Daniel Harvey 4418d294f9 [server] parse native query in metadata call
Co-authored-by: Gil Mizrahi <>
GitOrigin-RevId: 96d60c72da05970f5b34f310f9fe71d9f67387a1
2023-02-01 08:46:19 +00:00

312 lines
11 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
-- | This module houses the types and functions associated with the default
-- implementation of the metadata of native queries.
module Hasura.NativeQuery.Metadata
( NativeQueryArgumentName (..),
NativeQueryNameImpl (..),
NativeQueryInfoImpl (..),
TrackNativeQueryImpl (..),
RawQuery (..),
InterpolatedItem (..),
InterpolatedQuery (..),
module Hasura.NativeQuery.Types,
import Autodocodec
import Autodocodec qualified as AC
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Bifunctor (first)
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Text.Extended (ToTxt)
import Data.Voidable
import Hasura.Metadata.DTO.Utils (codecNamePrefix)
import Hasura.NativeQuery.Types
import Hasura.Prelude hiding (first)
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Backend
import Hasura.RQL.Types.Common
import Hasura.SQL.Backend
-- The name of a native query. This appears as a root field name in the graphql schema.
newtype NativeQueryNameImpl = NativeQueryNameImpl {getNativeQueryNameImpl :: Text}
deriving newtype (Eq, Ord, Show, Hashable, NFData, ToJSON, FromJSON, ToTxt)
deriving stock (Generic)
instance FromJSONKey NativeQueryNameImpl
instance ToJSONKey NativeQueryNameImpl
deriving instance Eq (Voidable NativeQueryNameImpl)
deriving newtype instance Hashable (Voidable NativeQueryNameImpl)
deriving newtype instance FromJSON (Voidable NativeQueryNameImpl)
deriving newtype instance FromJSONKey (Voidable NativeQueryNameImpl)
deriving instance Show (Voidable NativeQueryNameImpl)
deriving newtype instance ToJSON (Voidable NativeQueryNameImpl)
newtype RawQuery = RawQuery {getRawQuery :: Text}
deriving newtype (Eq, Ord, Show, FromJSON, ToJSON)
instance HasCodec RawQuery where
codec = dimapCodec RawQuery getRawQuery codec
-- | A component of an interpolated query
data InterpolatedItem variable
= -- | normal text
IIText Text
| -- | a captured variable
IIVariable variable
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show, Functor, Foldable, Generic, Traversable)
-- | Converting an interpolated query back to text.
-- Should roundtrip with the 'parseInterpolatedQuery'.
ppInterpolatedItem :: InterpolatedItem NativeQueryArgumentName -> Text
ppInterpolatedItem (IIText t) = t
ppInterpolatedItem (IIVariable v) = "{{" <> getNativeQueryArgumentName v <> "}}"
-- | Converting an interpolated query back to text.
-- Uses @Show@ to print the variables.
showInterpolatedItem :: Show variable => InterpolatedItem variable -> Text
showInterpolatedItem (IIText t) = t
showInterpolatedItem (IIVariable v) = "{{" <> tshow v <> "}}"
deriving instance (Hashable variable) => Hashable (InterpolatedItem variable)
deriving instance (NFData variable) => NFData (InterpolatedItem variable)
-- | A list of native query components representing a single native query,
-- separating the variables from the text.
newtype InterpolatedQuery variable = InterpolatedQuery
{ getInterpolatedQuery :: [InterpolatedItem variable]
deriving newtype (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)
deriving stock (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
deriving newtype instance (Hashable variable) => Hashable (InterpolatedQuery variable)
deriving newtype instance (NFData variable) => NFData (InterpolatedQuery variable)
ppInterpolatedQuery :: InterpolatedQuery NativeQueryArgumentName -> Text
ppInterpolatedQuery (InterpolatedQuery parts) = foldMap ppInterpolatedItem parts
showInterpolatedQuery :: Show variable => InterpolatedQuery variable -> Text
showInterpolatedQuery (InterpolatedQuery parts) = foldMap showInterpolatedItem parts
-- | We store the interpolated query as the user text and parse it back
-- when converting back to Haskell code.
