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synced 2024-12-18 13:02:11 +03:00
### Motivation #2338 introduced a way to validate REST queries against the metadata after a change, to properly report any inconsistency that would emerge from a change in the underlying structure of our schema. However, the way this was done was quite complex and error-prone. Namely: we would use the generated schema parsers to statically execute an introspection query, similar to the one we use for remote schemas, then parse the resulting bytestring as it were coming from a remote schema. This led to several issues: the code was using remote schema primitives, and was associated with remote schema code, despite being unrelated, which led to absurd situations like creating fake `Variable`s whose type was also their name. A lot of the code had to deal with the fact that we might fail to re-parse our own schema. Additionally, some of it was dead code, that for some reason GHC did not warn about? But more fundamentally, this architecture decision creates a dependency between unrelated pieces of the engine: modifying the internal processing of root fields or the introspection of remote schemas now risks impacting the unrelated `OpenAPI` feature. ### Description This PR decouples that process from the remote schema introspection logic and from the execution engine by making `Analyse` and `OpenAPI` work on the generic `G.SchemaIntrospection` instead. To accomplish this, it: - adds `GraphQL.Parser.Schema.Convert`, to convert from our "live" schema back to a flat `SchemaIntrospection` - persists in the schema cache the `admin` introspection generated when building the schema, and uses it both for validation and for generating the `OpenAPI`. ### Known issues and limitations This adds a bit of memory pressure to the engine, as we persist the entire schema in the schema cache. This might be acceptable in the short-term, but we have several potential ideas going forward should this be a problem: - cache the result of `Analyze`: when it becomes possible to build the `OpenAPI` purely with the result of `Analyze` without any additional schema information, then we could cache that instead, reducing the footprint - caching the `OpenAPI`: if it doesn't need to change every time the endpoint is queried, then it should be possible to cache the entire `OpenAPI` object instead of the schema - cache a copy of the `FieldParsers` used to generate the schema: as those are persisted through the GraphQL `Context`, and are the only input required to generate the `Schema`, making them accessible in the schema cache would allow us to have the exact same feature with no additional memory cost, at the price of a slightly slower and more complicated process (need to rebuild the `Schema` every time we query the OpenAPI endpoint) - cache nothing at all, and rebuild the admin schema from scratch every time. PR-URL: https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-mono/pull/3962 Co-authored-by: paritosh-08 <85472423+paritosh-08@users.noreply.github.com> GitOrigin-RevId: a8b9808170b231fdf6787983b4a9ed286cde27e0
282 lines
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282 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Hasura.GraphQL.Analyse
( Analysis (..),
FieldAnalysis (..),
FieldDef (..),
import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as Map
import Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd qualified as OMap
import Hasura.Prelude hiding (get, put)
import Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax (ExecutableDefinition, Field, GType, Name, TypeDefinition)
import Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax qualified as G
-- | Analysis and FieldAnalysis are almost similar, except, Analysis will have a bool field (in future)
-- to indicate whether the GQL query is valid or not
data Analysis var = Analysis
{ -- | ordered hashmap from the fields to it's definition and analysis
_aFields :: InsOrdHashMap FieldName (FieldDef, Maybe (FieldAnalysis var)),
-- | map of all the variables, their type and default value (if there is any)
_aVars :: HashMap VarName (GType, Maybe (G.Value Void)),
_aErrs :: [Text]
deriving (Show)
data FieldAnalysis var = FieldAnalysis
{ _fFields :: InsOrdHashMap FieldName (FieldDef, Maybe (FieldAnalysis var)),
_fVars :: HashMap VarName (GType, Maybe (G.Value var)),
_fErrs :: [Text]
deriving (Show)
