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synced 2024-12-17 04:24:35 +03:00
### Description This PR rewrites OpenAPI to be more idiomatic. Some noteworthy changes: - we accumulate all required information during the Analyze phase, to avoid having to do a single lookup in the schema cache during the OpenAPI generation phase (we now only need the schema cache as input to run the analysis) - we no longer build intermediary endpoint information and aggregate it, we directly build the the `PathItem` for each endpoint; additionally, that means we no longer have to assume that different methods have the same metadata - we no longer have to first declare types, then craft references: we do everything in one step - we now properly deal with nullability by treating "typeName" and "typeName!" as different - we add a bunch of additional fields in the generated "schema", such as title - we do now support enum values in both input and output positions - checking whether the request body is required is now performed on the fly rather than by introspecting the generated schema - the methods in the file are sorted by topic ### Controversial point However, this PR creates some additional complexity, that we might not want to keep. The main complexity is _knot-tying_: to avoid lookups when generating the OpenAPI, it builds an actual graph of input types, which means that we need something similar to (but simpler than) `MonadSchema`, to avoid infinite recursions when analyzing the input types of a query. To do this, this PR introduces `CircularT`, a lesser `SchemaT` that aims at avoiding ever having to reinvent this particular wheel ever again. ### Remaining work - [x] fix existing tests (they are all failing due to some of the schema changes) - [ ] add tests to cover the new features: - [x] tests for `CircularT` - [ ] tests for enums in output schemas - [x] extract / document `CircularT` if we wish to keep it - [x] add more comments to `OpenAPI` - [x] have a second look at `buildVariableSchema` - [x] fix all missing diagnostics in `Analyze` - [x] add a Changelog entry? PR-URL: https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/4654 Co-authored-by: David Overton <7734777+dmoverton@users.noreply.github.com> GitOrigin-RevId: f4a9191f22dfcc1dccefd6a52f5c586b6ad17172
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{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
-- | This module has type class and types which implements the Metadata Storage Abstraction
module Hasura.Metadata.Class
( SchemaSyncEventProcessResult (..),
MetadataStorageT (..),
MonadMetadataStorage (..),
MonadMetadataStorageQueryAPI (..),
import Control.Monad.Morph (MFunctor, hoist)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl)
import Data.Aeson
import Database.PG.Query qualified as Q
import Hasura.Base.Error
import Hasura.Eventing.ScheduledTrigger.Types
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Action
import Hasura.RQL.Types.EventTrigger
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Eventing
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Metadata
import Hasura.RQL.Types.ScheduledTrigger
import Hasura.RQL.Types.SchemaCache
import Hasura.RQL.Types.SchemaCache.Build
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Source
import Hasura.Server.Types
import Hasura.Session
import Hasura.Tracing qualified as Tracing
import Network.HTTP.Client.Manager (HasHttpManagerM (..))
import Network.HTTP.Types qualified as HTTP
data SchemaSyncEventProcessResult = SchemaSyncEventProcessResult
{ _sseprShouldReload :: !Bool,
_sseprCacheInvalidations :: !CacheInvalidations
{- Note [Todo: Common interface for eventing sub-system]
Postgres tables' event triggers and scheduled event triggers are similar in the
core logic. But currently, their implementation is completely isolated and do not
share a common schema in Postgres. We're having a plan to simplify them via a
common 'event storage and retrieval' interface (maybe via a Postgres extension?).
This will potentially reduce number of interactions made to database and schema foot print.
TODO: Reference to open issue or rfc?
-- | Metadata storage abstraction via a type class.
-- This type class enables storing and managing Hasura metadata in an isolated
-- database which will not interfere with user's database where tables/functions
-- are defined. Hence, it'll enable support for databases of multiple backends
-- like MySQL, MSSQL etc.
-- This class has functions broadly related to:
-- 1. Metadata Management
-- ----------------------
-- Basic metadata management functions such as retrieving metadata from storage
-- database and replacing the given metadata.
-- TODO: Console specific operations
-- 2. Scheduled Triggers
-- ---------------------
-- Eventing sub-system for scheduled triggers is implemented via metadata storage.
-- For more details, refer description in 'Hasura.Eventing.ScheduledTrigger' module.
-- TODO: Functions need to be added to the type class
-- - Retrieving invocation logs from storage (console requirement)
-- - Deleting an scheduled event
-- - Creating an one-off scheduled event
-- 3. Async Actions
-- ----------------
-- Operations to implement async actions sub-system. This includes recording an
-- async action event and retreiving the details of action delivery to the webhook.
