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module Test.QuerySpec.RelationshipsSpec (spec) where
import Autodocodec.Extended (ValueWrapper (..), ValueWrapper3 (..))
import Control.Lens (ix, (&), (.~), (^.), (^..), (^?))
import Data.Aeson (Object, Value (..))
import Data.Aeson qualified as J
import Data.Aeson.KeyMap qualified as KeyMap
import Data.Aeson.Lens (_Array, _Number, _String)
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HashMap
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Vector qualified as Vector
import Hasura.Backends.DataConnector.API
import Servant.API (NamedRoutes)
import Servant.Client (Client, (//))
import Test.Data qualified as Data
import Test.Hspec (Spec, describe, it)
import Test.Hspec.Expectations.Pretty (shouldBe)
import Prelude
spec :: Client IO (NamedRoutes Routes) -> SourceName -> Config -> Spec
spec api sourceName config = describe "Relationship Queries" $ do
it "perform an object relationship query by joining artist to albums" $ do
let query = albumsWithArtistQuery id
receivedAlbums <- (Data.sortBy "AlbumId" . getQueryResponse) <$> (api // _query) sourceName config query
let joinInArtist (album :: Object) =
let artist = (album ^? ix "ArtistId" . _Number) >>= \artistId -> Data.artistsAsJsonById ^? ix artistId
artistPropVal = maybe J.Null Object artist
in KeyMap.insert "Artist" artistPropVal album
let removeArtistId = KeyMap.delete "ArtistId"
let expectedAlbums = (removeArtistId . joinInArtist) <$> Data.albumsAsJson
receivedAlbums `shouldBe` expectedAlbums
it "perform an array relationship query by joining albums to artists" $ do
let query = artistsWithAlbumsQuery id
receivedArtists <- (Data.sortBy "ArtistId" . getQueryResponse) <$> (api // _query) sourceName config query
let joinInAlbums (artist :: Object) =
let artistId = artist ^? ix "ArtistId" . _Number
albumFilter artistId' album = album ^? ix "ArtistId" . _Number == Just artistId'
albums = maybe [] (\artistId' -> filter (albumFilter artistId') Data.albumsAsJson) artistId
albums' = Object . KeyMap.delete "ArtistId" <$> albums
in KeyMap.insert "Albums" (Array . Vector.fromList $ albums') artist
let expectedAlbums = joinInAlbums <$> Data.artistsAsJson
receivedArtists `shouldBe` expectedAlbums
it "perform an object relationship query by joining employee to customers and filter comparing columns across the object relationship" $ do
-- Join Employee to Customers via SupportRep, and only get those customers that have a rep
-- that is in the same country as the customer
-- This sort of thing would come from a permissions filter on Customer that looks like:
-- { SupportRep: { Country: { _ceq: [ "$", "Country" ] } } }
let where' =
( ValueWrapper3
(comparisonColumn [supportRepRelationshipName] "Country")
(AnotherColumn (ValueWrapper (comparisonColumn [] "Country")))
let query = customersWithSupportRepQuery id & qrQuery . qWhere .~ Just where'
receivedCustomers <- (Data.sortBy "CustomerId" . getQueryResponse) <$> (api // _query) sourceName config query
let joinInSupportRep (customer :: Object) =
let supportRep = (customer ^? ix "SupportRepId" . _Number) >>= \employeeId -> Data.employeesAsJsonById ^? ix employeeId
supportRepPropVal = maybe J.Null (Object . Data.filterColumnsByQueryFields employeesQuery) supportRep
in KeyMap.insert "SupportRep" supportRepPropVal customer
let filterCustomersBySupportRepCountry (customer :: Object) =
let customerCountry = customer ^? ix "Country" . _String
supportRepCountry = customer ^? ix "SupportRep" . ix "Country" . _String
comparison = (==) <$> customerCountry <*> supportRepCountry
in fromMaybe False comparison
let expectedCustomers = filter filterCustomersBySupportRepCountry $ Data.filterColumnsByQueryFields (query ^. qrQuery) . joinInSupportRep <$> Data.customersAsJson
receivedCustomers `shouldBe` expectedCustomers
it "perform an array relationship query by joining customers to employees and filter comparing columns across the array relationship" $ do
-- Join Customers to Employees via SupportRepForCustomers, and only get those employees that are reps for
-- customers that are in the same country as the employee
-- This sort of thing would come from a permissions filter on Employees that looks like:
-- { SupportRepForCustomers: { Country: { _ceq: [ "$", "Country" ] } } }
let where' =
( ValueWrapper3
(comparisonColumn [supportRepForCustomersRelationshipName] "Country")
(AnotherColumn (ValueWrapper (comparisonColumn [] "Country")))
let query = employeesWithCustomersQuery id & qrQuery . qWhere .~ Just where'
receivedEmployees <- (Data.sortBy "EmployeeId" . getQueryResponse) <$> (api // _query) sourceName config query
let joinInCustomers (employee :: Object) =
let employeeId = employee ^? ix "EmployeeId" . _Number
customerFilter employeeId' customer = customer ^? ix "SupportRepId" . _Number == Just employeeId'
customers = maybe [] (\employeeId' -> filter (customerFilter employeeId') Data.customersAsJson) employeeId
customers' = Object . Data.filterColumnsByQueryFields customersQuery <$> customers
in KeyMap.insert "SupportRepForCustomers" (Array . Vector.fromList $ customers') employee
let filterEmployeesByCustomerCountry (employee :: Object) =
let employeeCountry = employee ^? ix "Country" . _String
customerCountries = employee ^.. ix "SupportRepForCustomers" . _Array . traverse . ix "Country" . _String
in maybe False (`elem` customerCountries) employeeCountry
