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synced 2024-12-17 04:24:35 +03:00
## Description This is the first step in making use of Logical Models with document databases such as MongoDB. As part of schema introspection, a data connector agent can supply a set of custom types that can be used to describe the schema for columns within the tables of the database (or _fields_ within a _document collection_ in MongoDB terminology). Previously, we were storing these custom types as `TableObjectType`s within the `TableCoreInfo` for each table. In this PR we - replace the `TableObjectTypes` with `LogicalModel` types - store these directly within the `DBObjectsIntrospection` instead of within the `TableCoreInfo` for each table. (The custom types are shared at the source level so there was no reason to have a separate set of types for each table.) - When building the `SourceInfo`, we combine the `LogicalModel`s from `DBObjectsIntrospection` with `LogicalModel`s from the user's metadata to create the set of `LogicalModels` in the `SourceInfo` within the `SchemaCache`. I.e. we combine the set of types obtained by database introspection with the set of types specified by the user in the metadata. If two types have the same name, we use the type defined in the metadata. ## Limitations and future work - Provide a way for the user to associate a meta-data defined `LogicalModel` with a table instead of requiring one to be provided by DB introspection - Provide a way for the user to edit the `LogicalModel` types provided by introspection and add them to the metadata. - Allow a `LogicalModel` object type to describe and entire table rather than just individual columns. - Better handling for "unknown" types, e.g. if the type of a collection (or part of a collection) is unknown we should treat it as a JSON scalar value. This may also involve adding an `_everything` field which returns the full document as a JSON scalar. PR-URL: https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/9345 GitOrigin-RevId: 5cec72fc1be1380d8600f7be547bbf71aad770bd
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{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
-- | MSSQL Source
-- Implements the Source related methods of the
-- 'Hasura.RQL.Types.Metadata.Backend.BackendMetadata' type class
-- for the MSSQL backend, which provides an interface for identifying the
-- MSSQL database instance (source) and manipulate it.
-- The actual instance is defined in "Hasura.Backends.MSSQL.Instances.Metadata".
module Hasura.Backends.MSSQL.DDL.Source
( resolveSourceConfig,
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl)
import Data.Environment qualified as Env
import Data.FileEmbed (makeRelativeToProject)
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HashMap
import Data.Text.Lazy qualified as LT
import Database.MSSQL.Transaction
import Database.MSSQL.Transaction qualified as Tx
import Database.ODBC.SQLServer
import Database.ODBC.TH qualified as ODBC
import Hasura.Backends.MSSQL.Connection
import Hasura.Backends.MSSQL.DDL.EventTrigger
import Hasura.Backends.MSSQL.DDL.Source.Version
import Hasura.Backends.MSSQL.Instances.Types ()
import Hasura.Backends.MSSQL.Meta
import Hasura.Backends.MSSQL.SQL.Error qualified as HGE
import Hasura.Backends.MSSQL.Types
import Hasura.Base.Error
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Backend (BackendConfig)
import Hasura.RQL.Types.BackendType
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Common
import Hasura.RQL.Types.EventTrigger (RecreateEventTriggers (..))
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Source
import Hasura.Server.Migrate.Version (SourceCatalogMigrationState (..))
import Hasura.Server.Migrate.Version qualified as Version
import Hasura.Table.Cache
import Language.Haskell.TH.Lib qualified as TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax qualified as TH
import Text.Shakespeare.Text qualified as ST
resolveSourceConfig ::
(MonadIO m, MonadResolveSource m) =>
SourceName ->
MSSQLConnConfiguration ->
BackendSourceKind 'MSSQL ->
BackendConfig 'MSSQL ->
Env.Environment ->
manager ->
m (Either QErr MSSQLSourceConfig)
resolveSourceConfig name config _backendKind _backendConfig env _manager = runExceptT do
sourceResolver <- getMSSQLSourceResolver
liftEitherM $ liftIO $ sourceResolver env name config
resolveDatabaseMetadata ::
(MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m) =>
MSSQLSourceConfig ->
m (Either QErr (DBObjectsIntrospection 'MSSQL))
resolveDatabaseMetadata config = runExceptT do
dbTablesMetadata <- mssqlRunReadOnly mssqlExecCtx $ loadDBMetadata
pure $ DBObjectsIntrospection dbTablesMetadata mempty mempty mempty
MSSQLSourceConfig _connString mssqlExecCtx _numReadReplicas = config
postDropSourceHook ::
(MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m) =>
MSSQLSourceConfig ->
TableEventTriggers 'MSSQL ->
m ()
postDropSourceHook (MSSQLSourceConfig _ mssqlExecCtx _) tableTriggersMap = do
-- The SQL triggers for MSSQL source are created within the schema of the table,
-- and is not associated with 'hdb_catalog' schema. Thus only deleting the
-- 'hdb_catalog' schema is not sufficient, since it will still leave the SQL
-- triggers within the table schema.
-- This causes problems, whenever the next insert/delete/update operation occurs
-- the SQL triggers will try to unsuccessfully insert event_log to the nonexistent
-- 'hdb_catalog.event_log' table. The left over SQL triggers thus stops any
-- operation that will happen on the table.