-- For more details see Note [Async action architecture] in 'Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.Action' module.
-- It is believed that all the above three are implemented in a single storage
-- system (ex: a Postgres database). We can split the functions into appropriate and
-- specific type classes in future iterations if required.
class (MonadError QErr m) => MonadMetadataStorage m where
-- Metadata
fetchMetadataResourceVersion :: m MetadataResourceVersion
fetchMetadata :: m (Metadata, MetadataResourceVersion)
fetchMetadataNotifications :: MetadataResourceVersion -> InstanceId -> m [(MetadataResourceVersion, CacheInvalidations)]
setMetadata :: MetadataResourceVersion -> Metadata -> m MetadataResourceVersion
notifySchemaCacheSync :: MetadataResourceVersion -> InstanceId -> CacheInvalidations -> m ()
getCatalogState :: m CatalogState
-- the `setCatalogState` function is used by the console and CLI to store its state
-- it is disabled when maintenance mode is on
setCatalogState :: CatalogStateType -> Value -> m ()
-- get the @db_uuid@ that we store in the database.
getMetadataDbUid :: m MetadataDbId
checkMetadataStorageHealth :: m ()
-- Scheduled triggers
-- TODO:-
-- Ideally we would've liked to avoid having functions that are specific to
-- scheduled/cron triggers and instead have functions that provide a generic
-- 'event storage and retrieval' interface but we'll have to change a lot of
-- existing code for scheduled and cron triggers. We can get to this after the
-- multi-source work is done. See Note [Todo: Common interface for eventing sub-system]
getDeprivedCronTriggerStats :: [TriggerName] -> m [CronTriggerStats]
getScheduledEventsForDelivery :: m ([CronEvent], [OneOffScheduledEvent])
insertCronEvents :: [CronEventSeed] -> m ()
insertOneOffScheduledEvent :: OneOffEvent -> m EventId
insertScheduledEventInvocation :: Invocation 'ScheduledType -> ScheduledEventType -> m ()
setScheduledEventOp :: ScheduledEventId -> ScheduledEventOp -> ScheduledEventType -> m ()
unlockScheduledEvents :: ScheduledEventType -> [ScheduledEventId] -> m Int
unlockAllLockedScheduledEvents :: m ()
clearFutureCronEvents :: ClearCronEvents -> m ()
-- Console API requirements
getOneOffScheduledEvents :: ScheduledEventPagination -> [ScheduledEventStatus] -> m (WithTotalCount [OneOffScheduledEvent])
getCronEvents :: TriggerName -> ScheduledEventPagination -> [ScheduledEventStatus] -> m (WithTotalCount [CronEvent])
getInvocations :: GetInvocationsBy -> ScheduledEventPagination -> m (WithTotalCount [ScheduledEventInvocation])
deleteScheduledEvent :: ScheduledEventId -> ScheduledEventType -> m ()
-- Async actions
insertAction ::
ActionName ->
SessionVariables ->
[HTTP.Header] ->
Value ->
m ActionId
fetchUndeliveredActionEvents :: m [ActionLogItem]
setActionStatus :: ActionId -> AsyncActionStatus -> m ()
fetchActionResponse :: ActionId -> m ActionLogResponse
clearActionData :: ActionName -> m ()
setProcessingActionLogsToPending :: LockedActionIdArray -> m ()
instance (MonadMetadataStorage m) => MonadMetadataStorage (ReaderT r m) where
fetchMetadataResourceVersion = lift fetchMetadataResourceVersion
fetchMetadata = lift fetchMetadata
fetchMetadataNotifications a b = lift $ fetchMetadataNotifications a b
setMetadata r = lift . setMetadata r
notifySchemaCacheSync a b c = lift $ notifySchemaCacheSync a b c
getCatalogState = lift getCatalogState
setCatalogState a b = lift $ setCatalogState a b
getMetadataDbUid = lift getMetadataDbUid
checkMetadataStorageHealth = lift checkMetadataStorageHealth
getDeprivedCronTriggerStats = lift . getDeprivedCronTriggerStats
getScheduledEventsForDelivery = lift getScheduledEventsForDelivery
insertCronEvents = lift . insertCronEvents
