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synced 2025-01-05 14:27:59 +03:00
If returning field contains nested selections then mutation is performed in two steps 1. Mutation is performed with returning columns of any primary key and unique constraints 2. returning fields are queried on rows returned by selecting from table by filtering with column values returned in Step 1. Since mutation takes two courses based on selecting relations in returning field, it is hard to maintain sequence of prepared arguments (PrepArg) generated while resolving returning field. So, we're using txtConverter instead of prepare to resolve mutation fields.
753 lines
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753 lines
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module Hasura.SQL.DML where
import Hasura.Prelude
import Hasura.SQL.Types
import Data.String (fromString)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift)
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import qualified Data.Text.Extended as T
import qualified Text.Builder as TB
infixr 6 <->
(<->) :: TB.Builder -> TB.Builder -> TB.Builder
(<->) l r = l <> TB.char ' ' <> r
{-# INLINE (<->) #-}
paren :: TB.Builder -> TB.Builder
paren t = TB.char '(' <> t <> TB.char ')'
{-# INLINE paren #-}
data Select
= Select
{ selDistinct :: !(Maybe DistinctExpr)
, selExtr :: ![Extractor]
, selFrom :: !(Maybe FromExp)
, selWhere :: !(Maybe WhereFrag)
, selGroupBy :: !(Maybe GroupByExp)
, selHaving :: !(Maybe HavingExp)
, selOrderBy :: !(Maybe OrderByExp)
, selLimit :: !(Maybe LimitExp)
, selOffset :: !(Maybe OffsetExp)
} deriving (Show, Eq)
mkSelect :: Select
mkSelect = Select Nothing [] Nothing
Nothing Nothing Nothing
Nothing Nothing Nothing
newtype LimitExp
= LimitExp SQLExp
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance ToSQL LimitExp where
toSQL (LimitExp se) =
"LIMIT" <-> toSQL se
newtype OffsetExp
= OffsetExp SQLExp
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance ToSQL OffsetExp where
toSQL (OffsetExp se) =
"OFFSET" <-> toSQL se
newtype OrderByExp
= OrderByExp [OrderByItem]
deriving (Show, Eq)
data OrderByItem
= OrderByItem
{ oColumn :: !SQLExp
, oType :: !(Maybe OrderType)
, oNulls :: !(Maybe NullsOrder)
} deriving (Show, Eq)
instance ToSQL OrderByItem where
toSQL (OrderByItem e ot no) =
toSQL e <-> toSQL ot <-> toSQL no
data OrderType = OTAsc
| OTDesc
deriving (Show, Eq, Lift)
instance ToSQL OrderType where
toSQL OTAsc = "ASC"
toSQL OTDesc = "DESC"
data NullsOrder
= NFirst
| NLast
deriving (Show, Eq, Lift)
instance ToSQL NullsOrder where
instance ToSQL OrderByExp where
toSQL (OrderByExp l) =
"ORDER BY" <-> (", " <+> l)
newtype GroupByExp
= GroupByExp [SQLExp]
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance ToSQL GroupByExp where
toSQL (GroupByExp idens) =
"GROUP BY" <-> (", " <+> idens)
newtype FromExp
= FromExp [FromItem]
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance ToSQL FromExp where
toSQL (FromExp items) =
"FROM" <-> (", " <+> items)
mkIdenFromExp :: (IsIden a) => a -> FromExp
mkIdenFromExp a =
FromExp [FIIden $ toIden a]
mkSimpleFromExp :: QualifiedTable -> FromExp
mkSimpleFromExp qt =
FromExp [FISimple qt Nothing]
mkSelFromExp :: Bool -> Select -> TableName -> FromItem
mkSelFromExp isLateral sel tn =
FISelect (Lateral isLateral) sel alias
alias = Alias $ toIden tn
mkFuncFromItem :: QualifiedFunction -> [SQLExp] -> FromItem
mkFuncFromItem qf args =
FIFunc qf args Nothing
mkRowExp :: [Extractor] -> SQLExp
mkRowExp extrs = let
innerSel = mkSelect { selExtr = extrs }
innerSelName = TableName "e"
-- SELECT r FROM (SELECT col1, col2, .. ) AS r
outerSel = mkSelect
{ selExtr = [Extractor (SERowIden $ toIden innerSelName) Nothing]
, selFrom = Just $ FromExp
[mkSelFromExp False innerSel innerSelName]
SESelect outerSel
newtype HavingExp
