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synced 2024-12-18 04:51:35 +03:00
> ### Description > This PR is an incremental work towards [enabling insert mutations on MSSQL](https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/1974). In this PR, we generate insert mutation schema parser for MSSQL backend. ### Changelog - [ ] `CHANGELOG.md` is updated with user-facing content relevant to this PR. If no changelog is required, then add the `no-changelog-required` label. ### Affected components - [x] Server https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/2141 GitOrigin-RevId: 8595008dece35f7fded9c52e134de8b97b64f53f
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{- | This module defines the BackendSchema class, that a backend must implement
for its schema to be generated. From the top level of the schema down to its
leaf values, every component has a matching function in the
schema. Combinators in other modules provide a default implementation at all
Consider, for example, the following query, for a given table "author":
query {
author(where: {id: {_eq: 2}}) {
The chain of functions leading to a parser for this RootField will be along
the lines of:
> buildTableQueryFields
> selectTable
> tableArgs
> tableWhere
> boolExp
> comparisonExp
> columnParser
> tableSelectionSet
> fieldSelection
Several of those steps are part of the class, meaning that a backend can
customize part of this tree without having to reimplement all of it. For
instance, a backend that supports a different set ot table arguments can
choose to reimplement @tableArgs@, but can still use @tableWhere@ in its
custom implementation.
module Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Backend where
import Hasura.Prelude
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax as G
import Data.Has
import Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax (Nullability)
import qualified Hasura.RQL.IR.Select as IR
import qualified Hasura.RQL.IR.Update as IR
import Hasura.Base.Error
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser hiding (Type)
import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Common
import Hasura.RQL.IR
import Hasura.RQL.Types hiding (EnumValueInfo)
-- TODO: it might make sense to add those constraints to MonadSchema directly?
type MonadBuildSchema b r m n =
( Backend b
, BackendSchema b
, MonadError QErr m
, MonadSchema n m
, MonadTableInfo r m
, MonadRole r m
, Has QueryContext r
class Backend b => BackendSchema (b :: BackendType) where
-- top level parsers
:: MonadBuildSchema b r m n
=> SourceName
-> SourceConfig b
-> TableName b
-> TableInfo b
-> G.Name
-> SelPermInfo b
-> m [FieldParser n (QueryRootField UnpreparedValue)]
:: MonadBuildSchema b r m n
=> SourceName
-> SourceConfig b
-> TableName b
-> TableInfo b
-> G.Name
-> NESeq (ColumnInfo b)
-> SelPermInfo b
-> m [FieldParser n (QueryRootField UnpreparedValue)]
:: MonadBuildSchema b r m n
=> SourceName
-> SourceConfig b
-> TableName b
-> TableInfo b
-> G.Name
-> InsPermInfo b
-> Maybe (SelPermInfo b)
-> Maybe (UpdPermInfo b)
-> m [FieldParser n (MutationRootField UnpreparedValue)]
:: MonadBuildSchema b r m n
=> SourceName
-> SourceConfig b
-> TableName b
-> TableInfo b
-> G.Name
-> UpdPermInfo b
-> Maybe (SelPermInfo b)
-> m [FieldParser n (MutationRootField UnpreparedValue)]
:: MonadBuildSchema b r m n
=> SourceName
-> SourceConfig b
-> TableName b
-> TableInfo b
-> G.Name
-> DelPermInfo b
-> Maybe (SelPermInfo b)
-> m [FieldParser n (MutationRootField UnpreparedValue)]
:: MonadBuildSchema b r m n
=> SourceName
-> SourceConfig b
-> FunctionName b
-> FunctionInfo b
-> TableName b
-> SelPermInfo b
-> m [FieldParser n (QueryRootField UnpreparedValue)]
:: MonadBuildSchema b r m n
=> SourceName
-> SourceConfig b
-> FunctionName b
-> FunctionInfo b
-> TableName b
-> NESeq (ColumnInfo b)
-> SelPermInfo b
-> m [FieldParser n (QueryRootField UnpreparedValue)]
:: MonadBuildSchema b r m n
=> SourceName
-> SourceConfig b
-> FunctionName b
-> FunctionInfo b
-> TableName b
-> SelPermInfo b
-> m [FieldParser n (MutationRootField UnpreparedValue)]
-- table components
:: MonadBuildSchema b r m n
=> SourceName
-> TableInfo b
-> SelPermInfo b
-> m (InputFieldsParser n (IR.SelectArgsG b (UnpreparedValue b)))
-- backend extensions
relayExtension :: Maybe (XRelay b)
nodesAggExtension :: Maybe (XNodesAgg b)
nestedInsertsExtension :: Maybe (XNestedInserts b)
-- individual components
:: (MonadSchema n m, MonadError QErr m)
=> ColumnType b
-> Nullability
-> m (Parser 'Both n (ValueWithOrigin (ColumnValue b)))
-- | The "path" argument for json column fields
:: MonadParse n
=> ColumnType b
-> InputFieldsParser n (Maybe (IR.ColumnOp b))
:: NonEmpty (Definition EnumValueInfo, (BasicOrderType b, NullsOrderType b))
:: MonadBuildSchema b r m n
=> ColumnType b
-> m (Parser 'Input n [ComparisonExp b])
:: (MonadSchema n m, MonadTableInfo r m)
=> TableInfo b
-> UpdPermInfo b
-> m (Maybe (InputFieldsParser n [(Column b, IR.UpdOpExpG (UnpreparedValue b))]))
mkCountType :: Maybe Bool -> Maybe [Column b] -> CountType b
aggregateOrderByCountType :: ScalarType b
-- | Computed field parser
:: MonadBuildSchema b r m n
=> SourceName
-> ComputedFieldInfo b
-> TableName b
-> SelPermInfo b
-> m (Maybe (FieldParser n (AnnotatedField b)))
-- | The 'node' root field of a Relay request.
:: MonadBuildSchema b r m n
=> m (Parser 'Output n (HashMap (TableName b) (SourceName, SourceConfig b, SelPermInfo b, PrimaryKeyColumns b, AnnotatedFields b)))
-- SQL literals
columnDefaultValue :: Column b -> SQLExpression b
type ComparisonExp b = OpExpG b (UnpreparedValue b)
data BackendExtension b = BackendExtension
{ backendRelay :: Maybe (XRelay b)
, backendNodesAgg :: Maybe (XNodesAgg b)