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synced 2025-01-07 08:13:18 +03:00
If returning field contains nested selections then mutation is performed in two steps 1. Mutation is performed with returning columns of any primary key and unique constraints 2. returning fields are queried on rows returned by selecting from table by filtering with column values returned in Step 1. Since mutation takes two courses based on selecting relations in returning field, it is hard to maintain sequence of prepared arguments (PrepArg) generated while resolving returning field. So, we're using txtConverter instead of prepare to resolve mutation fields.
182 lines
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182 lines
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module Hasura.SQL.Rewrite
( prefixNumToAliases
) where
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Hasura.Prelude
import qualified Hasura.SQL.DML as S
import Hasura.SQL.Types (Iden (..))
-- add an int as a prefix to all aliases.
-- This is needed in cases identifiers exceed 63 chars
-- as postgres only considers first 63 chars of
-- an identifier
prefixNumToAliases :: S.Select -> S.Select
prefixNumToAliases s =
uSelect s `evalState` UniqSt 0 Map.empty
type Rewrite a = State a
data UniqSt
= UniqSt
{ _uqVar :: !Int
, _uqIdens :: !(Map.HashMap Iden Int)
} deriving (Show, Eq)
type Uniq = Rewrite UniqSt
withNumPfx :: Iden -> Int -> Iden
withNumPfx iden i =
Iden pfx <> iden
pfx = T.pack $ "_" <> show i <> "_"
addAlias :: S.Alias -> Uniq S.Alias
addAlias (S.Alias iden) = do
UniqSt var idens <- get
put $ UniqSt (var + 1) $ Map.insert iden var idens
return $ S.Alias $ withNumPfx iden var
getIden :: Iden -> Uniq Iden
getIden iden = do
UniqSt _ idens <- get
let varNumM = Map.lookup iden idens
return $ maybe iden (withNumPfx iden) varNumM
restoringIdens :: Uniq a -> Uniq a
restoringIdens action = do
UniqSt _ idens <- get
res <- action
-- restore the idens to before the action
modify' $ \s -> s { _uqIdens = idens }
return res
uSelect :: S.Select -> Uniq S.Select
uSelect sel = do
-- this has to be the first thing to process
newFromM <- mapM uFromExp fromM
newWhereM <- forM whereM $
\(S.WhereFrag be) -> S.WhereFrag <$> uBoolExp be
newGrpM <- forM grpM $
\(S.GroupByExp l) -> S.GroupByExp <$> mapM uSqlExp l
newHavnM <- forM havnM $
\(S.HavingExp be) -> S.HavingExp <$> uBoolExp be
newOrdM <- mapM uOrderBy ordByM
newDistM <- mapM uDistinct distM
newExtrs <- mapM uExtractor extrs
return $ S.Select newDistM newExtrs newFromM newWhereM newGrpM
newHavnM newOrdM limitM offM
S.Select distM extrs fromM whereM grpM havnM ordByM limitM offM = sel
uDistinct = \case
S.DistinctSimple -> return S.DistinctSimple
S.DistinctOn l -> S.DistinctOn <$> mapM uSqlExp l
uExtractor (S.Extractor e alM) =
S.Extractor <$> uSqlExp e <*> return alM
uFromExp :: S.FromExp -> Uniq S.FromExp
uFromExp (S.FromExp fromItems) =
S.FromExp <$> mapM uFromItem fromItems
uFromItem :: S.FromItem -> Uniq S.FromItem
uFromItem fromItem = case fromItem of
S.FISimple t alM ->
S.FISimple t <$> mapM addAlias alM
S.FIIden iden ->
S.FIIden <$> return iden
S.FIFunc f args alM ->
S.FIFunc f args <$> mapM addAlias alM
S.FISelect isLateral sel al -> do
-- we are kind of ignoring if we have to reset
-- idens to empty based on correlation
-- unless isLateral $ modify' $ \s -> s { _uqIdens = Map.empty}
newSel <- restoringIdens $ uSelect sel
newAls <- addAlias al
return $ S.FISelect isLateral newSel newAls
S.FIJoin joinExp ->
S.FIJoin <$> uJoinExp joinExp
uJoinExp :: S.JoinExpr -> Uniq S.JoinExpr
uJoinExp (S.JoinExpr left ty right joinCond) = do
leftN <- uFromItem left
rightN <- uFromItem right
S.JoinExpr leftN ty rightN <$> uJoinCond joinCond
uJoinCond :: S.JoinCond -> Uniq S.JoinCond
uJoinCond joinCond = case joinCond of
S.JoinOn be -> S.JoinOn <$> uBoolExp be
S.JoinUsing cols -> return $ S.JoinUsing cols
uBoolExp :: S.BoolExp -> Uniq S.BoolExp
uBoolExp = restoringIdens . \case
S.BELit b -> return $ S.BELit b
S.BEBin op left right ->
S.BEBin <$> return op <*> uBoolExp left <*> uBoolExp right
S.BENot b -> S.BENot <$> uBoolExp b
S.BECompare op left right ->
S.BECompare <$> return op <*> uSqlExp left <*> uSqlExp right
S.BENull e -> S.BENull <$> uSqlExp e
S.BENotNull e -> S.BENotNull <$> uSqlExp e
S.BEExists sel -> S.BEExists <$> uSelect sel
S.BEIN left exps -> S.BEIN <$> uSqlExp left <*> mapM uSqlExp exps
S.BEExp e -> S.BEExp <$> uSqlExp e
uOrderBy :: S.OrderByExp -> Uniq S.OrderByExp
uOrderBy (S.OrderByExp ordByItems) =
S.OrderByExp <$> mapM uOrderByItem ordByItems
uOrderByItem (S.OrderByItem e ordTyM nullsOrdM) =
<$> uSqlExp e
<*> return ordTyM
<*> return nullsOrdM
uSqlExp :: S.SQLExp -> Uniq S.SQLExp
uSqlExp = restoringIdens . \case
S.SEPrep i -> return $ S.SEPrep i
S.SELit t -> return $ S.SELit t
S.SEUnsafe t -> return $ S.SEUnsafe t
S.SESelect s -> S.SESelect <$> uSelect s
S.SEStar -> return S.SEStar
-- this is for row expressions
-- todo: check if this is always okay
S.SEIden iden -> return $ S.SEIden iden
S.SERowIden iden -> S.SERowIden <$> getIden iden
S.SEQIden (S.QIden qual iden) -> do
newQual <- uQual qual
return $ S.SEQIden $ S.QIden newQual iden
S.SEFnApp fn args ordByM ->
<$> return fn
<*> mapM uSqlExp args
<*> mapM uOrderBy ordByM
S.SEOpApp op args ->
S.SEOpApp op
<$> mapM uSqlExp args
S.SETyAnn e ty ->
<$> uSqlExp e
<*> return ty
S.SECond be onTrue onFalse ->
<$> uBoolExp be
<*> uSqlExp onTrue
<*> uSqlExp onFalse
S.SEBool be ->
S.SEBool <$> uBoolExp be
S.SEExcluded t ->
S.SEExcluded <$> return t
S.SEArray l ->
S.SEArray <$> mapM uSqlExp l
S.SETuples l ->
S.SEArray <$> mapM uSqlExp l
S.SECount cty -> return $ S.SECount cty
uQual = \case
S.QualIden iden -> S.QualIden <$> getIden iden
S.QualTable t -> return $ S.QualTable t
S.QualVar t -> return $ S.QualVar t