insertOneOffScheduledEvent = lift . insertOneOffScheduledEvent
insertScheduledEventInvocation a b = lift $ insertScheduledEventInvocation a b
setScheduledEventOp a b c = lift $ setScheduledEventOp a b c
unlockScheduledEvents a b = lift $ unlockScheduledEvents a b
unlockAllLockedScheduledEvents = lift $ unlockAllLockedScheduledEvents
clearFutureCronEvents = lift . clearFutureCronEvents
getOneOffScheduledEvents a b = lift $ getOneOffScheduledEvents a b
getCronEvents a b c = lift $ getCronEvents a b c
getInvocations a b = lift $ getInvocations a b
deleteScheduledEvent a b = lift $ deleteScheduledEvent a b
insertAction a b c d = lift $ insertAction a b c d
fetchUndeliveredActionEvents = lift fetchUndeliveredActionEvents
setActionStatus a b = lift $ setActionStatus a b
fetchActionResponse = lift . fetchActionResponse
clearActionData = lift . clearActionData
setProcessingActionLogsToPending = lift . setProcessingActionLogsToPending
instance (MonadMetadataStorage m) => MonadMetadataStorage (StateT s m) where
fetchMetadataResourceVersion = lift fetchMetadataResourceVersion
fetchMetadata = lift fetchMetadata
fetchMetadataNotifications a b = lift $ fetchMetadataNotifications a b
setMetadata r = lift . setMetadata r
notifySchemaCacheSync a b c = lift $ notifySchemaCacheSync a b c
getCatalogState = lift getCatalogState
setCatalogState a b = lift $ setCatalogState a b
getMetadataDbUid = lift getMetadataDbUid
checkMetadataStorageHealth = lift checkMetadataStorageHealth
getDeprivedCronTriggerStats = lift . getDeprivedCronTriggerStats
getScheduledEventsForDelivery = lift getScheduledEventsForDelivery
insertCronEvents = lift . insertCronEvents
insertOneOffScheduledEvent = lift . insertOneOffScheduledEvent
insertScheduledEventInvocation a b = lift $ insertScheduledEventInvocation a b
setScheduledEventOp a b c = lift $ setScheduledEventOp a b c
unlockScheduledEvents a b = lift $ unlockScheduledEvents a b
unlockAllLockedScheduledEvents = lift $ unlockAllLockedScheduledEvents
clearFutureCronEvents = lift . clearFutureCronEvents
getOneOffScheduledEvents a b = lift $ getOneOffScheduledEvents a b
getCronEvents a b c = lift $ getCronEvents a b c
getInvocations a b = lift $ getInvocations a b
deleteScheduledEvent a b = lift $ deleteScheduledEvent a b
insertAction a b c d = lift $ insertAction a b c d
fetchUndeliveredActionEvents = lift fetchUndeliveredActionEvents
setActionStatus a b = lift $ setActionStatus a b
fetchActionResponse = lift . fetchActionResponse
clearActionData = lift . clearActionData
setProcessingActionLogsToPending = lift . setProcessingActionLogsToPending
instance (MonadMetadataStorage m) => MonadMetadataStorage (Tracing.TraceT m) where
fetchMetadataResourceVersion = lift fetchMetadataResourceVersion
fetchMetadata = lift fetchMetadata
fetchMetadataNotifications a b = lift $ fetchMetadataNotifications a b
setMetadata r = lift . setMetadata r
notifySchemaCacheSync a b c = lift $ notifySchemaCacheSync a b c
getCatalogState = lift getCatalogState
setCatalogState a b = lift $ setCatalogState a b
getMetadataDbUid = lift getMetadataDbUid
checkMetadataStorageHealth = lift checkMetadataStorageHealth
getDeprivedCronTriggerStats = lift . getDeprivedCronTriggerStats
getScheduledEventsForDelivery = lift getScheduledEventsForDelivery
insertCronEvents = lift . insertCronEvents
insertOneOffScheduledEvent = lift . insertOneOffScheduledEvent
insertScheduledEventInvocation a b = lift $ insertScheduledEventInvocation a b
setScheduledEventOp a b c = lift $ setScheduledEventOp a b c
unlockScheduledEvents a b = lift $ unlockScheduledEvents a b
unlockAllLockedScheduledEvents = lift $ unlockAllLockedScheduledEvents
clearFutureCronEvents = lift . clearFutureCronEvents