let expectedEmployees = filter filterEmployeesByCustomerCountry $ Data.filterColumnsByQueryFields (query ^. qrQuery) . joinInCustomers <$> Data.employeesAsJson
receivedEmployees `shouldBe` expectedEmployees
albumsWithArtistQuery :: (Query -> Query) -> QueryRequest
albumsWithArtistQuery modifySubquery =
let artistsSubquery = modifySubquery artistsQuery
fields =
[ ("AlbumId", columnField "AlbumId"),
("Title", columnField "Title"),
("Artist", RelField $ RelationshipField artistRelationshipName artistsSubquery)
query = albumsQuery {_qFields = fields}
in QueryRequest albumsTableName [albumsTableRelationships] query
artistsWithAlbumsQuery :: (Query -> Query) -> QueryRequest
artistsWithAlbumsQuery modifySubquery =
let albumFields = KeyMap.fromList [("AlbumId", columnField "AlbumId"), ("Title", columnField "Title")]
albumsSort = OrderBy (ColumnName "AlbumId") Ascending :| []
albumsSubquery = albumsQuery & qFields .~ albumFields & qOrderBy .~ Just albumsSort & modifySubquery
fields =
[ ("ArtistId", columnField "ArtistId"),
("Name", columnField "Name"),
("Albums", RelField $ RelationshipField albumsRelationshipName albumsSubquery)
query = artistsQuery {_qFields = fields}
in QueryRequest artistsTableName [artistsTableRelationships] query
employeesWithCustomersQuery :: (Query -> Query) -> QueryRequest
employeesWithCustomersQuery modifySubquery =
let customersSort = OrderBy (ColumnName "CustomerId") Ascending :| []
customersSubquery = customersQuery & qOrderBy .~ Just customersSort & modifySubquery
fields =
_qFields employeesQuery
<> KeyMap.fromList
[ ("SupportRepForCustomers", RelField $ RelationshipField supportRepForCustomersRelationshipName customersSubquery)
query = employeesQuery {_qFields = fields}
in QueryRequest employeesTableName [employeesTableRelationships] query
customersWithSupportRepQuery :: (Query -> Query) -> QueryRequest
customersWithSupportRepQuery modifySubquery =
let supportRepSubquery = employeesQuery & modifySubquery
fields =
_qFields customersQuery
<> KeyMap.fromList
[ ("SupportRep", RelField $ RelationshipField supportRepRelationshipName supportRepSubquery)
query = customersQuery {_qFields = fields}
in QueryRequest customersTableName [customersTableRelationships] query
artistsTableName :: TableName
artistsTableName = TableName "Artist"
albumsTableName :: TableName
albumsTableName = TableName "Album"
customersTableName :: TableName
customersTableName = TableName "Customer"
employeesTableName :: TableName
employeesTableName = TableName "Employee"
artistRelationshipName :: RelationshipName
artistRelationshipName = RelationshipName "Artist"
albumsRelationshipName :: RelationshipName
albumsRelationshipName = RelationshipName "Albums"
supportRepForCustomersRelationshipName :: RelationshipName
supportRepForCustomersRelationshipName = RelationshipName "SupportRepForCustomers"
supportRepRelationshipName :: RelationshipName
supportRepRelationshipName = RelationshipName "SupportRep"
artistsTableRelationships :: TableRelationships
artistsTableRelationships =
let joinFieldMapping =
[ (ColumnName "ArtistId", ColumnName "ArtistId")
in TableRelationships
( HashMap.fromList
[ (albumsRelationshipName, Relationship albumsTableName ArrayRelationship joinFieldMapping)
albumsTableRelationships :: TableRelationships
albumsTableRelationships =
let joinFieldMapping =
[ (ColumnName "ArtistId", ColumnName "ArtistId")
in TableRelationships
( HashMap.fromList
[ (artistRelationshipName, Relationship artistsTableName ObjectRelationship joinFieldMapping)
employeesTableRelationships :: TableRelationships
employeesTableRelationships =
let joinFieldMapping =
[ (ColumnName "EmployeeId", ColumnName "SupportRepId")
in TableRelationships
( HashMap.fromList
[ (supportRepForCustomersRelationshipName, Relationship customersTableName ArrayRelationship joinFieldMapping)
customersTableRelationships :: TableRelationships
customersTableRelationships =
let joinFieldMapping =
[ (ColumnName "SupportRepId", ColumnName "EmployeeId")
in TableRelationships
( HashMap.fromList
[ (supportRepRelationshipName, Relationship employeesTableName ObjectRelationship joinFieldMapping)
artistsQuery :: Query
artistsQuery =
let fields = KeyMap.fromList [("ArtistId", columnField "ArtistId"), ("Name", columnField "Name")]
in Query fields Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
albumsQuery :: Query
albumsQuery =
let fields = KeyMap.fromList [("AlbumId", columnField "AlbumId"), ("ArtistId", columnField "ArtistId"), ("Title", columnField "Title")]
in Query fields Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
customersQuery :: Query
customersQuery =
let fields =
[ ("CustomerId", columnField "CustomerId"),
("FirstName", columnField "FirstName"),
("LastName", columnField "LastName"),
("Country", columnField "Country"),
("SupportRepId", columnField "SupportRepId")
in Query fields Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
employeesQuery :: Query
employeesQuery =
let fields =
[ ("EmployeeId", columnField "EmployeeId"),
("FirstName", columnField "FirstName"),
("LastName", columnField "LastName"),
("Country", columnField "Country")
in Query fields Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
columnField :: Text -> Field
columnField = ColumnField . ValueWrapper . ColumnName
comparisonColumn :: [RelationshipName] -> Text -> ComparisonColumn
comparisonColumn path columnName = ComparisonColumn path $ ColumnName columnName