instance Monoid (FieldAnalysis v) where
mempty = FieldAnalysis mempty mempty []
instance Semigroup (FieldAnalysis v) where
(<>) fa1 fa2 = FieldAnalysis unionFields (_fVars fa1 <> _fVars fa2) (_fErrs fa1 <> _fErrs fa2)
unionFields = foldl' (safeInsertInFieldMap) (_fFields fa1) (OMap.toList (_fFields fa2))
instance Monoid (Analysis v) where
mempty = Analysis mempty mempty []
instance Semigroup (Analysis v) where
(<>) fa1 fa2 = Analysis unionFields (_aVars fa1 <> _aVars fa2) (_aErrs fa1 <> _aErrs fa2)
unionFields = foldl' (safeInsertInFieldMap) (_aFields fa1) (OMap.toList (_aFields fa2))
-- | FieldDef is analogous to `GType` from the `Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax` module
data FieldDef = FieldInfo G.Nullability (TypeDefinition [Name] G.InputValueDefinition) | FieldList G.Nullability FieldDef deriving (Show)
type FieldName = Name
type VarName = Name
analyzeGraphqlQuery :: ExecutableDefinition Name -> G.SchemaIntrospection -> Maybe (Analysis Name)
analyzeGraphqlQuery (G.ExecutableDefinitionOperation (G.OperationDefinitionTyped td)) sc = do
let t = (G._todType td,) <$> G._todSelectionSet td
varDefs = G._todVariableDefinitions td
varMapList = map (\v -> (G._vdName v, (G._vdType v, G._vdDefaultValue v))) varDefs
varMap = Map.fromList varMapList
(fieldMap, errs) = getFieldsMap sc t
pure Analysis {_aFields = fieldMap, _aVars = varMap, _aErrs = errs}
analyzeGraphqlQuery _ _ = Nothing
getAllAnalysisErrs :: Analysis Name -> [Text]
getAllAnalysisErrs Analysis {..} = _aErrs <> getFieldErrs (OMap.toList _aFields) []
getFieldErrs :: [(G.Name, (FieldDef, Maybe (FieldAnalysis G.Name)))] -> [Text] -> [Text]
getFieldErrs [] lst = lst
getFieldErrs ((_, (_, Just FieldAnalysis {..})) : xs) lst = _fErrs <> (getFieldErrs (OMap.toList _fFields) []) <> (getFieldErrs xs lst)
getFieldErrs ((_, (_, Nothing)) : xs) lst = getFieldErrs xs lst
-- | inserts in field map, if there is already a key, then take a union of the fields inside
-- i.e. for the following graphql query:
-- query MyQuery {
-- test {
-- a
-- b
-- }
-- test {
-- b
-- c
-- }
-- }
-- The final field map of `test` will have a, b and c
safeInsertInFieldMap ::
(Eq k, Hashable k, Semigroup a1) =>
InsOrdHashMap k (a2, Maybe a1) ->
(k, (a2, Maybe a1)) ->
InsOrdHashMap k (a2, Maybe a1)
safeInsertInFieldMap m (k, v) =
OMap.insertWith (\(fdef, (f1)) (_, (f2)) -> (fdef, f1 <> f2)) k v m
getFieldName :: Field frag var -> Name
getFieldName f = fromMaybe (G._fName f) (G._fAlias f)
getFieldsMap ::
G.SchemaIntrospection ->
[(G.OperationType, G.Selection frag var)] ->
(InsOrdHashMap FieldName (FieldDef, Maybe (FieldAnalysis var)), [Text])
getFieldsMap rs ss =
( \(m, e) (o, f) -> case lookupRoot rs (o, f) of
Left x0 -> (safeInsertInFieldMap m (getFieldName f, x0), e)
Right txts -> (m, e <> txts)
(OMap.empty, [])
fields = mapMaybe (\(o, s) -> (o,) <$> field s) ss
getFieldsTypeM :: Name -> TypeDefinition possibleTypes inputType -> Maybe GType
getFieldsTypeM fieldName operationDefinitionSum = do
operationDefinitionObject <- asObjectTypeDefinition operationDefinitionSum
fieldDefinition <- find ((== fieldName) . G._fldName) $ G._otdFieldsDefinition operationDefinitionObject
pure $ G._fldType fieldDefinition
lookupRoot ::
G.SchemaIntrospection ->
(G.OperationType, G.Field frag var) ->
Either (FieldDef, Maybe (FieldAnalysis var)) [Text]
lookupRoot rs (ot, f) = do
let rootFieldName = getRootFieldNameFromOpType ot
fieldName = G._fName f
fieldTypeM = do
operationDefinitionSum <- lookupRS rs rootFieldName
getFieldsTypeM fieldName operationDefinitionSum
case fieldTypeM of
Nothing ->
case isMetaField fieldName True of
Nothing -> Right $ ["Couldn't find field " <> G.unName fieldName <> " in root field " <> G.unName rootFieldName]
Just fld -> lookupDefinition rs fld f
Just fieldType -> lookupDefinition rs fieldType f
isMetaField :: Name -> Bool -> Maybe GType
isMetaField nam isRoot = do
n <- fieldTypeMetaFields $ nam
case G.unName nam of
"__schema" -> if isRoot then Just $ mkGType n else Nothing
"__type" -> if isRoot then Just $ mkGType n else Nothing
"__typename" -> Just $ mkGType n
_ -> Nothing
mkGType :: Name -> GType
mkGType fName =
(G.Nullability {unNullability = False})
fieldTypeMetaFields :: Name -> Maybe Name
fieldTypeMetaFields nam
| (Just nam) == G.mkName "__schema" = G.mkName "__Schema"
| (Just nam) == G.mkName "__type" = G.mkName "__Type"
| (Just nam) == G.mkName "__typename" = G.mkName "String"