getOneOffScheduledEvents a b = lift $ getOneOffScheduledEvents a b
getCronEvents a b c = lift $ getCronEvents a b c
getInvocations a b = lift $ getInvocations a b
deleteScheduledEvent a b = lift $ deleteScheduledEvent a b
insertAction a b c d = lift $ insertAction a b c d
fetchUndeliveredActionEvents = lift fetchUndeliveredActionEvents
setActionStatus a b = lift $ setActionStatus a b
fetchActionResponse = lift . fetchActionResponse
clearActionData = lift . clearActionData
setProcessingActionLogsToPending = lift . setProcessingActionLogsToPending
instance (MonadMetadataStorage m) => MonadMetadataStorage (ExceptT QErr m) where
fetchMetadataResourceVersion = lift fetchMetadataResourceVersion
fetchMetadata = lift fetchMetadata
fetchMetadataNotifications a b = lift $ fetchMetadataNotifications a b
setMetadata r = lift . setMetadata r
notifySchemaCacheSync a b c = lift $ notifySchemaCacheSync a b c
getCatalogState = lift getCatalogState
setCatalogState a b = lift $ setCatalogState a b
getMetadataDbUid = lift getMetadataDbUid
checkMetadataStorageHealth = lift checkMetadataStorageHealth
getDeprivedCronTriggerStats = lift . getDeprivedCronTriggerStats
getScheduledEventsForDelivery = lift getScheduledEventsForDelivery
insertCronEvents = lift . insertCronEvents
insertOneOffScheduledEvent = lift . insertOneOffScheduledEvent
insertScheduledEventInvocation a b = lift $ insertScheduledEventInvocation a b
setScheduledEventOp a b c = lift $ setScheduledEventOp a b c
unlockScheduledEvents a b = lift $ unlockScheduledEvents a b
unlockAllLockedScheduledEvents = lift $ unlockAllLockedScheduledEvents
clearFutureCronEvents = lift . clearFutureCronEvents
getOneOffScheduledEvents a b = lift $ getOneOffScheduledEvents a b
getCronEvents a b c = lift $ getCronEvents a b c
getInvocations a b = lift $ getInvocations a b
deleteScheduledEvent a b = lift $ deleteScheduledEvent a b
insertAction a b c d = lift $ insertAction a b c d
fetchUndeliveredActionEvents = lift fetchUndeliveredActionEvents
setActionStatus a b = lift $ setActionStatus a b
fetchActionResponse = lift . fetchActionResponse
clearActionData = lift . clearActionData
setProcessingActionLogsToPending = lift . setProcessingActionLogsToPending
instance (MonadMetadataStorage m) => MonadMetadataStorage (MetadataT m) where
fetchMetadataResourceVersion = lift fetchMetadataResourceVersion
fetchMetadata = lift fetchMetadata
fetchMetadataNotifications a b = lift $ fetchMetadataNotifications a b
setMetadata r = lift . setMetadata r
notifySchemaCacheSync a b c = lift $ notifySchemaCacheSync a b c
getCatalogState = lift getCatalogState
setCatalogState a b = lift $ setCatalogState a b
getMetadataDbUid = lift getMetadataDbUid
checkMetadataStorageHealth = lift checkMetadataStorageHealth
getDeprivedCronTriggerStats = lift . getDeprivedCronTriggerStats
getScheduledEventsForDelivery = lift getScheduledEventsForDelivery
insertCronEvents = lift . insertCronEvents
insertOneOffScheduledEvent = lift . insertOneOffScheduledEvent
insertScheduledEventInvocation a b = lift $ insertScheduledEventInvocation a b
setScheduledEventOp a b c = lift $ setScheduledEventOp a b c
unlockScheduledEvents a b = lift $ unlockScheduledEvents a b
unlockAllLockedScheduledEvents = lift $ unlockAllLockedScheduledEvents
clearFutureCronEvents = lift . clearFutureCronEvents
getOneOffScheduledEvents a b = lift $ getOneOffScheduledEvents a b
getCronEvents a b c = lift $ getCronEvents a b c
getInvocations a b = lift $ getInvocations a b
deleteScheduledEvent a b = lift $ deleteScheduledEvent a b
insertAction a b c d = lift $ insertAction a b c d
fetchUndeliveredActionEvents = lift fetchUndeliveredActionEvents
setActionStatus a b = lift $ setActionStatus a b
fetchActionResponse = lift . fetchActionResponse