-- Hence we first delete all the related Hasura SQL triggers and then drop the
-- 'hdb_catalog' schema.
for_ (HashMap.toList tableTriggersMap) $ \(_table@(TableName _tableName schema), triggers) ->
for_ triggers $ \triggerName ->
liftIO $ runExceptT $ mssqlRunReadWrite mssqlExecCtx (dropTriggerQ triggerName schema)
_ <- runExceptT $ mssqlRunReadWrite mssqlExecCtx dropSourceCatalog
-- Close the connection
liftIO $ mssqlDestroyConn mssqlExecCtx
doesSchemaExist :: (MonadMSSQLTx m) => SchemaName -> m Bool
doesSchemaExist (SchemaName schemaName) = do
$ Tx.singleRowQueryE
WHEN EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM sys.schemas WHERE name = $schemaName )
doesTableExist :: (MonadMSSQLTx m) => TableName -> m Bool
doesTableExist tableName = do
$ Tx.singleRowQueryE
WHEN (Select OBJECT_ID($qualifiedTable)) IS NOT NULL
qualifiedTable = qualifyTableName tableName
-- | Initialise catalog tables for a source, including those required by the event delivery subsystem.
prepareCatalog ::
(MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m) =>
MSSQLSourceConfig ->
ExceptT QErr m (RecreateEventTriggers, SourceCatalogMigrationState)
prepareCatalog sourceConfig = mssqlRunSerializableTx (_mscExecCtx sourceConfig) do
hdbCatalogExist <- doesSchemaExist "hdb_catalog"
eventLogTableExist <- doesTableExist $ TableName "event_log" "hdb_catalog"
sourceVersionTableExist <- doesTableExist $ TableName "hdb_source_catalog_version" "hdb_catalog"
-- Fresh database
| not hdbCatalogExist -> liftMSSQLTx do
unitQueryE HGE.defaultMSSQLTxErrorHandler "CREATE SCHEMA hdb_catalog"
return (RETDoNothing, Version.SCMSInitialized $ Version.unSourceCatalogVersion latestSourceCatalogVersion)
-- Only 'hdb_catalog' schema defined
| not (sourceVersionTableExist || eventLogTableExist) -> do
liftMSSQLTx initSourceCatalog
return (RETDoNothing, Version.SCMSInitialized $ Version.unSourceCatalogVersion latestSourceCatalogVersion)
| otherwise -> migrateSourceCatalog
initSourceCatalog = do
unitQueryE HGE.defaultMSSQLTxErrorHandler $(makeRelativeToProject "src-rsr/mssql/init_mssql_source.sql" >>= ODBC.sqlFile)
setSourceCatalogVersion latestSourceCatalogVersion
dropSourceCatalog :: (MonadMSSQLTx m) => m ()
dropSourceCatalog = do
let sql = $(makeRelativeToProject "src-rsr/mssql/drop_mssql_source.sql" >>= ODBC.sqlFile)
liftMSSQLTx $ unitQueryE HGE.defaultMSSQLTxErrorHandler sql
migrateSourceCatalog :: (MonadMSSQLTx m) => m (RecreateEventTriggers, SourceCatalogMigrationState)
migrateSourceCatalog =
getSourceCatalogVersion >>= migrateSourceCatalogFrom
migrateSourceCatalogFrom :: (MonadMSSQLTx m) => SourceCatalogVersion -> m (RecreateEventTriggers, SourceCatalogMigrationState)
migrateSourceCatalogFrom prevVersion
| prevVersion == latestSourceCatalogVersion = pure (RETDoNothing, SCMSNothingToDo $ Version.unSourceCatalogVersion latestSourceCatalogVersion)
| [] <- neededMigrations =
throw400 NotSupported
$ "Expected source catalog version <= "
<> tshow latestSourceCatalogVersion
<> ", but the current version is "
<> tshow prevVersion
| otherwise = do
liftMSSQLTx $ traverse_ snd neededMigrations
setSourceCatalogVersion latestSourceCatalogVersion
pure (RETRecreate, SCMSMigratedTo (Version.unSourceCatalogVersion prevVersion) (Version.unSourceCatalogVersion latestSourceCatalogVersion))
neededMigrations =
dropWhile ((/= prevVersion) . fst) sourceMigrations
sourceMigrations :: [(SourceCatalogVersion, TxE QErr [Text])]
sourceMigrations =
$( let migrationFromFile from =
let to = succ from
path = "src-rsr/mssql/mssql_source_migrations/" <> show from <> "_to_" <> show to <> ".sql"
in do
[|(multiRowQueryE HGE.defaultMSSQLTxErrorHandler $ rawUnescapedText . LT.toStrict $ $(makeRelativeToProject path >>= ST.stextFile))|]
migrationsFromFile = map $ \from ->
[|($(TH.lift $ from), $(migrationFromFile from))|]
in TH.listE $ migrationsFromFile previousSourceCatalogVersions