instance HasCodec (InterpolatedQuery NativeQueryArgumentName) where
codec =
("An interpolated query expressed in native code (SQL)")
$ bimapCodec
(first T.unpack . parseInterpolatedQuery)
deriving newtype instance ToJSONKey (Voidable NativeQueryNameImpl)
instance HasCodec NativeQueryNameImpl where
codec = coerceCodec @Text
-- | Default implementation of the Native Query metadata info object.
data NativeQueryInfoImpl (b :: BackendType) = NativeQueryInfoImpl
{ nqiiRootFieldName :: NativeQueryNameImpl,
nqiiCode :: InterpolatedQuery NativeQueryArgumentName,
nqiiReturns :: TableName b,
nqiiArguments :: HashMap NativeQueryArgumentName (ScalarType b),
nqiiDescription :: Maybe Text
deriving (Generic)
deriving instance Backend b => Eq (NativeQueryInfoImpl b)
deriving instance Backend b => Show (NativeQueryInfoImpl b)
instance Backend b => Hashable (NativeQueryInfoImpl b)
instance Backend b => NFData (NativeQueryInfoImpl b)
instance (Backend b, HasCodec (ScalarType b)) => HasCodec (NativeQueryInfoImpl b) where
codec =
("A query in expressed in native code (SQL) to add to the GraphQL schema with configuration.")
$ AC.object (codecNamePrefix @b <> "NativeQueryInfo")
$ NativeQueryInfoImpl
<$> requiredField "root_field_name" fieldNameDoc
AC..= nqiiRootFieldName
<*> requiredField "code" sqlDoc
AC..= nqiiCode
<*> requiredField "returns" returnsDoc
AC..= nqiiReturns
<*> optionalFieldWithDefault "arguments" mempty argumentDoc
AC..= nqiiArguments
<*> optionalField "description" descriptionDoc
AC..= nqiiDescription
fieldNameDoc = "Root field name for the native query"
sqlDoc = "Native code expression (SQL) to run"
argumentDoc = "Free variables in the expression and their types"
returnsDoc = "Return type (table) of the expression"
descriptionDoc = "A description of the query which appears in the graphql schema"
instance (Backend b, HasCodec (ScalarType b)) => HasCodec (Voidable [NativeQueryInfoImpl b]) where
codec = coerceCodec @([NativeQueryInfoImpl b])
deriving instance (Backend b) => Eq (Voidable [NativeQueryInfoImpl b])
deriving via
(Autodocodec (Voidable [NativeQueryInfoImpl b]))
(Backend b, HasCodec (ScalarType b)) => (FromJSON (Voidable [NativeQueryInfoImpl b]))
deriving via
(Autodocodec (Voidable [NativeQueryInfoImpl b]))
(Backend b, HasCodec (ScalarType b)) => (ToJSON (Voidable [NativeQueryInfoImpl b]))
deriving via
(Autodocodec (NativeQueryInfoImpl b))
(Backend b, HasCodec (ScalarType b)) => (FromJSON (NativeQueryInfoImpl b))
deriving via
(Autodocodec (NativeQueryInfoImpl b))
(Backend b, HasCodec (ScalarType b)) => (ToJSON (NativeQueryInfoImpl b))
deriving newtype instance (Backend b, HasCodec (ScalarType b)) => FromJSON (Voidable (NativeQueryInfoImpl b))
deriving newtype instance (Backend b, HasCodec (ScalarType b)) => ToJSON (Voidable (NativeQueryInfoImpl b))
newtype NativeQueryArgumentName = NativeQueryArgumentName {getNativeQueryArgumentName :: Text}
deriving newtype (Eq, Ord, Show, Hashable)
deriving stock (Generic)
deriving newtype instance ToJSON NativeQueryArgumentName
deriving newtype instance FromJSON NativeQueryArgumentName
deriving newtype instance ToJSONKey NativeQueryArgumentName
deriving newtype instance FromJSONKey NativeQueryArgumentName
instance NFData (NativeQueryArgumentName)
-- | Default implementation of the 'track_native_query' request payload.