clearActionData = lift . clearActionData
setProcessingActionLogsToPending = lift . setProcessingActionLogsToPending
instance (MonadMetadataStorage m) => MonadMetadataStorage (Q.TxET QErr m) where
fetchMetadataResourceVersion = lift fetchMetadataResourceVersion
fetchMetadata = lift fetchMetadata
fetchMetadataNotifications a b = lift $ fetchMetadataNotifications a b
setMetadata r = lift . setMetadata r
notifySchemaCacheSync a b c = lift $ notifySchemaCacheSync a b c
getCatalogState = lift getCatalogState
setCatalogState a b = lift $ setCatalogState a b
getMetadataDbUid = lift getMetadataDbUid
checkMetadataStorageHealth = lift checkMetadataStorageHealth
getDeprivedCronTriggerStats = lift . getDeprivedCronTriggerStats
getScheduledEventsForDelivery = lift getScheduledEventsForDelivery
insertCronEvents = lift . insertCronEvents
insertOneOffScheduledEvent = lift . insertOneOffScheduledEvent
insertScheduledEventInvocation a b = lift $ insertScheduledEventInvocation a b
setScheduledEventOp a b c = lift $ setScheduledEventOp a b c
unlockScheduledEvents a b = lift $ unlockScheduledEvents a b
unlockAllLockedScheduledEvents = lift $ unlockAllLockedScheduledEvents
clearFutureCronEvents = lift . clearFutureCronEvents
getOneOffScheduledEvents a b = lift $ getOneOffScheduledEvents a b
getCronEvents a b c = lift $ getCronEvents a b c
getInvocations a b = lift $ getInvocations a b
deleteScheduledEvent a b = lift $ deleteScheduledEvent a b
insertAction a b c d = lift $ insertAction a b c d
fetchUndeliveredActionEvents = lift fetchUndeliveredActionEvents
setActionStatus a b = lift $ setActionStatus a b
fetchActionResponse = lift . fetchActionResponse
clearActionData = lift . clearActionData
setProcessingActionLogsToPending = lift . setProcessingActionLogsToPending
{- Note [Generic MetadataStorageT transformer]
All methods of the MonadMetadataStorage class may fail, which we represent in
the usual way using a MonadError superclass:
class MonadError QErr m => MonadMetadataStorage m
However, unusually, the location where we pick a concrete MonadMetadataStorage
instance is not a context where we can handle errors, and as such the monad at
that point has no MonadError instance! Instead, clients of MonadMetadataStorage
are expected to handle errors /locally/, even though the code is parameterized
over an arbitrary metadata storage mechanism.
To encode this, we take a slightly unorthodox approach involving the auxiliary
MetadataStorageT transformer, which is really just a wrapper around ExceptT:
newtype MetadataStorageT m a
= MetadataStorageT { unMetadataStorageT :: ExceptT QErr m a }
We then define MonadMetadataStorage instances on a transformer stack comprising
both MetadataStorageT and a concrete base monad:
instance MonadMetadataStorage (MetadataStorageT PGMetadataStorageApp)
This looks unconventional, but it allows polymorphic code to be parameterized
over the metadata storage implementation while still handling errors locally.
Such functions include a constraint of the form
MonadMetadataStorage (MetadataStorageT m) => ...
and use runMetadataStorageT at the location where errors should be handled, e.g.:
result <- runMetadataStorageT do
{- ... some metadata operations ... -}
case result of
Left err -> ...
Right value -> ...
In other words, runMetadataStorageT serves as a marker that says “I’m going to
handle exceptions raised by metadata operations right here,” which allows them
to be handled more locally than the point at which the concrete
MonadMetadataStorage instance (and thus the particular metadata storage
implementation) is actually chosen. -}
-- | The 'MetadataStorageT' transformer adds ability to throw exceptions
-- for monads deriving @'MonadMetadataStorage' instance.