= HavingExp BoolExp
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance ToSQL HavingExp where
toSQL (HavingExp be) =
"HAVING" <-> toSQL be
newtype WhereFrag
= WhereFrag { getWFBoolExp :: BoolExp }
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance ToSQL WhereFrag where
toSQL (WhereFrag be) =
"WHERE" <-> paren (toSQL be)
instance ToSQL Select where
toSQL sel =
<-> toSQL (selDistinct sel)
<-> (", " <+> selExtr sel)
<-> toSQL (selFrom sel)
<-> toSQL (selWhere sel)
<-> toSQL (selGroupBy sel)
<-> toSQL (selHaving sel)
<-> toSQL (selOrderBy sel)
<-> toSQL (selLimit sel)
<-> toSQL (selOffset sel)
mkSIdenExp :: (IsIden a) => a -> SQLExp
mkSIdenExp = SEIden . toIden
mkQIdenExp :: (IsIden a, IsIden b) => a -> b -> SQLExp
mkQIdenExp q t = SEQIden $ mkQIden q t
data Qual
= QualIden !Iden
| QualTable !QualifiedTable
| QualVar !T.Text
deriving (Show, Eq)
mkQual :: QualifiedTable -> Qual
mkQual = QualTable
instance ToSQL Qual where
toSQL (QualIden i) = toSQL i
toSQL (QualTable qt) = toSQL qt
toSQL (QualVar v) = TB.text v
mkQIden :: (IsIden a, IsIden b) => a -> b -> QIden
mkQIden q t = QIden (QualIden (toIden q)) (toIden t)
data QIden
= QIden !Qual !Iden
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance ToSQL QIden where
toSQL (QIden qual iden) =
mconcat [toSQL qual, TB.char '.', toSQL iden]
newtype SQLOp
= SQLOp {sqlOpTxt :: T.Text}
deriving (Show, Eq)
incOp :: SQLOp
incOp = SQLOp "+"
mulOp :: SQLOp
mulOp = SQLOp "*"
jsonbConcatOp :: SQLOp
jsonbConcatOp = SQLOp "||"
jsonbDeleteOp :: SQLOp
jsonbDeleteOp = SQLOp "-"
jsonbDeleteAtPathOp :: SQLOp
jsonbDeleteAtPathOp = SQLOp "#-"
newtype AnnType
= AnnType {unAnnType :: T.Text}
deriving (Show, Eq)
intType :: AnnType
intType = AnnType "int"
textType :: AnnType
textType = AnnType "text"
textArrType :: AnnType
textArrType = AnnType "text[]"
jsonType :: AnnType
jsonType = AnnType "json"
jsonbType :: AnnType
jsonbType = AnnType "jsonb"
data CountType
= CTStar
| CTSimple ![PGCol]
| CTDistinct ![PGCol]
deriving(Show, Eq)
instance ToSQL CountType where
toSQL CTStar = "*"
toSQL (CTSimple cols) =
paren $ ", " <+> cols
toSQL (CTDistinct cols) =
"DISTINCT" <-> paren (", " <+> cols)
data SQLExp
= SEPrep !Int
| SELit !T.Text
| SEUnsafe !T.Text
| SESelect !Select
| SEStar
| SEIden !Iden
-- iden and row identifier are distinguished for easier rewrite rules
| SERowIden !Iden
| SEQIden !QIden
| SEFnApp !T.Text ![SQLExp] !(Maybe OrderByExp)
| SEOpApp !SQLOp ![SQLExp]
| SETyAnn !SQLExp !AnnType
| SECond !BoolExp !SQLExp !SQLExp
| SEBool !BoolExp
| SEExcluded !T.Text
| SEArray ![SQLExp]
| SETuples ![SQLExp]
| SECount !CountType
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance J.ToJSON SQLExp where
toJSON = J.toJSON . toSQLTxt
newtype Alias
= Alias { getAlias :: Iden }
deriving (Show, Eq, Hashable)
instance IsIden Alias where
toIden (Alias iden) = iden
instance ToSQL Alias where
toSQL (Alias iden) = "AS" <-> toSQL iden
toAlias :: (IsIden a) => a -> Alias
toAlias = Alias . toIden
countStar :: SQLExp
countStar = SECount CTStar
instance ToSQL SQLExp where
toSQL (SEPrep argNumber) =
TB.char '$' <> fromString (show argNumber)
toSQL (SELit tv) =
TB.text $ pgFmtLit tv
toSQL (SEUnsafe t) =
TB.text t
toSQL (SESelect se) =
paren $ toSQL se
toSQL SEStar =
TB.char '*'
toSQL (SEIden iden) =
toSQL iden
toSQL (SERowIden iden) =
toSQL iden
toSQL (SEQIden qIden) =
toSQL qIden
-- https://www.postgresql.org/docs/10/static/sql-expressions.html#SYNTAX-AGGREGATES
toSQL (SEFnApp name args mObe) =
TB.text name <> paren ((", " <+> args) <-> toSQL mObe)
toSQL (SEOpApp op args) =
paren (sqlOpTxt op <+> args)
toSQL (SETyAnn e ty) =
paren (toSQL e) <> "::" <> TB.text (unAnnType ty)
toSQL (SECond cond te fe) =
"CASE WHEN" <-> toSQL cond <->
"THEN" <-> toSQL te <->
"ELSE" <-> toSQL fe <->
toSQL (SEBool be) = toSQL be
toSQL (SEExcluded t) = "EXCLUDED."