data TrackNativeQueryImpl (b :: BackendType) = TrackNativeQueryImpl
{ tnqSource :: SourceName,
tnqRootFieldName :: NativeQueryNameImpl,
tnqCode :: Text,
tnqArguments :: HashMap NativeQueryArgumentName (ScalarType b),
tnqDescription :: Maybe Text,
tnqReturns :: TableName b
-- | Default implementation of the method 'nativeQueryTrackToInfo'.
defaultNativeQueryTrackToInfo :: TrackNativeQueryImpl b -> Either NativeQueryParseError (NativeQueryInfoImpl b)
defaultNativeQueryTrackToInfo TrackNativeQueryImpl {..} = do
nqiiCode <- mapLeft NativeQueryParseError (parseInterpolatedQuery tnqCode)
pure $ NativeQueryInfoImpl {..}
nqiiRootFieldName = tnqRootFieldName
nqiiReturns = tnqReturns
nqiiArguments = tnqArguments
nqiiDescription = tnqDescription
deriving newtype instance (Backend b, HasCodec (ScalarType b)) => FromJSON (Voidable (TrackNativeQueryImpl b))
deriving newtype instance (Backend b, HasCodec (ScalarType b)) => ToJSON (Voidable (TrackNativeQueryImpl b))
instance (Backend b, HasCodec (ScalarType b)) => HasCodec (TrackNativeQueryImpl b) where
codec =
("A request to track a native query")
$ AC.object (codecNamePrefix @b <> "TrackNativeQuery")
$ TrackNativeQueryImpl
<$> requiredField "source" sourceDoc
AC..= tnqSource
<*> requiredField "root_field_name" rootFieldDoc
AC..= tnqRootFieldName
<*> requiredField "code" codeDoc
AC..= tnqCode
<*> optionalFieldWithDefault "arguments" mempty argumentsDoc
AC..= tnqArguments
<*> optionalField "description" descriptionDoc
AC..= tnqDescription
<*> requiredField "returns" returnsDoc
AC..= tnqReturns
sourceDoc = "The source in whic this native query should be tracked"
rootFieldDoc = "Root field name for the native query"
codeDoc = "Native code expression (SQL) to run"
argumentsDoc = "Free variables in the expression and their types"
returnsDoc = "Return type (table) of the expression"
descriptionDoc = "A description of the query which appears in the graphql schema"
deriving via
(Autodocodec (TrackNativeQueryImpl b))
(Backend b, HasCodec (ScalarType b)) => FromJSON (TrackNativeQueryImpl b)
deriving via
(Autodocodec (TrackNativeQueryImpl b))
(Backend b, HasCodec (ScalarType b)) => ToJSON (TrackNativeQueryImpl b)
-- | extract all of the `{{ variable }}` inside our query string
parseInterpolatedQuery ::
Text ->
Either Text (InterpolatedQuery NativeQueryArgumentName)
parseInterpolatedQuery =
( InterpolatedQuery
. mergeAdjacent
. trashEmpties
. consumeString
. T.unpack
trashEmpties = filter (/= IIText "")
mergeAdjacent = \case
(IIText a : IIText b : rest) ->
mergeAdjacent (IIText (a <> b) : rest)
(a : rest) -> a : mergeAdjacent rest
[] -> []
consumeString :: String -> Either Text [InterpolatedItem NativeQueryArgumentName]
consumeString str =
let (beforeCurly, fromCurly) = break (== '{') str
in case fromCurly of
('{' : '{' : rest) ->
(IIText (T.pack beforeCurly) :) <$> consumeVar rest
('{' : other) ->
(IIText (T.pack (beforeCurly <> "{")) :) <$> consumeString other
_other -> pure [IIText (T.pack beforeCurly)]
consumeVar :: String -> Either Text [InterpolatedItem NativeQueryArgumentName]
consumeVar str =
let (beforeCloseCurly, fromClosedCurly) = break (== '}') str
in case fromClosedCurly of
('}' : '}' : rest) ->
(IIVariable (NativeQueryArgumentName $ T.pack beforeCloseCurly) :) <$> consumeString rest
_ -> Left "Found '{{' without a matching closing '}}'"