-- For more details see Note [Generic MetadataStorageT transformer]
newtype MetadataStorageT m a = MetadataStorageT {unMetadataStorageT :: ExceptT QErr m a}
( Functor,
MonadError QErr,
MonadReader r,
MonadState s,
MonadBase b,
MonadBaseControl b
runMetadataStorageT ::
MetadataStorageT m a -> m (Either QErr a)
runMetadataStorageT =
runExceptT . unMetadataStorageT
(Monad m, Monad (t m), MonadTrans t, MonadMetadataStorage (MetadataStorageT m)) =>
MonadMetadataStorage (MetadataStorageT (t m))
fetchMetadataResourceVersion = hoist lift fetchMetadataResourceVersion
fetchMetadata = hoist lift fetchMetadata
fetchMetadataNotifications a b = hoist lift $ fetchMetadataNotifications a b
setMetadata r = hoist lift . setMetadata r
notifySchemaCacheSync a b c = hoist lift $ notifySchemaCacheSync a b c
getCatalogState = hoist lift getCatalogState
setCatalogState a b = hoist lift $ setCatalogState a b
getMetadataDbUid = hoist lift getMetadataDbUid
checkMetadataStorageHealth = hoist lift checkMetadataStorageHealth
getDeprivedCronTriggerStats = hoist lift . getDeprivedCronTriggerStats
getScheduledEventsForDelivery = hoist lift getScheduledEventsForDelivery
insertCronEvents = hoist lift . insertCronEvents
insertOneOffScheduledEvent = hoist lift . insertOneOffScheduledEvent
insertScheduledEventInvocation a b = hoist lift $ insertScheduledEventInvocation a b
setScheduledEventOp a b c = hoist lift $ setScheduledEventOp a b c
unlockScheduledEvents a b = hoist lift $ unlockScheduledEvents a b
unlockAllLockedScheduledEvents = hoist lift $ unlockAllLockedScheduledEvents
clearFutureCronEvents = hoist lift . clearFutureCronEvents
getOneOffScheduledEvents a b = hoist lift $ getOneOffScheduledEvents a b
getCronEvents a b c = hoist lift $ getCronEvents a b c
getInvocations a b = hoist lift $ getInvocations a b
deleteScheduledEvent a b = hoist lift $ deleteScheduledEvent a b
insertAction a b c d = hoist lift $ insertAction a b c d
fetchUndeliveredActionEvents = hoist lift fetchUndeliveredActionEvents
setActionStatus a b = hoist lift $ setActionStatus a b
fetchActionResponse = hoist lift . fetchActionResponse
clearActionData = hoist lift . clearActionData
setProcessingActionLogsToPending = hoist lift . setProcessingActionLogsToPending
-- | Operations from @'MonadMetadataStorage' used in '/v1/query' and '/v1/metadata' APIs
class (MonadMetadataStorage m) => MonadMetadataStorageQueryAPI m where
-- | Record a one-off event
createOneOffScheduledEvent :: OneOffEvent -> m EventId
createOneOffScheduledEvent = insertOneOffScheduledEvent
-- | Record a cron event
createCronEvents :: [CronEventSeed] -> m ()
createCronEvents = insertCronEvents
-- | Clear cron events
dropFutureCronEvents :: ClearCronEvents -> m ()
dropFutureCronEvents = clearFutureCronEvents
-- | Delete async action logs
deleteActionData :: ActionName -> m ()
deleteActionData = clearActionData
-- | Fetch cron/oneoff scheduled event invocations
fetchInvocations ::
GetInvocationsBy ->
ScheduledEventPagination ->
m (WithTotalCount [ScheduledEventInvocation])
fetchInvocations = getInvocations
-- | Fetch cron/oneoff scheduled events
fetchScheduledEvents :: GetScheduledEvents -> m Value
fetchScheduledEvents GetScheduledEvents {..} = do
let totalCountToJSON WithTotalCount {..} =
object ["count" .= _wtcCount, "events" .= _wtcData]
case _gseScheduledEvent of
SEOneOff -> totalCountToJSON <$> getOneOffScheduledEvents _gsePagination _gseStatus
SECron name -> totalCountToJSON <$> getCronEvents name _gsePagination _gseStatus
-- | Drop a cron/oneoff scheduled event
dropEvent :: ScheduledEventId -> ScheduledEventType -> m ()
dropEvent = deleteScheduledEvent
-- | Retrieve the state from metadata storage catalog
fetchCatalogState :: m CatalogState
fetchCatalogState = getCatalogState
-- | Update the state from metadata storage catalog
updateCatalogState :: CatalogStateType -> Value -> m ()
updateCatalogState = setCatalogState
instance (MonadMetadataStorageQueryAPI m) => MonadMetadataStorageQueryAPI (ReaderT r m)
instance (MonadMetadataStorageQueryAPI m) => MonadMetadataStorageQueryAPI (StateT s m)
instance (MonadMetadataStorageQueryAPI m) => MonadMetadataStorageQueryAPI (Tracing.TraceT m)
instance (MonadMetadataStorageQueryAPI m) => MonadMetadataStorageQueryAPI (MetadataT m)
instance (MonadMetadataStorageQueryAPI m) => MonadMetadataStorageQueryAPI (Q.TxET QErr m)