<> toSQL (PGCol t)
toSQL (SEArray exps) = "ARRAY" <> TB.char '['
<> (", " <+> exps) <> TB.char ']'
toSQL (SETuples exps) = paren $ ", " <+> exps
toSQL (SECount ty) = "COUNT" <> paren (toSQL ty)
intToSQLExp :: Int -> SQLExp
intToSQLExp =
SEUnsafe . T.pack . show
annotateExp :: SQLExp -> PGColType -> SQLExp
annotateExp sqlExp =
SETyAnn sqlExp . AnnType . T.pack . show
data Extractor = Extractor !SQLExp !(Maybe Alias)
deriving (Show, Eq)
:: SQLOp
-> SQLExp -- lhs
-> SQLExp -- rhs
-> SQLExp -- result
mkSQLOpExp op lhs rhs = SEOpApp op [lhs, rhs]
mkColDefValMap :: [PGCol] -> HM.HashMap PGCol SQLExp
mkColDefValMap cols =
HM.fromList $ zip cols (repeat $ SEUnsafe "DEFAULT")
handleIfNull :: SQLExp -> SQLExp -> SQLExp
handleIfNull l e = SEFnApp "coalesce" [e, l] Nothing
applyJsonBuildObj :: [SQLExp] -> SQLExp
applyJsonBuildObj args =
SEFnApp "json_build_object" args Nothing
applyRowToJson :: [Extractor] -> SQLExp
applyRowToJson extrs =
SEFnApp "row_to_json" [mkRowExp extrs] Nothing
getExtrAlias :: Extractor -> Maybe Alias
getExtrAlias (Extractor _ ma) = ma
mkAliasedExtr :: (IsIden a, IsIden b) => a -> Maybe b -> Extractor
mkAliasedExtr t = mkAliasedExtrFromExp (mkSIdenExp t)
mkAliasedExtrFromExp :: (IsIden a) => SQLExp -> Maybe a -> Extractor
mkAliasedExtrFromExp sqlExp ma = Extractor sqlExp (aliasF <$> ma)
aliasF = Alias . toIden
mkExtr :: (IsIden a) => a -> Extractor
mkExtr t = Extractor (mkSIdenExp t) Nothing
instance ToSQL Extractor where
toSQL (Extractor ce mal) =
toSQL ce <-> toSQL mal
data DistinctExpr
= DistinctSimple
| DistinctOn ![SQLExp]
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance ToSQL DistinctExpr where
toSQL DistinctSimple = "DISTINCT"
toSQL (DistinctOn exps) =
"DISTINCT ON" <-> paren ("," <+> exps)
data FromItem
= FISimple !QualifiedTable !(Maybe Alias)
| FIIden !Iden
| FIFunc !QualifiedFunction ![SQLExp] !(Maybe Alias)
| FISelect !Lateral !Select !Alias
| FIJoin !JoinExpr
deriving (Show, Eq)
mkSelFromItem :: Select -> Alias -> FromItem
mkSelFromItem = FISelect (Lateral False)
mkLateralFromItem :: Select -> Alias -> FromItem
mkLateralFromItem = FISelect (Lateral True)
instance ToSQL FromItem where
toSQL (FISimple qt mal) =
toSQL qt <-> toSQL mal
toSQL (FIIden iden) =
toSQL iden
toSQL (FIFunc qf args mal) =
toSQL qf <> paren (", " <+> args) <-> toSQL mal
toSQL (FISelect mla sel al) =
toSQL mla <-> paren (toSQL sel) <-> toSQL al
toSQL (FIJoin je) =
toSQL je
newtype Lateral = Lateral Bool
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance ToSQL Lateral where
toSQL (Lateral True) = "LATERAL"
toSQL (Lateral False) = mempty
data JoinExpr
= JoinExpr
{ tjeLeft :: !FromItem
, tjeType :: !JoinType
, tjeRight :: !FromItem
, tjeJC :: !JoinCond
} deriving (Show, Eq)
instance ToSQL JoinExpr where
toSQL je =
toSQL (tjeLeft je)