| otherwise = Nothing
lookupDefinition ::
G.SchemaIntrospection ->
GType ->
G.Field frag var ->
Either (FieldDef, Maybe (FieldAnalysis var)) [Text]
lookupDefinition rs t f = do
typeToSchemaM t \n ->
case lookupRS rs n of
Nothing -> Right ["Cannot find type definition for " <> G.unName n <> " in field " <> G.unName (G._fName f)]
Just tDef -> Left $ getDefinition rs tDef (G._fSelectionSet f)
field :: G.Selection frag var -> Maybe (G.Field frag var)
field (G.SelectionField f) = Just f
field _ = Nothing
infixl 7 &&&&
(&&&&) :: Applicative f => (t -> f a1) -> (t -> f a2) -> t -> f (a1, a2)
f &&&& g = \a -> (,) <$> f a <*> g a
getRootFieldNameFromOpType :: G.OperationType -> G.Name
getRootFieldNameFromOpType G.OperationTypeQuery = $$(G.litName "query_root")
getRootFieldNameFromOpType G.OperationTypeMutation = $$(G.litName "mutation_root")
getRootFieldNameFromOpType G.OperationTypeSubscription = $$(G.litName "subscription_root")
asObjectTypeDefinition :: G.TypeDefinition possibleTypes inputType -> Maybe (G.ObjectTypeDefinition inputType)
asObjectTypeDefinition (G.TypeDefinitionObject o) = Just o
asObjectTypeDefinition _ = Nothing
lookupRS :: G.SchemaIntrospection -> G.Name -> Maybe (TypeDefinition [Name] G.InputValueDefinition)
lookupRS (G.SchemaIntrospection rsDefs) n = Map.lookup n rsDefs
typeToSchemaM ::
GType ->
(Name -> Either (TypeDefinition [Name] G.InputValueDefinition, Maybe (FieldAnalysis var)) [Text]) ->
Either (FieldDef, Maybe (FieldAnalysis var)) [Text]
typeToSchemaM (G.TypeNamed n tName) k = case k tName of
Right x -> Right x
Left (t, x) -> Left (FieldInfo n t, x)
typeToSchemaM (G.TypeList n t) k = case typeToSchemaM t k of
Right x -> Right x
Left (t', x) -> Left (FieldList n t', x)
getDefinition ::
G.SchemaIntrospection ->
TypeDefinition [Name] G.InputValueDefinition ->
G.SelectionSet frag var ->
(TypeDefinition [Name] G.InputValueDefinition, Maybe (FieldAnalysis var))
getDefinition rs td sels =
(td,) $ case td of
(G.TypeDefinitionObject otd) -> do
ps <-
\sel -> case (lookupFieldBySelection sel otd) of
Left txts -> pure $ FieldAnalysis mempty mempty txts
Right fd -> (mkFieldAnalysis rs sel fd)
pure $ fold ps
_ -> Nothing
itrListWith :: GType -> (Name -> p) -> p
itrListWith (G.TypeNamed _ tName) k = k tName
itrListWith (G.TypeList _ t) k = itrListWith t k
getFieldVars :: G.FieldDefinition G.InputValueDefinition -> HashMap Name (G.Value var) -> [(VarName, (GType, Maybe (G.Value var)))]
getFieldVars fDef' agMap =
( \G.InputValueDefinition {..} ->
(_ivdName, (_ivdType, Map.lookup _ivdName agMap))
(G._fldArgumentsDefinition fDef')
mkFieldAnalysis ::
G.SchemaIntrospection ->
G.Selection frag var ->
G.FieldDefinition G.InputValueDefinition ->
Maybe (FieldAnalysis var)
-- TODO: Handle `SelectionFragmentSpread` and `SelectionInlineFragment` as well
mkFieldAnalysis _ (G.SelectionFragmentSpread _) _ = Nothing
mkFieldAnalysis _ (G.SelectionInlineFragment _) _ = Nothing
mkFieldAnalysis rs (G.SelectionField f) fd = do
let ag = G._fArguments f
ft = G._fldType fd
fn = getFieldName f
(fFds, fVrs, fErrs) = itrListWith ft \n ->
case lookupRS rs n of
Nothing -> (mempty, mempty, ["Couldn't find definition for type " <> G.unName n <> " in field " <> G.unName fn <> " selected by " <> G.unName (G._fName f)])
Just tDef ->
let (def, fAn) = getDefinition rs tDef (G._fSelectionSet f)
in case ft of
G.TypeNamed n' _ ->
(OMap.singleton fn (FieldInfo n' def, fAn), Map.fromList (getFieldVars fd ag), [])
G.TypeList n' _ ->
(OMap.singleton fn (FieldList n' $ FieldInfo n' def, fAn), Map.fromList (getFieldVars fd ag), [])
{ _fFields = fFds,
_fVars = fVrs,
_fErrs = fErrs
lookupFieldBySelection :: G.Selection frag0 var0 -> G.ObjectTypeDefinition G.InputValueDefinition -> Either [Text] (G.FieldDefinition G.InputValueDefinition)
lookupFieldBySelection (G.SelectionField f) otd = case find (\d -> G._fName f == G._fldName d) lst of
Nothing -> case isMetaField (G._fName f) False of
Nothing -> Left ["Couldn't find definition for field " <> G.unName (getFieldName f) <> " in " <> G.unName (G._otdName otd)]
Just gt -> Right $ mkFieldDef (G._fName f) gt
Just fd -> Right fd
lst = G._otdFieldsDefinition otd
mkFieldDef :: G.Name -> GType -> G.FieldDefinition G.InputValueDefinition
mkFieldDef gName gt =
{ _fldDescription = Nothing,
_fldName = gName,
_fldArgumentsDefinition = [],
_fldType = gt,
_fldDirectives = []
lookupFieldBySelection _ _ = Left []