue ty val =
S.annotateExp txtVal ty
txtVal = withGeoVal ty $ txtEncoder val
pgColValueToInt :: PGColValue -> Maybe Int
pgColValueToInt (PGValInteger i) = Just $ fromIntegral i
pgColValueToInt (PGValSmallInt i) = Just $ fromIntegral i
pgColValueToInt (PGValBigInt i) = Just $ fromIntegral i
pgColValueToInt _ = Nothing