<-> toSQL (tjeType je)
<-> toSQL (tjeRight je)
<-> toSQL (tjeJC je)
data JoinType
= Inner
| LeftOuter
| RightOuter
| FullOuter
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ToSQL JoinType where
toSQL Inner = "INNER JOIN"
data JoinCond
= JoinOn !BoolExp
| JoinUsing ![PGCol]
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance ToSQL JoinCond where
toSQL (JoinOn be) =
"ON" <-> paren (toSQL be)
toSQL (JoinUsing cols) =
"USING" <-> paren ("," <+> cols)
data BoolExp
= BELit !Bool
| BEBin !BinOp !BoolExp !BoolExp
| BENot !BoolExp
| BECompare !CompareOp !SQLExp !SQLExp
| BENull !SQLExp
| BENotNull !SQLExp
| BEExists !Select
| BEIN !SQLExp ![SQLExp]
| BEExp !SQLExp
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- removes extraneous 'AND true's
simplifyBoolExp :: BoolExp -> BoolExp
simplifyBoolExp be = case be of
BEBin AndOp e1 e2 ->
let e1s = simplifyBoolExp e1
e2s = simplifyBoolExp e2
in if
| e1s == BELit True -> e2s
| e2s == BELit True -> e1s
| otherwise -> BEBin AndOp e1s e2s
BEBin OrOp e1 e2 ->
let e1s = simplifyBoolExp e1
e2s = simplifyBoolExp e2
in if
| e1s == BELit False -> e2s
| e2s == BELit False -> e1s
| otherwise -> BEBin OrOp e1s e2s
e -> e
mkExists :: FromItem -> BoolExp -> BoolExp
mkExists fromItem whereFrag =
BEExists mkSelect
{ selExtr = [Extractor (SEUnsafe "1") Nothing]
, selFrom = Just $ FromExp $ pure fromItem
, selWhere = Just $ WhereFrag whereFrag
:: (PGCol -> SQLExp)
-> [HM.HashMap PGCol SQLExp]
-> BoolExp
mkBoolExpWithColVal f colValMaps =
case colValMaps of
[] -> BELit False
l@(h:_) ->
let cols = map f $ HM.keys h
colTup = SETuples cols
valTups = map (SETuples . HM.elems) l
in BEIN colTup valTups
instance ToSQL BoolExp where
toSQL (BELit True) = TB.text $ T.squote "true"
toSQL (BELit False) = TB.text $ T.squote "false"
toSQL (BEBin bo bel ber) =
paren (toSQL bel) <-> toSQL bo <-> paren (toSQL ber)
toSQL (BENot be) =
"NOT" <-> paren (toSQL be)
toSQL (BECompare co vl vr) =
paren (toSQL vl) <-> toSQL co <-> paren (toSQL vr)
toSQL (BENull v) =
paren (toSQL v) <-> "IS NULL"
toSQL (BENotNull v) =
paren (toSQL v) <-> "IS NOT NULL"
toSQL (BEExists sel) =
"EXISTS " <-> paren (toSQL sel)
-- special case to handle lhs IN (exp1, exp2)
toSQL (BEIN vl exps) =
paren (toSQL vl) <-> toSQL SIN <-> paren (", " <+> exps)
-- Any SQL expression which evaluates to bool value
toSQL (BEExp e) = paren $ toSQL e
data BinOp = AndOp
| OrOp
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance ToSQL BinOp where
toSQL AndOp = "AND"
toSQL OrOp = "OR"
data CompareOp
| SContains
| SContainedIn
| SHasKey
| SHasKeysAny
| SHasKeysAll
deriving (Eq)
instance Show CompareOp where
show = \case
SEQ -> "="
SGT -> ">"
SLT -> "<"
SIN -> "IN"
SNE -> "<>"
SGTE -> ">="
SLTE -> "<="
SContains -> "@>"
SContainedIn -> "<@"
SHasKey -> "?"
