mirror of
synced 2024-12-15 09:22:43 +03:00
Reference: https://hasurahq.slack.com/archives/C024GF6FCTH/p1629193174042700 Problem: The `metadata diff` is conventional where it takes the project metadata and w.r.t to the signs `---`, `+++`, it shows the diff output but it is not similar to git diff as taking the remote repo as base and `+` denotes it has, `-` not. So make the metadata diff output follow as git diff output Solution: To change the order of arguments in diff function and assign `---` to server,`+++` to project, so that it will be similar to prev diff output https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/2166 GitOrigin-RevId: bf35b5a3ef835fc64f590b65160c01c9a8c1382a
238 lines
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238 lines
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package commands
import (
type MetadataDiffOptions struct {
EC *cli.ExecutionContext
Output io.Writer
Args []string
DiffType string
DisableColor bool
// two Metadata to diff, 2nd is server if it's empty
Metadata [2]string
func newMetadataDiffCmd(ec *cli.ExecutionContext) *cobra.Command {
opts := &MetadataDiffOptions{
EC: ec,
Output: ec.Stdout,
metadataDiffCmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "diff [file1] [file2]",
Short: "(PREVIEW) Show a highlighted diff of Hasura metadata",
Long: `(PREVIEW) Show changes between two different sets of Hasura metadata.
By default, it shows changes between the exported metadata file and server metadata`,
Example: ` # NOTE: This command is in preview, usage and diff format may change.
# Show changes between server metadata and the exported metadata file:
hasura metadata diff
# Show changes between server metadata and that in local_metadata.yaml:
hasura metadata diff local_metadata.yaml
# Show changes between metadata from metadata.yaml and metadata_old.yaml:
hasura metadata diff metadata.yaml metadata_old.yaml
# Apply admin secret for Hasura GraphQL engine:
hasura metadata diff --admin-secret "<admin-secret>"
# For unified diff as the default diff just outputs only the difference:
hasura metadata diff --type "unified-common"
# Diff metadata on a different Hasura instance:
hasura metadata diff --endpoint "<endpoint>"`,
Args: cobra.MaximumNArgs(2),
RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
opts.Args = args
return opts.Run()
f := metadataDiffCmd.Flags()
f.StringVar(&opts.DiffType, "type", "default", fmt.Sprintf(`specify a type of diff [allowed values: %v]`, DifftypeUnifiedCommon))
return metadataDiffCmd
func (o *MetadataDiffOptions) runv2(args []string) error {
messageFormat := "Showing diff between %s and %s..."
message := ""
metadataHandler := projectmetadata.NewHandlerFromEC(o.EC)
from := "project"
to := "server"
switch len(args) {
case 0:
o.Metadata[0] = o.EC.MetadataDir
from = "project"
case 1:
// 1 arg, diff given directory and the metadata on server
err := checkDir(args[0])
if err != nil {
return err
o.Metadata[0] = args[0]
from = o.Metadata[0]
case 2:
err := checkDir(args[0])
if err != nil {
return err
o.Metadata[0] = args[0]
from = o.Metadata[0]
err = checkDir(args[1])
if err != nil {
return err
o.Metadata[1] = args[1]
to = o.Metadata[1]
message = fmt.Sprintf(messageFormat, from, to)
var oldYaml, newYaml []byte
if o.Metadata[1] == "" {
tmpDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "*")
if err != nil {
return err
defer os.RemoveAll(tmpDir)
metadataHandler.SetMetadataObjects(projectmetadata.GetMetadataObjectsWithDir(o.EC, tmpDir))
var files map[string][]byte
files, err = metadataHandler.ExportMetadata()
if err != nil {
return err
err = metadataHandler.WriteMetadata(files)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
metadataHandler.SetMetadataObjects(projectmetadata.GetMetadataObjectsWithDir(o.EC, o.Metadata[1]))
// build server metadata
serverMeta, err := metadataHandler.BuildMetadata()
if err != nil {
return err
newYaml, err = yaml.Marshal(serverMeta)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "cannot unmarshall server metadata")
// build local metadata
metadataHandler.SetMetadataObjects(projectmetadata.GetMetadataObjectsWithDir(o.EC, o.Metadata[0]))
localMeta, err := metadataHandler.BuildMetadata()
if err != nil {
return err
oldYaml, err = yaml.Marshal(localMeta)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "cannot unmarshal local metadata")
// Here oldYaml is project's metadata and newYaml is server's metadata for having diff similar to git diff i.e taking server has base before has been taken as server's metadata
err = printDiff(string(newYaml), string(oldYaml), to, from, o.Output, o.DiffType, o.DisableColor)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (o *MetadataDiffOptions) Run() error {
if o.EC.Config.Version >= cli.V2 && o.EC.MetadataDir != "" {
return o.runv2(o.Args)
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("metadata diff for config %d not supported", o.EC.Config.Version)
type Difftype string
const DifftypeUnifiedCommon Difftype = "unified-common"
func printDiff(before, after, from, to string, writer io.Writer, difftype string, disableColor bool) error {
diffType := Difftype(difftype)
switch diffType {
case DifftypeUnifiedCommon:
printDiffv1(before, after, writer)
return printDiffv2(before, after, from, to, writer, disableColor)
return nil
func printDiffv2(before, after, from, to string, writer io.Writer, disableColor bool) error {
edits := myers.ComputeEdits(span.URIFromPath("a.txt"), before, after)
text := fmt.Sprint(gotextdiff.ToUnified(from, to, before, edits))
makeDiffLine := func(line, color string) string {
if disableColor {
return line
return ansi.Color(line, color)
lines := strings.Split(text, "\n")
for _, line := range lines {
if line == "" {
if (string)(line[0]) == "-" {
fmt.Fprintf(writer, "%s\n", makeDiffLine(line, "red"))
} else if (string)(line[0]) == "+" {
fmt.Fprintf(writer, "%s\n", makeDiffLine(line, "yellow"))
} else if (string)(line[0]) == "@" {
fmt.Fprintf(writer, "%s\n", makeDiffLine(line, "cyan"))
return nil
func printDiffv1(before, after string, to io.Writer) {
diffs := difflib.Diff(strings.Split(before, "\n"), strings.Split(after, "\n"))
for _, diff := range diffs {
text := diff.Payload
switch diff.Delta {
case difflib.RightOnly:
fmt.Fprintf(to, "%s\n", ansi.Color(text, "green"))
case difflib.LeftOnly:
fmt.Fprintf(to, "%s\n", ansi.Color(text, "red"))
case difflib.Common:
fmt.Fprintf(to, "%s\n", text)
func checkDir(path string) error {
file, err := os.Stat(path)
if err != nil {
return err
if !file.IsDir() {
return fmt.Errorf("metadata diff only works with folder but got file %s", path)
return nil