SHasKeysAny -> "?|"
SHasKeysAll -> "?&"
instance ToSQL CompareOp where
toSQL = fromString . show
buildInsVal :: PGCol -> Int -> (PGCol, SQLExp)
buildInsVal colName argNumber =
(colName, SEPrep argNumber)
data SQLDelete
= SQLDelete
{ delTable :: !QualifiedTable
, delUsing :: !(Maybe UsingExp)
, delWhere :: !(Maybe WhereFrag)
, delRet :: !(Maybe RetExp)
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data SQLUpdate
= SQLUpdate
{ upTable :: !QualifiedTable
, upSet :: !SetExp
, upFrom :: !(Maybe FromExp)
, upWhere :: !(Maybe WhereFrag)
, upRet :: !(Maybe RetExp)
} deriving (Show, Eq)
newtype SetExp = SetExp [SetExpItem]
deriving (Show, Eq)
newtype SetExpItem = SetExpItem (PGCol, SQLExp)
deriving (Show, Eq)
buildSEI :: PGCol -> Int -> SetExpItem
buildSEI colName argNumber =
SetExpItem (colName, SEPrep argNumber)
:: [PGCol]
-> HM.HashMap PGCol SQLExp
-> SetExp
buildUpsertSetExp cols preSet =
SetExp $ map SetExpItem $ HM.toList setExps
setExps = HM.union preSet $ HM.fromList $
flip map cols $ \col ->
(col, SEExcluded $ getPGColTxt col)
newtype UsingExp = UsingExp [TableName]
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance ToSQL UsingExp where
toSQL (UsingExp tables)
= "USING" <-> "," <+> tables
newtype RetExp = RetExp [Extractor]
deriving (Show, Eq)
selectStar :: Extractor
selectStar = Extractor SEStar Nothing
returningStar :: RetExp
returningStar = RetExp [selectStar]
instance ToSQL RetExp where
toSQL (RetExp [])
= mempty
toSQL (RetExp exps)
= "RETURNING" <-> (", " <+> exps)
instance ToSQL SQLDelete where
<-> toSQL (delTable sd)
<-> toSQL (delUsing sd)
<-> toSQL (delWhere sd)
<-> toSQL (delRet sd)
instance ToSQL SQLUpdate where
toSQL a = "UPDATE"
<-> toSQL (upTable a)
<-> toSQL (upSet a)
<-> toSQL (upFrom a)
<-> toSQL (upWhere a)
<-> toSQL (upRet a)
instance ToSQL SetExp where
toSQL (SetExp cvs) =
"SET" <-> ("," <+> cvs)
instance ToSQL SetExpItem where
toSQL (SetExpItem (col, val)) =
toSQL col <-> "=" <-> toSQL val
data SQLConflictTarget
= SQLColumn ![PGCol]
| SQLConstraint !ConstraintName
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance ToSQL SQLConflictTarget where
toSQL (SQLColumn cols) = "("
<-> ("," <+> cols)
<-> ")"
toSQL (SQLConstraint cons) = "ON CONSTRAINT" <-> toSQL cons
data SQLConflict
= DoNothing !(Maybe SQLConflictTarget)
| Update !SQLConflictTarget !SetExp !(Maybe WhereFrag)
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance ToSQL SQLConflict where
toSQL (DoNothing Nothing) = "ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING"
toSQL (DoNothing (Just ct)) = "ON CONFLICT"
<-> toSQL ct
toSQL (Update ct set whr) = "ON CONFLICT"
<-> toSQL ct <-> "DO UPDATE"
<-> toSQL set <-> toSQL whr
data SQLInsert = SQLInsert
{ siTable :: !QualifiedTable
, siCols :: ![PGCol]
, siTuples :: ![[SQLExp]]
, siConflict :: !(Maybe SQLConflict)
, siRet :: !(Maybe RetExp)
} deriving (Show, Eq)
instance ToSQL SQLInsert where
toSQL si =
let insTuples = flip map (siTuples si) $ \tupVals ->
"(" <-> (", " <+> tupVals) <-> ")"
insConflict = maybe "" toSQL
<-> toSQL (siTable si)
<-> "("
<-> (", " <+> siCols si)
<-> ") VALUES"
<-> (", " <+> insTuples)
<-> insConflict (siConflict si)
<-> toSQL (siRet si)
data CTE
= CTESelect !Select
| CTEInsert !SQLInsert
| CTEUpdate !SQLUpdate
| CTEDelete !SQLDelete
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance ToSQL CTE where
toSQL = \case
CTESelect q -> toSQL q
CTEInsert q -> toSQL q
CTEUpdate q -> toSQL q
CTEDelete q -> toSQL q
data SelectWith
= SelectWith
{ swCTEs :: [(Alias, CTE)]
, swSelect :: !Select
} deriving (Show, Eq)
instance ToSQL SelectWith where
toSQL (SelectWith ctes sel) =
"WITH " <> (", " <+> map f ctes) <-> toSQL sel
f (Alias al, q) = toSQL al <-> "AS" <-> paren (toSQL q)